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Wear the Collar Ch. 04

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Her husband learns his new role as her property.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/26/2019
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"I love to watch you assume control over him," Lisa whispered. "It's so erotic, so empowering." Lisa observed as Julia dismounted my cock and collapsed onto the floor between my legs, satisfied and 'unwound'. Julia faced her friend, still sprawled on the floor against the wall after her licking. Lisa watched her friend, mesmerized by Julia's confidence and the slow, deliberate movements she exercised over her slut. Her friend yes, but also her lover, her confidant, her fellow conspirator. It was a delicious feeling.

I lay on the couch sideways with my wrists tied to my ankles and my legs spread apart in the amazon position. She was finished, but that didn't give me permission. I moaned, aroused with being edged and denied. I had been used repeatedly and I was a lot more than ready. As though she could sense my frustrated excitement, Julia reached up and closed her hand around my cock and I stopped thinking.

"NO! You may not cum!"

She ignored the panicked grunting and without loosening her grip, smiled slowly at Lisa, her newfound friend. Here was a new relationship, not paid services but a peer she could relate to, a fellow conspirator she might enjoy sharing a glass of wine and a slut with.

Julia gazed lazily at Lisa with her fingers still wrapped tightly around the cock she had just used. The slut shuddered involuntarily under her hand. She knew he would do anything she told him to do. But he needed direction.

"One of us might want to use you later," she murmured. "You'll need to stay interested, so keep your cock hard," Julia grinned, and continued to watch Lisa as she spoke.

"But I don't trust you not to play with yourself, so you will continue to be tied in place, as this evening's entertainment. I think this position will be convenient for most things we will want you for. Don't worry, you'll be thrilled," Julia observed sardonically. "As far as I can see, being a slut has no downside. Well, I guess being a sub-slut like you has one down- side, no choices. But then, that's not really a problem for you is it?"

Julia let go of my erection and together she and Lisa made sure I would remain uncomfortable and vulnerable. They checked to be sure the restraints were secure then they left me tied open with my cock still hard and aching for release, while they went for drinks and a snack. Julia switched off the light as she left the room.

"Might as well save on power," she laughed.


"We're going to a social gathering tonight with our group," she announced one afternoon. "You know, our social group where you met Lisa," Julia smiled knowingly. I felt a little rush as the initial hormones hit my bloodstream just thinking about Lisa.

"No one in the group knows about our arrangement. Well, almost no one. I might have mentioned something to Amanda, only because she guessed what Lisa does and is bugging me about how it turned out. But most of our friends don't know I had you trained." Gina's eyes twinkled as she laid out a few basics I would need to follow at the social.

"Of course you'll have to stand when there are women present, unless one of us gives you permission to sit. But ... no one except me will know you need permission, so you will likely be on your feet a lot tonight," she mused. "No underwear allowed of course. As usual, you will be wearing your cage whenever you're not being used." Gina traced the bulge in my pants thoughtfully with her forefinger.

"Hmmm, go get your pants off and come back here." Julia said impatiently, as if I should have already thought of that. "You need to be exposed to be more attentive for your instructions," she grinned. I moved to comply but she stopped me.

"Wait! What do you say?"

I was stuck for a answer. What did she want me to say? I shrugged my shoulders apologetically, not really knowing what was expected. She snapped her fingers at a spot in front of her.

"On your knees, hands behind you and pay attention," she directed.

"I expect you to remember this from now on," she said and stood over me, legs spread, hands on her hips. She leaned forward and took my face in her hands.

"Any time you are required to give an answer or acknowledge a order, you will address me as Miss, is that clear?"

"Yes Miss," I replied, unable to look away from her.

"Yes Miss what?" She demanded.

"Yes Miss I will go take my pants off and come back for direction. Please may I do so?" I said in a rush for fear of displeasing her.

"Yes Slut, you may. In fact take all your clothes off and come back here quickly. I'm inclined to give you a hard-on." She shook her foot and the little key jangled. "Are you clear with your instructions?" The tone of her voice demanded immediate acknowledgement.

"Yes Miss, thank you for this opportunity."

"Nice touch Slut. Let's make the gratitude a regular feature of our communications. Please and thank you regarding everything you're told to do. Understood?"

"Yes Miss, thank you."

