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Welcome to the Rubber Duck Club

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Isao visits a very special night club.
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Jennifer sat in a darkened room and reached out with trembling hands as a contract was slid across fine oak table.

"One signature and all your problems are over." Promised Maho, licking her lips with anticipation.


Isao Ito had been working at Core Tech solutions for a couple of months now and still had no idea what the company did. All he knew is they needed a hotshot programmer and didn't know enough about computer programming to realise they were grossly overpaying him. He mainly kept to himself, the building was filled with loud management types who he had no interest in socialising with. Isao far preferred a quiet night at home with his girlfriend over being corralled into strip clubs with forty-something executives.

Nevertheless since he started one of the managers (Isao was unsure which department he managed) had taken it upon himself to make friends with Isao. It was completely out of the blue, a large blonde man in his mid-forties came to Isao's desk, introduced himself as Ed and then never left. Isao didn't mind the company but Ed's loud way of living grated on him and so far he had resisted taking the friendship outside of work. Today Ed came to Isao desk looking even more cheerful than usual.

"Isao, my partner in crime! Tonight's the night." Ed announced. "I'm not taking no for an answer, I got us two tickets to the Rubber Duck for dinner and a show. I'm telling you man, if Elvis came back from the dead and fellated the club owner he still wouldn't get his hands on these. This is going to be the greatest night of our lives."

"Sorry Ed, I've got plans for tonight." Isao replied formulaically.

"Whatever they are cancel them, these are non-refundable and I had to give names to go on the ticket. Listen to me, of everyone in the office you are the person I chose to go with me to a club that once refused entry to Winston Churchill. These tickets probably cost your annual salary, don't make me start crying at your desk." Ed spluttered. Isao had endured his tantrums before, but this was on another level. Remembering that his girlfriend said she would be working late tonight setting up the open day for the nursery she worked at and desperate to have some peace to get his work done he reluctantly nodded.

Ed practically danced across the office and squirrelled himself away. Isao was not looking forward to tonight, but he hoped it would help him get out of future trips without looking unsociable.


The day had gone extra fast for Isao and before he knew it he was climbing into Ed's Jeep and being driven into the night. Ed parked fairly close to the city centre, and led Ed down darker and darker alleyways before arriving at a small unassuming door, above which was a small neon sign announcing it as "The Rubber Duck."

Ed knocked in a strange way that Isao assumed was a secret knock and a small slit opened in the door.

"Password?" Asked the deep voice behind the door.

"Oedipus sent me" replied Ed with swagger in his voice. The door swung open and Isao was confronted by 3 bouncers larger than anything he thought possible. They checked their tickets, they checked their ID, they even made them sign disclaimers and hand over their mobile phones. Isao wondered what kind of club took this much effort to get into, then he stepped through the final set of doors and had his answer.

The club had the layout of a vintage dinner theatre, with tables circling a stage and waitresses eagerly buzzing among the crowd. Isao immediately noticed that all the waitresses were completely naked. Their hands were tied behind their backs and they had trays that were attached by a short chain to nipple piercings. They were well made up, with waitresses of all shapes, sizes and colours buzzing between the tables as fast as their obscenely high heels would allow them.

On the stage there were 3 girls strapped into a horizontal triangular apparatus that held them in place with protrusions that went into their intimate areas, they were facing each other and two were kissing while the third screamed and moaned. A scrolling banner sign above explained that the girls were work colleagues from a nearby estate agents, they had been tricked into doing this by their manager, who said it was a teambuilding exercise. Each of the 3 girls had recently had their tongue pierced, their new piercings had light sensors and proximity sensors in them that could tell if it was touching another piercing. Electricity would emit from the apparatus' protrusions inside the girls if the sensor detected it wasn't both touching another piercing and in the dark. This meant that at any one time two of the girls had to open mouth kiss while the third got shocked. It looked like they chose to rotate which meant that every so often they would change so they would take turns at being electrocuted. Isao could feel their deep shame as they looked out over the audience that was watching them intently, occasionally cheering and taunting the unfortunate girls.

