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Where No One Has Gone Before


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Bit by bit Deanna manoeuvre Tasha towards her bed, feeling the bed on the back of her legs Tasha unexpectedly fell backwards pulling Deanna on top of her, the women were laughing excitedly as they scrambled into the centre of the bed. Deanna being on top looked down the young woman, at her heaving breasts leaning forward she began to lick all over Tasha's breast until she reached the aureoles and nipple which she eagerly sucked into her mouth, as Deanna played lying with her nipple she felt Tasha trembling underneath her. Deanna replaced her hand into Tasha's cunt and began to play and tickle her clitoris until she felt the beginnings of an orgasm within Tasha quickly replacing her hand with her tongue continuing to stimulate her clitoris until Tasha's orgasm finally erupted, Deanna eagerly lapped up the cunt juice as he squirted into her mouth. Tasha was calling out to Deanna,

"Oh yes, yes that's it..."

After Tasha's orgasm had ended Deanna rolled off her onto her back alongside side her friend each watch their friends breasts heaving on their chests as they recovered from their exertions. After a while Tasha turned onto her side looking at Deanna and began to caress her face,

"Oh Deanna you don't know how long I've waited for this lying in my bed at night fantasising about this moment when I would be able to kiss and cuddle and fondled you, only to end up lying alone in my bed masturbating myself to orgasm, how I wish I had my dildo with me what fun we could have had..."

Deanna got off her bed and walked to her closet reaching up to the highest shelf she rummaged about for several seconds finally withdrawing a large strap on dildo, walking back to the bed she clambered onto the bed and knelt between Tasha's open legs. Strapping on the dildo she leant forward,

"Will this to Tasha?"

Looking at the weapon, strapped between Deanna's thighs, with eager anticipation, Tasha sighed,

"Oh yes Deanna get that thing inside my cunt I can't wait to feel that thing stretching my insides..."

Without waiting for Tasha to finish speaking Deanna leant forward and quickly manoeuvred the dildo into Tasha's awaiting cunt, once the dildo was fully inserted into Tasha Deanna reached up taking hold of Tasha shoulders bending her head forward kissed her, before thrusting her hips backwards and forwards pushing the dildo in and out of Tasha's cunt.

Tasha threw her head back arched her body as she eagerly accepted the full length of Deanna's dildo as it pierced her body, her breasts tightened and heaved about as Deanna fucked hard, mercilessly her young body. Eventually Tasha orgasmed hard, her body collapsed back on the bed. But Deanna wasn't finished reaching down under her butt, pulling it up off the bed as she reinserted the dildo and recommenced fucking, the more Tasha orgasmed the more Deanna fucked until a screaming Tasha climaxed with multi orgasms. Causing Tasha's body to thrash about calling for Deanna to stop. At long last Deanna was tired out withdrawing the dildo from Tasha's ravaged body she fell back onto the bed, both women were breathing hard their bodies were covered in perspiration. The lower part of Tasha's and Deanna's body was covered in Tasha's bodily secretions.

After a while Deanna felt the dildo being taken from her body raising her head she saw the Tasha was strapping the dildo to herself. Deanna spread her legs in anticipation of Tasha inserting the dildo within her own cunt. Deanna felt Tasha's hands running up the inside of her thighs stopping at the lips of her cunt fingers toyed with her cunt for several seconds before moving up her body before enclosing her fingers around her breasts and nipples. Deanna closed her eyes as Tasha loomed over her, awaiting the forceful thrust as the dildo invaded her body.

The wait was not long in coming suddenly she felt pressure at the entrance to her cunt as the well-lubricated dildo sliced into her. Deanna was shocked at the power of Tasha's initial thrust. Tasha was now fully on top of Deanna's eagerly awaiting body, Deanna folded her legs around Tasha's thighs holding her tightly into her own body slowly Tasha began to fuck the dildo into Deanna's cunt until she reached a strong and steady fucking rhythm.

Tasha surprised Deanna with her veracity and vigour, each time Deanna thought she was about to orgasm Tasha eased her fucking. Every cell throughout Deanna's body was tingling in anticipation when at long last, Deanna realised that she was screaming as multi orgasms ripped through her body. Deanna could feel her love juice oozing out of her and pooling underneath her butt. An exhausted Tasha eventually withdrew the dildo from Deanna's cunt. As she fell back onto the bed Deanna helped Tasha remove the dildo then pulling the bedclothes over themselves cuddled up together falling into a deep sleep.