"Hurry up Slut. The thought of slapping your bare ass is making me horny," she grinned and swatted my butt as I hurried past her into the bedroom to get my clothes off.


We arrived late. The party was rolling along with the usual suspects acting in predictable ways. More than a few people were way too stoned and several were already in the booze bag. Amanda's husband Larry was, as usual, hitting on anyone with tits and pretending he was just indulging in some harmless social flirting. Amanda definitely didn't look like she agreed. She watched Larry make an ass of himself with one of the local women, then frowned and turned to chat with Julia.

"Why does he do that," Amanda said. Her frustration and genuine puzzlement seemed to amuse Julia. She regarded her friend with affection and just a little condescendence.

"Does it really matter honey? I mean, why should it be up to you to figure out his behavior? Larry should be begging for your attention, not irritating the fuck out of half the women in the room!" Amanda and Julia burst into laughter.

I stood beside my wife, much more alert to her comfort levels than anyone was used to seeing me. Her friend Amanda was particularly curious about the different, more attentive me. She had already guessed what Lisa did for a living, and when she spotted the little key around Julia's ankle she put two and two together. She and Julia spoke in whispers.

"Well, Lisa covered the basics yes, but he still needed to know more so I sent him to a kind of finishing school, call it 'post-grad studies' if you like," Julia chuckled softly. "We made arrangements with one of Lisa's colleagues to refine his responses. Lisa will be here later this evening, so you can quiz her on her technique if you like. I mean, if you're thinking of using her unique services," Julia lowered her voice conspiratorially. "I'm guessing Larry could use some instruction?" She glanced at me standing beside her, then looked at Amanda and nodded in my direction.

"He needs our consent to sit when women are in the room." She let that sink in, watching the amused astonishment register on Amanda's cherub face. "Would you like to give him permission?" Julia teased her friend.

Amanda looked up at me, her young blonde face was flushed. "You may sit," she said breathlessly. I moved to obey but Gina intervened.

"First go get us a couple of drinks Honey. I think you know what Amanda likes, yes?" I nodded. I was not allowed to speak unless asked a direct question.

As I left to get their drinks I heard Amanda say to my wife, "so he does anything you say? Really?"

"Absolutely," Julia replied. "Drop by tomorrow afternoon and I will demonstrate him if you like." Amanda's pretty blue eyes widened and she nodded her head enthusiastically.

I ordered two vodka and tonics. Julia liked hers dry. Amanda I recalled also liked more vodka than tonic. I was just about to take the drinks when a familiar fragrance invaded my senses. I felt her presence before I looked.

"Hello Slut," she whispered. Her breath tickled my ear. Her hand rested on my ass casually. She had no intention of moving it, despite the open public venue. My cock began to swell. Lisa knew I was not likely wearing underwear but her hand stayed on my ass anyway.

"Is your cock hard yet slut?" she said, deliberately provocative. "I'm guessing all that practice hasn't gone away in a few short weeks," she whispered. Her breath was warm against my ear. Her hand slipped between my legs. "Oh, I forgot. She keeps you locked up when she isn't using you doesn't she?" Lisa patted my caged boner and grinned.

Three weeks ago Lisa and Julia tied me open in the Amazon position and used me all afternoon and most of the evening. My wife and my trainer had become more than close. Although Julia had offered to lend me to her anytime, Lisa had been oddly absent over the past month.

"Bring the booze Slut. I'll take a dry martini." She turned and sauntered toward Julia and Amanda. "Hurry up Slut. Remember, I have the other key to that chastity cage you're sporting," she smiled and walked away.

I had not seen Lisa for weeks, but her mere presence brought all the training back into focus. My hands trembled slightly as I carried the drinks back on a small tray. The three women watched me approach them, all eyes on the bulge in my crotch. Julia had obviously clued Amanda in about the male chastity device I was wearing. Her blonde hair was swept back off her youthful face and tied in a ponytail. She looked innocent enough, but I knew from Julia that Amanda was fascinated with what she and Lisa had been doing with me. She wanted that arrangement with her husband Larry. Good luck.

Lisa watched me with her legs crossed and a slight smile curling the corners of her lips. Her almond eyes were half-closed and her knee-length skirt was slit up the side almost to her waist, displaying a long bare thigh, with a small key on a chain around her ankle, just above a black, spike-heeled stiletto.