Isao was so mesmerised by the sight on stage he didn't notice that he and Ed had moved to the front of the queue and a bleach blonde Indian girl standing in front of him, up close he really drank in the unique look of girls having their hands tied behind their back and a tray attached to their nipples.

"Hello Isao and Ed, my name is Tricia and I will be your table slave tonight." she announced bouncing in front of them. "Please follow me for your table."

Ed strode forward while Isao wandered behind, continuing to be boggled by his surroundings. Their table was at the back of the hall, but dead centre so they got a great view of the stage. As they took their seat, Tricia handed them each a pen. "Master Ed, Master Isao, please write your drinks orders on my tits." she instructed.

"Don't worry I'll order for us" replied Ed, immediately grabbing his pen and writing "2 pints of beer and 4 tequila's" across her chest, giving a quick tweak to her nipple once he was done.

"This place can't be cheap." Isao exclaimed to Ed who was following the waitress with his eyes.

"Don't worry man, you won't have to pay anything, I've taken care of it" Ed explained, his eyes darting wildly around the room, at no point looking at Isao.

The music swelled to a crescendo and all 3 girls on stage broke into moans and screams. The screen now proudly displayed the explanation "for the finale we have turned the electricity on for all our performers for 60 seconds. Let's have a round of applause for our girls from Howard and Frank's real estate. Make sure to drop by later and remind these girls that you saw this tonight."

Isao marvelled for a moment before Tricia returned, her nipples straining under the weight of drinks on her tray. Isao and Ed took the drinks, with Ed caressing Tricia at every opportunity. Under her instruction they then wrote their food orders just above her pussy and she walked away again, giving a cheeky sigh as Ed gave her ass a parting spank.

After a couple of tequilas and some beer Isao was starting to enjoy himself. He actually started to get into the atmosphere and cheered along when the next act came up. A tall Latino woman sashayed onto stage wearing an outfit very similar to a ringmaster's outfit, however the breasts had been cut away, and instead of trousers she wore a short flared skirt and suspenders. In her theatrical and animated way of speaking it became very clear she was not wearing knickers. In his mind Isao christened this girl the ringmistress.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Allow me to introduce our next act, Jane and Jill!" two middle aged blonde women were led out onto the stage, they were in high heels and nothing else with their hands tied behind their back (pretty much the uniform for this club.) They were tied together by string threaded through their nipple piercings. They both screamed when they saw an audience of men leering at them, but with their hands tied behind their backs, and the ladies firmly leading them out they had no opportunity to hide their shame.

"Jill and Jane here both work at Globo-Brand Marketing." Announced the Ringmistress, "they developed a bit of a rivalry after they both slept with the same high level manager, let's call him Mr. Smith. This glorious man decided that the best way to settle this, was to trick them into signing up as Rubber Duck performers in order to compete for his love. So tonight we settle this rivalry with a good old fashioned tug of war, Jane wins if she touches the left wall and Jill the same for the right. The winner will have they key to Mr. Smith's heart and will even be given a job as his personal PA. Meanwhile the loser will be taken from here and tied to the urinals for the remainder of the night for your entertainment. We will be taking photographs of her ordeal all night and a collection of the best pictures will be emailed to every employee of Globo-Brand Marketing. Now I know what you're thinking, what can we do to really encourage these girls to give 100%? Well if one of these ladies is able to knock the other off their feet, as well as sending everyone pictures by email, Globo-Brand Marketing has agreed to pay to have the ordeal photographs plastered on a billboard in a location of the winner's choice."

The women's' eyes grew wide with horror while the crowd cheered with delight. Isao even found himself cheering so hard he didn't even notice that his food had arrived. While Jane was distracted, Jill took the initiative and started pulling. In the shock Jane almost lost her balance, but was able to compose herself and started pulling back. Both ladies moaned as their nipples stretched against their opponent. Jane was larger and more muscled than the petite Jill and quickly gained the upper hand. However, just before Jane could reach the far end Jill took a large step forward. This threw Jane off balance and with her hands tied behind her back she wasn't able to steady herself and she fell to the floor with a thud.

