by matterikson
Nothing as good as a son in laws cock in your pussy or
Slutmom75 if you want a real good dick shoved deep inside you. Email me at
I've been having an affair with my son in law for 4 months and I just can't get enough of him. The sex is so fantastic , he's meeting with me in a few hours. Can't wait
This story needs to continue! There is some great movement going on here!
slutmom75, sent you some feedback also...
For example - "I've never been ducked this deep before".
Please make an effort to proofread.
I guess the wankers like it despite all the errors.
So, married last week, cheating this week, divorced next month? How many days (or hours) did you know your wife before you took your vows?
Awesome. I couldn't even read the rest because I kept reading that paragraph laughing.
The errors in this story are bad. So to see if it's just this story or its you I read your other submission. Conclusion you need help. * Would have been a lot more if the errors didn't take over the story.
I just read both of your stories and you seem to follow the same writing formula; a formula you probably picked up from reading, or I should say misreading, writing advice about keeping paragraphs short in e-books. Advice is good, but I think you carry it too far. Your story becomes very choppy; you can pull off telling a story mostly inn dialogue, but I don't think you're ready or that. Shoot for a good mix of description and dialogue.
Most important of all, don't get discouraged. Most of the people who cut your stories down, without telling you what they think is wrong, have never written their first story. If you don't believe me check their Bio by simply clicking on their name.
Writing is fun, and we do it for our own enjoyment, even though most of us hope to one day sell a story. I have sold three in the Kindle store under the pen name Lucy Bell and can tell you we sure don't do that for the money. (It is fun to get a notice from the bank saying they received the royalty checks though.)
Good luck. the dreamer
Please forgive any typos and wrong use of tense. I was previewing and meant to go back to edit, instead I hit submit.
The typo I caught was inn for in; there may be others. I said I had sold three stories in kindle, I should have said I am selling three stories on Kindle....
Sorry. dreamer
Don't most people shower in the bathroom? As soon as I read this I knew the story would have problems.
"I want to ride you, I've never been ducked this deep before."
Just too many typos to be a good read.
Just take it as is. I liked it. I have been around people where I suspected something going in between MIL and SIL.
I love a slutty mother in law! I’ve had a lot of fun with a slutty mother in law… especially after my wife found out and they decided to share me!