Julia watched me with the certainty of ownership. I was her property. Lisa knew that and soon Amanda would join the small circle of women who knew that I was trained to be used at the discretion of females. My wife stared evenly at me through hooded eyes. She crooked her finger at me, indicating that I was to deliver her drink first. She glanced at Amanda.

"He's looks even more yummy now that I know he's trained," Amanda said in that syrupy, provocative voice that is reserved for good food and obedient sluts. "How is your time tomorrow afternoon?" Amanda asked. "I would love a demonstration, and besides Larry won't be around then. He has his first appointment with Lisa, although he's not aware of it yet," Amanda grinned.

"He will be by the end of this evening," Lisa smiled and touched Amanda's arm. "Don't worry, when I'm finished Larry will be literally begging for your attention." Amanda gave Lisa's hand a squeeze and returned her provocative smile.

"Come by about noon, Julia replied to her friend. "He will have lunch ready by then and we can chat about why it's just better when they don't have a choice." "Oh, you don't mind if he's naked do you?" Julia asked innocently. Amanda blushed from her neckline to her cheeks.

"It's so much less confusing when they accept heir place." Julia smiled. "Seriously Amanda, come over for lunch and we can explore anything you're curious about concerning Larry's potential and his ability to learn from Lisa. Anything, understand? I can use him to demonstrate." She glanced up at me standing obediently among this clutch of dominant women, waiting for direction, anxious to please, my cock straining against its prison.

"Thanks Honey. Wait over by the bar, the women have some discussing to do," Julia smiled and turned to face Lisa and Amanda. Dismissed, I turned to go. I felt their eyes on me as I walked away.

"Damn Julia," I heard Lisa remark. "He DOES have a nice ass, doesn't he?"


"You're such a gentleman," I heard Lisa say. "Thanks, Larry." She sat on the seat Larry had vacated for her. "Stick around, you might get lucky later," Lisa whispered quietly to an astounded Larry. Usually none of the women paid much attention to his flirting. Of course they felt sorry for his wife Amanda because Larry was such an embarrassing asshole, although he was a reasonably good-looking guy. He was a mature man in his late 30s, with a silver streak that ran through his dark hair. Larry felt it lent him a sense of authority, and some of the women in the social group had commented on how distinguished he looked. He had a medium build and looked like he worked out but not too religiously. Mostly Larry was all about Larry, and constantly looking for some pussy on the side.

As he evening wore on I noticed that Larry was being particularly attentive to Lisa. He seemed to be fetching her drinks, engaging in brief snatches of conversation, and generally hanging around her, being very attentive. I couldn't make out what Lisa was saying but I knew that look on her face. Her almond shaped eyes were half-closed to glittering slits. Her expression was sanguine, exotic, and her legs were crossed provocatively. Larry could not keep himself from staring at Lisa's long, shapely, exposed leg with the little silver key dangling from her ankle. The bulge in Larry's pants practically screamed 'slut', to the initiated.

I watched Larry trot off to accomplish some errand Lisa had sent him on, just to get him used to following direction. He had no idea that Amanda had spoken to Lisa about making him more amenable to suggestions, although he was acting like Lisa had already cast her spell on him. I made a mental note that Larry never sat down the rest of the evening.

Larry was too entranced to see that his cute little blonde wife was becoming fascinated with her friend's husband. In a quiet corner, Julia unzipped my fly and pulled out my caged cock for Amada to inspect. Amanda was transfixed. She stared at my imprisoned cock with disbelief, as if her fairy godmother had just granted her wish.

"You can touch it if you want," Julia assured her friend. Amanda reached out tentatively. Her fingertips touched the metal of the cock cage and traced its shape all the way along the length of my bent, throbbing dick. Her warm little hand cupped my balls and held them. My cage twitched and she must have realised she was causing me some excitement.

She squeezed my balls once, quickly. I grunted in discomfort. Not pain, exactly, more like slight nausea. I felt my cock deflate a little in response. How did she know how to do that, I wondered. So did Julia.

"I watch a lot of videos," Amanda confessed, slightly embarrassed. "The Internet is full of cock-control videos. I just never had a chance to practise what I've been learning before." She weighed my caged cock and balls in her hand speculatively. "I don't know about the rest of him, but I bet I can make his cock do just about anything we want it to," Amanda said confidently.

