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Watching Love Grow

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A story of unconditional love.
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When they first met it was lust at first sight! The first thing Ben had noticed about Lucy was her sparkling, hazel eyes and the way they creased up in the corners when she laughed, giving her an almost Chinese appearance. Lucy had been engrossed in a conversation with her best friend Grace. They hadn't seen each other in almost three years, insofar as Grace had been living and working in California. Tonight was Grace's welcome home party, which Lucy was throwing for her. Lucy didn't know Ben, but he had tagged along with her friend Nicky and her boyfriend Tony.

"Oh Grace, stop it! I'm going to wet myself in a minute! That's what I've missed about you. All your mad-cap stories and comical situations you find yourself in!"

Both girls laughed, wiping the tears from their faces. That's when Lucy looked up and saw Ben looking at her with an amused smile on his face. Straightening herself up, Lucy composed herself and excused herself from Grace whilst she went to the bathroom to check her appearance. Lucy blushed, as she had to walk past Ben.

She could feel his eyes following her every movement. Casually, she slipped into the bathroom but made a fatal mistake. She glanced back to find Ben staring at her, holding her gaze. As she rushed into the bathroom she felt like a schoolgirl again.

Lucy reapplied her make up, paying close attention to her eyes, as they needed the most retouching. Every time she smiled, her eyes creased up and with Grace making her cry with laughter, most of her eyeliner had worn off.

Spraying her body with a fine mist of expensive 'Very Valentino' perfume, Lucy sat on the edge of the bath. She wondered if the tall, slender, handsome man was still out there. Hoping would have been a better word. Lucy stood up and straightened her clothes. She had a tidy figure and looked good in her tight fitting black jeans and Chanel crop top. She made her exit.

Making a beeline to the kitchen to get another glass of 'Dutch courage', Lucy was shocked to find herself alone in the room with the handsome stranger.

'Oh,' was all she managed to mumble.

Ben turned around and handed her the glass of champagne he had just poured for himself.

"Drink?" he said, handing her the long tall glass without waiting for her reply.

"Thank you", she whispered as she accepted the drink. Rooted to the spot, Lucy wasn't sure what to do next. Should she just stand there like a mannequin looking pretty or should she introduce herself?

Before she had time to make up her mind, Grace rushed into the room like a whirlwind.

"Hey Luce, where ya been? Nicky's just rolled a joint; I'm sure you won't say no to a toke?"

Mortified, Lucy looked at her feet wishing the ground would open up and encase her. Grace knew something was up and looked to see why her friend was acting so coy.

"Ha", she laughed out loud as she saw the reason for Lucy's cute Lady Di impersonation, "I see you've met Ben!"

"Actually no, we just met...well...not met but..." Lucy stuttered as she tried to explain the situation to a bemused Grace.

Ben stood up from where he was sitting.

"Now you know I'm Ben. You are?"

He walked closer toward Lucy. She had to lift her head up to meet his gaze. He was much taller than she first realised.

"I'm Lucy," she answered, turning as red as the bottle of Rioja, which was next to the champagne.

"Lucy, nice to meet you," Ben said in a cool transatlantic accent. He offered his hand to her, which she shook and then looked at Grace for some kind of support. Grace knew when to take her cue.

"Glad you could make my party Ben; it's good to see you again."

Lucy's heart sank a little. She was unaware that Ben and Grace were acquainted and wondered why Grace had never mentioned the handsome stranger before. Grace read her mind, as she often did.

"Luce, Ben and I met briefly in the States when Nicky and Tony stayed at his house. You know, when they came to see me in March?"

Lucy had remembered Nicky and Tony flying out to New York for the weekend earlier in the year. As it happened, she also remembered her mentioning a hot pal of Tony's they stayed with. It must have been Ben.

"Oh cool cakes!" was her lame response; and Grace knew better than to tease her mercilessly for her slip up. That could wait till later!

Ben smiled at Lucy and found himself even more attracted and endeared to her. It was obvious she liked him, and he just wanted her to know he liked her too.

"Let's go find Nicky and get high!"

They all piled out of the kitchen and onto the patio where a huge blunt was being passed around. Grace purposely let Ben and Lucy walk in front of her so she could whisper into Lucy's ear.

