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Walter and Celia

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She found an excuse to cheat.
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I sat there with no expression on my face. My wife Celia, had just told me that she had seen a lawyer and was divorcing me.

"So, she said, "are you just going to sit there?"

"What do you want me to do, get up and dance?"

"Don't you even care?"

"No, why should I?"

"Walter, don't you care that after five years of marriage I am leaving you?"

"No I don't. A year ago I would have been heart broken but for the last six months you have been hard to live with and the last two you were absolutely impossible. Is that when you started fucking him?"

"What? How? How did you know?"

"I saw Charlie coming on to you at the 4th of July barbeque and you were lapping up his attention. I saw you at the Labor Day dance rubbing your tits on his chest and your pussy on his thigh. I saw you go upstairs with him at the Carson's Halloween party and watched the way you kissed him to welcome the New Year at the country club dance. I figure Halloween was the first fuck and you both have been going at it hot and heavy ever since. I even caught a video the two of you with my cell phone doing it on our bed."

"But why didn't you say some thing?"

"What was I supposed to say?"

"Tell me to stop."

"Celia, you took a vow to be faithful to me. It's not up to me police you and force you to live up to that vow. I can't watch you all of the time."

"And what about you and your vows?"

"What about them?"

"You and Wanda."

"Who is Wanda?"

"You tell me. You are fucking her."

"I'm not fucking any Wanda. I don't even know anyone named Wanda."

"Are you denying having an affair?"

"Of course I am. Where did you get this nugget of misinformation?"

"Charlie told me."

"The same Charlie Simpson who was feeling you up and romancing you for four months and who you have been fucking for the last two?"

"You don't have to put it do crudely."

"How else could I say it? You have been screwing a man who lied to you so that he could get into your pants and you fell for it hook, line and sinker. Why didn't you say anything to me?

"Because he told me you would deny it."

"And you believed it. Did he offer any proof? Did you ask for any?"

"No I didn't need any?"

"Why not?"

"Because you were coming home late almost every night and working every Saturday."

"You knew I was preparing a presentation for, and then working on, a big merger for my company."

"I know what you told me."

"And you didn't believe me?"


"And you told him that on the 4th of July."


"Why didn't you just give him a key to our house, you knew you were going to fuck him then?"

"No I didn't."

"When did you know?"

"Halloween, when he told me about Wanda."

"I told you there never was a Wanda."

"I don't believe you."

"But you believe Charlie."


"Well what you can believe is that I don't care that you are divorcing me. In fact I welcome it."

After that conversation I moved my out of our bedroom into the guest room. I cancelled our joint credit cards and took out half the balance in our joint bank account. When she realized what I had done she asked, "Why are you still in the house?"

"I am still a half owner. Why can't I live here?"

"It's uncomfortable for me."

"Too bad, I don't want you to claim that I abandoned you. Also I am only paying half of the mortgage and taxes. You will have to come up the other half."

"But, but that will use up most of my pay."

"Get used to being a free and independent woman."

I got served with the divorce papers the next day at work. She charged me with adultery and was asking for alimony, sixty percent of my income and possession of the house. I took the papers to our company in house council and he referred me to a divorce lawyer. The first question he asked, "Which one of you is cheating?"

"She is and she accused me of doing the same."

"Are you or did you?"

"No to both."

"Can you prove that she is?"

"I have a video clip on my cell phone showing the both of them fucking."

"Does she have any proof on you?"

"How can she? It never happened."

"Can you get more proof of her cheating/'

"Sure, if they do it in the house again."

He supplied me with a sound activated video camera that I hid in the master bedroom while she was at work. I went out for dinner and a movie; I really wasn't up to going home and spending an evening in the same house with her. I got home a little after nine o'clock and as I passed by her closed door and I heard them fucking. I think the conversation was for my benefit because I could hear her say, "You fuck me so good, Charlie."

"Better than needle dick?"

"Yeah, you are so much bigger and better."

"That's it baby, I love they way you suck my cock."

"MMMMMMMM, I love sucking it. It's so beautiful, now fuck me with it. Oh yes, just like that. You are so much better than Walter."

