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"But now that both these two are restrained I think it's time to introduce a final twist in the tale." Isao chewed the gag with anger as he saw his friend Ed take to the stage. "So, who are you and what is your part in this story?" Asked the ringmistress.

"My name is Edward McKensie, I am the managing director of Core Tech Solutions. I am also the man who opened Maho's eyes to the joys of being a degraded whore and eventually sold her to this fine establishment." Isao couldn't believe the pure lust with which his mother was looking at this man, he came close to gagging when he saw his friend lick his mother's face, while twisting her nipples with his thumb and forefinger, making her moan with delight. "You see I first came up with this plan a couple of months ago, when Maho was complaining about the little whore who had shacked up with her beloved son. I encouraged her to keep being distant and refusing to allow the marriage. I even paid someone at Jennifer's work to suggest hiring a PI and giving her the card for an investigator on my payroll. I would like to point out that the PI only got pictures of Miho being humiliated because I gave them to him, no PI could infiltrate this club. Finally last night Maho gave a fantastic performance as the captive slave and before we knew it my beloved club has a new girl to add to its ranks."

Jennifer was sobbing so hard there were 2 rivers of tears running down her body alongside the river of drool. Isao saw a cheeky grin cross Ed's face and deep down he knew this next bit was going to be about him.

"What these girls don't know is there is one more part of this story. I spent a lot of time thinking there needs to be a punishment for people who disregard family so readily. Of course Jennifer would have to be punished for calling a PI on the woman she would hope to be her mother in law one day, but what about Maho, how would I go about humiliating someone who enjoys punishment so much? The answer was simple, use the only thing she loves more than being humiliated. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the party, Maho's son and Jennifer's boyfriend, Isao Ito!"

Isao struggled and screamed against his gag as a spotlight turned on to him, and for the first time tonight he saw fear cross his mother's face. Maho started screaming and struggling against her bonds but it was no use and she collapsed into a sobbing mess knowing her son was about to watch his mother go through the degradation that she had asked for. Jennifer's eyes were wide and all colour had drained from her body.

"So just to catch everyone up, when I first started our plan to capture poor innocent Jennifer here, I also had my own little plan on the side. I gave Isao a job at my company, became his friend, lured him here tonight and after I put a little something in his food to make him sleep he woke up attached to that chair you see. He has seen and heard everything and he's about to see the rest." Ed left the stage with a giant grin as the ringmistress introduced the act.

"OK everyone, if you will look to your nearest table slave, you will see that they are distributing tablet computers, follow the instructions and I'm sure you will be happy with the results, of course let's not spoil the surprise for Isao." Isao was barely concentrating right now as all he could focus on was the naked bodies of his struggling mother and girlfriend.

"So without any further ado, ladies and gentlemen! Time for tonight's main event entitled; how to strip your slaves of any dignity and humanity while the most important person in their life watches." The ringmistress stepped off the stage as slow rhythmic music started to play, and a bunch of stage hands with a variety of boxes took to the stage. The scrolling sign above the stage displayed the first message.

"Step 1: piercings, all slaves are to have 4 piercings: left nipple, right nipple, septum and clit."

This step had been a very spiteful beginning by Maho, she already had those 4 piercings, and she allowed herself to forget her son was watching long enough to spend some time drinking in the look on Jennifer's face during this first ordeal. The stagehands began by rubbing ice cubes against her nipples and clit to numb them, they then pulled out a small plastic device with a needle sticking out of it, which Isao assumed was the device they would use to pierce his precious girlfriends skin. Jennifer let out a squeal as the first nipple was pierced, and barely had time to recover before the assistant smoothly moved to the second nipple and pierced that too. The assistants timed it so the special piercings for tonight were applied at the same time to both Jennifer and Maho, and they stepped away for a second so the whole crowd could get a view of the bronze penis shaped bells that chimed with every movement the slaves made.

