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Well, That Backfired Ch. 04

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The Baker family reunion begins.
13.6k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/12/2019
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" me," I laugh as I escort the two beautiful women to the front door, "Audrie will absolutely love you. She'll probably try to impress you because you're a lesbian and she'll want to show how progressive she is."

"She sounds like a lovely woman," Sierra smiles, "I can't wait to meet her."

I grasp the door knob, and stop. This is it; I'm going to see the children I abandoned over ten years ago. I feel my heart pounding in my chest, and I turn to Sierra with an apprehensive look on my face. She smiles warmly, and gives me a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. I steel myself, take a deep breath, force a smile on my face, and open the door. My smile stays glued to my face, and broadens into a skeletal grimace as my world comes crashing down around me.

My wife is bent over on the couch, her curvaceous figure naked save for the tattered remains of her UCLA top. Her face is buried into a young woman's crotch, whose features are obscured by a curtain of brown curly hair. The young woman pets Audrie's head possessively as a young man of similar complexion spreads my wife open and rails mercilessly into her gaping asshole. Audrie tilts her face away from the cunilingus, her pale lips glistening with the woman's juices, her makeup smeared and running, and her expression a look of arousal so perverse it corrupts her pristine features. She smiles at me, but not with the companionable smile she usually regards me with, but a lecherous, wicked smile I've never seen her wear before.

"Hey Honey," she moans as she spreads herself for the man fucking her ass, "you're home early; we have surprise visitors."

The young woman looks up, and I see my daughter's face for the first time in over a decade. The young man turns around, and I see my own grin stretched across Tom's lips.

"Hey, old man." Tom says in an easy, nonchalant manner.

"Hi Daddy!" Laurie giggles, and dismounts from the back of the couch in a summersault, "We were just getting to know our step-mom."

"She's been very accommodating;" Tom grins, and slaps Audrie hard across the ass, causing her back muscles to tense and her mouth to squeal, "what a treat she is."

Tom grips Audrie by the hips and spins them both around as Laurie struts along the couch, staring at me with a wicked smirk strewn across her lips. Tom lands on the couch with Audrie atop him; her legs splayed outside of his, her back resting along his abdomen, and her hands reaching behind herself to grasp the back of his head. She grinds on him; her abdomen flexing in waves of sinuous motion, her supple ass deforming against his driving pelvis, her perfect breasts jiggling to the fervency of their passion, and her eyes watching me intently as her open, smiling lips vocalize a pleasure I never gave her. Tom watches me from behind her, then wraps a possessive hand around her throat, and forces her face to his. They share a vulgar kiss of entwining tongues and open lips while they stare at me from the corners of their eyes. My daughter kneels between my wife's legs, and plants her face into the frothing petals at their apex. She tenderly cups Tom's balls as his cock thrusts ferociously into the gaping ruin of Audrie's anus. I can see the contractions of pleasure twitching up my wife's taint, compelling her to writhe in a display of lithe motion and possessed sexuality. She continues to stare at me as she kisses my son; stifled tones of her ecstasy escalating from her occupied mouth. Tom jackhammers his way into my wife's ass, and she reacts by arching her back against him, and grinding her ass deeper into his pelvis. My daughter licks the secretion of Audrie's lust, and the trickle of nectar becomes a flood. Audrie breaks from the kiss; her head flying backward, her mouth gaping open, and her neck straining to yield her cry. They rise to the whim of Tom's elevating thrusts, and I hear him grunting and groaning in the heat of his climax. They come together, and I watch in horror as my son fills my wife's asshole. His seed drips down his shaft, and into my daughter's awaiting mouth. Audrie's scream finally subsides, and her desperate pants and gasps turn to whimpers of satisfaction. Laurie pulls Tom's cock out of Audrie's ass, and my wife's sphincter contracts lazily into a semi-closed orifice. Laurie circles her tongue around Audrie's dripping anus, collecting the spillage as Audrie moans her soft approval. She take's Tom's still-engorged member, and sucks him clean; watching me as she does it. She pulls him out of her throat with a sigh, climbs to Audrie's tilted back head, and passes the milky contents of her mouth between my wife's awaiting lips.

"Bradley," Sierra whispers in my ear, her lips tickling the lobe, "you're hard as a rock right now."

I jolt from my existential fugue state, and look down. I am hard... what the fuck. I should be furious, I should be disgusted, I should be damn-near homicidal, but I'm not. There are times in life where every man's masculinity is tested, and this was my final exam. Not only did I fail it, I took a steaming shit on the answer sheet, and handed it back to the professor with a smile on my face.

