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Warmth of a Mid Autumn Night Ch. 19-21

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On the Way Back Home.
5.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 09/04/2011
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Chapter 19 ==== On the Way Back Home

One of the benefits of seeing Frederick is I usually come home with a carriage full of his cured meats. I think there is enough to last the entire Winter. Thankfully, he also opened up a few bottles of wine for me to sip through my trip back home. The Chianti goes well with one of his more peppery salami and the Speck too.

It is more chilly now than it was a week ago. If only I can have a nice, hot, bowl of soup with the Bresaola and hot bread. A warm hand to hold would be even nicer. But I do not know if I would get that chance when I am back.

If Gracie and I could get through this Winter, maybe we can go to the places Frederick and I have been to years ago. We would sip a different bottle of wine each meal, taste the local meats both cured and cooked, try the seasonal fruits and vegetables, enjoy the many types of coffee and tea, see the beauty of every land and join in on any local festival there is at the time. I want to give her great moments to remember for rest of her life. The question is if we can do all this and still have a possible affair in the future?

What if one day, one of us stops having feelings for one another?

It is possible that a series of events can lead to that. The gap becomes wider and wider. The distance between our hearts does not tag onto the same line or route any more. Nobody would want to get into a relation of any sort hoping to fall apart later. Sadness would usually follow after the end of any relation. Unless it was a bad relation to begin with then the ending would be a breath of fresh air.

Can two hearts grow farther apart over time that easily?

Would I become sick of every other habit she has?

Would she be sick of my habits?

Will there be something to come along that I find more important than her?

Where and when do we give up on one another?

I wish that I can find out how many elderly couples are actually happy with who they have been married to and put up with for a few decades.

What is their secret to a long marriage?

What keeps them together rather than strangle one another?

Are they ever too busy to care or does being busy makes their heart grow fonder for more time together?

Will we find out that we are really not fit to be together?

How compromising we are now may not always be that way in the future. If one of us becomes less inclined to meet half way then there has to be a reason. There has to be some sort of pattern to build up over the months and years for it to reach that level. It is not an over night matter which is what makes it difficult to detect.

Instead of dining at a local restaurant this time, I had ordered dinner to be sent to my room. I was hoping for more quiet time, but that did not happen since the couple next door were having a yelling match. If only I knew, I would have eaten else where.

It made me wonder if Gracie and I would be the same way years from now. From what I could hear, it sounds more to me that the husband was more fed up with the wife. I do not know how often they quarrel, but whether this is one of the few or many, it is not a healthy relationship.

"For once, can you not leave me in peace?

Can I not read the papers without you constantly nagging at me?"

"Well I would if you did everything right. I am always the one to pick up after your mess. Who do you think keeps the house clean?"

"I will consider where I put my clothes and personal items a little more. Will that make you happy and stop nagging so much?!"

"No! It is not only that. You drink too much and you are out at the pub too often. It is as if you do not want to come home."

"Well do you blame me?

I come home and the first thing you do is nag nag nag. You think I want to come home from a long day at work to hear that?

Would it kill you to learn some new recipes?"

"You are saying my cooking is not good enough for you? Is that it?!"

"It does not hurt for you to add a little more fat to the food. Some bacon maybe or fried fish once in a while."

"I am only concerned about our health. If you want to die due to clogged arteries then be my guest."

"I think I will die of a massive headache first with all your nagging!"

"This is the thanks I get for trying to keep you healthy, the house clean and making home cooked meals for you?!"

"You think I am not doing my part by working long hours at the factory?

Do you ever thank me for going through the infernal house of the devil every holiday season?"

"How dare you! My mother's house is not a place to be mocked!"

"I was not referring to the house itself."

"Well if you did not like to go then why did you?"

"If I did not then you would nag me to death. When I do get to the house of fire, I get to hear more nagging from the devil herself who never thinks I am good enough for you. All this nagging runs in your family."

"After all that I have done for you, this is how you treat me?!"

"I should be asking the same. You are not exactly all that. If I knew that I would be married to a nag then I would have stayed single."

"Are you saying that your life would be better without me?!"

"I know it would have been much more quiet."

"You are heartless!"

"Me, heartless?

I take some time off from work to go with you to see your Aunt Beatrice and you call me heartless?

There are better things I can do on my free time than to be out in this weather visiting your relative. I could have let you go on your own or have someone else go with you, but no. You had insisted that I come along with you and here I am. What thanks do I get?"

"Well it would not look proper if you were not with me to see Aunt Beatrice. She would have thought that you did not care about me or worse. We do not need her to have the wrong impression of us."

"Does it really matter what she thinks about us?

She will die before we do. As old as she is, I do not think she even remembers much. You could always tell her everything is fine. If she does not want to believe it then it is her problem."

"You do not like to see anyone in my family, do you?"

"Did you finally figure that out after all these years?

For the past 32 years, your side of the family has been one, huge pain in the rear. I do not know why I even stay with you for this long."

Their quarreling had ended with her crying in the corner and him drinking a bottle of wine or liquor from the sound of the bottle that was placed heavily onto the table. I really wonder if they are only together for the sake of appearances, could not afford to live apart or that there is some sort of guilt that keeps them from separating.

