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We've Got Tonight

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Two Friends Discover a Passion on his last night in town.
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Chris stepped off the stage. As he did the patrons at the surrounding tables all cheered and clapped. "That was Chris singing the Bob Segar classic 'We've got Tonight'. Give it up for him!" the disk jockey announced.

Chris could feel his cheeks redden as the crowd clapped for him. He made his way back to the table he was sitting at in the third row of the karaoke bar. Three of his co-workers were seated there.

"Who knew you could sing like that?" Patrick said. He patted Chris on the back.

"What can I say? I'm full of surprises", Chris responded. He picked up his beer and took a long drink. His nerves were on edge. In just two nights he would be in a new town. He was offered a promotion and a new title, but it involved moving. How could he say no?

Chris looked around the room. A lot of his now former co-workers were present. A lot of them were just people he worked with that he didn't consider friends. Patrick was one of the few people he truly would miss when he was gone. After taking another drink of his beer, he saw another of the people he would miss, but for much different reasons.

Since he met McCall Adams, he was interested in her. She wasn't the typical beauty. She had dirty blonde hair down to her shoulders. She was a little bit overweight. She had the softest green eyes Chris had ever seen. Her voice was a little squeaky. But none of that mattered to Chris.

He could never explain why he didn't ask her out. There just never seemed to be the right time. She had never given any indication that she was interested in him in that way. So instead of risking embarrassing himself, Chris just accepted the fact that they were going to be friends.

McCall was a very affectionate person. The two of them would hug frequently, but she hugged everyone. So Chris just chalked it up to that. She was sitting across the room at another table. Every once in a while the crowds would part enough for him to catch a glimpse of her.

Meanwhile across the room, McCall sat with a few of her friends. She wasn't much of a drinker. But she enjoyed being out with friends.

"Come on 'Call. You gotta sing with us", her friend Marcie said. The alcohol was practically rolling off Marcie's tongue.

McCall gave a laugh. "Oh there's no chance of me being up on that stage. No chance at all", she responded quickly. She grabbed the water that was in front of her and sipped it.

"Oh come on! It will be fun!" Marcie slurred. "Come on and do it!"

McCall rolled her eyes. "I will think about it. That's the best I can tell you. I'm a horrible singer. You wouldn't want me singing with you", she said, rattling off excuses. "I'm certainly not a good singer like Chris is."

"He certainly was good. I didn't expect that from him", Kristen said. "Then again, I don't know him as well as you know him McCall."

McCall looked at Kristen funny. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked.

"I just meant that I see you talking to him all the time. I think I've said maybe fifty words to him the entire time", Kristen responded. "Calm yourself."

"I'm calm", replied McCall. "Chris and I are good friends, I guess."

Marcie let out a small laugh. "Speaking of Chris? I couldn't help but notice when he was up there singing, he didn't seem to be looking at the words that much."

McCall shrugged her shoulders casually. "So? He probably just knows all the words. I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

"You didn't happen to notice where he was looking, did you?" Kristen asked. "He was looking at you the entire time."

"No he wasn't!" McCall reacted. She let out a laugh at the thought.

"He was, McCall. I saw it too", Marcie responded.

McCall shook her head in denial. "I'm sure it means nothing. He was probably just looking in this general direction. He could have easily been looking at either one of you", McCall said.

"He wasn't. He was watching you", Marcie said.

McCall rolled her eyes. She didn't say anything as she got up. She walked across the packed floor. As she did she looked up and saw Chris. The two exchanged a quick smile as she disappeared down the hallway into the bathroom. She pushed open an empty stall and unbuckled her shorts. Grabbing both, she lowered her shorts and panties to the ground as she sat down on the toilet.

Her mind was racing with what they were saying. Is it possible that he was watching her when he sang that song? It's a romantic song. There's no way Chris had feelings for her, did he? In her mind she was thinking of the talks they had. He had never really shown an interest in her. McCall shook her head. Her friends were wrong. It was just a coincidence.

She pulled everything up and buckled her shorts. She flushed and opened the stall door. As she washed her hands, she took a good look in the mirror. The shirt she was wearing was a little loose on her. There was a plunging neckline which showed off a little bit of cleavage. McCall would never call herself beautiful, but she wasn't ugly either. Her hands ran through her hair, pushing her bangs off her forehead.

