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We're a Wonderful Wife Ch. 08


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"It just doesn't look military," said Don, in his mis-matched pajamas as they locked his stretcher into position on the medevac equipped C-17.

"I got you covered Sarge, trust me," and Zoomer winked at him.

The C-17 Nightingale is a modern medical miracle. It is a flying ICU and capable of handling dozens of severely injured troops. On this flight there were only a handful of medical passengers, so only one small portion of the cavernous aircraft was set up for the injured troops. Lanh stood next to Don holding his hand as he lay in his stretcher, but a member of the flight crew, an Airman First Class was annoyed that Lanh was on his aircraft "Lady, I don't care who you are, just find a place and SIT DOWN."

Lanh had that panicked look in her eyes that Don saw years ago when Joshua Grimes attacked her. She did want to sit down; she just asked the airman where she should sit, and he went off on her. Don gestured to her to come over to him. "I'm sorry, I didn't know..." she looked terrified.

"You stay here with me," Don said. There was a firmness to his voice she had never heard before.

"That guy's a fuckin' jerk," said Wendy, "I think he made Weresergeant Campbell appear." Wendy's stretcher was next to Don's, they were lying head-to-head along the right side of the fuselage and were able to speak to each other. The plane was a beehive of activity, cargo and people were being loaded and Lanh was terrified that she was in the way.

"No, you just stay here with me," said Don. "They have to leave us alone, so they'll work around us. You're in a bubble of safety here with us." Lanh agreed but felt unsure.

The airman came up to Lanh and growled "Didn't I tell you..."

"AIRMAN!" snapped Don loud enough to be heard throughout the cavernous aircraft.

"What do you want old..."

"The name is SERGEANT, and to you it's MASTER SERGEANT. If I EVER hear you speak to my wife ever again for ANY reason, I will come up off of this stretcher and beat you to death with your own fucking leg, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"

"Sergeant, I didn't..."


Behind her Lanh could hear Wendy quietly tell Zoomer, "Sergeant Campbell is back!"

The aircraft load master and the aircraft crew chief appeared at Don's side, the load master, a tall female master sergeant in a flight suit bent over and said, "Is there a problem Sergeant Campbell?"

"Sergeant Ptaki," said Don reading her name tag, "the two things most important to me are my wife," and he lifted his hand showing he was holding Lanh's hand, "and aircraft safety. Airman Sewell just committed a safety violation that could have cost him his life."

"What was that?" Master Sergeant Ptaki looked worried.

"He spoke to my wife in a manner that she deemed to be threatening."

"He's really good," said Zoomer to Wendy.

"Told ya," Wendy nodded.

Master Sergeant Ptaki agreed with Don, family comes first. "Airman Sewell, arrange seating for Mrs. Campbell and Captain Zimmerman. Now." Sewell groaned, setting up centerline seating this late in the load was a pain in the ass, but he did it. "What happened to you guys?" she asked Don.

"Got rolled by an antsy F-15 driver," said Don.

"Man, dat shit's goin' around. There was a bunch in Saudi got rolled a couple of months ago," said Ptaki shaking her head. "We hauled them here to Wiesbaden."

"That was us," said Wendy. "We just got sprung."

"Yer shittin me," said Ptaki.

"Can't win fer losin'," replied Don.

"Man! Sucks to be you," moaned Ptaki shaking her head.

"Damn skippy," said Don sadly.

Several years ago, Lanh would have thought this exchange was conducted in an alien language, as alien as Don initially considered Vietnamese. Years of listening to Don's co-workers and hearing the lingo, she knew exactly what they were talking about, it's about pain communicated without using the language that accompanies agony. "I feel so helpless," is just whining but "This shit sucks," is bitching. It is an enlisted man's inalienable right to bitch, and it can be used to communicate feelings that he or she would never say aloud. Seating was soon arranged for Lanh and Zoomer and soon the huge aircraft was airborne.

Fifteen hours after takeoff the C-17 lumbered to a stop in front of the hangars that the members of the Four Twenty Nineth called home. Most of their cargo and passengers were dropped off at their first stop at Andrews AFB, Virginia, so the big bird was almost empty when it touched down on the ancient runways at Canon AFB in New Mexico. The medics helped Don and Wendy into their wheelchairs and Zoomer produced two leather flight jackets emblazoned with MSgt Campbell and SSgt Addams on the name patch. He also provided them with Twenty Seventh Fighter Wing ball caps, a cap that he designed himself and had made at a shop in Frankfurt.