"I think your ex-husband might have a little cuckold fetish." Eleanor giggles, her chin resting on my other shoulder, "What a dirty little boy you are, Bradley; your own children..."

"I-I-I'm n-n-not," I stammer, feeling my face flush, desperately searching for a way to gain control of this situation, "it's not..."

"It's not what?" Eleanor says, her words accentuated with a seductive fry. I feel her lips press against my left cheek, and I feel Sierra's press against my right. They move their hands together along the angle of my pelvis, and Eleanor undoes my fly as Sierra reaches inside. Her cool, soft fingers wrap around my girth, and she sighs delectably into my ear.

"I've missed you so much, Bradley;" she whispers, stroking me, "we all have."

"Laurie especially." Eleanor laughs, and my gaze falls to my daughter. Her lean, nubile figure sits upright on the couch, framed by the bodies of my son and wife. Her legs are closed and bent at the knees in a façade of propriety, her eyes bare a mask of innocence, and her dainty shoulders slope vulnerably as she covers her breasts in false modesty. She's being my little girl; my innocent, sweet, little girl. She murmurs soft tones of reluctance as her brother and step mother caress her, but I've seen the true Laurie; I know what she really wants. She wants me to ruin her. I feel myself grow even harder in her mother's hand, and Sierra laughs knowingly.

"You can have her, Bradley." Sierra's sweet voice pours poison in my ear, "She'll let you do anything to her."

"She's the family whore," Eleanor says, her hand joining Sierra's on my cock, "and she's been waiting so long for you."

"Fuck our daughter, Bradley," Sierra whispers, "fuck her like she wants you to."

Were I a man of true faith, I would be seeking the guidance of god. As it is, I have two devils on my shoulders, and no angels to refute them. There is no one to guide me to the honorific path, no one to help me through my most trying time. I feel the shame, self-loathing and loss of control, but most of all, I feel the temptation. My god, the temptation. The corruption that seeps its caressing tendrils into the primal corridor of my mind, and tells me it's alright; it's alright to want to fuck your teenage daughter.

I let Sierra and Eleanor drop my pants and guide me by the cock to my awaiting daughter. Her vulnerable façade fades as I near her, and the protective wrap of her arms and stiff posture slides into a lazy, splayed figure. Her innocent eyes sparkle with anticipation, and her closed legs separate to reveal the tight leaking slit between them.

"I've been saving this for you, Daddy," Laurie says in a baby-voice, "I didn't let anyone else play with it."

Eleanor relinquishes my member to Sierra, and takes Tom by the hand. Audrie gets up to join them, and the two girls leave in a fit of giggles as Tom fills his palms with their asses. I'm left alone with my daughter and her mother. Laurie leans back, and beckons me forward with a leering finger and a promising grin. Sierra breathes hot and heavy against my neck as she guides my cock closer and closer to the point of no return; to the place where my family has gone in my absence. Because of my absence. I feel the soft flesh of Laurie's thighs in my palms. I watch myself, almost unbelieving, as I guide them to separate. She spreads them willingly, staring up at me from the tops of her eyes, her petite breasts rising and falling with her shallow breaths of anticipation.

"Fuck me, Daddy." She whispers, her voice quivering with desperate desire, "Fuck your baby girl."

I push the tip of my cock to her dripping petals, and stop. A moment of clarity strikes me; I can still go back. I can still save myself from this! Sierra uncurls her fingers from my shaft and watches me, studies me. Laurie splays her hands lazily beside herself, waiting for me to do the unforgivable. A heartbeat passes, then another, an eternity between each. My mouth is dry. My throat is tight. Behind me is my pride, my self-respect and my sanity, but before me is a world of temptation, of forbidden desires fulfilled, of manic delights from which there is no redemption. I'm stuck in the moment, paralyzed and tortured! I feel my mind splitting in half! I feel the warm, silky skin of my daughter's legs, and the hot, dripping flesh of her pussy. I feel two, dainty heels push into the small of my back. I feel them guide me forward, and I see the sparkling sapphire eyes of my daughter smirking up at me. I feel myself lose the last of my resolve, and I see Laurie's smile broaden as she guides me inside her.

"That's it." she whispers through grinning lips as her wet heat surrounds me, her pussy lips sucking my shaft. So soft, so welcoming to deliver me into such terrible, wonderful place, "Come to me, Daddy."

