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We're a Wonderful Wife Ch. 06


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It's almost lights out, give my love to the honeymooners and my best wishes to all of the gang. You didn't mention Trung and Angela, I bet they marry too, as for you ...


Don had signed off last night's letter with a few words on what he wanted to do with Lanh once they were reunited. He had to keep that part of the letter as non-explicit as possible, for his sake not hers. There's not much you can do for an erection in an open bay dorm full of young men in their underwear, privacy doesn't exist.

Now, 18 hours after sending off that letter, an hour before evening chow, the flight normally participates in some in-dorm training, or cleaning activities. Excitement is running through the guys, rumor has it that Saturday they may get their first base liberty, which means they may get to call home.

Don was adjusting his locker for inspection for the millionth time when he heard the TI bellow, "Campbell, my office! NOW." Don checked his uniform then said to Dom "Check me for ropes." Dom looked over Don's uniform quickly looking for any of those tiny errant threads that turn up on new uniforms commonly known as "ropes."

"Ok, you're good, let us know where to send the body when he's done with you."

"Thanks," gasped Don, then he scrambled for the TI's office. There he knocked on the door once, as hard as he could and waited at the position of attention until he heard the command, "Enter!"

He took his position in front of the TI's desk, snapped to attention, held the best salute he could muster, fixed his eyes on a point above the TI's head and said "Sergeant, Airman Campbell reports as ordered."

Miserable old TSgt Blankenship made him hold the salute for a good 10 seconds which felt like a half hour to Don, then returned the salute allowing Don to lower his salute and stand at attention. "Stand at ease Campbell." Don snapped to parade rest, feet shoulder width apart, hands clasped behind the back, eyes focused on the wall above the TI's head; it's a form of attention, it just appears to be more restful. "You did quite well in the PAST test, you're the first airman I've had to pass the PAST in a year."

"Thank you, sergeant."

SSgt Romano stood off to the side all smiles, it's obvious that TSgt Blankenship wanted to impress on his trainee how to congratulate an airman that excelled. The grouchy old TI continued, "Not just passed, you stomped that test Airman, you must have been an athlete in high school."

"I set the state record for two-hundred-yard freestyle in Minnesota two months ago, sergeant." This guy didn't call Don in to discuss high school athletics, Don was suspicious. He just wanted to get through basic training making no waves so he could be reunited with his bride and go to his technical school.

TSgt Blankenship slid a form across the desk and said, "You don't need to read, it's all filled out, just sign and date the bottom line, year/month/day using blue, black, or blue/black ink," and he pointed to the line he indicated. The cadence of his voice had the cadence of a man who has repeated this sentence a thousand times.

After a week of dealing with publishers, Don learned the hard way to read everything, this was drilled into his head over and over by his legal representative, Huy. Don didn't need to read this paper; it was a statement volunteering to join the USAF para-rescue career. "Thank you for the opportunity, Sergeant Blankenship, but I have settled on my chosen career. I intend to be an aircraft maintenance..."

"Airman, there is no greater opportunity to serve your country than to rescue downed airmen in their time of need." TSgt Blankenship sounded angry.

"Sergeant, I believe those airmen are better served by flying the most serviceable aircraft on earth, and that's what I intend to do. I intend to..."

"Airman, shut up. Romano, out."

Sergeant Romano's face showed shock momentarily, then her face went blank, and she executed a left face then marched from the office. TSgt Blankenship rose from his desk and stepped up next to Don and spoke directly into his ear, and Don could smell alcohol on his breath. "What the fuck is wrong with you airman? Did that one little bitty stripe go to your head? Speak!

"Sergeant, I have no desire to jump out of an airplane."

"Is jumping out of an airplane not good enough for you airman? Are you too good to rescue downed fliers? Is that it?"

Don learned a long time ago not to argue with drunks, and the reek of whiskey or whatever Blankenship had been drinking was starting to get to him. He chose to remain silent until Technical Sergeant Blankenship tired of harassing him. TSgt Blankenship growled and threatened and did everything he could to not sound like R. Lee Ermy, but of course, that is exactly who he was emulating. Every TI in the Air Force and every DI in the Marines or Army studied R. Lee Ermy's work in the movie Full Metal Jacket and worked hard to emulate his style without appearing to emulate his style. Finally, Sergeant Blankenship shouted, "Talk to me Campbell! What do you want?"