I could hear her urging him on, telling him how good he was compared to me and how much he satisfied her. Now I know that I don't have the biggest cock the barnyard but my 7 incher is nothing to be ashamed of.

Then I heard her, "Oh Charlie, yes just like that. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

I heard him shout as he came with her, "You're my bitch now, Celia."

I went on to my room and a good night's sleep. At this point I really didn't care what she did. Whatever love I ever had for her was long gone and she couldn't hurt me anymore, I just couldn't understand why she kept rubbing my nose in her shit. I found out later when I watched the DVD of that nights proceedings.

The camera caught them as they walked into the bedroom, she was topless and he was walking behind her in a lock step. His hands were on her tits and her butt was pressed back against his cock. His tongue was against the side of her neck and he was licking her from her shoulder to her ear. I heard him say, "You are the sexiest creature alive."

I saw her shudder when his tongue went in her ear and then she said, "Oh god, when you do that to me I almost melt."

He turned her to look at herself in the full length mirror on her closet door and pinched her nipples.

"Look at yourself. See how hot you look."

He slid her skirt and panties down and inserted a finger in her pussy. Then holding the finger up he said, "See how you juices cover my finger."

He lifted his fingers to her mouth and said, "Suck them, taste yourself."

Her nipples looked like diamond points on her soft pillowy breasts and her head was back against his shoulder, she said, "I can't believe how you turn me on."

"More than Walter does?"

"Right now, yes you do, but you know I still love him. I wouldn't be doing this if he hadn't started with Wanda."

"He is probably with her right now; he hasn't come home from work yet."

"I know; he's fucking his little whore. I want you to be fucking me when he comes in. Lick me now and get me off and then I will suck you until you are nice and hard again and you will be more than ready to give him a good show."

Lick her he did and she finally came in an explosion that nearly blew the roof off of the house, If this was a revenge fuck, she was really was enjoying her vengeance. When she came down from her high she returned the favor, starting by licking his cock like it was an ice cream cone. Then it became more like a popsicle. I watched it disappear down her throat; I could actually see the bulge! She never deep throated me like that.

Suddenly, they broke apart and I heard her say, "I just heard the garage door, he must be home. Fuck me now."

She got on her hands and knees and presented her ass to him and he took her doggie style. I was right, the conversation I heard as he fucked her was the same one I heard from the hall and was for my benefit. When they both climaxed together she collapsed and he was on top of her.

"My god Charlie that was wonderful but where did you come off calling Walter a needle dick?

"Didn't you say I was bigger and better?"

"That was for him to hear. You may be even a bit smaller but you do the job fine."

"Glad to know I satisfy you."

"You certainly do, and a bit more."

And then they went at it again for another hour.

I took the recording of that night's fuck session to my lawyer; it was almost two hours long. Charlie took her orally, vaginally and anally. It was quite and exhibition, I was really impressed. She never let me have her ass. Anyway, when my lawyer saw it he rubbed his hands together gleefully and the next day he filed a counter suit charging her with adultery and asking for no alimony for her and a 70/30 split of our assets (the 70 for me).

Celia was served at work on Friday and she came home boiling.

"What do you mean by filing a counter suit charging me with adultery?"

"That's what you were doing when I came in the other night."

"I was only doing it to get even with you because of Wanda."

"I told you four months ago there was no Wanda."

"Well I know there is and since you won't stop neither will I."

"Then I guess the judge will have to decide whether there is a Wanda or not."

The day finally came three months later when we had to appear in court. We both stood before the judge, he said, "I see that there are two suits, both charging adultery, with substantial differences in awards. Since you filed first Mrs. Crawford I will hear from you first. What is the basis for your complaint?"

Celia's lawyer said, "We are charging that Mr. Crawford has had a carnal relationship with another woman outside of his marriage and to this day continues to do so."

The judge turned to me and asked, "Is this true Mr. Crawford? Remember you are under oath."

"Absolutely untrue, your honor."

"Mrs. Crawford, do you have any proof of your husband's infidelity?" he asked.

"Yes, Charlie Simpson told me he saw my husband and Wanda doing it."

"Is that the same Charlie Simpson named as correspondent in Mr. Crawford's suit?"

"Yes sir."

