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We're a Wonderful Wife Ch. 08


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Lanh pulled him around by the hands, like he did for her on their first date, until he stopped concentrating on his feet and let his legs take over, and soon they were skating side by side. On their first date, Trung, Bao, Kim-ly and Huy shepherded other skaters away from them because it was Lanh's first time on the ice in her life, now they were herding excited nieces and nephews away until Unka Don "gets his legs back."

Finally, his legs did "come back" to some extent and Don and Lanh began skating, their legs in time with each other. It felt so good to be skating with each other after such a long time. As they circled the portion of the pond that was cleared of snow by Trung and Huy, Chau, Sophia, and Chip skated around them in an orbit. "You're slow Uncle Don," called Chau as she whizzed past.

"Young whipper-snappers," growled Don. He felt a tug at his arm and found that Sophia had latched on to his free arm and was letting Uncle Don pull her along.

"You're a cranky old Norwegian farmer," laughed Lanh as she tried to get him to step up the pace.

Instead, they slowed to a stop and Don pulled Lanh tight, "I don't know how to thank you for standing by me through all of this," he said.

"I'll think of something," she smiled as their lips met. It felt like their first real kiss since he left for Saudi Arabia over a year ago. Their tongues twined together lighting fires in both of their nether regions.

"Let's head back to the house," Don gasped as their lips parted, "let's spend some alone time."

Their lips still touching Lanh laughed into Don's mouth. "Uh uh, we made promises."

Don groaned, tonight, was the Grant Valley high school Christmas Dance, the dance where they first met. Don didn't want to go watch the kids "zombie dance," but Lanh mentioned "Mr. Mach" and "Retirement" and he wanted to see his old coach before he headed off to Arizona or wherever a Minnesota school teacher goes to retire.

"MUSHY!" cried Sophia. Don and Lanh looked down on Rosa and Bao's younger girl. She had the vigor and the fire of her mother's Hispanic heritage, and the beautiful dark brown almond shaped eyes and features of her father's Asian roots.

"You want to see mushy?" asked Don. He dug in his toe picks, the jagged saw tooth like features at the toe of the figure skate blade, then dipped Lanh in his arms and gave her a deep, passionate kiss that almost made her change her mind about tonight. He tried to hide it, but it was a struggle getting her back on her feet.

Sophia covered her eyes, "MUSHY!" she cried again.

"Told ya," said Unka Don.

"Mushy can be good," said Aunty Lanh.

"Yuk!" cried Sophia, "Boys are yucky!" and she skated away with the ungraceful, inefficient skating of a six-year-old.

Sophia's older sister Chau just sighed as older sisters around the world do, "Kids!" She shook her head, "They'll never learn."

"You tell them Sophie!" called her mother Rosa from the wooden bench on shore where she sat next to Tam. "Boys are yuckie!"

"Yuckie!" echoed Sophia.


Don felt like a chimpanzee wearing a tuxedo on an old black and white comedy like I Love Lucy or the Jack Benny Show or the equivalent as he wore his Service Dress uniform (dress blues) to the school dance, but Lanh had asked him to wear it for a "special presentation with Mr. Mach." He couldn't let down his old coach, and he was surprised to discover that Lanh had sewn master sergeant stripes onto his uniform. Tonight, Lanh was dressed surprisingly formal, she wore a knee length black sleeveless sheath dress that hugged her youthful figure and showed her body off more daringly than being half naked would show. Around her neck she wore a pearl choker that he bought her while TDY to Spain. Her hair was arrow straight like she wore it as a high school sophomore, and her glasses were back to the squared off lenses that frame her beautiful eyes so well.

Looking out at the teens attending the dance Don never felt so old in his life, they were barely older than Bao and Rosa's daughter Chau, the oldest Nguyen grandchild. If he and Lanh had a child as soon as they had wanted when they just turned eighteen, he or she would be here among the freshmen.

The school gymnasium was decorated in red and green for Christmas like it was fourteen years ago when he walked across that floor to ask Lanh to Dance. Back then he felt like he was going to his death; had he known then the love and joy he was due to experience with Lanh he would have sprinted to meet her.

Like many small schools, the gym was designed as a multi-function room. There was a stage at one end of the gym which used to make the gym the primary auditorium in the school until an actual auditorium was added in Don and Lanh's freshman year. Tonight, the curtains were open, and the stage was decorated like a family room at Christmas with a couch, faux fireplace and Christmas tree.