"Cool cakes! Where the hell did you pick that one up from?"

Lucy giggled and said, "Oh, my nephew said it the other day and I stole it from him!"

They both cracked up laughing and linked arms as they followed Ben into the garden.

"Man, this shit is hot!" Grace said in a strained voice, as she dramatically exhaled a huge bellow of smoke.

Lucy and Ben were sitting quietly staring into space, too stoned to string a sentence together. Grace was beating her head slowly to the records the cute young DJ was spinning. Too slowly in fact.

Lucy collapsed into a heap of giggles.

"What's so funny?" Ben enquired, looking at her with red blood shot eyes.

Lucy nodded at Grace who was bobbing her head like a little turtle to a rave tune that was going at break neck speed. Ben watched Grace for a moment or two before joining in with the laughter. Aware that she was the source of their amusement, Grace cottoned on to the fact that her limited dance movements were not matching up to the notion in her mind. She got up and said in mock anger, "Sod you, you complete set of bastards!"

Since that sentence came from one of the girls' favourite comedy shows, this just set Lucy off into hysterics again. Grace giggled and flicked her long dark hair in an exaggerated fashion just to milk her one-woman stand up show. She was soon in deep conversation with the DJ.

The remaining twosome sat in silence for a while until Ben declared he was hungry.

"Mmm, me too," agreed Lucy, "Let's go and find something to eat."

They made their way back into the room in which they had first met and rummaged through the fridge.

"I don't know what I fancy," Lucy said out loud. "Not sure if I'm in a sweet or savoury mood?"

Ben was admiring Lucy's rear as she was bent over looking into the fridge.

"Well," he said in a playful tone, "I sure know what I fancy!" He held Lucy's gaze as she looked up at him. Flustered she grabbed the first thing she felt for in the fridge, which turned out to be a bowl of Marks & Spencer's chocolate profiteroles.

"Would you like one of these?" Lucy offered the bowl to Ben who greedily snatched them out of her hands.

"Mmmmm my favourite! You must have known I was coming." He gave Lucy a playful wink.

Lucy watched Ben as he hurriedly removed the cellophane covering and popped a whole chocolate covered pastry into his mouth.

"Easy tiger!" Lucy teased, "Save one for me!" She walked over and began to help herself to a profiterole when she noticed chocolate smudged all over Ben's mouth. She took her finger and wiped it off. She looked for something to wipe it on. She needn't have bothered as Ben intercepted her mission by placing the finger into his mouth and sucking it clean. Lucy could feel her heart beating against her chest, and felt equal amounts of delight and embarrassment. Lucy's mouth felt arid. She needed a glass of water. She didn't want to remove her hand but her need for water at this point was more urgent.

"I need some water Ben; would you like a glass?"

Ben let go of Lucy's hand and stuffed another pastry into his mouth.

"Yes, please," he said between mouthfuls.

"What's going on in here then?" Grace asked as she and the DJ walked into the kitchen.

Relief swept over Lucy, she was glad of the interruption.

"Well, as you can see. Ben is going for a gold medal in profiterole eating and I'm being healthy by pouring us a glass of water."

Lucy shot Ben a smug glance.

"Don't believe a word of it, you didn't see her try and wrestle these out of my hand a few moments ago!"

Grace and the DJ sniggered.

"Yeah, whatever, Ben," Lucy said jokingly while holding her hand in front of her.

Grace took the moment to make introductions.

"Lucy, Ben. This is Jay. Jay, Lucy and Ben."

"Hi Jay," Lucy said, as she held out her fine manicured hand. "Nice to meet you. You've been playing some really great tunes tonight."

Jay blushed at the compliment.

"Thanks," he said shuffling on his feet.

Ben wiped his hand on his jeans and offered a hand.

"Hi Jay, good to meet you."

Introductions over, Grace took a bottle of champagne from the fridge.

"Hey Luce, Jay's gonna play a couple more tunes, then we're calling it a night."

She gave Lucy a knowing look and winked.

"Ok, well I'll go and say my goodbyes to everyone and start tidying up a bit I think."

Grace rolled her eyes skywards.

"Oh hun, just chill out. I love you so much for holding this party for me, but let's chill out for tonight and we can all do it tomorrow. I know you're on the verge of having CCD but one night of mess isn't going to kill you."