She envelopes me, taking every inch of my manhood deep within. She gasps as my girth stretches her, and her breathy expulsions turn to moans the deeper I get. Her legs flex around me, and her heels push harder until our pelvises meet. She holds me in stasis; relishing the wrongness of the situation, savoring my throbbing rigidity inside her. Her eyes droop in blissful satisfaction, and her inner muscles clench around me, drawing me deeper, embracing me in their wet, lewd hold.

"Oh yes," she gasps, licking her lips and taking a deep, indulgent inhale, "this is what I've been waiting for."

"Oh fuck," I pant, the realization dawning on me, "what have I done?"

"There's no shame in it, Bradley." Sierra says comfortingly, "There's nothing wrong with you."

"Yes there is!" Laurie giggles through a breathy moan, "There's a hell of a lot wrong with you."

"Laurie..." Sierra chides her daughter, but Laurie just grins evilly at me, and begins to shift her hips.

"You're a daughter-fucking piece of shit, Daddy." Laurie laughs, her voice girlish and innocent, starkly contrasting the venom in her words, "You're a weak little man who gets hard watching his son fuck his wife."

I know she's trying to get a rise out of me, I know she's trying to make me lose control. Beneath the layer of malice in Laurie's eyes, is an excited flame shining from her perverse mind. She grinds her hips in a sinuous rotation about my pelvis; her tight pussy lips gripping me and stretching from her body with each circular pass. Her toned abdomen flexes in waves as she twists her body along the axis of her penetration. The glint in her eyes grows brighter, and the deviousness of her smile widens. She plants her hands into the cushions, and pushes herself off the couch, her arms straightening beneath her. She stretches backward, her spine arching, her silky torso flattening below her swaying breasts, and she grinds my cock deeper into her, growling in playful lust as she rolls her lewd muscles up my length.

"You abandoned us, Daddy," Laurie giggles, moans slipping between her words, "why did you leave me?"

"Sweetie," I say, struggling against the cutting edge of her words, the squelching pulls of her sucking pussy, "I just... had to go."

"You just had to go?!" Laurie laughs, though there's a dangerous tenor behind her mirth, "Is that all?"

"Your mother and I-"

"I know what Mom did!" Laurie yells, her voice quivering with rage and pleasure. The angrier she gets, the more passionate she becomes. She locks her legs around my waist in a vice, forcing me deeper inside her. Her hot tight insides clench around me as she pulls herself upright in an arc of auburn curls and graceful athleticism. Her breasts squish against my chest, her belly flattens to my abdomen, and her fingers lock together around my neck. She stares up at me; her sapphire eyes brimming with pleasure and hatred, her pale full lips panting exerted breaths.

"You left me without a father," Laurie growls, "because your wife fucked some guy."

"I'm sorry, Laurie," I say, my voice wavering. I'm lost in those beautiful blue eyes, those depthless wells of hatred and pleasure, "I'm so sorry."

"Sorry?!" Laurie laughs, her mirth interrupted by the gasping tones of her euphoria, "Look what I've become, Daddy! Look what you did to me!"

"She didn't have a father to protect her." Sierra whispers her sweet poison into my ear, "She was left vulnerable without you."

"Maybe if you were there," Laurie moans, undulating against me, willing me deeper inside her, "Tom wouldn't have raped me."

"What the fu-"

"Maybe if you were there," Laurie cuts me off, forcing me to look at her, "I wouldn't have given in to him so easily."

"Your own son raped your daughter, Bradley," Sierra whispers, her voice dripping in seduction, "and she loved it."

"Laurie, I-"

"And maybe if you were there," Laurie whimpers, her voice growing weaker with each drive of my hips, her eyes growing wider the deeper I push into her, "I wouldn't have fucked my own mother."

"But you weren't there," Sierra sighs, her lips brushing against my ear, her body pressing against my side, "and now we're all lost."

"I'm ruined now," Laurie smiles, her voice quivering as a shudder of pleasure runs down her twisting back, "I could have been a normal, healthy young woman, but that's been taken from me."

"Now she's a hopeless slut," Sierra whispers, her voice seeping with desire, her hands unbuttoning her shirt, "just like her mother."

"And it's all your fault." Laurie says, clasping her hands on my cheeks and holding my head forward, trapping me in her eyes, those sapphire depths, drowning me in them. I feel her malice carve its way into my heart, and I feel her squeezing me wantonly from the inside. I feel her fury burrowing into my sockets, and I feel her heart beating frantically from her breasts as they deform against my pressing chest. I feel the hatred in her words, and I feel her slender belly flexing and convulsing with the ecstasy I'm providing her. I feel her breath on my lips, and taste the air of her mouth on my tongue.

