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Walk Me Home?

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Janet and Roddy get steamy after a long walk home.
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'Thanks again for walking me home.' Janet said, glancing up at her escort, 'That party got pretty intense, huh?' Roddy shrugged his shoulders loosely, 'It was intense for you maybe, Princess.'

Janet scrunched up her small nose. She was a pretty thing, short, with a curvaceous figure, which had been described with such moving poetry as, "Built like a Cadillac", to, "Phat assed." Her face was decorated like someone had fired a shotgun full of freckles at her from point blank range, and her bright red gaur had been styled into loose, old fashioned curls. She wore a white and red spotted "swing" dress, and uncomfortable matching red heels.

The walk turned back into silence, as the miss-matched pair walked down the empty pavement, lights briefly making their features visible again. The odd car drifted past with a quiet rumble, but aside from that, it felt like a very private universe. Janet shivered and twisted the straps of her cheap handbag nervously, and nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt the sudden, heavy weight of Roddy's jacket draped across her shoulders. It smelt of cigarettes, cologne, and old, worn leather. She looked up at him, skeptical, and caught his grey eyes smirking down at her.

'What?' He sniffed. 'You looked cold.'

'You're being nice.' She said, her eyes narrow.


'You're not nice.'

'Says who?'

'A lot of people.'

He fell silent, but a tension in his jaw spoke volumes. 'You shouldn't believe everything you hear, Princess.'

Around ten minutes later, they came to a stop outside the front door of Janet's apartment. In the light she could stop to take in Roddy's features; the strong jaw, handsome face, rough stubble, and the scar down one of his eyebrows. The Lynyrd Skynyrd T-shirt he wore was tight against a strong physique he probably spent a lot of time on, and the sleeves did little to conceal his sizeable biceps.

She drew her eyes up, as Roddy's hands moved to lift out the cigarette he kept tucked behind his ear, she went to protest, but then noticed the broken skin and blood on his knuckles. She gasped, and yanked the hand down before the cigarette could touch his lips, turning it over. 'When did this happen?' She looked up at him.

He shrugged. 'Earlier, before everything kicked off. He started it.'

She scowled and took his hand in her own, fiddling for her key into the apartment building. 'Come on. We need to get you cleaned up.'

'Princess I-'

Janet shot him a look that forced whatever he was about to say back into his mouth, and he raised his free hand in mock surrender.

Janet's tiny flat was pretty much exactly what he had expected it to be; soft, pretty, very clean, with stuffed animals on the bed and framed photos of her and her friends on every available surface. He sat on the bathroom counter as she tended to his hands, dabbing them with antiseptic. He didn't flinch at the burn, he had an image to maintain after all, and studied her face instead. She looked cute when she was focused, tongue sticking out of her mouth in concentration. He smirked, and she caught his eyes.


'You're pretty when you're attentive Princess.'

She rolled her eyes and stood, 'It's just because you walked me home.'

'Is that so?'

'Yes.' She folded her arms across her chest.

'Then why are you still wearing my jacket?'

She paused. She was still wearing the jacket. She had meant to take it off, but, hadn't. She looked down at the leather, as if to see if she hadn't imagined it. She felt those dark, predatory eyes on her again, and her mouth went dry. She looked up to find him staring at her lips, and found herself doing the same. They moved in, drawing closer together.

'What are you doing?' she whispered, her eyes fluttering closed.

'Do you want me to stop?' his voice was a low, husky whisper.

She couldn't muster a response, and instead, fell into him, wrapping her arms around his strong shoulders and pressed her lips to his own. His scent enveloped her, and he, hesitatingly, returned the motion, hugging his arms around her back.

The kiss left his lips tingling, his head a cloud of fog, feeling nothing except her and a desire to touch, and kiss, even more of her. He yanked her closer, moving to place his feet on the floor, and squeezed her hips with a low, throaty growl. She smiled into the kiss and relaxed in his arms, her hands moving to stroke his chest over the fabric of his shirt.

Eventually, they parted, resting their foreheads together as they caught their breath, the universe had shrunk around them, so it was just the pair, and their flushing faces. Roddy spoke first, grinning. 'Not bad Princess.'

She growled herself, and pushed him back against the sink, 'Ow! You bi-' He was cut off by another heated kiss, as her hands pulled down at the hem of his shirt. He replied in kind, grabbing her plump rear hard, eliciting a squeak from her, gasping as she drew back. He pushed her away and pressed her back against the cold bathroom wall, her hands flew up and he grabbed her wrists, pinning them down. The kiss slowed then, the tension easing, mouths opened and tongues probed, exploring, gentle murmurs of pleasure as their bodies pressed closer together.