Lucy squirmed. Grace was always teasing her about having CCD as she was so neat and tidy, but that was just her nature. This was a legacy of growing up with 4 messy brothers!

"Sure, whatever," Lucy said as casually as she could. Just to get her own back she added, "Shall I call young Jay a taxi when he's done? I'm sure his parents will be worried about him being out late."

Lucy held back her giggles as Grace mouthed the words 'touché'. Although she was mixed raced with tan skin, Grace's complexion took on a red glow. Jay began to laugh.

"My parents couldn't give a toss what I do; in fact they love it when I stay out 'cos all they do when I'm in is complain about the loud music!"

Lucy laughed.

"Yeah, I hear ya. My brothers used to drive my parents mad with their techno constantly blaring."

Grace took hold of Jay's hand and went to walk back into the garden where the sound system was set up. She turned around.

"Oh, and Lucy, less of the 'young' thank you very much. Jay's old enough to vote, so he's all man as far as I'm concerned!"

She stuck out her tongue playfully. Lucy returned the gesture. Jay strutted out of the kitchen with his head held high with the compliment.

"Man, you two are funny. Do you actually like each other?" Ben asked jokingly.

"Oh Ben, you'll soon get used to our ways; we're only messing about. I love Grace dearly and can't imagine life without her."

Ben studied Lucy closely.

"So," he said, "I'm glad I'll be around to get used to you guys. And now I've met you, I can't imagine my life without you."

Lucy's heart skipped a beat as Ben walked over to her. He took her face into his big hands and kissed her passionately, leaving a large chocolate smear all over her lips.


Eighteen months passed by and Ben and Lucy were now blissfully happy, living together. They lived six months of the year in New York, and the rest in London. One morning they were getting ready to meet Ben's parents for lunch.

"Oh no!" Lucy cried, "I can't fit into my black jeans, in fact I can barely get them past my knees!"

She stared at Ben mortified, looking for comfort.

"Never mind babe, I'll take you shopping after lunch and buy you another pair."

He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Lucy shrugged him off.

"Ben, please don't touch me; I've gotten so fat, I can't believe I didn't notice how much weight I've put on."

She crumpled on the floor in a heap. Ben sat down next to her and laid them both out on the floor.

"Listen to me," he said, "You get more beautiful each day, and your weight doesn't define you as a person. You are the most attractive, kind, loving and amazing woman I have ever met and I love you dearly."

He kissed her on her tummy and held her close. Lucy didn't speak as she could feel the emotion welling up inside of her.

Ben pinched an inch of fat, looked up at Lucy and said, "These delightful little inches of flesh are living memories of our life together. This inch was made when we ate deep fried lobster cakes at the Hilton the first night we made love." He pinched a different inch of flesh. "This little inch was made when we ate profiteroles whilst stoned at Grace's homecoming party."

Lucy giggled and looked lovingly at Ben with puppy dog eyes.

He continued. "Aha!" he exclaimed, "Now this cheeky little inch was made only last night when you stole my Lindt chocolate bar and gobbled it up all by yourself!"

They were both in fits of giggles by this point.

" Oh Ben!" Lucy said adoringly, "You are the kindest, most handsomest man on the face of the earth; you really know how to make a girl feel better."

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately on the mouth. She felt Ben's erection pushing against her naked round hips. He groaned as he nuzzled her neck.

"Anyway Lucy, I've actually grown bigger myself; I've been wearing jeans two sizes bigger for about a month now and you haven't even noticed. Just as I never noticed your weight increase."

"Oh Ben, maybe we should go on a diet together. What do you think?"

"Look Luce, all couples gain weight in the honeymoon period of a relationship where they're wining and dining one another; buying huge boxes of chocolates and having stoned weekends pigging out while watching DVD's."

Lucy thought about the last eighteen months and was shocked to realise just how much food had played a part in their relationship. In fact it still did. They ate out at least two nights a week, had takeaways most weekends, and the rest of the time they tried to out do one another with delicious calorific meals. Ben interrupted Lucy's thoughts.

"Hasn't it been fun though babe? In fact, thinking about all the food we've been eating lately makes me hungry!"