Chapter nine

Tasha being on an early duty arose quietly so as not to disturb Deanna, having showered and dressed she left Deanna's quarters. Deanna woke early next morning to find that she was alone in her bed. Pondering on the exquisite night she and Tasha had spent together and the wondrous things they did to one another Deanna finally arose she too showered before dressing in her sensuous uniform. Prior to going on duty she had a leisurely breakfast before leaving her quarters to take up her daily duties. On her way to the turbo lift she encountered several crewmembers going about their duties all called out to her in passing,

"Happy birthday Deanna, have a good day!"

With all that had been happening to Deanna over the last few weeks she hadn't realised that it was her birthday. Deanna hoped that her mother would not go to elaborate extremes in planning birthday celebrations. As the day wore on Deanna only encountered, "happy birthday have a good day" platitudes. Senior and junior bridge officers also wished Deanna well for her special day. To Deanna the day had gone well the only obstacle now was the late afternoon conference, usually attended by Captain Picard, Commander Riker, Doctor Beverly Crusher, Lieutenant Commander Data and herself.

Due to the nature of her duties that day or Deanna was a little late in arriving at the conference room, with her mind going over what form of apology she should give Captain Picard she entered the room at a rush, suddenly coming to a full stop as she realised the room was in total darkness, muttering to herself,

"What the... I can't be the first one here that meeting with Ensign Ripley went on longer than planned..."

Suddenly all the lights went on, choruses of,

" Surprise, happy birthday Deanna…"

Rent the air together with rapturous applause. Momentarily taken aback Deanna viewed the spectacle before her not only were the senior bridge officers present but also Tasha Yar, Wesley Crusher and her mother. The room was decorated with congratulatory banners, bunting, balloons and streamers hung from the walls and ceiling. Several tables had been placed around the room laden with a splendid repast. Her mother came towards Deanna ushering her further into the room and Deanna could hardly get a coherent sentence out of her mouth,

"I... don't... what a surprise... you shouldn't have..."

Deanna's voice trailed off as her friends crowded around her, then escorting her to one of the tables which was heaped with gifts, as with one voice they said,

"Go on Deanna open your presents."

Eagerly Deanna open the presents one by one thanking each person in turn as she opened their particular gift there were presents the also from crewmembers who, because of duty commitments were unable to attend. Once the gifts had been opened and having thanked everybody yet again for such wonderful gifts Captain Picard requested that all glasses be charged a toast was given in honour of Deanna. Deanna replied briefly, now that the formalities were over everyone started to relax turning their attention to the wonderful food and drink. The atmosphere became more and more sociable as little groups of people formed chatting amongst themselves, though most of the attention was directed at Deanna. Whether it was the drink or the attention of her friends Deanna was getting horny by the minute her empathic abilities were assailed with thoughts of sexual designs upon her body by most of the people present in the room particularly Wesley.

Slowly Deanna made her way towards Wesley who was talking to her mother finally standing behind him she pressed her body into his back and began to nibble on his ear. Wesley sensed Deanna approaching and was about to turn towards her when she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her body into his, Lwaxana was as surprised as Wesley,

"Little one this isn't..."

Even a she began to speak Deanna's hand moved into Wesley's crotch and began to stroke his hardening cock through the material of his trousers. Slowly Wesley turned towards her putting his arms around her and kissing her gently on the lips. She responded by slipping her tongue into his mouth Wesley moved his hand up her body until he felt the breast quiver beneath his hand. Lwaxana watched open mouthed, spellbound as Wesley and Deanna slowly sank to the floor with Wesley on top of her. Both were pulling eagerly at the fastenings to one another's clothes, before long and Deanna's voluptuous breasts were bare and Wesley was planting abundant kisses all over them. Deanna in turn had extricated Wesley's cock from his trousers and began to caress and fondle his balls and the shaft of his cock.