Jennifer was so red with embarrassment that she was completely taken off guard when the assistant moved down below with piercing device. She screamed into her gag as her most intimate area was pierced. Maho and Jennifer then had a locked padlock placed through the piercing. Now sobbing with pain and embarrassment Jennifer didn't even resist as they held her head steady and placed the device up her nose, she simply shuddered a the device clicked into place, she and Maho were then fitted with large chrome nose rings. The sign changed to act as the harbinger of the next step.

"Step 2: slaves should not have the option to disobey masters. Shock collars should be padlocked around the slaves necks, the with activation remote given to the ringmistress."

Two assistants appeared behind Jennifer and Maho and strapped collars to their necks, attaching a padlock at the back so they couldn't be removed. They were designed to look as much like dog collars as possible and even had a little metal tag that said "slave" hanging off the front. The ringmistress emerged holding a remote control. To the glee of the audience she pressed one button and Jennifer screamed in pain, she pressed the second button and Maho moaned with delight.

"Step 3: slaves should always have a red bottom, 10 spanks each with a paddle."

2 of the larger female assistants removed their robes to reveal matching red and black dominatrix outfits. They each picked up a paddle the size of a cricket bat and moved into position next to a waist high table. The crowd was on their feet cheering with bloodlust, they began to chant "Spank! Spank! Spank!" The ringmistress once again moved into view to give more information.

"Which one should we do first? You know what I think we should get Jennifer out first, drive Maho wild with anticipation and desire in front of her son." The assistants took this cue to unstrap the shocked Jennifer from her cross. Immediately Jennifer kicked and struggled but the assistants had plenty of practice and deftly carried her over to the table and strapped her wrists to the table top, they then moved lower and strapped her ankles to the table legs.

The two dominatrixes we're efficient, they each took a side and worked together alternating spanks, the crowd counted in unison while Jennifer screamed into her gag, thrashing wildly with every hit. Isao looked away as best as he could manage, instead looking at his mother, whose eyes betrayed a deep arousal at the situation. He saw his mum salivating over the pain being inflicted to Jennifer, enjoying seeing someone she hated in pain but also feeling deep longing to be in her place. When the assistants put Jennifer back on the cross and untied Maho, she practically ran to the table and immediately strapped herself in.

Once Maho was returned to her cross after her spanking, all eyes turned to the sign to see what was next.

"Step 4: slaves should never be mistaken for humans, to make sure of this we will be shaving all the hair from their pretty little heads."

Another round of cheers erupted from the crowd. Isao realised that from their crosses neither of the women on stage could see the sign. While Isao's mum knew exactly what was coming, Jennifer shook with fear not knowing what was next. Maho looked away from drinking in Jennifer's fear, and felt a deep sense of shame as she caught her son's eye.

The assistants walked over to the X shaped racks and in unison pressed a button in the base that allowed them to rotate until they were horizontal. They then had 2 assistants move into place. Isao could hear his Jennifer's screams when she first heard the hum of the clippers.

Isao always used to love Jennifer's long blonde hair, the way it flowed off her with grace, the way it cascaded down her shoulder and blew in the wind. As he watched the clippers run through her hair and fall to the floor he felt a tear run down his cheek. He also couldn't help feel sad at seeing his mother's dark black hair being severed from her head, this was the hair he would nuzzle his head against when he gave her hugs as a child, he had cried into that hair more than a few times.

Once the clippers had done their work, the assistants smothered the eyebrows and the top of the ladies heads with shaving foam before getting to work with a razor. Once they had finished their task, they once again righted the X shaped restraints and made a point of showing off the results to Isao.

He still recognised his mother and girlfriend, he still could see that it was them, but they were no longer the people he knew. Jennifer was a weeping mess, she no longer had the warmth that had defined their relationship, instead being a cold victim of the Rubber Duck club. Meanwhile the effect on his mother was the opposite. He looked at her face full of lust, and realised she was not his mother any more, she wasn't even human, just a horny piece of degraded filth. The crowd cheered for their new slaves and the scrolling text announced the next step.

"Step 5: time to introduce our slaves to the customers, each slave will be lead around the club, and between them they will make sure that every customer gets an introduction and a kiss with tongue."