McCall walked out of the bathroom. She walked towards the bar. There was a crowd gathered around. The room was loud with the off key singing of someone else. "He certainly doesn't sing as well as Chris does", McCall thought to herself. As she waited for the bartender to notice her, she looked around the room for Chris. She didn't see him sitting at the table he was at before.

As carefully as she could, she inched herself closer to the bar. She suddenly felt uncomfortable with this many people around her. She felt a hand reach out to touch her shoulder from behind. She was about to yell at whoever it was when she turned around.

"Hey McCall", Chris said. He quickly pulled back his arm as he simply wanted to tap her on the shoulder. "I'm glad you made it out tonight." Now he reached over and gave her a quick hug.

"Hey Chris. Of course", she responded with a hug back. "You were incredible up there. I hope you're planning on singing another song. Or ten more", she said with a smile.

Chris pushed through the crowd a little more, pulling her with him. Finally he rested his arm against the wooden bar. "I might have another song in me a little bit later." Chris signaled for the bartender. "What will you be having?" he asked McCall.

"Just a soda", she responded. She reached for her wallet, but Chris shook his head. "Are you sure?"

"I think I can manage a soda", Chris remarked with a grin. He turned his attention to the bartender. "The usual, and a Coke." The bartender nodded. He walked down the bar and grabbed two glasses.

"Thank you, Chris." McCall commented.

"And what about you? Are you going to take the stage at any time?" Chris said. He tapped his forefinger on the bar.

McCall chuckled. "Oh no. That's not going to happen. I can't sing."

Chris gestured to the guy on stage. "Either can he. It's not stopping him. I was going to suggest we duet together..."

McCall just looked at him with a goofy look on her face. "That's just not going to happen."

Chris shrugged his shoulders. "It was worth a shot on my part at least", he joked. The bartender placed two glasses in front of Chris. He picked them up, handing one quickly over to McCall. "Your soda?"

"Thank you, kind sir." She took a quick sip. They walked together through the crowd.

"Come sit with me for a bit?" Chris gestured over to the table he was sitting at.

McCall thought for a moment. "Maybe a little bit later. I promised them I would be back." He nodded as a reply. "Thanks for the soda though."

Chris watched her as she walked slowly across the room through the crowd. He sighed to himself. He sat down and sipped on his beer as the disk jockey called up another singer to the stage.


Chris sat out on his balcony. It was now one in the morning. He should be tired, but the adrenaline of the night was still kicking in. He was having one last beer for the night. The balcony looked over the parking lot of his apartment complex. From three stories up, he saw a car pull into the lot down below. Chris didn't pay attention as the door down below closed shut. Instead Chris just kept drinking his beer. He stood up from the chair and went inside, closing the door behind him.

He looked around the apartment. It was mostly giant boxes. Most of his belongings were packed and ready for the moving truck to come in a day. He took a long swig of the beer. In the hallway he heard shuffling on feet. Chris shrugged his shoulders. He put the half empty beer down on the counter and started towards his bedroom.

There was a faint knock on his door. Chris felt his heart stop. It was after one in the morning and he wasn't expecting company. Chris looked around and saw that the lights to the apartment were on. Still, he tip toed towards the door. He peeked in the peephole. His eyes were wide with shock.

Nervously, Chris unchained the door and unlocked it. McCall stood there. Her eyes were glancing down when he opened the door, she looked up.

"Hi. I hope I didn't wake you?" she said nervously. "Can I come in?" Chris didn't say a word. He just stood aside, offering for her to come in. McCall walked in. Her eyes looked around the room. "I still can't believe you're leaving."

"Is everything all right?" Chris asked. McCall turned around to face him. She was three inches shorter than he was. They remained an arm's length away from each other. McCall nodded her head.

"Yeah, I just wasn't tired. So I thought I would swing by. And I saw the lights on in your apartment so I knew you were still awake too." She said. Her voice got quiet. "I hope that's okay?"

"Of course it is. I was just having one last beer before bed", Chris responded. He pointed to the beer that was on the counter. McCall let her eyes drift to where he was pointing but they immediately came back to Chris.

