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Wedding Day

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She hoped he'd like her surprise.
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"So, our wedding is all set for next week. Has it really been two years, love? I feel like we just fell in love yesterday!" Robert exclaimed, nuzzling her so that he could inhale the sweet scent of her hair.

"Hmmm... actually it's been a little over two years, honey. I remember that day that we met quite well," Samantha told him, cradled in his arms and held in his warmth.

Robert cuddled her a little more firmly. He found her to be perfect. She was beautiful, smart and funny, with the only draw back being her upbringing in a very strict family. Her parents were good people, but they still watched over her too tightly for a woman of 23 years old.

She reminisced, sighing happily. "Remember that coffee shop where we had that chance encounter?"

He chuckled. "Yes, I saw you and had that wild impulse to buy you a cup of coffee and a muffin."

"Well, it was my favorite kind -- blueberry. How can a gal refuse having a handsome stranger buy her a blueberry muffin?"

"Oh, so you thought even then that I was handsome?" he teased.

She grabbed a small throw pillow and slapped him playfully with it. "It was more than that. You were charming, and attentive. To me, it was like that movie 'Sleepless in Seattle' -- it was magic. More magical than it feels when I'm vacationing at one of those marvelous theme parks I love so much."

Thinking back on those times, Robert knew he was falling in love with her and would love to marry her, except for one thing. He enjoyed a fetish fantasy life style and knew he should never spring that piece of information on her after they were married. He'd need to know if she had similar interests, or such a marriage would probably be doomed from the start.

He didn't say this out loud now, but he remembered what he'd done. "As a test, I left a pair of handcuffs out at my place to watch her reactions. Much to my surprise, she not only examined the cuffs closely -- she even snapped one on her wrist. A little flabbergasted, I suggested trying them on behind her back. By then she knew me well enough to trust me, and allowed me to fasten them for her. I even remember what she said."

Indeed, back at that time, Samantha pulled at the cuffs, making their metal connectors jingle as she struggled a little, and said, "Robert, please don't think me strange, but... wow."

"Huh? Wow what?" he asked.

"Wow... somehow I'm finding being helpless like this... exciting? I don't know why, but my heart is beating faster, and you can see how my breathing is making my breasts rise and fall. Sorry, I can't explain it more clearly." Much later, when she'd had a lot of time to think about it, she'd explained that something came over her. It was like a wave, during which she felt the first sexual stirrings of being dominated at the hands of a man she trusted. And she liked it. Maybe because it was an echo of how she'd been dominated by her parents, and somehow that felt familiar and safe.

"That was our true beginning," Robert mused. "Samantha had been very clear that her strict upbringing by her parents meant that she wouldn't permit us to have intercourse before marriage and that we'd need a long engagement before that. But since I was beginning to feel that she might be the woman of my dreams, I knew I could wait and find out. That long engagement meant that we could learn what other kinks she might enjoy, if any."

Sighing contentedly, he held her close as he remembered the care he'd used in getting her gradually used to a little more bondage and some other fetishes. "Once I learned that Samantha liked being handcuffed, I upped the ante a little by asking her to try it wearing only her underwear. Since she found that exciting, the next logical step was to have her try it while being nude. Before we did that, she made me promise that I would honor her wish to remain a virgin until marriage. Of course I agreed, and it emphasized to both of us how helpless the handcuffs made her feel. I could tell by her body reactions that she found it even more exciting to be so vulnerable. She dampened between her thighs and gave off that enticing scent of true arousal."

Robert was enjoying this reminiscence with Samantha nestled against him. "Next, we ventured out into a forest and found a small secluded tree with smooth bark," he recalled. "She stripped down and leaned back against a tree trunk and put her hands behind it. I handcuffed her like that and saw her nipples immediately stiffen with excitement. While she was cuffed, I told her to imagine people discovering her like this. Her eyes immediately widened and her mouth formed an 'O' as she looked in several directions. But by the expression on her face, I learned that she was also an exhibitionist at heart!" He grinned. "I asked for permission to touch her labia and butt while she was like that, and it took very little rubbing and clit stimulation to give her an orgasm!"

