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Wanna Bet? Ch. 01

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Annie plays hostess for hubby's poker night.
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Gary knew that Annie didn't really like poker. So he was very surprised when she told him that she wanted to give up her girls' nights out and stay home during his poker nights instead.

"Really? You'd rather be here on those Saturday nights instead of hanging out with your friends?"

"Well, yeah, I think so," she said. "I've found that while I like my friends, I'm really not that kind of girl."

Gary's eyebrows arched. "THAT kind of girl?"

Annie ever so slightly blushed. "Ummmm... well, last time they wanted to hit up that male dance revue," she explained. "I asked if we couldn't just go to a regular old strip club instead, but I was outvoted."

"But you went with them anyway, right?"

"Well, of course. I wasn't going to tell them they couldn't have their fun! I suggested an alternative, but they wanted to see the fellas instead."

Gary chuckled.

"Yeah, it was just as bad as I thought it was going to be. The guys were all ripped and shiny, and you know their dance moves are just... wrong. I mean, a few of them were kinda hot, but it was in a kind of gay way, which makes it less fun to look!"

"Okay, I get that," Gary said. "But poker, babe? Really? Are you sure?"

"Well, it's true that I don't really get the whole poker thing," Annie said. "Hearing the betting, the calling -- it just seems like guys swinging their dicks around. But I do kind of like playing hostess. I can make sure your drinks stay filled and your snacks are fresh."

Gary grinned. "Well, I guess the guys can't say too much negative about that."
"Plus, while I don't like poker, now that I think about it, the 'guys swinging their dicks around' thing doesn't seem that bad!"

Saturday night rolled around, and Gary had to admit that Annie did seem to be right in her element. As Joe, Rick, and Toby arrived, Annie met them at the door, took their jackets, asked them what they'd like to drink, and ushered them to the living room where the card table was set up. She delivered the drinks two at a time, then said there were some finger foods nearly ready to come out of the oven and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Uhhh.... So Gary?" Toby said. "What gives? Your woman's never been here for poker night before. What's up?"

"She's trying this on for size," Gary shrugged. "She's found that girls' night out isn't as much fun as she'd like, so she said she'd like to be hostess for our poker nights for a while."

"Oh! So for Saturday poker nights, YOUR woman is now OUR woman, huh, Gary?" Joe laughed.

Gary just smiled and shrugged. A moment later, Annie re-entered the room with a tray of her famous "man candy," tiny sausages wrapped in bacon, then covered with brown sugar and cayenne and baked down to a crispy, salty, sweet, spicy snack.

Rick plucked one of the bite-sized snacks from the tray and popped it in his mouth. He paused as he chewed and then, in an official voice, announced, "I'll allow it!"

Annie did a fabulous job that night of keeping the snacks coming and the drinks topped off. As the evening progressed, the frequency of drinks caused the guys to get increasingly tipsy, and a few of them allowed their id to get the better of them.

At one point, as Annie set an old-fashioned down in front of Joe, he reached behind her and pinched her ass cheek. Annie yelped in surprise and jumped a little.

"Why, Joe," she said in a half-scolding, half-laughing voice, "if you wanted a bun, you could have just asked!"

"Is that so?" Toby said. "I don't know about a bun, but I'm kind of in the mood for cheesecake!"

Everyone laughed, including Annie. Gary smiled in satisfaction. He knew that Annie's gorgeous figure and her friendly demeanor often earned her a good amount of compliments and even some catcalls, and she'd learned how to handle that over the years -- often by giving as good as she got, which tended to put an overly forward guy in his place. He was there to step in if any of them got TOO handsy, but he had every confidence that Annie could take care of herself.

"Cheesecake, you say? I'm not sure we have any in the kitchen, but I'll see if there's any hanging around anywhere else!" Annie said with mirth in her eyes. She headed into the kitchen; Gary couldn't be sure, but he'd swear he saw a little wiggle in Annie's behind as she slipped through the door out of the room.

As soon as she was gone, the guys finished their current hand and Rick announced that he'd probably had enough fun for the night and thought he would head out after the next hand. Since Toby was next to deal, he dutifully picked up the cards and peeled off one after the other, distributing them around the table. Each man picked up his cards to take stock of where he stood before they started the traditional banter of betting, seeing bets, raising, and dropping out. The hand was down to Gary and Joe when Annie came back into the room. While she was gone, she had changed out of her jeans, replacing them instead with the short tap pants that she usually slept in. Her loose-fitting top had likewise vanished and in its place was a snug camisole that showed more cleavage than Gary remembered. He felt sure she had tugged the neckline down after putting it on.