"Can I ask you something? It will probably come out weird..." McCall started to say. Her eyes went down to the ground. "You know what? Forget it. Never mind." She stuttered.

Chris took a step closer to her. "Come on. You can ask me. You can clearly came all this way because something was on your mind."

McCall took a deep breath. She kept her eyes on the ground. "I loved the song you sang tonight. The Seger song." McCall felt her pulse racing. "A couple of people told me that you spent most of the song looking..." She gulped. "Looking at me as you sang it. I guess I wasn't watching you, just listening."

Now it was Chris's turn to take a deep breath. He bit down on his lower lip nervously. "What? Wow, people actually said that?" he stammered out.

"That's what I said. Keith told me he had caught you looking at me for a while now. He thought maybe you had a crush on me or something. I told him he was crazy", McCall looked up at him.

"Yeah, that is crazy. So crazy", Chris repeated.

"Especially considering you leave in twenty four hours. So even if you did have one, it wouldn't matter. You accepted the transfer so even if you did..." she said. "It really is a sweet song. About two people alone in the world and giving into some passion for the night." Chris looked up. McCall was staring at him. "It... it wouldn't change anything. Would it?" Chris shook his head no. She looked from Chris to the bottle of beer on the counter. She walked over to the bottle and took it in her hand. She gulped the last of the beer in the bottle.

Chris couldn't help but watch her. A drop of beer rolled off her lower lip. She lowered the bottle back down to the counter.

There was a look in McCall's eyes that Chris had never seen before. He mustered up all the courage he had. His was barely a whisper. "No, it wouldn't change anything. Two people who know exactly what it means." The volume in his voice raised. "One night together, one night of passion and exploring. Between two people..." He took a step closer towards her. "Two people that should have done that a while ..."

McCall didn't wait for him to finish. Her hands went through his dark hair and pulled his lips down to hers. Both parted their lips in a passionate kiss. Chris wrapped his arms around her. They could each taste the beer on each other's breaths.

Their bodies pressed together as they greedily kissed at each other. Without a word between them, she pulled his shirt up over his head, raising his arms in the process. McCall grasped his chest as she dropped the shirt to the ground. Their lips felt magnetized towards each other.

Her hands moved from his chest to his back. She grasped his back as the kiss intensified. Her eyes were closed as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Chris moved his hips against her. McCall let out a soft moan. She could feel him hard against her.

McCall felt herself blushing. But in the moment she didn't care. She raised her arms up over her head and pulled up her shirt. Chris stared at her for a moment. She was wearing a lacy black bra that barely contained her large breasts.

She began to cup them in her hands. Chris reached for them, but she playfully swatted his hands away from them. Her hands grasped at her breasts, over the silky material. Chris took a step back to take the full scene in. McCall pulled one of her breasts out of the cup, her fingers first ran over her hardening nipple. Then she began to pinch at it.

She gestured for him to come closer. Chris shot across the room in a hurry. His mouth descended on her free breast. He wrapped his lips around it. McCall's fingers went through his hair as he tasted her. Chris reached around her body to unsnap her bra. Her other breast was now exposed as the bra fell to the ground. He groped at her large breast as he continued to suck on her other one. McCall let out a moan in excitement.

"Fuck, you're turning me on", She whispered. Her fingers now twirled around his dark hair, gently yanking on him. Chris couldn't answer. He was too busy enjoying her breasts. His mouth switched to her other breast, giving it the same treatment. McCall spread her legs wider, feeling herself getting wetter.

Chris stood up and kissed her hard. Her breasts were pressed hard against his chest as the two of them went after each other. Chris began pulling her down the short but darkened hallway. He flipped on the light switch.

McCall was about to say something, but Chris didn't give her a chance. Instead, he grabbed her and pushed her down to the bed. He crawled towards her with a look of passion in his eyes. He crawled on top of her, kissing her passionately. Her hands scratched up and down his back as she felt his tongue deep in her mouth.

Her fingers grabbed at his ass cheeks through his pants. The kissing intensified. The room was filled the sound of lips smacking together. Chris reached between their bodies, unzipping her pants. McCall got nervous for a moment, but she pushed them down quickly. Almost immediately she reached for Chris's pants. He moved off her so he could slide them to the ground. Her eyes were glued to his cock. It looked big and hard in his white boxer briefs. McCall crawled on her hands and knees seductively towards him on the bed. She saw him reach for his boxers.