"It is," I say, feeling myself thrusting harder and harder despite my guilt, feeling my need to take her grow even as she whispers her hatred, "I should have been there for you, but I was a coward. Don't blame yourself for who you are, Laurie; it's my fault. All my fault."

"I hate you." Laurie says, her words barely audible beneath the gasping breaths and the slapping of skin. Her lips are trembling and partially agape, outlining her mouth in luscious pale flesh. Her eyes beckon me, daring me to initiate, daring me to try to make her mine.

"Why are you holding yourself back, Darling?" Sierra whispers, her voice almost teasing, "You're already inside her; what's a kiss?"

"What's a kiss?" Laurie echoes with a whispering giggle.

"It's just..." I say, "what can I do, Laurie? How can... how can you forgive me?"

"As a father? I'll never forgive you," Laurie says, her breath pushing into my mouth, her taste sweet on my tongue, "but I don't want a father anymore; I want a Daddy. Now kiss me, Daddy."

She pulls up to me in a violent motion, pressing her nubile frame against my driving form, smearing her sweat and juices across my pelvis as she rises and connects. Her lips open around mine in a fierce pressing of tender flesh, and her tongue invades me. The kiss is somehow more wrong than the sex; more intimate, more forbidden, surpassing the corrupting of the flesh and entering the realm of souls. I taste her hatred, her longing, her malice, and it's delicious. I feel my mind melt, my inhibitions give, and the last bit of my dignity drown in her mouth. I kiss her back, fierce and hateful like she is. Our lips wrap against each other, our tongues entwine and slip passionately, our tones muffle from the crease of our depravity. I grab the back of her head, entangling my fingers in her curls, and pull her deeper to me, rotating about the axis of our passion, tilting my head above hers, making her feel my masculinity, my savagery, my dominance. She resists me; pressing her mouth harder to mine, stiffening her back against my advance, and craning her neck to stay even with me. I pull her hair back in a ferocious tug, and force my face atop her own. I move my other hand along the curve of her waist, and slide it down her spine. Two fingers trail down her spread crack, then push into the tight hole within. She gasps, arches her back, and presses her body closer to mine. The passion of her kiss becomes desperate, and a pleading tone courses from her mouth; she wants me to push deeper. I sink my fingers further into her taut filth, feeling the delicate flesh of her sinful hole giving way to my burrowing digits, feeling her defiance wane in the intensity of my invasion. She melts into me, her body succumbing to the lassitude my pleasure compels, her muscles turning to jelly, her head falling backward into my supporting hand, letting me take my place atop her, surrendering to me in helpless euphoria. Her legs tighten about my waist, and her hands fall from my head, reach behind herself, and spread her cheeks wider for me. I feel her kiss lose its edge, and I feel her resistances fall. She's mine now; my daughter, my lover, my whore. I revel in the power I've taken from her, but deep down, I know it was never mine to steal. She seduced me, manipulated me, and when the time was right, she gave me the power. She wrapped me around her finger just like her mother did all those years ago. I glance out of the corner of my eye and see Sierra, beaming endearingly as I taste our daughter, as if this were a precious family moment she'd catalogue and send out for the next Christmas card. She never stopped loving me even after all this time, and this is the way her twisted mind decided to show that love: a gift of my own daughter. As I push my fingers deep into Laurie's ass, as I feel her pussy clench about my driving cock, and as I taste her screams of pleasure on the tip of my tongue, I realize, looking at Sierra, that I still love her too. God help me, I'm just as fucked up as she is, and she knew it long before I did. She's got her hooks back into me, and now, I don't think I'll ever get out. I don't think I'll ever want to.


I watch as Bradley loses the last of himself to our daughter. I watch as he pushes his fingers inside her and drives his hips with reckless abandon. I watch as she melts in his passion, as she loosens her body in acceptance of his lust like I had so many years ago. Never in my life had I imagined it would be an experience we'd share. She curves herself into him; pressing her breasts to his chest, spreading her cheeks open behind her, dropping her head into his hand and letting him take her the way he wants to... the way she wants him to. He looks at me from the corner of his eye, his lips still wrapped around Laurie's, his body heaving in violent bouts of revelry. I smile at him and loosen the last of the buttons on my shirt. I let it fall, and show him what he's been missing all these years. Fishnet stockings wrap tightly around my legs, the skin bulging at the straps and indenting where the garters cross my thick glutes. A lacy bra supports the perfect form of my bosom, pressing my ample breasts together, jutting them vulgarly from the elegant frame of my chest.

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