"They're a team," Julia observed dryly. "The cock is dependant on the slut for it's existence, and the slut has learned that keeping the cock hard is his highest priority." Julia smiled at the expression on Amanda's face.

"Yup, it was amazing how fast sex became his top priority after I locked his cock up. I'm also pretty sure my slut never planned on how things might turn out after he graduated from Lisa's 'School for Male Sluts in Denial' program," Julia joked.

Anyway, I'm releasing him for a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon, so please do come over. He will have a brief window of opportunity during which he will be allowed to cum if he can. Would you like to be in charge of when he cums Amanda?" Julia asked her stunned friend. "And participate in guiding him to that precipice?"

"Yes please!" Amanda laughed. Her cute cherubic face lit up in anticipation of exercising control over her friend's slut. In addition to seeing first-hand how Lisa's training had worked out, and justifying the cost of the program she had just committed Larry to, she would finally be able to practise the cock control techniques she had been studying.

"Perfect, see you then." Julia turned to her panting slut. Amanda was showing no signs of letting my caged cock go soft on her, but Julia wanted to get moving.

"Zip up Slut, time to mingle a little, maybe collect some gossip on who's fucking who among our friends," Julia chuckled.

I followed Julia through the throng of chattering people to a relatively quiet corner of the bar. Lisa was perched on a bar stool a few feet away, on display for Larry who stood beside her drooling. Her skirt rode up her thigh and I could see the top of her nylon stocking from where I was, and I could hear every word.

"So here's the deal Larry," Lisa cooed. "I'm interested in men who know how to please women. Most men are amateurs and I have no patience for boys." Lisa smiled seductively. "Can you take direction Larry? Do you have what it takes to please me?"

Larry stuttered a little, trying to get out a sophisticated reply in the face of mounting horniness. He was having little success.

"Shhh, no need to fumble through words Larry," Lisa chided her prey. "I'm not especially tolerant of guys who think they have to make conversation. I fact I'd prefer you to remain silent. You may sit beside me if you agree to abide by my terms." Lisa knew Larry would not be able to resist. She had worked him along to this point through the evening. Larry would agree to anything she said for a chance to get a glimpse of what was underneath Lisa's skirt.

"Good boy," Lisa whispered as Larry sat eagerly on the stool beside her.

"I will see you tomorrow evening at the address I just slipped into your pocket," Lisa informed her unwitting captive. "Be on time." She looked at Larry speculatively, like a horse trainer deciding how long to exercise her mount. "Expect to stay with me for the better part of two hours." Then she reached across her lap and felt Larry's boner.

"Be still," Lisa directed. Larry sucked in his breath, and stayed rooted to his stool. He already knew better than to disobey Lisa. Lisa held Larry's gaze while she traced the outline of his hard cock through his jeans

"Don't bother wearing underwear tomorrow Larry, it'll just get in the way," Lisa drawled. She gave Larry's cock a squeeze and unfolded herself from her seat, leaving a stunned, uncomfortably erect Larry to watch the swell of her ass as she walked away from him. Lisa was a pro. She knew Larry would arrive early for his first slut encounter. He just had no idea who the slut was going to be.

Lisa made sure Amanda rounded Larry up stiff cock and all, then made her way back to the bar where Julia and I were waiting.

"Amanda is coming over for a slut demonstration tomorrow," Julia informed her cohort.

"Fascinating," Lisa breathed out as she bellied up to the bar. She nodded her head toward me. "Can I borrow him? Playing with Larry made me horny. I need a release valve."

"Of course," Julia responded. "There's a small bedroom down the hall to your left. Keep him for as long as you like. If I'm not around when you're done, just drop him off at my place." Lisa grabbed my caged cock through my pants and pulled me after her.

"Let's go cock slut! You got some licking to do!"


Amanda arrived for lunch the next day, slightly apprehensive but mostly excited about helping Julia milk her slut. She knew all the terminology from the videos she had been watching, and she knew some tricks that she thought Julia might be impressed with.

I met Amanda at the door, naked except for the cock cage Julia kept me in.

"Can I take your coat Amanda?" I asked. Amanda handed me her jacket in a bit of a trance. Her eyes explored my naked body and rested on my trapped cock. Julia walked into the foyer as I was hanging Amanda's jacket up.


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