They drew back again, breathing slowed, eyes half lidded, and gazed for a moment. Janet spoke first, 'How long have you wanted to do that?'

'About as long as you I imagine.' He growled back, sliding a hand over her waist, pressing through the fabric.

His hands ran lower, underneath her skirt, lifting the hem to stroke her thighs. He gave them a testing squeeze, fingers sinking into her soft, pale skin. She hummed approvingly and pushed her hips forwards, hands moving around his shoulders. She leaned towards him and buried her face into his neck, her gasps of eager anticipation louder in his ear. She kissed his throat, and got a grunt of surprise and arousal as her reward. She couldn't help but giggle, which only made him squeeze her harder, punishing her for her insolence. Her laugh sprouted into a sharp gasp, and she nestled his shoulder. His hands stayed on her upper thighs, and she whined impatiently.

'Oh, what, now you get shy?' She breathed into his ear.

He snarled and grabbed her ass, hard, and a bolt of delight shot through her. 'Oh!' She bit down onto his covered collarbone to muffle her gasps. Suddenly she was lifted from the floor; she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her from the bathroom. He stopped as his knees pressed against the bed and she broke the kiss, gasping, 'Wait!'

He paused, eyebrow cocked.

'I...' She looked back to the bed. 'I need to move my stuffies.'

He nodded seriously and placed her down.

Janet busied herself moving the various toys onto the floor with muttered apologies she hoped Roddy couldn't hear. She turned when it was finished, and started to say, 'I'm done.' When Roddy tackled her to the bed and cut her off mid-sentence. He pressed her wrists down to the bed as he kissed her, only drawing away when she struggled for breath, gasping for air, his rough chin tickling her neck.

'You're a hell of a tease when you want to be Princess.'

'I said stop calling me that...' Her words melted as he bit down on her pale throat, sucking the sore spot and kissing the growing welt.

'Stop, calling me...' She tried again, only for his hands to play with them hem of her skirt. His mouth slipped lower and lower still, kissing down the plunge in her neckline, his rough hands brushing just over her sides. Eventually he knelt in front of her, as if at an altar.

She felt her blush deepen, spreading from her chest to her cheeks. He raised her creamy thighs onto each of his shoulders, tilting his head to kiss them in turn, lips lingering, stubble scratching against her. His mouth drew closer to her core; Janet felt her breath hitch in her throat as his thick fingers tugged at the hem of her simple cotton panties. He looked up to her, one eyebrow, the one with the scar breaking it in the middle, cocked, 'you alright?'

She nodded mutely, her mouth hanging open slightly, 'It's... Just been a while.' She admitted.

He nodded, and slowly drew the underwear down her thighs. 'Relax. Let me take care of you.'

She lifted her ankles from the bed to help him, spreading her legs slightly; her dress hid her modesty, for now.

Roddy dropped her underwear off the side of the bed, his muscles moving like snakes under oil as he crawled up the bed. He lay across the foot of her bed, his legs dangling off the edge, still in his jeans.

She bit the knuckle of her index finger, her pupils dilated, breathing quickly. He flicked her dress up, exposing her sex. 'Huh.' He grinned up at her, 'Natural redhead.' Janet made a disgusted noise, and went to retort, when he made another bubbling, animalistic growl of approval, and suddenly, his tongue dragged over her lower lips.

Any anxiety she might have had melted away in that moment, burned by the fire of her pleasure. She arched her back, pushing her hips up eagerly. She turned her face into the collar of his leather jacket, drinking in the smell of the worn material, and his musky cologne. Her eyes fluttered closed as he wrapped his lips around her clit, his stubble scratching at her most sensitive parts.

'More.' She squeaked. She didn't need to repeat herself. Roddy scooped her up, and lifted her hips from the bed, pinning her shoulders down. His hands were under her, squeezing her full rear over the thin material of her dress as he sucked on her clit, lathering it with his tongue. She glanced down at him, his eyes closed in concentration. He drew back to catch his breath, chin wet with saliva and her honey.

'You taste so good.' He sighed.

'Keep tasting then.' Janet said, meeting his eyes.

Roddy looked taken aback by her sudden confidence, but nodded. 'Yes Princess.' He returned his mouth to her clit, just before she could object.

She curled his fingers through his hair tugging approvingly as he hit the right spots, mercilessly sucking and lapping at her clit. The room was silent except for the sound of her laboured breathing, and his ministrations.