The crowd went ballistic, two handlers came out, picked Jane up, and untied the rope round her nipple piercings. It was apparent she was about to be dragged to the men's toilets, however before that could happen the ringmistress asked them to wait and brought on a microphone so Jane could hear where Jill tell everyone where she wanted the billboard of Jane's humiliation to be placed.

"That bitch went after my man when she had a house-husband at home looking after her kids. So I want you to put the billboard outside Hillview Primary School, so next time her husband drops off her precious kids, daddy and the young ones will know what a whore mummy is." yelled Jill. A photographer emerged from the side to take a picture of the look of shock and anger that blossomed onto Jane's face. She followed her off the stage as the two handlers dragged her to the men's toilets, all the while she was screaming every curse word she could think of at the victorious Jill.

The ringmistress came back onto the stage with a man in a suit and formal mask behind her, Jill lunged forward and gave him a big kiss allowing everyone to know this was the prize she had been fighting for, Isao had barely taken two bites of his gourmet burger, watching this drama unfold.

"Congratulations on your victory!" The ringmistress announced. "As per the contract you signed you are now Mr. Smith's personal assistant. Mr. Smith, why don't you tell her what that entails?" A malevolent smile creeped onto the ringmistress' face as Mr. Smith took the microphone.

"Your job is to take care of my every desire, no matter how dirty or perverted." The audience cheered and Jill hummed at the idea, snuggling herself closer to him. "Also, as payment to the Rubber Duck club for sorting out this issue, your contract will include working here 1 night a week." Jill's whole body went red with embarrassment and rage as she realised what her love had set her up to do, she backed away from Mr. Smith in disbelief before the ringmistress took the microphone.

"You hear that guys, Jill is our property one night a week, and since the night isn't over, what do you say we chain her up on the urinal right next to Jane's!" The cheering crowd grew louder and louder, however Isao was starting to feel sleepy, he had started to struggle to concentrate on the stage as the world grew quieter and darker around him. He could barely make out Mr Smith tainting the girl he had tricked.

"I heard that common experiences can bring girls together, so in the name of mending bridges, how about you and Jane feature together in the photo-montage being emailed out tomorrow? Hell, we'll even fork out some extra money for a billboard of your own, what do you think about outside the church you and your family attend?"

Jill was crimson with rage as she was dragged towards the men's toilets, but her screams were lost on Isao as he fell unconscious.


When Isao awoke he was alone on a balcony overlooking the stage from the side. He was firmly tied to a chair and gagged while surrounded in darkness. Still groggy Isao tried to scream, but though the gag nobody in the busy club below could hear him. He heard whispers behind him but when he tried to turn his head but couldn't as ropes round his head forced him to continue staring at the stage, watching as the ringmistress one again took centre stage and rallied up the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I've just heard it is time for our main event. Boy are you in for a treat tonight, we have got a multilevel tail of drama, betrayal and humiliation for you." The curtains behind the ringmistress opened to reveal a naked girl spread wide and tied to an x shaped apparatus. She was wearing a bright red leather mask that covered her entire face, Isao thought that her body looked familiar, but pushed those thoughts out of his mind as he couldn't bring himself to believe it was her.

"Now ladies and gentlemen that mask she is wearing has built in earplugs, so she currently doesn't know we're all staring at her naked body." The crowd giggled I'm anticipation. "Now last night, this unfortunate lady signed over the rights to her body to us. Today she quit her job at a nursery so that she could be here all day every day for us to subject her to the worst things we can think of, and unlike the other girls you've seen tonight, she knows what she is letting herself in for and she doesn't enjoy humiliation." The buzz from the crowd continued to grow as Isao felt a lump descend into his stomach.

"You see this poor girl has the love of her life, they have been dating for 3 years and more than anything else she wants to marry him. Unfortunately for her, this kid's a total momma's boy and refuses to marry her if he doesn't have his mother's blessing. Now this mum has taken a dislike to our captive here and so she has yet to get the approval she needs. One day she snaps and decides to send a private investigator after her prospective mother in law to get something to blackmail her with. The private investigator followed the mother back to this very club, where she has been performing for a long time. This one thinks she has her right where she wants her. A couple of days ago she confronts the mother about this, shows her the pictures and tells her to let her marry the momma's boy."