He chuckled softly. "I was a little shocked, because when she was released, she asked if she could use her hands to make me cum -- and she didn't even bother to dress first -- that's how excited she was. It didn't matter that she was not very experienced in doing it, because both of us were in a heightened state of arousal. She wrapped her little warm hand around my shaft and pumped slowly at first, fascinated at how she could feel my pulse so easily. I needed more friction, so I begged her to speed up. She followed my instructions beautifully, switching hands from time to time. Soon my semen was arcing through the air and splashing onto the ground in front of us!" His eyes moistened with emotion, remembering that by doing that she'd demonstrated her thoughtfulness of his needs as well as her own.

"I decided to try something new with Samantha at that point. She agreed to the experiment of being tied onto my bed, naked and spreadeagled. The expression on her face when I stuck her feet through loops of rope and did the same thing to her hands was priceless. Her expression was a mixture of shyness and excited naughtiness. I used loops on the ends of the ropes so that they would be easy to remove quickly if needed. I watched with delight as she spread her legs apart at my request, blushing as she saw me gazing at her fully exposed pussy. I adjusted the leg ropes to keep her feet where they were. I remember giving her a kiss and then adjusting the arm ropes on the posts at the head of the bed. Her eyes dilated when she tugged at the ropes while being both horizontal and fully exposed experiencing this new state of helplessness." Robert gave the woman in his arms a soft kiss on the top of her head, remembering.

"I wanted her anticipation to build, so I began by softly stroking her hair. Then I gently kissed her closed eyelids, temples, and ears before actually kissing her lips. I could swear that her mouth tasted like honey. I stroked her arms, her neck, and her collarbones. By that point, I saw goosebumps at various places so I knew she was really getting turned on. I let my fingers brush lightly over her breasts but avoided her nipples. Next her tummy received soft strokes with the palms of my hands and I gave her navel a little kiss. Let me see -- what did I do next? Oh yes, I moved all the way down to her feet and softly kissed her toes which made her gasp with delight. I nibbled her instep a little, which made her giggle. My hands caressed her legs as I made my way up the bed between them. When I got to her pussy, and she felt my warm breath there, she began begging me to lick or suck her pussy -- preferably both!" He closed his eyes, savoring the memory of that moment.

"She was so turned on that I didn't have to actually suck at her pussy -- I really had to drink her now copious juices. And they were indescribably delicious to me. I don't know how long I drank, nor did I keep track of how many times she came, but I know that we both really enjoyed what we were doing. I can still hear the ropes creaking as she squirmed and tugged at them each time she climaxed. Finally, she begged me for a break to catch her breath, so I slid up alongside her and embraced her as she panted." Robert felt his heart throbbing happily in his chest as he recalled what happened next.

"I expected Samantha to ask me to untie her at that point. But this marvelous woman surprised me again. Grinning mischievously into my eyes, she told me that she wanted to stay right as she was, and that she wanted my cock in her mouth -- now. Nothing could please me more, because my body had reacted to the taste, scent, feel, and sounds that her body was making as she experienced one orgasm after another. My cock was swollen and ached for its own release, so I wasted no time in removing my clothing. Given her position, I faced the head of the bed and placed my knees on either side of her torso. I leaned forward against the headboard, and even then I had to press down on my erection to point it at her mouth! But she latched onto it and began sucking lustily. Her mouth felt so exquisite that I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back my ejaculation for very long. As I felt it approaching, I warned her and asked if I should pull out. If anything, she began sucking more greedily and slowly shook her head side to side. Her eyes bulged a little as I began spewing, but other than a small trickle of semen that emerged from her nose, she swallowed it all! What an amazing lover!"

Robert's reminiscences were interrupted at this point. "You're being very quiet," Samantha murmured. "Are you okay?"

"Better than okay, my love. I was just thinking about our earlier times together as we got to know each other."

"Oh? How far have you gotten?" she asked, turning her face to look into his eyes.

"Hmmm... I just gotten to the part where I had you naked and face down on the bed with your wrists handcuffed behind you, and I introduced you to the wonders of those anal beads."