I know there are not any relatives to throw into our relation since we hardly have anyone around in the family that we are close to. Neither one of us have surviving parents around to make life more complicated and I do not have to spend long hours at the office. I can do some of my work at home if I choose.

Will she be that particular about our diet and health in the future?

Will she feel as if she did what is best for us and I am too tired or distracted to see that?

I would think that since both of us do spend time at the library that we would have plenty of quiet time. It is difficult to imagine her nagging at me everyday, but the possibility is there.

The meal would have been nicer without hearing all that noise. Maybe a glass of port and a story will help calm my nerves before I sleep tonight.

Chapter 20 ==== Mystery by R. J. P. Part Two

As I made myself comfy in bed with a glass of port on the night stand, I had went back to the mystery that I was reading by Packrollingtaff. Last I remember, the detective had a lead on Mason.

Lost From Within the Hidden Walls Part Two

It looks to me that something interesting will happen tonight. All I need to do is hide behind one of the book shelves where I can get a good view of the three walls. When he goes in, I will follow right behind him.

"Hello, Mr. Biltdeersomer."

"Evening, Detective Rumknackfort."

"Are you ready for tonight?"

"Yes, Sir. I will make sure to keep the others away from that side of the library."

"Good. Please walk by every half hour to see if I am there or not. If you do not find me and I do not see you before I retire for the night then there is something awfully wrong."

"I will do that, Sir. Let us hope that this does not become too complicated."

It was still day light and I had to wait an hour before midnight for Mason to show. We had picked that time frame so that most of the staff would be asleep instead of running around the estate. This would give Mason the perfect opportunity to walk all the way to the grand library without anyone noticing him. He does not have a night shift so it would be unusual for him to be up at that hour.

If I catch him before what ever is behind the wall does then he is sure to lose his position at the manor. I have the feeling he will not live another day. It would be fortunate of me to come out of this alive if I can follow right behind him. This is a risky task, but I am here to solve the mystery.

I was watching Mason at different times of the day until he had finally went to his room for the night. Then I would head back to the grand library to sit on the floor pretending to be asleep in case anyone passes by to see me. I know it will not be long before Mason shows up.

"This must be the spot. There must be a lever or panel here some where. Soon I will be the lord of this manor. I am surprised that nobody has found out about this sooner. Why would anyone want to work here when they can own the estate?"

I saw Mason patting the walls randomly until he almost gave up and sat against the wall. Then it moved a little that would let him push it half way to get in. As soon as he was a few steps in, I quickly try to follow after, but the wall automatically closed and it would not open for me. I sat there leaning against the wall thinking it would open for me too, but it did not.

A few minutes later, I was able to hear a faint scream within the walls. Sadly, I am the last one to see Mason before his tragic end. As I had got up to walk back out, Mr. Biltdeersomer came by to check as I have asked of him to do earlier.

"Did anything happen, Detective?"

"Yes. Mason did go to the other side of the wall. The wall had closed on me before I could get in."

"Did you find out how he got in?"

"I was thinking sitting against the wall would do the trick as he did, but that does not work for me."

"This may sound a little far fetched, but do you suppose that the way to get in is not based on the physical aspect?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that the way to get in is based on one's mental thoughts. The intentions one has that are less than pure."

"You mean the wall only opens to those who have ill intentions?"

"Yes. I think if you can find anyone with ill intentions on an extreme level and put them against the wall then that wall will open."

"It does sound unusal, but you may be on to something. I will contact the police station in the day to help me out."

Not that it was easy to sleep after seeing Mason taken by what is behind the wall, but I was quite tired and I was ready to solve this case. If it was not so late at night, I would contact the police chief to discuss the matter.

When the sun was shining brightly through my window, I was quick to get up and went straight to the police station to look for Chief Brentap. I had told him it is a very sensitive matter and would like to borrow a convict. One that will never turn over a new leaf and society will be better off without him. He said that he had to look over the records first and then will contact me.

Half a day has gone by and the chief told me he will be sending the convict to the manor accompanied by two officers. His head will be covered the whole time and the shackles will stay on him.

"Detective Rumknackfort?"


"I am officer Kintley. This is the convict the chief had picked out for you. Where do you want him?"

"Come this way with me and stay quiet."

We had taken a different path to the grand library without having to pass by many of the servants. It would alarm them to find two officers and a convict walking around the estate. When we had arrived to the area near the wall, I had to quickly look for Mr. Biltdeersomer and tell him to keep people away from that side of the library again.

"I need one of you to stay here and stand guard in case anything happens."

Officer Kintley had decided to follow me in to the wall. He then took the bag off of the convict and had him lean against the wall that Mason was sitting against the night before. Then sure enough, the wall did open and we had the convict walk in and we had followed right after.

As we were walking in, the wall had closed behind us. Amazingly, there walls were made of crystal. It glowed brightly enough for one to walk down the path and see clearly. Then we were able to hear a deep voice that obviously wanted us to give into our darker side.

"You want all the riches in the world?"

The convict did not look the same as he was before he came in. His eyes were glazed and you could tell he was gone. He was walking faster and faster so we had to keep up.