'Yes...' She gasped, her fingers tightening. 'Oh yes, right there. Roddy...' She breathed desperately, screwing her eyes shut, her body tensing. 'Just-Just...' She bucked suddenly, her muscles twitching. She locked her ankles together behind his head, making Roddy's eyes shoot open as he was trapped between her legs. He continued to worship her clit, as Janet rode out the waves of her orgasm.

He didn't stop until she weakly pushed away his head; Roddy sat up on his knees and gently let her down as she collapsed back onto the bed, eyes wide, her chest and cheeks flushed pink.

'Oh wow.' She sighed.

Roddy wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He didn't say anything, but made to unbuckle his belt.

Janet sat up on her elbows, watching him, her eyes tracing where the lines of his abdominals vanished under the waist of his jeans.

'Here.' She leaned forward, moving his hands away, her own, trembling slightly from the excitement.

'Let me do it.'

He swallowed, and lay down on the bed, lifting himself up slightly to allow her to tug his tight jeans off his hips. They came off slowly, the denim felt rough against her hands, and she could feel her heart thundering in her chest. Roddy squirmed a little to help her shed the last of his trousers, followed the inevitable awkward act of tugging them over his ankles. They recovered, and she looked over his strong, lean figure with an appreciative eye.

'Well this hardly seems fair.' He said idly, dropping one hand to cup his impressive package. 'Here I am, all exposed, and you're still in that dress, and my jacket.'

She huffed, and stuck out her bottom lip, reaching for the collar, 'I was getting to that.' She shrugged off his jacket, making Roddy wince. She lifted the skirts over her head, turning the dress inside out, and let it fall to the growing pile of clothing at the foot of her bed. She body was even paler than her face, still covered in freckles, dotting her like stars in the night sky. She moved her slender arms back to remove her bra, when Roddy sat up, the smell of his cologne and distant cigarette smoke filling her nose.

'Here.' He said, voice deep, leaning his mouth in close to her ear, 'Let me do it.' The bra came off with a fluid, practiced movement, and he tossed it off the bed. Janet's arms slowly fell from where she'd covered her breasts, her little B cups, pert and pale, her rosy nipples stiff in the slight chill of the room.

'Cute.' Roddy said finally, cupping one of her breasts, pinching her nipple gently between two fingers. She breathed out a sigh and kissed his forehead for attention, catching his lips as he looked up. He closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss, holding and squeezing her breasts with both hands now, gentle, calloused fingers roving over her sensitive skin. Her breathing became heavier, as she pushed herself closer to him, forcing Roddy to wrap his arms around her.

Holding her close the pair tumbled back onto her soft bed, the multitudes of pillows silencing their fall. They kept kissing for what felt like forever, tiny jolts of delight shooting through their body, sparking from their touching lips. Janet squeaked as Roddy's roving hands, which had, so soothingly been stroking her back, had suddenly grabbed two handfuls of her ass. She broke the kiss to gasp. 'What is it with boys and grabbing my butt?' She protested, while at the same time, pushing it back into his eager hands. Roddy looked up at her skeptically, 'Have you seen your ass? It's amazing.'

'Your-Ahn- Your poetry moves me.' She said, rolling her eyes, as his rough palms kneaded her rear. 'Hmh... That's nice.' She lifted her hips up a little more, as Roddy spread her cheeks roughly. She glanced down, underneath her body, and frowned up at the trouble maker. 'Well, now who's being unfair?'

Roddy was drawn back from his focused groping, 'Hm?'

'Here I am, all exposed...' She rolled off onto her side, and grabbed his package through his boxers, 'And you're still clothed.'

Roddy grunted, and lifted his own hips up a bit, making his abs flex in a very appealing way. 'Of course, how rude of me.' He gave her a cheeky smile, dark eyes glinting. 'Want to do the honours?'

Janet rolled her eyes, but still, she pulled off his boxers and bit her lip as his thick cock sprang out. Her fluttering heart stopped her from making any witty comments. She sank down onto her side again, holding his cock lightly as she stroked it, scooching up a little to nestle herself in Roddy's neck. He groaned, and his own hand moved down, to touch and circle her sensitive clit with his fingers. She sighed happily and leaned in to kiss him, finding Roddy's tongue there to meet her. She locked tongues with him, tilting her head to deepen the kiss, and cuddled up to his side as they stroked and teased each other, the occasional moan or sigh of delight emanating from the pair.

