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We Finally Meet

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Joey and Ronda finally meet in person.
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Joey and I have spoken on the internet many times over the past seven years. We have never met yet, but have discussed Joey visiting me. We live in two different states, approximately 800 miles away. Joey's marriage was not that great, mine was good, but just missing passion and romance. Finally the time had come Joey e-mailed me telling me he was going to come to see me. The e-mail said; "I have finally arranged to get away. I will be driving and should arrive on the 15th of the month and staying for only one week. That is all I can get time off for. Meet me at the Red Lobster, (the one we talked about) at 7:30 Friday night. Only respond to this e-mail if you cannot make it. Love Joey."

I was totally shocked. I felt my heart melt. For the entire seven years that we have been friends online, he always talked about coming to see me but never has.

Well, it is Friday afternoon; I had left work early to get ready for my date. My husband and kids were out of town for the weekend so Joey had really timed this visit right. I got home took a shower, put on makeup, and did my hair really nice. I pulled my favorite tank dress from the closet. It was black with some sequence on the right side and spaghetti straps on the shoulders. I wore tan looking stockings because I really do not have time to lye out in the sun to get a tan. I also wore my open toe high heal black shoes. I put on my favorite perfume and headed to my car. I anxiously drove to the Red Lobster that we had always talked about.

While in the car, I was thinking about all of our past conversations. Joey had always told me that when we do meet, even if it was for a cup of coffee that would be fine. He was not looking for anything else other than to meet me but; every thing was up to me. If I wanted to go further with our relationship then I would give the o.k.

I drove into the parking lot and parked my car in the back of the restaurant, so no one would really see my car unless they were looking for it. I walked into the restaurant, it was about 6:30, I had gotten there early to have a few drinks at the bar because I was quite nervous. I was thinking to my self, how will I know when he walks in the door, we only exchanged pictures once, what if his looks changed and he looks nothing like he did in the picture he sent me? I ordered a glass of red fruity wine and sat there just looking at all the people walking into the restaurant and those who were waiting to be seated. The restaurant was not crowded at all when I first arrived; but it did not take long before it did.

I looked down at my watch and it was now 7:30 and I could feel my heart pounding to see if I spotted Joey. All of a sudden there was this thin guy standing in the middle of a crowd of people looking above everyone's heads. He had short black hair combed back, sun glasses, a Hawaiian type button down shirt, black pants. I caught myself looking right at him. I noticed him looking in my direction and quickly looked down at my drink and faced the bar.

Almost immediately, I felt a tap on my shoulder and a voice say,

"Can I buy you another glass of wine?"

I slowly turned around and the man standing next to me said,

"Ronda, is that you? Hi. I'm Joey." And he held his hand out for a hand shake.

I shook his hand and said,

"I cannot believe you came all this way just to see me. I really cannot believe it."

He took off his sun glasses and, Oh MY GOD! Did he have the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen. His eyes were I thought the sexiest part about Joey. He acutally spoke with his eyes.

"Well, I did say I was going to be here, that is what I said in my e-mail, I did not hear back from you so I knew it was safe for me to come." "Shall we get our table?"

With a frog in my throat, I responded yes.

Joey asked the bar tender if our table was ready. Apparently he had called before he got here and reserved a table for us towards the back of the restaurant so it was quieter.

"I asked for a table in a quieter area so that we can talk and get to know each other without having to holler over other people talking."

I went to pull out the chair to sit and Joey pulled the chair out for me. I could not believe that men still did that because my husband never did that for me, even when we were dating.

"Thank you Joey."

"You're quite welcome my dear."

We sat enjoyed our dinner, talked and laughed for a long time.

"Are you ready to leave the restaurant and go some place, for a walk."

"Sure Joey, but let me just go to the powder room."

"Ok, I will wait for you just outside at the front entrance."

"Ok, Joey."

I met him outside it was dusk now.

"So where do you want to go my dear?"

"How about the beach?"

"To the beach it is. Let's leave your car here and we will take mine."

We both got into his car. Neither of us said a word during our drive to the beach. Then he reached for my left hand and held it while we drove and talked about every day life on the way to the beach.

The beach was only about ten miles away. He parked the car and we both got out. He walked around the car and held my left hand and we started to walk on the boardwalk.

"Joey, do you mind if we go down on the sand and getting our feet wet while we walk?"

"No not at all."

We both removed our shoes and walked down to the water still holding hands. We found a dry spot in the sand where just the water would come up and touch our feet and we sat down. We talked some more about his marriage and mine. What we are both looking for, what we expect and don't expect. Then we shared our fist kiss. His lips were so soft, the feel of his tongue in my mouth and touching mine felt so good. I felt like a high school kid making out. The kiss seemed to last forever.

He released the kiss and looked at me for a while, he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Ronda, I know I have said this over and over on the internet that I love you and do not want to do anything you don't want to do. Feel free to stop me at any time. I will not be angry."