They were wheeled off the plane and Ralph and Sandy were there to meet them, along with the entire Nguyen family. Lanh tried to hold them back, but they all wanted to greet Don. Rosa and Bao's girls Chau and Sophia were shocked to see their Uncle Don in a wheelchair and started crying. But there was no time for a family reunion as Don and Wendy lined up along with the rest of their squadron and held a salute as the honor guard carried the flag draped coffin containing their friend Cynthia from the back of the C-17 to her final rest.


Two coeds, a blond and a brunette, both wearing graduation cap and gowns are sitting on a bed kissing goodbye

"You dreamed about Reggie again last night," said Norma. The sexy, athletic sports medicine scholar bustled around the room making sure that everything was packed up. In two more hours they would graduate, get their diplomas and be on their way.

"Ah know! Ah couldn' find the little booger. Ah looked and looked and looked, then I found him layin' on mah bed snuggled up with mah teddy bear." Karole's only salute to girlhood was a five-foot-tall teddy bear. It was a beat-up old thing given to her by one "Uncle" or another and it was almost the only thing that followed her from one trailer to another as her mother's "relationships" soured.

Reggie is Karole's dream baby, Karole had a horrible upbringing, she had no permanent home, her mother dragged her from one boyfriend's house to another where she mostly lived on the couch. Karole always dreamed that she would have a baby and name him Reggie then tell everyone that he was named after her father, the problem is that Karole had no idea who her father was, which may be the reason why Reggie was important to her as a little girl, it would give her a link to a man she knew nothing about. Reggie was a secret, she never told anybody about him until she went off to college and he became more and more real, living in her psyche and affecting her waking life until she told her roommate all about him.

Karole was a lonely child, she spent most of her time avoiding the cocks of her mother's boyfriends protecting her virginity for that "perfect boy." She was called "Trailer Trash" and "White Trash" by her school mates so she grew up alone, amusing herself with activities she could do far from the judging eyes of her classmates. When Karole was twelve, she would go fishing in the Okefenokee swamp for catfish and she would take some catfish to an old witch in the swamp named Grandma Noah. One day Grandma Noah told her that she was going to have five children and her first baby boy she was going to name Reggie which freaked out the girl because she never told anybody about Reggie. Here at the University of Georgia she had been dreaming of Reggie more and more lately.

Not long ago she had a dream that she was losing Reggie, she couldn't explain how or why she thought that she was losing him, all she knew was that she was losing him. The dream went on for hours, terror and sorrow filled her heart and then it stopped and left her so exhausted she was unable to go to class.

Last night's dream that she couldn't find Reggie didn't terrify her, she knew deep down that he was safe, it just upset her that she couldn't see him, she searched through a huge house when she found him snuggled up with that ratty old stuffed bear she knew that he was safe well cared for.

"Make sure you have that bear packed with all of your stuff," said Norma as she zipped up her suitcase. Neither girl had much stuff to move, all that Karole brought was a very small inefficient refrigerator, a tiny microwave, a big teddy bear, and a laptop. When she finished with her textbooks, she sold most of them, and having no boyfriends there were no gifts to pack, dispose of, or return. She didn't even have mail to pack, having no living relatives (that she knows of) she received only junk mail and a few magazines.

"Damn girl! It looks like you were never here!"

Karole stood, adjusted her mortarboard and smiled. "I even packed all of my clothes," she opened her gown to show Norma that under the gown she was completely naked.

"I dare you to go to graduation like that," gasped Norma.

"I will if you will," said Karole with an evil grin.

Norma stood and opened her gown to reveal that all she was wearing was a pair of thigh high black nylons. "I'm way ahead of you," she grinned as she held up her only other accessory, a pair of high heel fuck-me pumps. The moisture glistening on Norma's inner thighs told Karole that Norma had something on her mind. They melted into each other's arms and their mouths met in gentle kiss that got blistering hot quickly.