Many of Don's old teachers were gone, they have retired or moved on to other schools. Mr. Bonaventura, his computer teacher, had passed away last year and Lanh was particularly heartbroken when she heard that. It was Mr. B. that comforted her when she and Don were so brutally attacked by Joshua Grimes. Miss Weberman had passed away also, but neither Don nor Lanh was able to generate much sorrow over her passing.

While they were talking to Mr. Mach at the refreshment table, they didn't notice Craig Lewicki step up to the DJ and make a request, nor did they see him walk over to the lighting booth and talk to the student manning the lighting controls. Their conversation with their old coach was interrupted by the familiar strains:

It's a little bit funny

This feeling inside

I'm not one of those who can easily hide...

Don turned to Lanh and bowed deeply, "Doctor Campbell, could I have the honor of this dance?"

She took his hand and smiled, "Why Doctor Campbell, you remind me of a young lad who asked me the same thing not too long ago. Let's do!" and he led her on to the dance floor where they first laid eyes on each other.

Soon they were swept away by the music that opened the pandora's box of their future for them. John Lennon called Your Song the most romantic song of its generation, and 14 years ago both Don and Lanh would have just called it "noise" but by the end of that evening and to this day they agree with John Lennon's assessment. As they danced, they found that stolen kisses at a high school dance are so much fun when you really know how to kiss. Their eyes were trapped by each other's, and they didn't notice the people gathering on the stage, just like they didn't notice the spotlight that highlighted their every step, and they definitely noticed, but ignored the disparaging groans from the high schoolers every time they kissed. Old people kissing... ewww!

"When was your favorite time that we danced to this song?" Don asked.

Lanh rolled her beautiful eyes upward as she thought. "I think when we went skating for the first time."

"Really? I would have thought at our wedding."

"I was in pain at our wedding," scolded Lanh, "or don't you remember what we were doing an hour prior. I hurt!"

Don remembered well their journey out to the pond where they gave each other their virginity. He tried to be caring and gentle but there was no way he could hold back. After that he spent the rest of his life trying to live the motto the lady always cums first. "We almost fell through the entire song when we were skating."

"I know, but I felt safe in your arms."

He suddenly felt very sad, he got banged up pretty good a couple of times in high school trying to protect Lanh. Right after their first dance he got the crap beaten out of him, a year later Joshua Grimes put him in the hospital, he protected Lanh both times. But his pain and injuries now have convinced him that if he couldn't protect Wendy and Cynthia, how could he protect Lanh? He was so worried about that; he was starting to freak out. Lanh recognized the warning signs of his sudden depression, but she knew a fix, "Hold me tight," she said. Her request cut through the firestorm of self-doubt, and he held her close, amazed as always how perfectly she fit in his arms. She didn't know why; she could dig down into the reason later, and it helped. His doubts didn't go away, but they eased a bit.

"Let's go home," he whispered.

But as the song ended Mrs. Gunderson took the stage and the microphone, Mr. Mach lined up next to her. Once she had the crowd's attention she spoke, "In my first year as principal here we had a sophomore couple, a boy and a girl, who teamed up academically and they did quite well. They even wrote a book together and we published it, they teamed up in sports also and brought back the gold in the 200-yard free style setting the state record, then right after graduation they got married and continued their education..." She looked at Don and Lanh and smiled. "Please come up and join me Doctor Donovan Campbell and Doctor Lanh Campbell."

Don was worried, not about being on stage, but about getting on stage. He hasn't been too successful on the stairs at rehab, getting on a tractor is an all-day affair sometimes. Luckily Kim-ly appeared out of the crowd with his cane. "What are you doing here?" Don asked.

"I was here when you first met," said Kim-ly, "maybe I'm your angel," she shrugged, laughed, then disappeared into the crowd with a saucy wiggle of an eyebrow and then of the hips.

With Lanh holding one arm and using the cane on the other arm, Don and Lanh slowly ascended the six steps on to the stage and stepped up to center stage next to Principal Gunderson. Mr. Mach patted Don on the shoulder and said, "Enjoy this, it's going to be awesome."

"Where are you going?" Don asked.

"I'm going down there to watch," Mr. Mach said as he pointed to the crowd.