"I remember our conversations online."

"Then you must also remember that I told you that iif all you wanted was to have dinner, walking on the beach and sharing a kiss, then that is all I will pursue."

"I know Joey, I will let you know what I want and donot want to do."

Joey then stood up and held his hand down for me to grab it.

"Come on let's continue walking a little bit."

I took his hand and stood up and we were now walking on the wet sand by the water, only this time his left arm was around my shoulders. We continued talking about really nothing at all and every so often he would kiss my cheek. I am so glad it was getting dark out because I was kind of blushing. I felt like a school girl going out on a date with a boy I had a crush on. Then without any notice to him I broke away from him and scooped up some water from the ocean and threw it at him, starting a water fight, and ran from him. He started to laugh and grabbed some water also and threw it at me. I think I had better aim than he did. He started running after me and finally caught me.

We ran for a bit together and then we both fell to the sand. He landed on top of me and I could feel the weight of his body on mine. He at first held my arms above my head and started to tickle me. We said nothing, all we did was look into each other's eyes.

"Ronda my dear?"

"Yes Joey"

"You know you have the most beautiful blue eyes?"

"No I did not know that."

Then he started to kiss my lips. I was kissing him right back the kiss was a long passionate one.

"Ronda, do you have to be home at any specific time."

"No, I am basically free all weekend, why?"

"There is no real reason, I just don't want this night to end so soon that's all."

He rolled off of me and we both just looked up at the stars. It was a clear night and the stars were out really bright. Then he rolled onto his right side facing me, playing with my hair and we shared another kiss. He released the kiss and looked back down at my face We were staring into each others eyes. As I said before, his eyes spoke and when he looked down into my eyes he saw tears.

"Ronda, what's wrong, did I do something or say something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong, I am just happy to be here with you and to be romanced like this I am not used to it..."

With that he hugged me and wiped the tears away with his fingers.

"Joey, Kiss me again."

We looked in each other's eyes and then we closed them as we started kissing again. I could feel him moving closer to me. He moved his kisses from my mouth to my chin then to my neck and shoulders. I could feel myself really getting aroused by his touch. With that I almost lost it.


He immediately stopped kissing my neck and shoulders.

"What did you just say?"

"I said, I want you to make love to me."

"Are you sure Ronda, Once you say yes, there is no turning back. You need to make sure this is what you want."

"Yes, this is what I want Joey. I want you to make love to me."

He was staring me right in the eyes, none of us even blinked. I think he was looking in my eyes to see if he could see what I really wanted. He looked away and stood up and helped me up from the sand. We both walked arm in arm without even saying a word to each other. We walked all the way back to his car. The car ride was quiet, neither of us said a word to each other. We just held hands. I did however feel him looking at me while I was looking straight ahead and out my side window at the scenery that I wasn't even really looking at. He did not want to hurt me and wanted to make sure of what I wanted. We pulled into a parking lot of a hotel. "Ronda honey, I really need to make sure about this, is this really what you want?"

"Yes, Joey, I want you to make love to me."

I still was not looking at him. I was still looking out the passenger's side window when I said yes. He let go of my hand and he reached for my chin and turned my head so that I was facing him. He looked again into my eyes. I looked into his.

"Honey, I really want to make sure this is what you want before we go any further. We have been friends online for over seven years and I don't want to ruin what we already have. If my making love to you is going to ruin what we have then I don't want to make love to you."

As he was talking to me I could feel his eyes searching deep into my sole.

"Yes Joey, this is what I want."

He took the keys out of the ignition and walked around the car to open my door and leaded me out of the car. We walked into the hotel he was staying at and down the hall to his room. He opened the door to his room.

"Make your self comfortable. I will be right back."

I didn't say anything, I just looked around the room, It was like some type of time share room, it had a kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms 2 televisions and the most beautiful view out onto a pond.

Joey came back out of one of the bedrooms.

"How do you like my room?"

"It is really nice and cozy."

"Make your self at home, take your shoes off. Would you like something to drink?"

I sat on the chair and took my shoes off.

"What do you have to drink?"

"I went shopping before I met you tonight incase you did not show I have beer, wine, soda and water, I even bought some food for dinner tonight incase you did not meet me."

"I will take a glass of wine."

"O.K. one glass of wine coming right up."

I was looking out the window with my back towards him when he came up behind me and handed me my glass of wine.

"I would like to make a toast. To us."

"To us."

We clicked the glasses together and both of us took a sip. He then took the glass from me. He placed them on the little round table near us. Then he placed his hands on my hips.

"Are you sure this is what you want? Ronda, I really need to make sure before we go any further. Do you want me to make love to you?"

I looked in right in the eyes, I did not answer right away. We just looked into each other's eyes.

"Yes, Joey, I am sure, I want you to make love to me. I want to feel the passion and romance of what making love feels like."

