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Wedding Day Disaster

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Sometimes love is right next door and you don't even know.
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Authors note: Thanks to ChiefHal for his proofreading assistance.

I crept down the stairs in the near total darkness, just enough light, from the few lights in the air B&B, to let me find Jen's room. She was supposed to sneak up to my room almost half an hour ago, after my best friend and best man had snuck out to keep her sister busy. We'd barely had time to see each other all week, her parents keeping her busy and away from me. Her mom still thought that we weren't having sex, but the reality was, we slept together more nights than not. We had different apartments, and she kept a few things at mine, but not much.

It had been a difficult two years since a rough breakup and then my accidental trip over Jennifer in a store. Since that day the two of us had grown to love each other, more than I could ever put to words, and tomorrow we would share words that would cement that for the rest of our lives. I padded barefoot to the door of her room and reached for the knob. I heard moaning inside, and then a very distinct female gasp. There was no mistaking that type of gasp. I'd heard it almost every time I pushed into Jen's hot, wet pussy. The rhythmic slapping that began as I stood and listened, that I could just make out through the closed door, was also unmistakable.

I pushed the door open quickly and fumbled for the light switch. When the lights came on, we were all temporarily blinded, but me a little less so, since I closed my eyes just as I flipped the switch on. I shaded my eyes and opened them, seeing what I expected and what I hoped I wouldn't see. "JEN! WHAT THE FUCK!?" I shouted, as I stared at my bride to be, laying on the bed nude, my best man on his hands and knees between her legs. Alex's head jerked around and he looked at me through slitted eyes. "Jen!? Fuck no. Julie!"

I stared at him for several seconds and then stepped toward the bed. I reached for Jen's hand and jerked it up and held it between us. "NO! Jen. See the ring mark?" I snapped at him. I jerked her arm harder, rolling her slightly under him. "And her tattoo?" I asked, looking at the small three dots tattooed on her shoulder that her dad had put on her, shortly after she was born, so he could tell his twins apart.

"Shit! I didn't know. I thought it was Julie. She said to meet her here!" He said, pushing himself away from my wife-to-be, his dick glistening with her juices.

I looked down at Jen and shook my head. "How the fuck could you do this? I thought you loved me! That you wanted to marry me! Now I find you cheating on me, with my best friend of all people? How the fuck could you?" I snapped angrily at her, before turning and walking out of the room. Lights all over the house were turning on as I half ran, half stomped up the stairs to my bedroom. I only had on a pair of shorts, but that wasn't going to matter. I found my shoes and pulled them on and began throwing my stuff into my suitcase haphazardly. No way I was staying here another minute.

"Hey man! I didn't know!" Alex said, as he walked into the room. "Julie said to meet her down there, so Jen could come up and be with you."

"Yeah, right!" I snapped. "I really believe that!"

"You should! It's true." Julie said from the doorway. I turned to look at my bride's identical twin, anger still roiling hotly inside me.

"Yeah, and what? Somehow, Jen just accidently ended up with in bed with my best friend?"

"Accidentally? Not even. It was completely planned. She was going to fuck Alex and I was going to come to your room and fuck you. Only thing was, I fell asleep."

"You think I wouldn't figure out it wasn't her?" I snapped.

She held her hand up and wiggled her fingers, showing me that she had on the engagement ring. "You'd have never known."

"Right. You think I don't know my own fiancé?"

She laughed. "You haven't before."

I stopped what I was doing and stared at her. "What the fuck do you mean I haven't before? Before what?"

"You think this is the first time we've swapped partners? Not hardly. We've been swapping boyfriends since high school."

"Julie! NO!" I heard Jen snap from the hallway. Then she was pulled back and Jen stepped into the doorway. I just stood and stared at her, waiting for her to speak. "This was going to be the last time," she whispered.

"The last time? How many times were there?"

"With you? A few."

I stood there and nodded. "A few? HOW MANY?"

"Fifteen," she whispered.

"What the hell? Tell me you're joking. You really did this other times? Why the hell would you do that? Why would you even think about doing that?"

"It's not you. We never meant to hurt anyone."

"Well, you sure as hell did!"

She stepped to me and laid a hand on my arm and I shrugged it off, still staring at her angrily. "We started it as a joke. We'd swap boyfriends on dates and see if they could tell. They never could. After high school we just kept doing it. It was kind of a challenge."