"I thought you were retiring," insisted Don.

"I'm not retiring," the coach said with a grin, "you are." Don turned to Lanh. He didn't say a word, but she felt his anger start to rise and she gave him an innocent smile and shrugged her shoulders.

The school band began to enter the gymnasium and took up position in the stands to the right of the stage while students set up several folding chairs behind Don and Lanh. "Doctors Campbell, I don't know if this is an ambush or an intervention," said Mrs. Gunderson with a huge smile. "The junior and senior class learned about your career and your unfortunate accident and wanted to honor you."

"I didn't..." Don started quietly.

"I said they could," said Lanh loud enough to be picked up on the microphone eliciting a chuckle among the students. Lanh rarely puts her foot down like that, but when she does, she digs in and is immovable, and she's always right.

As they say, happy wife, happy life. "Yes ma'am. Bring it on," said Don, and he mouthed the words "love you" to Lanh.

"Honored guests, could you join us?" called Mrs. Gunderson.

Soon Ralph, Sandy and all of the Nguyen family took seats in the chairs on stage behind Don and Lanh. Kim-ly reclaimed Don's cane smiling and said, "You're not going anywhere for a while," as Don and Lanh sat in the chairs provided for them. Don looked around in suspicion, this was more than a high school rally, the crowd on the gym floor grew larger, he recognized a lot of faces from in town, even Mr. Helgeson, the old fellow that ran the Five and Dime was here. Something was going to happen.

Once again Mrs. Gunderson approached the microphone. "Thank you all for joining us in honoring the career of United States Air Force Master Sergeant Donovan A. Campbell. Official party could you enter?"

As two highly decorated enlisted men and two officers entered and took their positions behind Mrs. Gunderson, she introduced them. "Former senior enlisted advisor to the Fifth bombardment wing, Chief Master Sergeant retired Juan Sanchez. Former chief of maintenance for the fifty second fighter wing, Chief Master Sergeant retired Royce Brown, Commander of the Twenty Seventh fighter wing Colonel Daniel Gilliam. and US Air Force Air Combat Command Director of Logistical Support, Lieutenant General Buchanan Davis."

Don was completely stunned, it was bad enough that he's getting a full retirement ceremony, but the official party! Royce trimmed his mustache, dusted off his old uniform and came up from Florida. Buck Davis stopped running the Air Force and flew here from Langley Virginia, Colonel Gilliam put the twenty seventh on hold and flew up from New Mexico... and his old friend Johnny came out of retirement for him, and not just a chief, as senior enlisted advisor, he was the chief Chief at Minot AFB when he retired. For her part Lanh cried out in joy and jumped up when she saw Annie Brown and she hugged her co-conspirator as Annie stepped on to the stage and came to sit with the Nguyen family.

Don felt old and feeble because he needed help to stand and Kim-ly had to move up next to him to assist. With all the skating this afternoon and dancing this evening both she and Lanh had to help him to his feet as the colors were presented by the Grant Valley High School JROTC color guard.

Once the colors were posted, Lanh's dear friend Sydney McCluskey Lewicki, Lanh's partner on the debate team and vocalist at their wedding, stepped up to the microphone and sang the National Anthem accompanied by the school band. Syd's voice was just as beautiful and powerful as ever.

After singing Sydney was joined by her husband Craig resplendent in his Minnesota State Patrol sergeant's uniform. He led Sydney over to Lanh and Don where they shook hands and hugged. Craig and Sydney put their lives on hold and drove up from Minneapolis for this moment. "Welcome home Don," whispered Craig as they shook hands.

After the national anthem Pastor Loomis stepped up to the microphone and gave a short invocation, then Chief Sanchez stepped up to the microphone and gave a short welcoming speech thanking the students at Grant Valley High School for giving up a bit of their holiday dance. He finished his short speech by looking over at Don who was shaking his head and mouthing the words "no" but Johnnie nodded and mouthed the word "yes." The crowd saw the pantomime play out between the old friends and Juan ended the cat and mouse game with saying into the microphone, "Sergeant Campbell, would you please approach the podium?"

Helped again to his feet by Lanh and Kim-ly, he walked the few steps to the podium where Colonel Gilliam awaited him. Don stood at attention and Juan read "The president of the United States has placed special trust in the patriotism, integrity, and abilities of technical sergeant Donovan A. Campbell. In view of these special qualities Technical Sergeant Campbell is promoted to Master Sergeant effective immediately."