The ringmistress walked over to the bound girl and roughly groped her breasts. "I think we can all see how well that went. You see the mother breaks down into tears and tells her a story of her own. Tells her about the man she met who made her forget all about her husband, a man who tricked her into signing a contract that gave us exclusive rights to her body for years to come. How she tried to leave but we blackmailed her, told her that her only way out was to find someone else to take over the remaining time on her contract and then she turned to this one and turned on the puppy dog eyes."

"You see this one has always been a sucker for a good job story, spends her days teaching toddlers kindness, probably why she wants to marry the mother's boy so badly. The mum says that if she takes her place for the remainder of her contract, not only would she get her blessing to marry her son, she would pay for the wedding and their first house. So yesterday the mum turns up at our offices with this one, we sign a contract and we take a few naughty pictures and hold on to them to make sure she doesn't try to disobey us. And so without further ado please welcome our newest slave, Jennifer Mason, soon to be Jennifer Ito!"

Isao's entire life came crashing down as he saw the mask being ripped off Jennifer's face. He felt a plunging sensation in his stomach as his loving girlfriend of 3 years was displayed naked to the audience. Jennifer screamed and struggled against her bonds but it was no use.

"Honey relax," assured the ringmistress. "I was just telling everyone how you got here and how you're our property now." Jennifer quietly sobbed while the ringmistress continued with the story.

"Now you might think the story ended there right, well to tell the next part of the story let's bring out the mother, Rubber Duck regular, Maho Ito!" Isao could not believe what was unfolding on the stage in front of him, from the side his mother emerged wearing a long beige coat and high heels. She had put on a thick layer of makeup and Isao boggled at his mother looking so overtly sexualized. She took another microphone and addressed the crowd.

"So last night I got my dear future daughter in law to sign this contract." She announced holding up a piece of paper. "Of course the reason she signed this contract was clause 42." Maho held the contract up and read aloud to the audience.

"On signing this contract Jennifer will become the property of the Rubber Duck for a length of time equal to that remaining on Maho Ito's contract, in return the Rubber Duck will offer Maho Ito the opportunity to break her contract and no longer be in their possession." The ringmistress stepped forward for her piece in this dialogue.

"Well, as per the agreement, would you like to end your contract and go free?" She asked.

"Hell no!" Replied Maho, "I love being a degraded whore." She announced to the crowd. A roaring of cheers erupted from the crowd while Jennifer's eyes bulged out of her sockets knowing she had just been tricked into being a slave without getting anything in return. The world then went blurry for Isao as he watched his mother drop her coat to reveal she was wearing nothing underneath. His memories of his mother were those of a caring and nurturing individual, and now in front of him, he saw her reduced to a craven whore.

"Jennifer, there's two things I love in this world, my son and this club, you are not worthy of Isao but I think you will fit in nicely here." She said as the ringmistress lead her over to a second cross that had been moved into place next to her. Maho then strapped herself into the X shaped apparatus and awaited what would come next.

"Also Maho, you told Jennifer that you had only 3 months left on your contract. But I looked at your contract and that isn't true is it?" asked the ringmistress. The audience cheered as a cheeky grin crossed Maho's face.

"Well since we're going to be together for all that time I suppose I should be honest. The contract isn't for 3 months, it's for 3 years." Jennifer's whole body shook with anger, she spat at Maho but with her body strapped to the X she couldn't get the right angle and missed.

"Well ladies and gentlemen," the ringmistress continued. "For your main event tonight we are going to convert both these ladies into the kind of lowly slaves that sign their lives away to this club. Maho has written a lovely program of activities, and we agreed that everything that we do to Jennifer we will also do to her." Maho hummed with anticipation while Jennifer began to swear loudly. The ringmistress clicked her fingers and out of nowhere 2 assistants attached ball gags to the ladies, making them begin to drool onto their own naked bodies.

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