She blushed and giggled. "I remember that very well -- almost like it was yesterday! What a sensation! As you pressed each ball into my butt, I was thinking that there couldn't possibly be room for more -- but you demonstrated that there certainly was. I may not have told you at that exact moment that even though I still wanted to experience my first vaginal intercourse on my wedding night, I was seriously thinking about the loophole that my anus was certainly not my vagina. And as the balls stretched and filled it, I felt certain that it must be roomy enough for a cock back there." Her blush deepened to a crimson color as she confessed this. "But please continue."

"Well, as I recall, I knelt between your knees and began stroking and rubbing your pussy lips, listening to you purring with delight and then moaning and panting as I continued. Around that point, your clit, which I'd only nudged occasionally along its sides, pressed against my hand very firmly, demanding attention. Your howl of delight when I finally focused my caresses there thrilled me, because by then I knew this signaled your impending orgasm. And as your body began quivering and your hips were thrusting and churning against my hand and the bed, I knew you were starting to come. So I knew it was time to pull out those anal beads -- but slowly."

"Oh my God, love! I remember that moment vividly!" she gushed. "That intensified and prolonged my orgasm so profoundly that it felt like the top of my head was flying off into space!"

"And do you remember what you begged me for when your climax finally ebbed?" he whispered.

"How could I forget?" she replied. "Since I was still handcuffed, I asked you to help me kneel upright, so I could lick your cock and balls. Which I did thoroughly and enthusiastically... and then... and then... oh my! That was the first time that I asked you to jack off onto my tits, and then smear your semen all over them and rub it in!"

"That was one of the kinkiest times that we'd had up until that point," he agreed.

She laughed. "We got even kinkier not too long after that, remember?"

He stroked his chin, thinking. "I might have a guess, but I'm curious what became uppermost in your mind, so please tell me."

She giggled. "In hindsight, I should've seen it coming when you asked me to dress in my normal fashion, but come to your house that night carrying my oldest, most worn-out panties. I admit that I was still somewhat perplexed when you told me to strip completely and then put on those panties. I was kind of wondering if you had some sort of weird fetish kink for old panties. But then you gave me one of your T-shirts to wear, and that was big enough and long enough to hang down and almost cover them completely." He grinned as he remembered the look on her face at that point. She continued, "Next, you produced a length of soft rope and tied my wrists together in front of my body. That only used a small amount of its overall length. I hadn't even noticed that heavy duty screw hook that you'd installed over the doorway until you looped the free end of the rope over it." She chuckled. "But I sure noticed when you dragged my wrists straight up over my head and tied off the rope! And just like that, you'd rendered me helpless in a brand-new position -- which thrilled me, more than I can say!"

"And I sat on a chair in front of you, watching the emotions play over your face as you enjoyed this new restraint." He smiled, and then pointed out, "It was a very good thing that by now you trusted me implicitly. You blinked a couple of times when you saw me pick up the scissors, but you didn't look at all fearful as I approached, carrying them. Grasping the T-shirt material that was being poked forward by one of your erect nipples, I pulled the material well out away from your body and snipped what became a hole through which your breast protruded when I let go of the material. And I repeated that, making a second hole for your other breast."

She laughed. "Yep, one second I'm wearing your old T-shirt, and the next both of my hooters are on salacious display."

"But I didn't stop there," he reminded her. "Next, I snipped carefully up the middle of the shirt and let the two sides flop apart, and admired your then exposed torso. It looked extra yummy with your arms stretched above your head. Of course, your arm position made the final cuttings of the sleeves a bit more challenging."

"And then, except for those panties, I was naked as you tossed away the shirt remnants. I can't tell you how exciting it was for me to be stripped in that manner! So primitive! So controlling! I almost came! I was very aware of how soaked my old panties were, and how my scent flooded the air around us. I saw you still holding the scissors, and looking at my panties. I knew you could just drag them down and have me step out of them, but given the mood, that would have felt wrong. So I nodded and said something like 'yes, yes, do it... please do it...' hoping you'd understand. And you did, but in an even more exciting way. Instead of snipping them off, you used the scissors to only snip through the elastic at the waistband. Then you tossed the scissors aside, grabbed the panties right at my mound and tore them off me! I shrieked at experiencing that, and came hard!"