Helplessly Lwaxana looked on as Wesley and Deanna now both naked started to fuck on the floor. She was powerless to intervene as Betazoid law regarding deflowering was in force. Wesley had the right under the law to fuck Deanna anyplace anywhere anyhow, even if Deanna instigated it. At first Lwaxana endeavoured, by her empathic abilities, to control the minds of the others present not to notice Deanna and Wesley rutting on the floor before them. But as Deanna and Wesley's passion overtook them, pheromone levels in the room began to rise people began to notice. Soon they were all huddled around Wesley and Deanna egging them on.

It wasn't until Wesley had come his load and Deanna had multiple orgasms that she began to notice the others standing around watching her and Wesley. She noticed that all the men had rock hard erections and were rubbing their groins vigorously the women also were highly aroused. Tasha was particularly aroused and was in the process of undressing. She could feel Wesley pulling his cock out of her cunt as the young man got off her. She watched as Tasha, now naked, pushed past the others and wrapped herself around Wesley, calling out to him,

"Oh Wesley, take me, take me!"

As she pushed him to the floor, she quickly mounted his cock and began to ride him. As she fucked her breasts were bouncing before Wesley's eyes reaching up he began to fondle and squeeze the bouncing orbs.

Lwaxana realised that she could no longer inhibit the minds of those present, though instead of trying to restrain them she instilled within their minds a lessening of their inhibitions, sexual constraints and that an orgy was the order of the day. Within a matter of minutes all present within the room, with the exception of Data with whom she had no control over, were naked. Captain Picard had Deanna face down over one of the tables, squashing a soft cream cake over her breasts, her legs were spread apart and he was eagerly fucking her butt. Beverley was now kneeling astride Wesley's head, rubbing her cunt across his face. Wesley inserted his tongue inside her and began to lick her out. Riker had moved to one side of Tasha taking hold of her head he turned towards him taking hold of his cock he slowly pushed Tasha's lips apart and slipped his cock into her mouth. As soon as Tasha had greased his shaft with her spittle Riker began to fuck her mouth.

As Data watched the various copulations being performed about him he sensed the approach of Lwaxana,

"Data, my android friend why should you and I be the only ones left out of this fun, I know you are fully functional, sex wise, I would deem it in honour to be fucked by you as I have never been fucked by an android before I would relish the experience."

Data looked at the naked woman before him taking in the curves of her breasts the slimness of her waist her tantalising naked cunt,

"Do you wish me to have carnal knowledge, sexual intercourse…?"

"Yes Data, get undressed pump up the pneumatic cock of yours insert it into my vagina and fuck me!"

She watched as data undressed, and stood amazed as she watched his cock grow before her eyes, when she thought it was about the right length and girth she told him to stop. Reaching out to him she pulled them towards her slowly sinking to the floor she assisted him in placing his now erect cock into her and indicated to him to start fucking.

Wesley's tonguing of Beverly's cunt had brought her off several times she was now looking for something new. Behind her still bent over the table were Captain Picard and Deanna both had just reached a climax and Picard was extricating himself from Deanna's butt. Standing Beverley moved over to the two of them as Deanna slowly turned then resting her butt on the table, Beverly saw that her breasts were covered with strawberry cream. On reaching Deanna Beverley began to suck up the strawberry cream covering Deanna's aureole and nipple. Picard on the other hand was massaging the other breast covering his hand with the cream and slowly moving it down her body leaving a trail of cream until he reached her crotch, whereby he inserted his hand into Deanna's cunt covering it in succulent cream. Beverley watched him sink slowly to his knees as he rubbed more and more of the strawberry cream into Deanna's cunt, finally Picard opened those cream covered lips and buried his face into her strawberry dream.

The weight of Tasha and Riker was becoming too much for Wesley, with some difficulty he extricated his cock from Tasha's cunt and slid out from underneath them leaving Riker to continue his butt fucking of Tasha. Looking round the room he saw that Data was taking care of Lwaxana, hearing noises behind him he saw Deanna covered in cream, his mother eagerly sucking at one of her tits, Picard his head buried deep in Deanna's cunt. With Beverly leaning over Deanna the way she was Wesley thought her arse was in an ideal position to fuck. Moving quickly over to Beverly grasping her round the waist with one hand. He inserted his cock, freshly covered with Tasha's cunt juice, into his mother's arse causing Beverly's body to slide further over Deanna's strawberry cream covered tits, thereby transferring some of the cream covering Deanna's body over Beverly's breasts. Once fully inserted into his mother's arse Wesley began to fuck her. Still holding her with one arm around her waist he slipped the other into her groin, finding her cunt he slipped his fingers, then his fist into her juicy cunt. The force of his butt fucking caused Beverly's cunt to slide easily over his fist giving Beverly rapturous feeling throughout her body.