Don was officially presented with his Master Sergeant stripes by Colonel Gilliam because, as Don found out later, Colonel Gilliam was instrumental in the fight to keep Don on active duty while convalescing. As they shook hands Don could see in Colonel Gilliam's eyes that he was feeling as responsible for Cynthia's death as Don did.

Johnny began to read again. "Citation to accompany the award of Air Force Commendation Medal. Technical Sergeant Donovan A. Campbell distinguished himself by outstanding achievement as head of 27th Fighter Wing educational services branch, Canon Air Force Base, Clovis New Mexico..." and read off the improvements that Don suggested and implemented throughout the educational and occupational training conducted on base and that his improvements are being codified and written into USAF regulation to be implemented throughout the USAF. "... let it be known to all that Sergeant Campbell completed these accomplishments while convalescing from injuries sustained while serving in a combat zone. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Campbell while immobilized reflect credit upon himself and the United States Air Force."

Royce stepped up and opened a blue box for the colonel, and Colonel Gilliam took the commendation medal from the box and clipped it to Don's uniform pocket then stepped back and saluted Don! Don was in complete shock. The colonel was saluting him! "Return his salute Don," said Royce quietly, and Don returned it, completely in shock

Then as Colonel Gilliam returned to his position General Davis moved to face Don and Chief stood between them facing the audience as Juan read, "Citation to accompany the award, this is to certify that the President of the United States authorized by executive order, awarded the Meritorious Service Medal to Master Sergeant Donovan A. Campbell for meritorious service..." Johnny droned on listing so many things from his past that Don forgot all about -- maintenance improvements, planes fixed in the nick of time, glowing evaluations from the SAC Inspector General... "Damn, I was pretty wonderful," Don thought as he listened. Royce opened a blue box that he held and General Davis reached in and extracted a Meritorious Service Medal, commonly called the MSM. General Davis attached it to the pocket flap on Don's service dress jacket.

"I know you lost an airman," said Buck softly as he clipped the medal on Don's uniform. "I've lost a few myself, and I blame myself too. I came here to remind you that you got quite a few out, I'm told that nearly a dozen men were saved by your insistence on safety that day and they came home because of you. Just remember, you're not alone."

"Thank you, sir," Don croaked in reply, and they shook hands, then General Davis saluted Don, a fact not lost on any enlisted man in attendance that Don was saluted by a full colonel and a three-star general. "You didn't have to..." Don was in complete shock, medals, ribbons, certificates, that was just USAF frippery and gim-gaws now that he was done with them, but being saluted by these men, these Leaders of men and women, war heroes, that was the honor that struck him. He returned Buck Davis' salute, his throat tightened and his heart filled with sorrow that he had to say goodbye.

Then Johnny began to read again, "To all who shall see these presents, greetings: this is to certify that Master Sergeant Donovan A. Campbell having served faithfully and honorably was retired from the United States Air Force on this day. Signed Lieutenant General Buchanan R. Davis, Director, Logistical Support, Air Combat Command, United States Air Force.

Royce handed Buck a framed certificate, and Buck handed it to Don. Like with the certificate that came with the medal, they paused for a photograph, then shook hands and saluted. "God damnit," Buck growled, "I wanted to keep you at least fifteen more."

"Sorry sir," said Don with genuine sadness, "I got nothing left." A medical retirement, 100% disability, this isn't the way Don wanted to get out.

"I know son, stay home and let momma care of you for a while." General Davis said with a sad smile. "Speaking of momma..."

"Mrs. Campbell could you please step forward?" called Johnny. Lanh stood and stepped next to Don, Annie had told her to expect this part, this is where they thank her for supporting Don and hand her some flowers. Instead Johnny read "Citation to accompany the award, the Air Force Civilian Achievement Award is presented to Doctor Lanh Huong Nguyen Campbell for her outstanding service and support of the mission of the United States Air Force..." and went on to name many of the things she did supporting military families, a lot of it was talking young girls in off the ledge as military life got to them, and also getting furniture for newlyweds who had an empty apartment, helping find daycare for young parents, taking young mothers and children to the commissary or doctor's appointments when transportation wasn't available, wellness checks on families when dad or mom was on a long deployment.


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