"To what? Humiliate your boyfriends?"

"NO! At first it was to see if they could tell. Then it turned into something else. To see whose boyfriend fucked better. We compared how they were in bed."

"Oh great. Now I'm being compared against your other boyfriends? Well, I hope the hell I stacked up, because there won't be another chance." I said turning back to throwing stuff in my suitcase. "Because I'm gone."

"NO! Stop! PLEASE!" She said, reaching out to grab my arm and pull me to face her again.

"Why, so you can humiliate me some more? Maybe talk me into walking down that aisle so everyone can laugh at the guy that had his fiancé fuck his best friend the night before his wedding? Not happening. I'm done. Have a good life!" I angrily shouted at her, as I tried to close the suitcase.

"KEN! Please! Let me fix this!"

I turned to stare at her. "Fix this? Fix what? Trust? Fix trust? How do you fix trust? How to you erase the horror of seeing your best friend, fucking your soon-to-be wife? Do you have any idea how that feels?"

"No, I don't." She answered quietly. "But I can guess. This was going to be the last time. She wanted to have sex with you one more time."

"And just how many times did we have sex? Since I have no way to tell you apart. I thought the tattoo was good enough, apparently not."

"Sharpie," Julie said from the bedroom door. "Three dots, with a sharpie is all it takes. We used to fool dad that way too."

"Great! You can masquerade for each other. Nice to know. So just how many times did you fake me out?"

"Once for each time she fucked my boyfriend." Julie said with a smug grin. "And not one of them, boyfriend or you, knew it had happened."

"And how many times is that, really? Fifteen is it? Are you sure? How do I know? It could be twenty or fifty for all I know. Not that it really matters at this point."

"Fifteen, well sixteen would have been tonight." Julie said, with a shrug.

"Fifteen!? You pulled this on me fifteen times? WHY!?" I asked, looking past Jen to her sister.

"Because I wanted to know if my boyfriends stacked up to you." Julie said, as she stepped into the room, still wearing the tiny little nightgown that I'd actually given to Jen, some time back. "Besides, you're a damn good fuck. How could I resist?"

"Stacked up to me? In bed? Seriously? You did this...to see if your boyfriend stacked up to me sexually? That is sooooo fucking screwed up! I hope you have fun doing it to the next guy you date."

"You were always the best to me." Jen said quietly. "It wasn't because I was looking, it was because she was looking for someone like you."

"Well, I hate to say it, but neither of you gets me now." I said, as I turned back to the suitcase and zipped it closed.

"You can't leave. It's the middle of the night." Jen said, in a desperate attempt to get me to stay, her hand reaching out and grabbing my arm.

"I don't care. I'm not about to sleep here, let alone stay here one minute longer than I have to. I loved YOU, Jen. I loved you more than anyone else in the world. You betrayed that, not once, but fifteen, no sixteen times. I don't see any way to go back from that." I snapped, as I picked up my suitcase.

"I want to try! I don't want to lose you!"

"Not lose me? Honey, you lost me the moment I walked into that bedroom and saw him between your legs. There is no way BACK from that! There's no undoing it, no changing it, no erasing how it felt in that moment, to see the person you loved; betraying that love and trust in a way that can never be undone." I pulled her hand off my arm and walked out the door, shoving Julie out of the way, when she tried to step in front of me.

"It wasn't her idea! It was mine!" Julie shouted, as I walked down the stairs.

"Doesn't matter anymore." I called back, without even looking back.


It was still early morning, when I pulled into the parking lot of my apartment. It was probably the longest walk of my life, up the stairs to my apartment. The last time I made this walk, this long, was after Suzanne broke up with me. I dropped my suitcase on the floor and walked to my bedroom and flopped onto the bed. Then I did something, that I'd only done one other time, since I was as small child. I cried until I was so exhausted, that I couldn't help but fall asleep.

It was mid-morning on Saturday, my supposed wedding day, before I pulled myself out of bed. I ate some toast, before I dropped onto the sofa in the living room, wishing I'd never met Jennifer. I didn't much feel like doing anything. I turned on the TV to some old western and sat staring at it, not really paying attention to it at all. My life was in the dumpster. Nothing could fix what happened, and nothing could change my life from the dumpster fire it had just become. Today, was supposed to be the beginning of the rest of my life. Now, it felt like I'd been thrown into a pit of hopelessness.