He closed his eyes and he kissed me. I felt my mouth respond to his. The kiss was the best one throughout the night. He then picked me up and brought me into one of the bedrooms and placed me down right next to the bed. We were kissing and I started to unbutton his shirt and took it off. He released the clip on my spaghetti straps and let my dress fall to the ground. He started kissing and nibbling on my ear and neck. My arms were around his neck while we were kissing. He reached with both hands to my back and released my strapless bra, which also fell to the ground. He stopped kissing me and backed away, He was looking at me.

"Wow Ronda, you are so beautiful."

He moved closer and started to kiss my shoulders and then my neck and took one hand and held me close to him while using his other hand to massage my breasts. All I could do was let out a hum letting him know that what he was doing I was enjoying. He then sat me down on the bed.

"I will be right back, don't go anywhere."

He left the room for a moment to go into the bathroom; I heard some shuffling of things in the bathroom. He came out holding a condom.

"I know I promised you that I would wear protection, when the time comes I will put it on. He reached down and took off my stockings and laid me on the bed. He then took off his pants. He laid next to me on the bed just kissing and carressing my entire body. My body was responding to his every touch.

He reached down and removed my panties. He removed his briefs. He laid on top of me. I could feel his hardness down between my legs but was not near any of my woman hood parts. My hands were on his back, He was leaning up on both his elbows.

"Ronda, you are so beautiful, I want to make passionate love to you like no man has ever done before, are you sure this is what you want me to do?"

"Yes Joey, Please make passionate love to me, I want you to."

"You do realize that once we start there is no turning back or changing your mind?"

"Yes I know."

He kissed my forehead then moved to my lips, we shared a long passionate kiss then he moved to my neck, then my shoulders. I felt his entire body move down on the bed. He took one of my breasts into his mouth and started kissing and sucking on it. The other one he played with the nipple with his hand. I could not talk; I was really into the feel of his touch. Before I knew it I felt my hips moving up and down. He reached with his hand to my woman part and felt that I was totally shaven. He played with my clit a little bit then he inserted a finger into my vagina. I know I was wet. All I could hear was the sound of him moaning with approval. He started to kiss my entire body working down from my breasts to my woman part and then started kissing and teasing my clit. I again felt my hip moving up and down to this touch. He kissed and sucked on my clit. Then he moved back up to my mouth and kissed me passionately again. My hands were rubbing his back up and down.

Joey looked down at me and stared into my eyes. It was a while before he said anything.

"Honey, are you sure?"

All I could do was look at him and nod my head yes. All of a sudden I felt him sliding his manhood inside my vagina. He was pumping in and out slowly because I was tight and he was so big and hard. I let go of his back and reached for the pillow above my head and squeezed it tight. I didn't want my nails to dig into his back. I whispered into his hear,

"Joey, pull out before you cum, and cum on my stomach. This way we won't spoil the moment by putting on a condom."

He stopped making love to me for a brief moment, he was huffy and puffing.

"Are you sure, I can stop now and put it on?"

I looked him right in the eyes.

"I am sure".

Then he resumed making love to me. He never did pump fast he did it slowly in and out, while he kissed my lips and neck. I felt that I was about to cum, I lifted up my legs with him between them and I came really hard. Then he immediately pulled out and his manhood landed on my stomach and he lay on top of me just kissing me passionately while cumming on my stomach. I was kissing him in return but there were tears flowing steadily from my eyes. He stopped kissing me and looked at my face, my eyes were closed with tears just flowing from them.

"Ronda, are you ok? You look content but why are you crying? Did I hurt you?"

I couldn't bring my self to talk; all I could do was shake my head, no. Joey wiped my tears away, but they were coming down faster than he can wipe them away. He got off of me, put on a robe and went in to the other room. I tried composed myself and sat up in bed leaning up on the pillows. I felt like a fool, I really did not know why I was crying. All I know was I could not control it. All I knew is that that I have never cum like thta before. I have read many articles that stated that sometimes after a woman orgasms they cry. Joey came back into the room.

"Ronda here, have some of this."

He handed me my wine that he had previously poured me. I took a sip. Joey sat next to me but facing me and took my hand.

"Are you sure you are ok? I did not hurt you?"

I wiped the tears from my face and I finally got out the words.

"No you did not hurt me. I am fine. I just..."

And he reached over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I just have never had a man make love to me the way you just did."

What has been going through my mind was that I have had sex with my husband millions of times but I guess we never made love. I never orgasmed like that before. Joey stood up and suggested that I take a shower; it might help me feel better. As I was on my way to the bathroom Joey touched my shoulder, gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Are you able to spend the night, or do you have to go home, I really do not want to drop you off at your car in the state you are in."

"I am able to spend the night, I don't have to be home until Sunday morning."

I proceeded to go to the bathroom and take my shower.

To be Continued....

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Jimmyjim27usJimmyjim27usover 10 years ago
Loved it

Very hot and realistic story

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
very romantic

I loved the story, hope you write more like it.

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