"Is that the only proof you have?"

"Yes your Honor."

"Counselor is Mr. Simpson here to corroborate your clients claim?" asked the judge.

"He promised to be here your Honor but he hasn't shown up yet."

The judge looked at me and said, "Mr. Crawford do you have any proof to support your claim of your wife's infidelity?"

"Yes your Honor we have already submitted a two hour video of her and Simpson having intercourse."

"Yes, I have already reviewed it and I was quite impressed with the imaginative activities I witnessed. Was that the aforementioned Charlie Simpson named in your counter suit?"

"Yes, your honor."

"I think I have seen and heard enough, the Judge replied, "I am throwing out Mrs. Crawford's suit as being without merit since there is no evidence of her claim and no corroborating witness and granting Mr. Crawford a divorce based on the terms he requested."

His gavel came down with a bang and the clerk called the nest case. Celia just stood there with her mouth open until her lawyer pulled her away.

Two weeks later I got a call from Celia.

"Walter, I would like to talk to you."

"What's to talk about?"

"About us and what has happened."

"Celia, there is no more us and what has happened is that we are divorced."

"I know, but it all a big mistake."

"No mistake, I got the official papers in the mail last week."

"No, I mean the reason we got the divorce."

"The reason we got the divorce is because you were fucking Charlie for almost a year."

"The reason I was fucking Charlie was because you were fucking Wanda."

"There was no Wanda."

"I know that now Walter, that was the mistake. My believing Charlie."

"And not believing me?"

"Yes, Walter, he admitted that he lied to me, that's why he didn't come to court, He didn't want to commit perjury."

"Big expensive mistake Celia, why are you telling me this now?"

"I want to come back to you and be your wife again. I want to show you how much I still love you and to make up for not believing you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She still loves me? She wants to be my wife again?

"Not a chance in hell, Celia. When I told you there was no Wanda you wouldn't believe me but you believed Charlie. You must have been listening to him with your cunt. There is no way I could ever forgive you for the things you did with him or what I heard you say about me. As far as I concerned you just used that as an excuse so that you could fuck him and have a clear conscience. Go live with him. I imagine he will be a free man in a few months. I just mailed a copy of your fuck session to his wife to use in her divorce action."

That was the last I ever heard from Celia. I did hear that after his wife cleaned him out he and Celia moved in together, but that lasted only about eight months. She called me a few times after that but I was screening my calls and I never took hers or called her back. We didn't have much equity in the house so the 30% share she got after I sold it, didn't amount to much, and I think she pissed it away supporting Charlie while they were together. He was drinking after his divorce, lost his job, and ended up dead broke. I saw her once, about a year later outside of a department store, she looked like she had put on thirty pounds. She was between two burly men and I heard one of them say, "We told you last time if we ever caught you shop lifting again you were going to be arrested. Now we wait for the cops to take you away."

After that I never knew what happened to either one of them .....And I didn't care!

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Huedogg2Huedogg210 months ago

This is very common among women. They will believe the waitress at ihop before they believe their husband

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

is the whiniest, bitchiest, most critical commenter on this site, but he's typical of the "dollar mouth and nickel ass" crowd. They bitch about a FREE (i.e. $0.00) erotica site, but they won't try to write anything "perfect" to show the actual contributors HOW it's done. Imagine being that angry and that dissolute that you get so worked up over FREE smut! Look at the posts, below. Twice in 10 months he reads this story and complains. Now... 'complains' is too mild of a word. He whines about it. Seriously, his avatar needs the be the other end of the dog.

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 1 year ago
Nothing burger.

If Celia is really that stupid, and as written, she is abysmally stupid, how moronic is good ol’ Walter for finding her worth marrying? What did he expect? The guy is a tool, a passive, nasty little sonovabitch.

Writing a battle of wits story featuring a mean bastard vs. someone as dumb as a bag of hammers just isn’t that fascinating. It seems to me that anyone that finds something this one-sided and pathetic remotely interesting might also enjoy drowning kittens or shooting puppies. I mean, seriously, this is just overkill.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 2 years ago

I hate to say it, but that level of stupid almost makes me feel sorry for her. Almost. However, stupid does not justify a lack of character.

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