The knock on the sliding glass door startled me. I looked over and standing on my balcony was my neighbor, Marsha. She was a pleasant enough person. Surprisingly athletic for her size, which accounted for how she managed to get onto my second-floor balcony from hers, next door. She had a very sweet disposition, and was often flirty and playful, but only if I was alone. She didn't have a lot of male friends, mostly I suppose, because she wasn't playboy material. She was a bit on the heavier side with plenty of curves, sort of plain, short brown hair. Not anything particularly special. She'd lived next to me for three years now, and had been a good friend through the last breakup, and now this. I'd invited her to the wedding, but she had declined, saying that the last thing Jennifer needed was to have her there on her wedding day. I never understood why, and she wouldn't explain more.

"What are you doing home?" She asked, as I opened the sliding glass door for her. "You're supposed to be getting married right about now, aren't you?"

"Was..." I answered sullenly, as she stepped into the kitchen area. I left the door open and walked back to the sofa, flopping down on it where I had been.

"So, wanna share?" She asked, as she walked into the living room.

"Why? Not much to say, I'm here. Obviously not getting married."

"Obviously. Wanna tell me why?" She asked, as she sat down next to me.

"Not really."

"Might help. It's easier than crying again." She said softly. I jerked my head to look at her in surprise. "These walls aren't that thick. I've always been able to hear what's going on in your bedroom."

"Oh. Well, now you know what kind of man I am."

"I do. A very hurt, very sensitive man, that just had something terrible go on in his life." I looked at her, shrugged and looked back at the TV again. "So, what happened?" she pressed.

"I caught her having sex with my best man." I answered quietly. She sat silently, clearly waiting for me to continue. I wasn't sure I wanted to. "Seems that she and her twin sister, have been swapping guys since high school. Last night Jen was supposed to come to my room and Alex was going to go down and have sex with her sister, but they swapped. When Jen didn't show up, I went down to their room and found her with Alex between her legs. He thought he was fucking Julie, but it was really Jen." I said, my voice trailing off to a whisper.

I felt her hand on my shoulder, rubbing gently. "I've heard of twins doing that, but I never thought she was that kind of girl. All the interactions I've had with her seemed pretty straight forward."

"Well, apparently this wasn't the first time. They have some arrangement, that they swap boyfriends, so since I've known her, Jen has actually cheated on me fifteen times. At least that's how many times she'd admit to. Might be more for all I know. But the worst part was, they say this was going to be the last time. If I hadn't walked in on them, I'd have never known. I'd have lived on in our lives, believing a lie. I wasn't supposed to ever know."

"Oh God, I'm so sorry." She whispered. She rubbed my shoulder and then hooked her arm around my shoulders and gently pulled on me. I flopped over on the sofa, ending up laying partly on her lap, her arms wrapped around me as she leaned her head down to softly kiss me on the head. "I know this isn't what you want to hear, but at least you found out now, and not after."

"Part of me wishes I never found out. I would have been fine, not ever knowing." I whispered.

"But would you have? What would happen if it ever came out? You'd have found out you were living with someone so dishonest. Could you keep living with her that way?"

"I don't know. Right now, I don't know anything."

"Your phone is ringing." She said softly.

"So? It's probably just Jen again."

"She's already tried to call?"

"About a dozen times. Along with my parents and Alex. I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone."

She pushed me off her lap enough to slip out from under me. She walked to my bedroom and came back with my phone, which was ringing again, the caller ID declaring that it was Jen. "Answer it." She said, "hiding from her isn't going to solve anything."

"I don't want to talk to her."

"So, just listen. She clearly wants to try and patch this up, or she wouldn't be calling over and over."

"I don't know that I want it patched up. I don't know how to ever trust her again."

"I see." She said, as the phone beeped to tell that there was a voice message. She stuck the phone in front of my face to unlock it.

"Honey. Please answer. I don't want to lose you. I do love you. I love you more than I can ever tell you. I want to fix this. I want to find a way to make us work. I have to find a way to make you understand that I do love you. Please answer so we can talk! Please! I'll do anything, and I do mean anything, to show you that you're more important than anyone else in my life. Please my love. Please talk to me."