Don turned his head and looked directly into Technical Sergeant Blankenship's bloodshot eyes. "I want to speak with the First Sergeant."

"Dismissed," growled Technical Sergeant Blankenship. "Get the fuck out of my office you coward." Don performed a perfect about-face and left the office, as he stepped out through the door TSgt Blankenship bellowed "Romano! In here NOW!"

Dom ran up to Don and asked "Wat da fuck Donny? We could hear the ol' bull moose bellowing out here!"

Another airman, short, squat, a Wyoming ranch hand named Grizzard who slept on the other side of Dom came up also. "Seriously Don, you really pissed him off, what did you do?"

"I don't know! I took the PAST because he ordered me to, I passed it, and when I didn't apply for Para Rescue or Explosives Ordnance Disposal he freaked out." Before Don could say another word, TSgt Blankenship burst out of his office.

"Campbell, you're fired. Grizzard, you're the new squad leader, you two switch bunks and lockers NOW goddamnit!" SSgt Romano stood behind him, her face a mask of worry. The two trainees began to nervously move their gear from one locker to the other. "I won't have a coward leading a squad in my training flight," said Blankenship loud enough for the entire training flight to hear. "Romano, I want to hear your suggestion for flight leader tomorrow, and it had better not be this gutless imbecile," he said pointing at Don.

It was dead silent in the dorm room as Grizz, and Don switched lockers. Then as Don carried a drawer full of personal items to the new locker, Blankenship reached out and slapped the drawer out of Don's hands. Pens, pencils, letters, and other personal items flew through the air, and Don watched it all flutter to the ground in slow motion.

Blankenship picked up the picture of Lanh with the bass and muttered, "Cute little whore, I may have to go look her up, show her what a real man is like..." then he looked up and saw Don glaring at him. "Any questions, coward?" grinned Technical Sergeant Blankenship.

"Just one," said Don as he faced Technical Sergeant Blankenship. "Is that whiskey or bourbon on your breath?"

"You miserable cocksucker!" roared Blankenship and drove his fist into Don's gut. Don flew over his cot and landed on the floor as the entire training flight watched.


My Very Dear Cô Dâu

It's been quite a busy three days, sorry that I haven't written. I guess I caused a stir when I refused to volunteer for that dangerous duty we discussed. TSgt Blankenship was disappointed in my decision and was a bit vocal about it. He used to be para-rescue and he thought I would be a perfect fit for the job. I explained to him that I wanted to work on airplanes and learn the technical skills needed to repair airplanes, but he wasn't happy with that. We decided that the First Sergeant might be interested in this discussion.

The first sergeant, Senior Master Sergeant Bowes informed TSgt Blankenship that my decision is my decision and if he doesn't like it to take it up with the commander. Well, he took it up with the commander and he must have caught Major Eversman on a bad day because we have a new TI now and a new flight leader...


"Tellin' da little lady what happened?" Dominic Demarco grinned as he read over Don's shoulder.

"I'm telling her what she needs to know... for now," said Don as he tried to block Dom's view of his letter.

"She's gonna find out ya know."

"Yes, and I will tell her in person, she doesn't need to freak out while I'm seven hundred miles away." Don sighed as he sealed the letter and put a stamp on it, a hard task to do with his left arm in a sling.

"Lights out in five minutes!" called the CQ.

"At least ya kept your cool and didn't take a swing at da fucker," said Dominic as Don put the letter in the outbound mail slot.

"That was my plan all along," grinned Don. "If you keep your cool, hot heads and drunks always find a way to bury themselves."

"That fucker is getting' court martialed," said Dom, "you don't git more buried dan dat. He damn near pulled yer arm off yankin' yuz up off da floor like dat."

Don shook his head and said, "I will tell her, I know you're aching to, but I relieve you of that responsibility." as he started peeling the blanket off his cot. A well-made cot is as tight as a drumhead and it's tempting to slide into those tightly drawn sheets and just tug it tight in the morning, but a sharp TI will look at night to see if anyone did that and suddenly the entire flight will be doing drills to get out and back in the bed for fifteen minutes. It only takes once or twice for the lesson to be learned.