The 2 ladies were detached from the X shaped frames and had their hands were tied behind their backs, the ringmistress attached leads to each of the septum piercings and pulled the slaves into the crowd. Isao felt hands on his back as he was swivelled with his chair to watch what was happening in the audience. Maho followed behind the ringmistress obediently, while Jennifer struggled in vain.

"As Jennifer is new here, how about we have Maho show her how we introduce slaves, and don't forget to lay it on thick, after all Isao needs to learn what his mum is really like." the ringmistress announced, handing Maho's lead to a large gentleman sat at the table closest to the stage. Isao's mum immediately kneeled at the man's feet.

"Good evening sir," she announced, "my name is Maho and I am a dirty whore, may this filthy slut be given the honour of a kiss?" The man simply nodded. Isao's mother then stood up, straddled the man and leant in to give him a deep kiss, her tongue clearly darting around his mouth. Isao felt like his stomach was going to implode, but that feeling was nothing compared to how he felt seeing his girlfriend of 3 years being handed to another man to emulate what his mother had just done. Jennifer looked back defiantly, looking like she wasn't going to follow through, then screamed in pain as the ringmistress pressed the remote control, sending an electric shock down her collar. She fell to her knees and looked up at the man sat in front of her.

"H-hello master, my name is Jennifer and I am a s-slave whore. Please may I give you a kiss?" Jennifer stuttered out, the man grinned ear to ear and invited her on to his lap. She then shakily got to her feet and cried up towards Isao, "I'm sorry honey!" Before climbing on to the man's lap and thrusting her face into his, burying her tongue deep into him.

Isao spent the next half an hour with his head swimming. He watched his mother and girlfriend, shaved, pierced and whoring themselves out to every person in the theatre. They called themselves all manner of degrading things before planting deep kisses on everyone's mouths. However the worst part for Isao was yet to come as he saw Jennifer's lead handed to Ed. The ringmistress seizing an opportunity ran over to Ed and Jennifer carrying the microphone.

"Don't forget to thank this man for tricking you into becoming a whore!" she yelled holding the microphone to Jennifer's mouth to make sure everyone heard this one. Jennifer had gone numb from all the people Isao had seen her throw herself at, showing no emotion she once again got on her knees in front of a man.

"Good evening Master McKensie, as you know my name is Jennifer and tonight I became a degraded slave whore when you outsmarted me. Thank you for putting me in my place, please can I show my full appreciation by giving you a kiss?" Jennifer asked in a numb and monotonous voice. Ed's response was to pull her onto his lap using the sternum ring, and firmly kiss her, making it clear that their tongues were playing with each other, all the while not breaking eye contact with Isao.

While all this had been happening, the ringmistress had been given the lead belonging to Maho, and she then had an idea, she lead Maho out the door while talking to the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am glad you have all had a chance to get to know our slaves, however I just realised that there is still one of our guests who has yet to get a kiss. Our good friend Isao." There were sounds of a struggle before the ringmistress' voice returned to the speakers. "Wow! That's the first time I've seen Maho pull back on her lead, come on mummy, time to give your son a goodnight kiss." Isao felt the hands behind him undo the gag and before he knew it his slave mother was kneeling in front of him, showing the deepest shame she had displayed so far tonight. He tried to look away and but the only thing in his line of vision was Jennifer on Ed's lap, his hands probing every area of her body while she squirmed and moaned.

"Isao." Maho floundered, she was clearly struggling to get the words out. "You only know me as your mother, but the truth is I am a dirty perverted whore. I care more about degrading myself in front of men I don't know, than being a good mother. Now please may this slutty slave give her son a kiss?" Isao shook his head, he wiggled his body as much as possible to prevent his mum doing this and it was working as with her hands tied behind her back she didn't have the balance to get over his shaking limbs.

Dejected, Isao's mother walked away, there were some hushed whispers and she was back moments later, now with her hands untied. She once again kneeled at her son's feet but this time her hands began probing up his legs. "Don't be a spoilt brat Isao, your mother is a whore now and you need to accept it." She said, all warmth lost from her voice. Her hands began running up his legs and eventually hit the bulge in his trousers. "I can see you're turned on by this, so stop being a little cry-baby and come give mummy a kiss." With her arms now free there was nothing Isao could do to resist her. Isao's mum pressed her naked body against Isao, held his face in her arms and leaned in.