The touches grew firmer, more desperate; their mixing breaths were ragged and deep. They drew back from the kiss and gazed into each other's eyes, seeing the smouldering embers of passion burning behind them

'I can't wait much longer.' Roddy said, bumping his forehead against Janet's. 'Me neither.' She sighed, 'It's okay. You can do it.'

She could barely finish the sentence when Roddy had flipped her over onto her front, Janet yelped in surprise, looking back as Roddy adjusted his position. She spied him glancing around in the clothes pile and whistled for his attention, 'I'm on the pill, just put it in already!' She whined. Roddy was all too happy to oblige, and shifted up, knees between her spread legs. His cock throbbed as he pressed it against her wet pussy, teasing her with the head. Janet grunted and pushed her hips up, 'What's with the hold up?'

'Say please.'

'What?!' She shot a glare back at him.

'Say please, Princess.' He growled in return.

She huffed, and considered kicking him out there and then, but then he slapped the firm head against her pussy, and jolted. 'Please.' She mumbled into her pillow.

'Please what?' He purred from behind her, pressing the weight of his chest into her back.

'Please fuck me Roddy.' She said, clearer this time, and cast a pleading look his way.

Roddy kissed her ear, 'Of course, Princess.'

She kicked her feet in protest, 'I said don't call me thaaaaaaat!' The word dissolved on her tongue and became a long, drawn out moan, as Roddy's thick cock filled her. She grinned dreamily and nuzzled her cheek into the pillow, as Roddy arched his back, feeling her pussy wrap lovingly around his shaft.

'Oh god...' He breathed, cock throbbing inside of her. 'You feel amazing.'

She sighed a happy sigh, and gave her ass an enticing wiggle. 'You're not so bad yourself big guy.'

He snorted out a laugh and gave her butt a hard smack as punishment; Janet squeaked and gasped in delight. Roddy, pinning her hips down to the bed began to draw his cock out of her slowly, rolling and rocking his hips, his cock pushing deep into her. They settled into a comfortable rhythm, Roddy's eyes closed in focus, his mouth covering any inch of skin he could reach on her neck, eliciting desperate gasps and whimpers from his lover. Janet arched her neck to expose more of the pale, freckled skin, and spread her legs wider for him, letting him push deeper, in long, smooth motions.

Each thrust drew a resounding slap as his lower hips met her ass; the raw sound drew a grunt from Janet. She opened one bright eye, looking at Roddy.

'Harder.' She said, mouth hanging open, eyes dreamy. 'Fuck me harder.'

There was a deep, rumbling growl, and suddenly Roddy's arms were underneath her, wrapping around her slender waist to hold her tight to him. Janet barely had time to think, before he started to rut into her.

The slapping noises grew louder, more frequent, as he pounded deep into her, each muscle in his body working to hold her still, and use her. Janet writhed in delight, her mouth wide open, eyes staring as she was ravished, barely able to breathe, and only the occasional high pitched moan to express her delight. She caught her breath, and began to shake her ass against his cock, throwing her hips back with each thrust, ploughing his cock deeper into her. The motion drew out a deep moan from Roddy, which made her shudder with delight.

'Yes Roddy, yes, yes.' She gasped, bouncing her hips, 'Oh you feel so good. Oh yes...' She squealed, as Roddy's mouth fell to her ear, his moans and curses shooting through her.

She felt his thrusts quicken, felt his cock twitching inside of her. She could hear his breathing becoming more ragged, his hands holding her closer.

'Janet.' He muttered, 'I'm close.'

'I know.' She turned her head to kiss his cheek, 'it's okay. I want you to cum. Do it Roddy, I want to feel it.'

There were a few more brutal thrusts, as Roddy held Janet down on his cock, pounding as deep as he could, before, with a long, rolling moan, and enough husky swear words to make a sailor blush, he climaxed. The sensation of his cock spurting and pulsing inside of her tipped her over the edge, and her climax hit her like a train.

The two collapsed down, Roddy's heavy weight on top of her, sighing and breathing into her hair, sweat covering both of them in a light sheen.

'That was amazing.' He said softly, and Janet tipped her head up to nuzzle his face with her own. 'I feel the same way.'

'So you've never killed someone?' She asked sceptically. The pair had showered and cleaned off, and were now cosy underneath Janet's heavy, brightly coloured duvet. Roddy looked down to where she lay on his chest, 'No. I've never killed someone. Who told you that?'

She shrugged, 'Just heard it around. Where'd you get the scar?'


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