Don's guys have been helping him with making the bed and putting his locker together for inspection after TSgt Blankenship dislocated Don's shoulder yanking him up off the floor like that. Blankenship was so out of control that Staff Sergeant Romano went and got the Lieutenant to put an end to TSgt Blankenship's drunken rage. Don ended up at the hospital where he spent the night and TSgt Blankenship was escorted away by security police after calling Second Lieutenant Danielson a "Ballless butter bar."

Don could rest, heal, and graduate with a different flight, and another person might have done that, but Don wanted to ride it out with "his" team. He had a sudden thought and raised his hand and shouted, "Squad leaders! form up in the day room, Đi đi mau!" He got that out just as the CQ called "lights out," and shut the bay lights off. "Let's go squad leaders, this will be quick!"

The flight was broken into four squads, each squad had a leader, and there was one flight leader over them. Grizz and the three other squad leaders followed Don into the dayroom, a classroom that each training flight has. "This is after lights out!" one of the squad leaders complained. Another asked "What's a Đi đi mau?"

"It means go fast," said Don as the four flight leaders gathered in the day room, a classroom used for in-house training, "if they have a problem with us meeting after lights out, I'll take the heat. What are they going to do, rip my arm off?" he grinned and slightly raised his left arm, now supported in a sling. "Ok, really quick, tomorrow is all academics and open locker inspection, this is a good opportunity to see how our boys are doing. Pay attention to your people. Tomorrow night bring a list of everyone that is having problems so we can help them, also, bring a list of your best so we can emulate them. And if you're having trouble let me know, I'll give you a hand..."

"What is the meaning of this?" came a demanding female voice from behind them.

The five young men in their underwear snapped to attention and Don turned to SSgt Romano. "Staff meeting ma'am. Formulating our plan for tomorrow."

"After light's out?"

"Yes ma'am, I don't want the squad leaders to miss any training or any time with their squad because of a meeting, I figure after the troops are bedded down would be the best time for us to get together."

The ghost of a smile crossed SSgt Romano's lips. "One hour at the most, then hit the racks. Carry on." And she turned on her heel and left. He figured that out quick and took the initiative to conduct staff meetings before instructed to do so, she thought, then congratulated herself for selecting Airman Campbell as the new flight leader.


My Dearest Em Yêu

I can't think of how much I miss you without crying, but it's getting better, slowly. Just being able to live here on the farm where you grew up makes me feel like I'm in touch with you. And it's so wonderful to see Poppa Ralph and Momma Sandy finally be able to show their love for each other. It must have been so hard for them to keep their hands to themselves for so long! Tam says that they're worse than we are when it comes to "smooching and grabbing."

Our passports came in the mail yesterday, and guess what? I got my driver's license! Ba took me down to the DMV and I took the test in Má's Chevy. Also, I have everything we need for the move ready to go except for the bed, I'm still using that. The packers are supposed to be here two days after your graduation.

Speaking of that, I have my plane tickets for your graduation, are you sure it's OK if Kim-ly comes with? She's been kind of freaky about going, she's acting weird. I guess I've been grouchy and miserable since you've been gone too, Kim-ly says I have a condition called "Lackadicky" and she says a shopping trip with her will be the solution...


Lanh followed Kim-ly into the "Adult Superstore" with fear and apprehension written all over her face. The front windows had mannequins wearing scandalous evening wear, see through evening gowns, sheer blouses, bras with holes to reveal the nipples, even crotchless panties. Inside it was worse, the store was filled with racks and racks of DVD's, and magazines, their cases and covers featured naked people in questionable poses. And their titles! "I don't think we're supposed to be in here," Lanh whispered to Kim-ly.

"Don't worry about it, we're both over eighteen, one of us has a college degree, and one of us is dressed nicely. We're good! Hey Davie!"

The greasy haired, pimple faced man behind the cash register waved his hand. "How ya doin' Kimmie? This your sister?"

"Yepper. We're on a fact-finding mission, her husband is in basic training and she's feeling lonely."

"Shhh!" Lanh was in a panic, did Kim-ly tell everyone about her and Don?

"Relax, Davie was in my physics class at Bemidji State, ain't that right Davie."

"Right as rain Kimmie. You guys want some tokens for the video booths?" Davie started to reach under the counter.