Gary watched as she strutted past the table. Her long thighs, supple and solid, stretched out from the hem of the tap pants, moving in shapely fashion down to her low heels. She paused, thrust her derriere back, placed her hands just above her knees, and adopted a pouty look as she surveyed the men around the table.

"I couldn't find any cheesecake to eat," she said with a flirty tone, "but I may have found some to look at!"

The guys all roared with laughter. Joe won the last hand and the guys began moving toward the door. Annie fetched them their belongings and stood at the door to bid them goodbye. She still had on the tap pants, which were short enough to tease the viewer with a tantalizing glimpse of the swell at the bottom of her ass cheeks.

As Gary placed the deck of cards back into their box, put the poker chips back in their carton, and gathered up glasses and other items on the table, Annie offered each of the other guys a kiss on the cheek as they headed out into the night. After the last one was on his way, Annie joined Gary in cleaning up the last of the mess.

"Well...." Gary said. "That was something different."

"Yes, yes it was," Annie agreed.

"Are you okay? Was this a one-time thing? Are you going back to the gals, or sticking with us, or doing something altogether different?"

"I'm better than okay," Annie chuckled, depositing the last of the glasses in the dishwasher and starting it. "I'm sticking with you guys... and if you meet me in the bedroom in two minutes, I have some pent-up frustrations you can help me to relieve!"

A short time later, snuggled up in bed, Annie said, "One boob brush, one ass squeeze, and one good boy who obviously wanted SO BADLY to be a not-good boy."


"On their way out the door. They all got a kiss on the cheek, but Toby got a handful of ass cheek, Joe felt my tit in a way that was completely non-accidental, and Rick accepted the kiss without anything else -- but the look in his eye told me that it was his conscience that held his hands at his sides, not any lack of desire to use those hands."

"Really?" Gary said. "But it sounds like you're okay with it?"

"Oh, I'm definitely okay," Annie said. "I mean, Toby's always been a little flirty and Maxine doesn't seem to have a problem with it. It wasn't surprising that Rick was a little more reserved, because I get the feeling he doesn't hang out with women very much without Beth being there."

She giggled a little. "And Joe? Well, Joe does what Joe does! No woman has ever gotten him to settle down, But the way he caressed my boob, running a thumb over my nipple, means he's just as interested in the ladies as he ever was! So yeah... I think I'm okay with it." She kissed Gary and her hand snaked its way down her husband's torso, where it found his swelling cock. "It appears that you are too!"

She rolled him onto his back and propped his penis upright as she climbed onto him, lowering her steaming pussy onto Gary's pole. Once he was firmly nestled inside her, she leaned forward to bring her lips close to Gary's. Her hips began shifting back and forth, back and forth, his erect meat slipping in and out of her hot and hungry hole as she rode him.

"I am SO hot right now," Annie confessed in a throaty whisper into Gary's ear. "I enjoyed being at your friends' beck and call, but when Toby asked for cheesecake and I decided to give them a little look at MY cheesecake? Well, I could feel my pussy tingling even before I dug those tap pants out of the drawer."

Her pelvis squirmed over his, his cock moving in and out of her. She found the perfect angle for the tip of his cock to massage her g-spot and held the thrusting steady for a few moments.

"I really want to continue to be you guys' poker night waitress," Annie whispered. "I mean, really REALLY. If it's okay with you."

Gary felt his cock deep in his wife's cunt, heard the urgency in her voice. "Yeah, I think it's pretty much okay with me. You're a big girl... you have my permission to do what you want."

"Oh, I do?" Annie gasped. Her pussy was sliding harder and faster than ever. "Your permission, open-ended? You know what kind of shenanigans that could lead to?"
"Not only do I know, I'm practically counting on it!" Gary answered, feeling his own groin tighten with an approaching orgasm.

"Oh fuck, I could really get into that!" Annie's voice was raspy as she rode him. "Especially if they were getting into me!" And with that, her orgasm hit. Annie moved on him like a piston, grunting as her release hit hard.