She wanted to be the one to free him. She once again pushed his hands out of the way. She scooted herself so she was sitting on the edge of the bed. Her hands traced the outline of his cock with her fingertips. Chris moaned. His eyes watched her fingers. She touched him ever so slightly. Her fingers rolled down his boxers just a little, exposing more of his skin. She could see a tuft of hair sticking out. She moved his boxers down a little farther. The shape under the fabric was beginning to appear.

McCall took a deep breath as she lowered it even further. She brought her face closer to his legs as she pulled his boxers down. His cock was inches from her face. Her eyes grew wide as saucers as she saw how big he was. She looked up at him with pleading eyes. He didn't have to say a word. He reached behind her head and with his hand he guided her mouth to him.

She opened wide and felt as he slid inside her soft lips. She took as much of him as she could in the first motion. Her eyes were closed. She slid him out of her mouth slowly, savoring the taste of his skin. Chris arched his back as his cock stood at full attention. Her tongue slithered around his shaft, teasing him. It sent a shiver down his spine.

She took him back inside her mouth, this time deeper. Chris released his grip with the back of her head, allowing her to set the pace. She took small thrusts at first. She couldn't resist. She reached under his cock and began to play with his balls.

Chris moaned as the sensation was incredible. He watched as his cock disappeared into her mouth. His hands reached for her breasts again. He squeezed them tightly. It seemed to turn McCall on even more. Her pace began to increase.

Chris ran his thumbs across her nipples. McCall couldn't take it anymore. She slipped his cock out of her mouth and stood up. She kissed him hard. As she kissed him, she reached between their bodies and lowered her panties to the ground.

McCall fell back to the bed with her legs spread open wide. It took Chris a moment to soak in the view in front of her. She looked incredibly sexy. He could see a little wetness between her legs. Chris walked to the nightstand and opened it. He sorted through the contents until he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a condom and ripped open the wrapper.

Chris slowly put it on his cock and pushed it down his shaft. Quickly he made his way back to the foot of the bed. Chris laid on top of her body, kissing her passionately. She reached between their bodies and guided her inside her pussy.

Both of them exhaled deeply. He leaned on his arms as he glanced down at her. Chris began to move slowly. Her fingers wrapped around his muscles. Their eyes were locked onto each other. She could feel her large breasts swaying with each thrust. Normally McCall would be self-conscious about her body. But with Chris, she didn't care. She wanted to give him more.

She could feel herself getting wetter with each thrust, allowing another inch to fill her. It had been years since McCall had sex. And all she cared about was feeling him deep inside her pussy. She pulled his mouth down for another kiss, feeling her body completely surrendering to him. The look on her face was pure ecstasy. Chris looked down and saw the look on her face. It took all of his will power not to lose it right there.

Chris leaned down and kissed her again. The passion just kept growing between the two of them. McCall wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her. She could feel the last two inches of his cock as it filled her completely. With him that much closer, she pulled him closer. Her breasts were now crushed against his chest. McCall grabbed his back muscles, relishing the feeling of his body on hers.

Their tongues danced together as they kissed. Something in her snapped. She felt a pressure in her body that she hadn't felt in a very long time. Suddenly, she howled to the moon, erupting in pleasure. Her pussy tightened on his cock. McCall's eyes opened wide as she came.

The feeling was too intense for Chris. She sounded so incredibly sexy as she moaned in her orgasm. He couldn't take it anymore, filling the condom inside her. His body shook. Chris fell to her side. The two of them just looked at each other. Each of them had a smile on their faces.

McCall sighed contently. She pulled the sheets down and crawled into bed. Her eyes watched as he got up from bed. He flipped the switch in the bathroom. Slowly, he peeled the condom off his cock before flushing it down the toilet. He made his way back to the bedroom.

"Oh I see how it is. Just invite yourself to spend the night", Chris said sarcastically. He stood at the foot of the bed. For the first time, McCall took in every detail of his naked body. He wasn't carved out of stone, but he definitely was in good shape. She took note of his broad shoulders and toned arms.


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