"Sounds like she's pretty determined to try and make it up to you. Don't you think, she should have a chance?"

"To what? Humiliate me again?"

"No, you heard her. To make it up to you. If you love her, if you really do love her, can't you find it in your heart to at least hear her out?"

"I don't know that there's anything she can do to make it up to me. How do you make up to someone for cheating on them, not once, but fifteen times?"

"I don't know, but you can at least hear her out, right? I mean, before you give up. You know how you were last time. Do you want to go through that again? Do you want to go down that road again?"

"Not really." I admitted.

"Then hear her out."

"You really think there's anything she can say, that will take away the pain she made me feel?"

"No, I don't, but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel pain as well. If she's in love with you, truly in love, then she's feeling it every bit as much as you are right how. Come on. I'll dial her and you can at least hear her out."

"If you think she has anything to say worthwhile, you call her."

"Okay. I will." She answered, as she pressed the call button. "Hi, Jennifer? This is Marsha, Ken's neighbor? Yeah. No. I'm just here because, well, he wasn't supposed to be here today, so I figured something happened... Yeah, he told me what happened... Yes, pretty hard... He isn't really sure he wants to talk to you... See you? I don't know... He doesn't seem to think there's much you can do to change what happened. He's hurt by what you did and doesn't think he can ever trust you again... I understand, but... You really think... Well, I can't make sure he's here without tying him up... Funny... Okay, I'll do what I can... Three hours... Okay. Bye."

"You told her she could come?"

"I did. I think you should at least hear her out. You have a lot invested in this relationship. You want to throw it away without giving her at least one final shot?"

"What difference does it make? She can't fix this."

"She thinks she can try. I think you should at least hear her out. Come on. Get up and go get cleaned up."

"What for?"

"You want to meet her looking like this? I thought you were worried about her humiliating you again. Well, if you see her looking like you do right now, well, you can imagine what she'll think. Come on, let's get you cleaned up and dressed." She said, reaching for my hand and pulling on it.

"I don't want to. You go shower and dress."

"I'm already dressed, but you aren't."

"I don't even want to see her."

"Ken, do you want me to be here with you? You don't have to meet her alone, if you don't want. All you have to do is ask."

I looked at her, "you'd stay here with me?"

"Trust me, I won't leave. If you ask me to stay," she whispered.

"Alright. I'm asking. I don't want to face her alone."

"Then I'll be right here for you. Now come on, let's get you up." She said, pulling on my hand harder again. I let her pull me, and then got up. She walked backwards, pulling me toward the bedroom and then the bathroom. She let go of my hands and started to turn on the shower in the tub. I sat down on the toilet seat as she reached in and adjusted the water temperature, turning around to face me again, once she was satisfied. "Come on, into the shower." When I just sat there, she reached for my hands again and pulled, standing me up. "I'll step outside and you can get undressed. You can't shower if you're still wearing shorts."


"Why what?"

"Why bother stepping outside?" I said with a frown, reaching down to push my shorts down. They slid down my legs and I stepped out of them, leaving me completely naked in front of her.

"Oh, well, um, sure, okay then. Well, let's get you into the shower." She said as she looked down at my flaccid dick and reached for the shower curtain. She pulled it back and reached for my hand.

"You're blushing," I said, as I let her pull my hand toward the shower.

"Well, I wasn't expecting this. Not that I mind. But I just wasn't...um, wasn't expecting to see you naked."

"Not like it matters. I'm done with women, I'm done with sex. I'm done with anything to do with relationships!" I said, as I let her coax me into the shower.

"Come on. You don't really mean that."

"Marsha, you know why I broke up with my last girlfriend, the one before Jen?"

"Yeah, I do." She whispered. "But just because it didn't work out with her, doesn't mean that you give up on all women."

"You're absolutely right, I mean, so far, I've only been dumped by a woman who decided she'd rather be a lesbian, and fell in love with a serial cheater. I'm sure there's something else I can be humiliated by if we think about it long enough. Clearly, I'm not anything special. Nothing to write home about. Not even good enough to want to keep screwing!" I said as she helped me step into the shower and then pulled the curtain closed for me.

"That's not fair. You're a kind, gentle, considerate man. You're not bad looking and I'm sure you're more than ample in bed."

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