Robert grinned. "Your shriek, along with your breasts rising and falling quickly as your breathing rate sped up signaled your orgasm, so I was quick to drop down and cover your sex with my mouth, gripping your butt to hold you there while I drank your tasty cum juices. Then I used my tongue to toy with your clit and felt your body shaking with another climax!"

"Yes, my love! Practically suspended by my wrists, with you munching away at my labia, honey pot and clit, you kept me cumming and I fed you and fed you! I thought I was too exhausted to cum any more when you stood up, stripped yourself fast, moved behind me, lubed your cock with my slick fluids and pressed it against my anal ring. By that time, we'd agreed that anal sex was not against my principles, and we'd practiced enough that I knew how to relax that opening. Once your cock head entered my ass, I felt you shove the rest of its length up inside my back tunnel, stuffing me full! As your hands came around to claim my tits and you started fucking me hard and fast -- well, we'd had anal sex before, but doing it while I was strung up like that and helpless and feeling your pent up lust, I really lost it! With each deep thrust, your balls slapped my pussy lips and I saw stars when that orgasm -- an analgasm, I guess I should call it -- crashed through my body!"

Robert gave her a soft kiss. "That's when I fucked you unconscious, my love. Your knees buckled as you slumped, still impaled on my cock. Luckily, I was able to hold you up with one hand while the other undid the knot at your wrists, and I could then carry you to the sofa and hold you until you revived. When you finally managed to refocus, you kissed me. Before then, you'd never kissed me that hard in thanks, so I knew how much you enjoyed that experiment."

Robert paused, and thought for a bit. "I think the next fetish I introduced you to was wearing leather garments."

Samantha laughed seductively. "Oh yes! Another fond memory! You took me to that little shop on that obscure street. When we walked in, there was that enticing smell of fresh leather and the various garments on display! But we weren't buying things off the rack. You wanted to have them custom made and introduced me to that beautiful woman, Belle. She's truly a gifted artist. But when she took us into that back room, and told me to remove every stitch of clothing, I'm sure my jaw dropped in surprise. But I recovered enough to strip down and tried to stand there without exhibiting any shyness as Belle took my measurements. And she herself certainly was not shy, touching me delicately all over with those warm, wonderful hands! She seemed to lift my breasts several times, measuring -- she said -- without nipple erection and then again with them fully erect. And I'm sure she brushed my pussy often during the hip measurements."

Robert grinned. "And as we left the shop, you confessed to me how exciting it'd been to be naked and handled like that by a virtual stranger. But you have to admit, the leather bra and skirt that was the result are marvelously made, and fit you like a dream. You look ravishing in them and that gave me the courage to ask you if you wanted to wear them to a fetish party."

"Wow, love! That first party was a real eye-opener for me! I was a little hesitant to go, expecting to meet a bunch of weirdos. But the people were friendly and intelligent. Not at all what I expected. It didn't hurt any to hear them compliment my new leather outfit," she stated with a grin. "They let me watch as they demonstrated their skills in various forms of bondage. And I saw some shibari that turned a human body into a form of art! It was amazing! After we'd been to a few parties, I got up the courage to ask you to bind me, and even let other people touch me, as long as they honored my rule of no intercourse."

"As you embraced the fetish lifestyle, I knew you were the woman of my dreams! I already knew that you were beautiful -- that is obvious at a glance. And as we chatted, even at that coffee shop, I learned quickly that you were both funny and smart. Exploring fetishes with me and being so adventurous was the icing on the cake! When we'd been dating for one year, I gave you an anniversary gift -- that Eternity Collar. I remember telling and showing you how it could only be removed with a special tool, which I promised to keep safe. When I added that I would remove it whenever you asked, in my heart I was hoping you never would ask for that removal."

She fingered that lovely collar, which she still wore. "Robert, my darling, this collar is lovely -- like a piece of fine jewelry. Every time I look into a mirror, I'm reminded how sleek and attractive it is, and how it symbolizes our love. I also see it as a sign of my rebellion against the super strict upbringing my parents enforced. This new lifestyle is so liberating! When things are done to me as I'm restrained and vulnerable, I can't feel guilt about it, because I'm so helpless. To me, this collar you placed on me is a sign of my new freedom, sweetheart."


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