"She's not ready for that, maybe when her hubby gets sent overseas, she'll take the center booth," Kim-ly grinned.

"What's the center booth?" asked Lanh innocently, but she was ignored.

"Is anyone back there?" Kim-ly asked Davie.

"Nope, it's still pretty early in the day."

"Ok you," Kim-ly said to Lanh, "come on, you'll just have to use your imagination." She led Lanh to a short hallway with three doors on each side. She opened the center door to reveal a small booth with two folding chairs and a TV screen on the end wall. The two walls adjoining the neighboring booths had circular holes cut into the walls at waist height. "Any guess what those holes are for?" Kim-ly had a mischievous grin.

Lanh decided to wipe that grin off of her sister's face and said the most outrageous thing she could think of: "Some guy sticks his... uhh... his penis through the hole at you."

The look of surprise on Kim-ly's face was priceless. "That's right! How did you know?"

"Right?!? I didn't know! I just thought of the weirdest thing I could imagine... why would some guy do that?" Lanh was appalled at the thought.

"So the person on this side could suck it, silly!"

"But what if it's a guy on this side?" Lanh's head spun with the realization of anonymous sex.

"That's the thing, you don't know; in your imagination it could be anyone." Remembering Lanh's love for Magnum PI re-runs Kim-ly said, "Ok, picture yourself blindfolded, someone enters the room and starts going down on you, who is to say it's not Tom Selleck? It could be anyone, so let your imagination run wild and have some fun!"

The idea did have some appeal to Lanh, and she did use her imagination, but she never considered imagining anyone but Don. Kim-ly continued, "Say you're a guy and you think you might be bi; you could come here and try going down on a dick or two to see if you want to commit to the idea, or you're a horny, lonely divorcee and miss having a dick to suck, or maybe you and your hubby are a little more open and he wants to watch you suck a different cock or..."

Lanh interrupted, "Have YOU ever tried it?"

"A couple of times, but that was with a guy I was dating." Lanh looked confused but Kim-ly continued, "When a dick comes through the wall, it could be anyone. You might KNOW it's Don's dick, but unless he has your name tattooed on it, you really don't know for sure, so it could be Don, or it could be Tom Selleck." Lanh's expression showed that she wasn't sold on the idea in the least, so Kim-ly led her out of the booths. "We're not here for that, we're here for the toys."

"Toys?" Lanh couldn't fathom a place like this selling a Barbie Dream House or a train set for under the Christmas tree.

Kim-ly led Lanh into a separate room with a sign that said Toy Land over the entryway and in there were toys that Lanh would never have dreamed about in her wildest dreams. "If you had a proper bachelorette party, here's where we would have gotten your gifts... I wonder if Syd is going to have a bachelorette party, these would be perfect for her," and Kim-ly as she held up a pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs.

Lanh was no longer listening, she was doing a silent inventory of Toy Land, most of which she had no idea how they would be used. She picked up one that truly confused her, it was a beaver sitting on a big log, one end of the thick log was rounded, the other end was covered with buttons. The beaver's tail was pointing to the rounded end of the log. "What is this for?" she asked aloud.

As if by magic Davey appeared and said, "Let me show you." He fished a couple of batteries out of his pocket and in seconds the device was buzzing and wriggling.

"So?" asked a confused Lanh.

Realizing he was working with a total innocent Davey explained, "The log goes inside you, and it vibrates, and does this," he pushed some buttons and the log started twisting and curving around, and the beaver's tail started wagging up and down. "The tail licks your clit while the log squirms around inside you... I bet this feels really good." Lanh was hypnotized by the sales pitch, she tried to imagine how it would feel in her pussy, but there's no way she could justify the cost of that toy.

"That's a bit advanced for her," interrupted Kim, "We're looking for a temporary replacement for hubby while he's away."

"How long has he been gone?"

"A month!" Lanh moaned.

"Something to keep her in practice... ow!" said Kim-ly, she had put a supporting arm around her kid sister and Lanh had jabbed Kim-ly back with a boney elbow.

"Here you go," said Davey indicating a wall covered with dildos in plastic bags hanging from display hooks. "Hygienic, easily washable, you can even put them in the dishwasher... I'll be up front if you need me."


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