Lucy playfully slapped Ben's bottom. "You greedy little piglet!" she laughed. "Well, I for one am going on a crash diet come Monday morning."

She looked serious and Ben smiled at the frown lines on her forehead.

"Well, sweetheart," he said mockingly, "If you're so serious why not start today? I mean my parents are treating us to lunch this afternoon - why not have a sensible, boring, tasteless salad while watching me tuck into a delicious steak with mustard, mashed potato with a huge melting knob of butter dripping down the sides, all served with that delicious Jack Daniel's sauce?"

Ben found his comments highly amusing and chuckled to himself. Lucy licked her lips.

"Oh Ben, you're a real devil!" She flipped him onto his back and straddled him. "Well, I'm going to have to recoup all my energy after I'm finished with you young man; so like I said, I will start my diet on Monday!"

They made love like energetic teenagers, and for once Lucy didn't swat Ben's hands away as he played with her recently gained love handles while she rode him wildly.

**************************************************** Ben sat in the chair at the desk next to her.

"Oh wow," he exclaimed as Lucy showed him all the pictures of the competition's entrants. "Bloody hell! Look at the size of her, Lucy. You and Grace look positively anorexic!"

Lucy laughed as she scrolled past the 700lb woman.

"Arrghhh, now then," Ben said as he spotted an exotic looking Grace straddled on a bed on all fours looking seductively through the camera lens. "Down G'man," he joked as other equally lovely pictures of Grace flashed past him.

Lucy playfully slapped him on the leg. "Hush now you or the next time I slap you I shall travel further up your leg!"

Ben's eyes filled with water at the thought.

"Here's me," Lucy smiled proudly as she got to the winners' page. Ben let out an involuntary gasp as he saw his wife looking every inch the model of the year. The tears in his eyes now were ones of pride.

"Oh honey," he said, "You've come so far in the last few months and it's so wonderful watching you get back your self confidence. You know that you will always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me don't you?"

Lucy looked at Ben lovingly. "I know darling," she answered as she rubbed his thigh.

Ben's penis regained its hardness and the image of Lucy on the computer had aroused him once more.

"Get up Luce and bend over your chair," Ben said breathlessly, "It's your turn to receive a gift from me now."

Lucy did as she was told and slipped out of the short summer dress she was wearing. She bent over the chair and groaned with pleasure as Ben began to finger her moist pussy and rub her clit in a circular motion. He thrust his cock savagely inside her and Lucy let out a small scream in surprise. Ben had never been so turned on in all his life. Not only was the woman of his dreams bent over in front of him while he was riding her furiously, but she was also looking amazing on the computer. Ben wondered how many men had wanked off over her pictures and knew how lucky he was to have the real thing. Ben couldn't contain himself for much longer, not with all the thoughts whizzing around in his head. Lucy asking him something delayed him from shooting his load at that moment.

"Pardon darling," he said while grabbing Lucy's hair and pulling her head back so he could hear her better.

"I said, what is the birthday present you ask me for every year and up until now I've always said no?"

Lucy groaned as Ben thrust deeply into her wet slippery pussy. Ben didn't need to answer her; he knew exactly what she meant. He quickly gathered a handful of Lucy's pussy juice and spread it over her anus. He couldn't quite believe just how amazing this birthday of his was going to be. He knew he was about to come and quickly rammed his cock into Lucy's ass and ignored the scream she let out. He quickly lifted Lucy's stomach and flicked his fingers over her clit to ease the pain.

It was the combination of pleasure and pain that had Lucy coming volcanically. Ben managed a few more strokes before he joined Lucy in orgasmic heaven. He came bucket loads into her tight ass. His legs bucked underneath him like a baby fawn and he fell to the floor. The last thing he remembered seeing before closing his eyes for a much-needed rest was the vast amount of sperm he had just ejaculated into Lucy, now running out of her ass and mixing with the pussy juice she had spurted when she came.

Lucy was trembling and lay down to join Ben in a heap on the floor. She finally closed her eyes to join Ben in a much-deserved rest once she had licked his sticky glistening cock clean dry.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

It's not what I was looking for, but it was very, very sweet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I think I'm in love with you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

That has it all! Wonderful. Will you write more stuff like this?

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