As they kissed Norma eased Karole's gown off of her shoulders and Karole lowered her arms to let the gown puddle on the floor, then Karole felt herself being guided toward Norma's side of the room. Her hands stroked and squeezed Norma's firm, round butt for what she realized would be the last time. Just as when she tried to probe Norma's asshole with an exploring finger, she felt her calves bump against Norma's bed and Norma gave her a sudden push and Karole was sprawled across Norma's bed and Norma was suddenly on her.

Giggling, Karole started fighting back and as they wrestled Norma stretched out across Karole grabbing her wrist. Her position lined her breast up with Karole's mouth and Karole took advantage of the situation and her mouth sucked in Norma's breast, her tongue flickering and teasing her until the sensations caused her nipple to harden, and then Karole's teeth bit down on Norma's nipple sending electric shocks of pleasure through Norma's body. It almost caused her to stop what she was doing, but she was able to get Karole's wrist locked into the manacle that was secured to the bedpost.

Emboldened by that small victory, Norma continued to struggle against Karole until she got Karole's free arm locked into the manacle on the other bedpost and now, she was trapped, just like Karole had her last week. They lay panting after their titanic struggle, their bodies covered with a light sheen of perspiration "I'm going to miss you mija" smiled Norma, "I'm going to miss this bleached hair..."


"...and these big fake boobies..."

"They're real! OhMiGodd!" Norma started suckling and nipping on Karole's nipples, which for some reason were extra sensitive after spending the night dreaming of Reggie. Norma settled down and started to make love those magnificent breasts, so round and firm, they had to be fake but they were completely real. Three years of play and experience taught Norma that Karole's breasts were as real as her own B cup breasts. Was it jealousy that caused Norma to spend so much time playing with Karole's breasts or was it scientific curiosity? One thing is for certain, after dreaming of Reggie at night Karole's breasts were always ultra-sensitive the next day and Norma planned to see if she could get Karole to cum just from stimulating those big, beautiful boobs.

Norma switched from the left to the right nipple, her tongue washing over the nipple as her mouth sucked in a large portion of the breast. At the same time her hand was pinching and twirling her left nipple between finger and thumb. Karole stopped fighting the sensations coming from Norma's attention that fades from aggressive to gentle and back, and just accepted the fact that Norma wants to use Karole's body and tied up there's nothing Karole can do but submit to her sexy roommate and enjoy.

Norma switched her attention back to Karole's left breast by leaving a trail of gentle nips from the right breast, down the slope of that magnificent orb, and up the other fleshy mound to the turgid nipple that was erect in anticipation. Karole was out of her mind with pleasure, she rolled her head and arched her back mewling and gasping in desire as Norma kissed and sucked one nipple then the other, Karole alternately tried to escape Norma's touches then tried to push her breast into Norma's mouth more firmly.

Karole's excitement was growing but she soon felt like she was caught on a plateau, she was caught needing to cum, but she felt stuck, unable to get over that last little bit that's holding her back. "Please," she begged Norma. For her part, Norma knew she could send Karole to the stars with a well-aimed flick of her tongue, but she wanted to see if it were possible to make Karole cum just through stimulating her breasts.

"Cum for me mija," whispered Norma, "te amo."

"I love you too!" gasped Karole and suddenly she was cumming. Waves of the built-up sexual tension flowed out of her, one after another. She gasped and sighed, it was so sweet and so different from other climaxes that Norma has wrung out of her. It was not a big orgasm but it helped.

"Do you mija? Do you love me?" Norma asked. She looked up from what she was doing to Karole's breasts. The girls stopped their impassioned lovemaking and gazed into each other's eyes. "More than Mickey Fields?"

Karole scoffed gently; Mickey Fields was the jerk who took her virginity. She protected her virginity from a never-ending string of "uncles" and gave it to the quarterback of the football team, who took it then never saw her again. "Three and Out Mickey" was his nickname and it applied to more than just his "skill" at football. "Much more," sighed Karole. "You were always here for me; you were the only one who ever did that for me."

"Oh mija," said Norma as she moved around on the bed, "I'll be there when you need me, we're sorority sisters, aren't we?"

Karole laughed at the bittersweet joke, she and Norma were what was called LUGs, Lesbian Until Graduation. They used each other to work out their sexual urges without fear of pregnancy, which put them in the fictional Eta Bita Pi sorority. "What are you doing?" she asked.