Hearing Annie talk about teasing his friends had pushed him to the edge, too. As Annie rode him harder than ever, he grabbed her hips so he could push into her even harder and faster. As her first spasms hit, Gary drove up into her and released what felt like a huge load of creamy white cum.

Annie collapsed on top of him as her pussy's throbbing began to subside. Finally, Annie sat up and climbed off her husband. As his softening penis slipped from her pussy, she moved her fingers between her legs to catch the semen that was leaking from her well-used pussy. She lifted her fingers to her mouth and licked them off, obviously savoring the taste.

"I can't wait for the next poker night," Annie said as she put her head down on Gary's chest, snuggling in next to him.

"I can't say I disagree," Gary admitted. "I'm kinda looking forward to it, too!"

The following two Saturday nights were no-gos, as Joe's nephew was getting married out of state on the first weekend and Toby's job required him to attend a training session two hours away on the second weekend. But as the third Saturday, and its accompanying poker night, approached Annie could barely contain herself.

"I've been waiting too long!" She leaned over Gary's shoulder as he sat on the couch, her cheek close to his. "I can't believe I stuck with the hen party for as long as I did."

"Hey, be fair," Gary said. "You've had some fun at a few of those hen parties."

"True, but why go to a hen party when you can party with some..." She trailed off. Her eyes said what her tongue hadn't.

"Party with some cocks?" Gary smiled. "You can say it. I really don't mind."

Annie shrugged and blushed just a tiny bit.

After the guys arrived, Annie again slipped easily into hostess mode. There was never a waitress in the world who was more attentive and responsive than she was. No one had to ask for a drink refill; she had one ready as soon as the glass got down to a certain level. Appetizers seemed to appear out of nowhere, then disappear when the guys had had enough. A short while later, an entirely new appetizer would pop up and they would dig in again.

What's more, Annie's face positively glowed at the appreciation the guys showed. They seemed emboldened by the fact that Annie hadn't chided a single one about the liberties he took at the conclusion of the last poker night; if they were honest with themselves, it seemed like she almost prided herself on earning their attention. For sure, her wardrobe of a short denim skirt and a short-sleeved black top with a cowl neckline (which offered tantalizing glimpses of her rounded breasts) certainly seemed to be a green light rather than a red one, as if she were saying "bring it, fellas!"

Unfortunately, while Annie was having a great night, Gary decidedly was not. Dame Fortune was not smiling on him, and in hand after hand he found himself with junk cards. He discarded and drew again, to no avail. On the offhand occasion where he did feel like he had a little bit of luck with him, he'd place his bet accordingly but be bested by another of the men around the table. Little by little, Gary saw his chips pile deplete itself, and soon he had only a few chips left. In a few minutes, he'd have to bow out entirely.

It was Rick's turn to deal, and one by one he slid the cards around the table. As each of his cards arrived in front of him, Gary plucked them up to see how badly he would fare.

Three of hearts. A few seconds later, a nine of hearts. Then a jack of hearts. He picked up the fourth card and saw it was an eight of hearts. He felt a line of sweat pricking along his hairline and held his breath. Surely not.... The fifth card landed in front of him and he was almost too afraid to look. He picked up a corner and peeked -- he couldn't believe his eyes. It was a six of hearts. After a night of low pairs or worse, he was holding a natural flush in his hand.

Afraid his good fortune would show on his face, he looked nonchalantly at his friends and when the betting started, he put in a chip. They went around the table and he found himself putting in his second chip. He was now officially tapped out... and if his friends would just drop out of the hand, he'd be sitting pretty for a while as he gathered up all of what they had already bet.

But they didn't drop out. The betting continued and Gary found himself with his best hand of the night, and no way to capitalize on it.

"Well, shit," he spat. "I don't want to fold, but I'm out of chips. Could I talk anyone into floating me a couple of chips until this hand is over?"

He looked around the table and saw the looks in his friends' eyes. The simple fact that he was staying in the game overrode any semblance of a bluff that Gary might have managed. They knew he had a good hand, and he was at their mercy. None of them looked willing to cut him any slack.

Then Annie spoke up. "What about..." she trailed off. "I don't know how these things work, but could I step in? Is there any way I can, as an outsider, provide any guarantee or surety on my man's bet?"
Rick, Toby, and Joe looked around at each other.

"Well," Rick said, "it's not really something that's ever come up."