Despite the stress Isao felt every moment of the interaction, he could feel the nipple piercings digging into his chest, his mum's pussy rubbing against his crotch, and his mum's tongue sensually lapping against his inside his mouth. The crowd cheered around them creating a wall of noise dulling his senses and focussing his mind on the moment. After what seemed like forever his mother pulled away, Isao immediately looked for Jennifer and saw her still with Ed, now bent over in front of him, spreading her cheeks wide and giving him a good look at her insides. Maho was upset at Isao looking away so quickly, and so leant in for another kiss immediately afterwards.


Eventually Jennifer and Maho returned to the stage under the guidance of the ringmistress and were once again strapped to the X shaped contraption.

"And now ladies and gentlemen, the grand finale! Now Isao, I bet you are wondering what the tablet computers were for earlier. Well basically we decided to commemorate tonight by giving Maho and Jennifer tattoos." As she spoke two assistants emerged from behind the scenes, they then knelt in front of the 2 slaves and Isao heard the irregular buzzing of tattoo guns in use. "The first one will of course be a little sign that reads 'property of the Rubber Duck Club' just above the pussy. To remind them of who they belong to. As for the second one, using the tablets everyone in the audience submitted ideas and then voted on their favourite. So who wants to hear the results! The audience burst into screams and woops while the two slaves squirmed on stage.

"For Maho the winner is: "I want my son's cock" tattooed above her heart." A round of applause followed, "and for Jennifer: the word "whore" made out of dicks, across her forehead." Isao shuddered and Jennifer screamed as the tattoo artists moved away from their first tattoos above the pussies, and Isao felt a sinking feeling before passing out as the tattoo artist moved up to his girlfriend's face.


When Isao came to he was tied up in the boot of a moving car, after a few minutes the car came to a halt and eventually the boot was opened. Smiling at Isao from above was Ed, arm in arm with both Isao's mother and Isao's girlfriend. Despite being on the public road outside Isao's apartment, Jennifer and Maho were still naked. Isao sobbed as he saw the pile of floppy penises spelling out the word "whore" on his girlfriend's forehead and the dead look in her eyes as she held onto the man who ruined his life.

"Isao buddy, just the guy I wanted to see! We were having a chat in the car just now, well I was talking these 2 had their mouths full, and we came to a couple of decisions. Firstly we think it for the best if your mother came to live with you and Jennifer, really give a whole new feel to your environment. Of course we realise that is will be difficult to adapt to, that's why we gave Maho the remote control to Jennifer's collar and yours." Maho realised with a start that he was also padlocked into a shock collar, similar to the ones Jennifer and Maho were wearing. "Your mother is to be in charge of the house, she has been instructed in how to treat you and that you are to follow her every order or you get zapped."

"Secondly our company just won the contract to run the private members website of the Rubber Duck, so I decided you are going to be heading up this project. This will mean long hours watching and editing videos from the club as well as impersonating your mum or girlfriend in chat rooms to proposition new clients."

"Finally we decided that you need a reminder of your place, you see we decided that everything that has befallen these 2 is your fault, so the slaves have been ordered to show you the contempt you deserve. Ladies?"

Maho stepped forward and spat in her son's face, then with a voice of pure malice and a face of thunder she yelled "you snivelling little bastard I should have swallowed you." Next up Jennifer stepped forward, also spitting in Isao's face.

"I'm glad you're such a momma's boy, even though I have to degrade myself to do it I'm looking forward to fucking and sucking all the club members who are better than you." Isao was hoisted out of the car by Ed and the four of them began walking towards the house. On an impulse Maho took the opportunity to zap Isao so hard he fell to the ground, Jennifer initially looked worried for her boyfriend, but Ed reminded her the consequences of showing Isao affection, so she spat on him again.

"Your mother and I are going to spend all night pleasuring Ed to thank him for helping us to become the dirty whores we were meant to be. You can sit at the end of the bed and watch." She spat.

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