"You want all the riches in the world?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Come closer. You will have all that you dream of and more."

"Yes! Yes!"

The officer and I had to stay focus. We were thinking to ourselves that we could not give into this voice or we will not come out alive.

"What ever you do, stay focus. This is all a trick. There are not any riches."

"Yes, Detective. I will stay focus. It is a bit difficult though. Do you not feel a pull?

As if our bodies are wanting to keep going in one direction farther and farther away from the wall we came in."

"Yes, I do. This only means it will be difficult to go back out. We need to stay focus. Look. There is an opening up ahead."

As we came closer to what looks to be a room of some sort, the convict must have seen something different than what we were looking at. He then laughed hysterically and said, "Yes! It is all mine!"

The voice said, "Do you want all these riches?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"If you give me your soul then I will grant you all that you see in this chamber."

The convict had answered yes again. But we were a bit confused as to why he would agree to what is in the chamber. From what we could see, it was a pile of human bones. Skeletons every where with rags all about. There was one uniform still in shape and it must have belonged to Mason.

Soon after the convict had said yes to the voice, he was then struck with a flash of light as if he was struck by an amazing lightning coming from all sides of the chamber. Then all we saw was his bones and what he was wearing hanging off of it. My guess is he shares something in common with all that had come to this place. They were all itching for more than they could handle and end up being taken away than ever seeing what they were wishing for.

"We need to head back out quickly."

"Yes, we do."

"Stay. You can have all the riches too. You can have all that you desire here."

"NO! There are not any riches here. Come on, Kintley."

"We all desire something. You will love it here. Stay."

"NO! Let us get out of here."

"I want to leave, Detective. I do, but I also can not help to stay."

"You must not stay here. Come with me. We have to get out of here quickly."

"All my life, I do what is best for the community. I protect my family, friends and the public. What do I get?"

"You earn the respect that you deserve. Now keep walking."


I do not always get that respect thanks to a few, cheating, lying, bad apples in the force. They ruin it for the rest of us. We put our lives on the line and we do not get paid nearly as much as the merchants. It is a thankless job sometimes."

"Yes, but would you rather be behind bars or worse?"

"No, but it does not hurt to gain a few perks once in a while."

"Well the perk for you now is to get out of here alive. You go back there and all the perks will be gone. I think you know better not to be a dead and lost officer. Keep walking."

"I am trying. It feels as if something is pushing us back as we are closer and closer to the wall we came in from."

"We can do this. Think of all the people you would like to see again. Think of what you can do on your free time. Think of all the wonderful times you had with others. You want that then you need to focus on getting out of here."

"I can do this. Focus. I want another party with the guys. Nothing more relaxing than having a few pints after work. I can almost taste the fresh brew. The pub is a glorious place to be."

"Yes. Keep thinking that. We are almost there."

When we have got to the wall, we had both our hands on it to open. I think if we had any ill intentions, the wall would not have opened for us. There was not much for the officers to do about the unusual event. Officer Kintley had told me he would keep it quiet and tell the chief about it and most likely will stay quiet about the whole matter too.

I had reported to the lord of the manor and he said that the wall will be kept a secret until it is time to hand the manor to the next owner. He at least knew that anyone with ill intentions will not ever get very far on the estate. The idea of tearing down that wall had crossed his mind, but worries that he would be looked at as the murderer or that it would release what ever or who ever is within those walls would be loose to take more souls. It was best to leave it alone.

Now that the case is solved, I can leave the estate and go back to my small flat and be at my office more often. Maybe I will take a short holiday before taking on another case.

The end of R. J. P. mystery.

The mystery is solved. My glass is empty. I am ready to sleep. If I am fortunate, I will have a sweet dream again.

Chapter 21 ==== Almost Home

As I was heading out my room with my luggage and the carriage driver was helping me load the rest of my bags of cured meats, I have noticed the older gentleman from next door going to the bar for a drink. I had told the driver that I will be out after my morning tea. The falafel shop across the street from Raja's House of Spice was very tempting, but I had to pass. Not a good idea to start the morning with fried food.

At the bar, I had ordered some Earl Grey and a Toad in the hole. I was curious to know more about the relationship between the older gentleman and his wife so I had offered to buy him a drink.

"I could not help to over hear you arguing last night with your wife, Sir."

"Yes, we have these arguments about once a month. Sometimes they are worse than the one we had last night."

Someone who have been working in a factory usually does not have a proper accent or more of an accent that is easier on the ears. His does not sound that bad which led me to ask him if he had worked in a factory all his life. He had told me that he was working in the office until an accident in the military caused his writing hand to be less functional. Due to that, he could not really keep up with any office work and was recommended a factory job. It was the same pay with decent benefits that had me stick to the same job for years.

"Why did you stay with your wife all these years?

You sound quite unhappy with your marriage."

"The old wind bag was not this way for the first half of our marriage. She was not a health fanatic and paranoid about the possible illnesses anyone can catch until a particular doctor visit I had years ago. The doc had told me to watch my diet if I want to live longer without much complications. This set off the bells and whistle for her and since then, she has been a nightmare."

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