"It is an unusual circumstance," Joe agreed. "I mean, maybe we could work something out."

Toby chuckled. "So what you're asking is... well, you're wondering if Gary could up the ante by putting his own Annie in the pot."

Annie blushed, realizing what they were suggesting. Then she got over her hesitation and said, "Well, yes, I guess that's what I'm saying. I want everyone to have fun, and Gary isn't having fun right now. If I can step in and ensure he continues to have fun, then yes. I'm game."

"Oh, hell yeah you are!" Joe bellowed. "You're THE game right now!"

With Annie offered up as part of Gary's bet, the betting didn't continue much longer. A few more chips were put in (Toby explained that his additional bet was because he recognized that Annie's value was far above the entire collection of chips already on the table, which again made Annie flush with a combination of self-consciousness and pride), but soon Joe brought the betting to a halt.

"I call," he said, putting his cards down. He had two pairs, 7s and 5s.

Rick followed, laying his cards out. His betting was mostly bluff, as he had just a single pair of 10s.

Gary was next. One at a time, he placed his cards face up on the table. Five hearts in a row. Rick and Joe realized they were beaten and started preparing to move on in the game.

"Wait!" Toby said, putting up his right hand, palm outward. He held his cards in his left hand, fan-style, and deliberately placed them on the table as a sheaf, face up. Three jacks. Two deuces. A full house.

The other three gasped audibly. Toby reached out to the center of the table, scooping the chips toward his side of the table. As the pile settled in front of him, he also turned a quarter of the way in his chair, sticking his right knee out to the side. He gestured to Annie and patted his knee.

"But... but... " Annie said, her mouth gaping.

"A bet's a bet, sweetheart," Toby grinned and winked at her. "Have a seat. I won you."

Annie's eyes darted to Gary's, her question unspoken. Gary nodded. "It's all right, babe. It's all in good fun."

Annie shrugged and stepped around to Toby's side of the table. She settled onto his knee, and felt his right hand settle on her lower back.

"The night is still young, gentlemen... and lady!" Rick said, a little too loudly in an attempt to break the tension that had arisen in the room. He pushed part of his chips over in front of Gary. "Here, buddy," he said. "Call it a gift, not a loan. We've gotta give you at least a chance to win your wife back!"

The play continued, though the atmosphere in the room seemed to have changed. Annie found that she easily got used to the touch of Toby's hand on her back. He had slipped under the hem of her top so his palm rested against her bare skin. His thumb should have felt her bra strap, but there was no such strap apparent.

As comfortable as she was with the situation, Annie kept making eye contact with her husband whenever possible. He saw her unspoken question and simply raised his eyebrows good-naturedly. A few minutes later, when he saw her looking at him again, Gary simply wagged his eyebrows at her, Groucho Marx style, as if it were all a big joke.

Several hands of poker followed, with no big wins by anyone, and soon the night was winding down. Annie leaned down and whispered in Toby's ear. "Don't go anywhere yet," she said, then hopped up and asked to speak with Gary in the other room while their friends gathered their belongings.

The couple stepped into the kitchen, and Annie said in a hushed voice, "so what are we doing with this?"

"What do you mean? I thought you had this all thought out!" Gary said.

"I thought I did too! I assumed the way you were betting, you were confident that you would win."

"I WAS!!!" Gary protested.

"Sh. But when you didn't, and Toby 'won' me, I was past what I had planned. Do you think just cuddling with him like that was enough for a poker win? Or do you think he's expecting more?"

"Well, I can't imagine that he's expecting more. He got to be up close and personal with you for quite a while! So you're probably good for now."

He looked in Annie's eyes and saw something more.

"Unless...." He hesitated. "Aahhh. I get it. You're not really worried about whether he expects more."

"What do you..." Annie said, but Gary put his finger on her lips.

"Sshhh. I get it. YOU kind of expect more."

"No, I..." His finger went back to her lips.

"It's okay. I'm okay." He took his finger off her lips and instead took her hand. He held it against his crotch, where she could feel the firmness of his erection just barely contained by the fly.

Annie flushed. "Are you sure?"

"I trust you. Do what you feel like. Do what Toby feels like. It's all in good fun."

Annie looked at him, and her pleading expression changed to one of gratitude. "If you're sure..." She turned to leave the kitchen, but Gary grabbed her wrist gently, causing her to turn back to him.


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