Norma had moved so that their legs were intertwined, and their pussies were now touching. She produced a bottle of lube and poured a bit of the slippery lotion on the joint where their pussies met. "This is our sorority handshake," Norma said as she began to move her pussy against Karole's. Norma had a wicked sense of humor and Karole truly hoped that Norma eventually finds a man who doesn't get upset with Norma's vast library of dick jokes. But for their two remaining hours, Norma was hers.

Their pussies rubbed together for what seemed like hours to Karole, it felt so good, it didn't get her off but Norma was loving it and she loved watching Norma enjoy it. Norma's clit was pressed against Karole's clean-shaven labia and the friction caused their hips twitching and it gave Norma a sweet, beautiful orgasm. For the two lovers this position allowed them to see the faces of their lover, while their ordinary fare of oral sex prevented that from happening, this allowed them to see the reaction and expressions of their lover as they climbed to their climax. Norma's eyes closed and her head turned from side to side as she was overwhelmed by the intensity of her passion, the bed was suddenly wet from her gush of fluids which warmly washed over Karole.

"One last time?" asked Norma as she got her breath back.

"One last time," agreed Karole, and the Hispanic athlete knee walked up the bed and crouched over Karole bringing her still trembling pussy down to Karole's mouth. She started by plunging her tongue as deep into Norma's pussy as she could go over and over. They both knew from experience that it felt good, but it wasn't going to make Norma cum. After enjoying Karole's wiggling tongue in her pussy, Norma lifted up, shifted a little, then presented her tingling clit to Karole's mouth.

Karole went to town on Norma's clit, licking and suckling on it like it was a nipple. After that awesome cum from scissoring there was no way that Norma could hold back and soon Karole had her arching her back and pinching and twisting her own nipples. "Madre de Dios!" Norma cried as an explosive orgasm originated in her pussy and spread through her entire body, the waves of release spreading out through her whole body, even the palms of her hands felt the wave of pleasure . Her juices squirted into Karole's mouth in a sexy final farewell and her body collapsed next to Karole.

As Norma recovered the use of her body, she pulled herself up to kiss Karole and Karole asked her, "One last time?"

Norma agreed sadly, "One last time," and as she released Karole's manacles Karole was able to nip and suck at Norma's breasts. Breaking away from Karole's mouth Norma began to kiss and lick her way down the leggy blond goddesses' body to her pussy.

Karole was ready to pop, the breast orgasm was interesting, but it left her wanting more, then scissoring left her starving for more. Being queened by Norma itself was a huge turn-on, so in the end Karole was nearly shrieking with desire. Norma started gently licking Karole's outer labia but Karole wasn't going to have anything to do with that. She twined her fingers in Norma's hair and directed Norma's mouth to her clit. "Please darling, don't leave me hanging," she whimpered.

Norma just winked and began suckling on Karole's clit just as Karole did her earlier. It would be safe to say that they taught each other well. Soon Karole was rhythmically gasping as Norma's tongue drove her to heights of passion that she never thought possible. "Oh God!" gasped Karole trying to keep quiet as girls were trooping up and down the hall outside, "Don't stop!" she growled softly. Her body was as taught as a bow-string, every muscle was bunched tight, the only parts of her body that touched the mattress was the back of her head and her heels. She arched higher and higher, trembling and whimpering and when she felt Norma's finger tickling her puckered asshole her orgasm hit with the magnitude of a Category 5 Hurricane. She drover her pussy into Norma's face again and again as waves of ecstasy shattered over her and slowly they released their grip on the exhausted blond.

Later they sat on Karole's bed and relaxed over their last cup of coffee together, their cars were packed and all that was left was the graduation. "Why Colorado?" Norma asked for the umpteenth time. "What is there in Colorado?"

Karole smiled, they've been through this before, Norma wants her to stay in Georgia, maybe work in the same hospital. Norma is sports medicine, Karole found that she had a love of respiratory therapy. "That's where my patients are going to be," Karole said. "There's some great respiratory clinics there, and I have an offer from the University Hospital and an offer from Mountain Sports Medicine." She didn't say that Grandma Noah told her that her future lies in Denver, Grandma Noah said, "A city a mile up," which for someone raised in the Okefenokee swamp at an altitude of 50 feet, is an insanely high altitude, can a human live there? "Why don't you come with me?" begged Karole. "There's skiing and hiking and snowboarding, people are falling all over those mountains just hoping you're at the bottom of the hill for them."


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