Riker was grunting as he poured load after load of jism into Tasha's bowels. Realising that Tasha had still not cum Riker pulled out of her tight arse. Taking hold of her body Riker flipped her onto her back. Holding her down at the weight of his own body Riker spread her legs apart before taking hold of his cock and sliding it easily deep inside Tasha, with the initial thrust into her Tasha squealed in pain and delight. His big hand is moved up over her body until they encompassed the flesh of her tits, his lips sought hers and he began to kiss her passionately. Now that his own body had completely enveloped hers he began to move his hips pushing his cock slowly at first in and out of her cunt building up to a steady rhythm as he fucked Tasha Yar.

Captain Picard's mouth was now getting full a mixture of strawberry cream and cunt juice as Deanna forcefully orgasmed into his mouth after she had finished he withdrew his face from between her legs and slowly moved his head up her body, over her breasts finally their lips met and he began to passionately kiss her. The weight of his body slowly bent Deanna back over the table as Deanna's legs automatically wrapped themselves around Picard's body. This manoeuvre caused Beverly and Wesley to fall onto the table. Picard had Deanna to himself at long last, oh how he had dreamt of this moment, easing his cock deep into Deanna he began to fuck her with an earnest passion that had built up since he first set eyes on her when she boarded his ship as Ship's Counselor.

Now that Deanna's body was being attended to by another Beverly's attention was now fully on her son, what with his hand up her cunt and his dick in her arse she soon came off to crescendo of orgasms. Chiding him softly,

"Come on son you know your mother likes that big hard cock of yours fucking her cunt and you have and fuck me for a while. So come on son don't waste your load in my arse put it when it belongs creaming the inside of my cunt!"

Feigning reluctance Wesley pulled his throbbing cock from his mother's arse then leaning her back over the table he spread her legs wide apart looking down at her open cunt and heaving breasts Wesley manoeuvred himself into a position whereby he could enter her in one fluid movement, this accomplished he lay full length over her body feeling her well rounded tits moulded themselves into his chest. Taking hold of her head he kissed her passionately as he began to fuck his mother's delicious cunt once more.

With the help of Lwaxana's empathic control, with the exception of herself as she was being well serviced by Data, each person present was able to enjoy the individual sexual passions and desires. So that in the end Captain Picard fucked the love of his life Beverly Crusher. William Riker had lusted after Tasha Yar, who was widely rumoured to enjoy back passage entry, and was able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that though she liked it up the arse she was not averse to having her cunt drilled.

So as the evening drew to a close Picard and Beverly, Will Riker and Tasha, Lwaxana and Data withdrew to continue their fucking in the privacy of their quarters leaving only Wesley and Deanna who had finally got together again and where in the throes of one last final fuck eventually culminating in them experiencing a simultaneous orgasm. Sated at last they both slowly dressed not caring that their bodies were covered in various bodily fluids and strawberry cream. Eventually leaving the conference room.

As the doors swished closed behind them Deanna said to Wesley,

" Wesley you may fuck me at any time day or night, as being the first, gives you special rights under Betazed Law."

With that she ran her hands from her crotch up her body over her breasts lifting them and squeezing them together, she kissed Wesley and left stunned youth staring after that she sauntered down the corridor.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Wait a minute...

Deanna can't be a virgin, and she can't be Wesley's "Imzadi" (which is the Betazed word that means roughly first love), Riker already took both honors years ago, on his first trip to Betazed! And when they rescued the duplicate Riker after he had been marooned for several years, he discovered Deanna was on board and he called her Imzadi, much to Deanna's dismay, since she and the original Will Riker had broken up. But then, this IS your story, so who am I to complain about the conflict with the TV series.

Great story, by the way, keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

The thought of Patrick Stewart saying "Bend over the console Beverley time to get that hot cunt of yours fucked the way you deserve!" is absolutely hilarious

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Wow: an erotic adventure that makes sex (at least within the context of the presented character-combinations) seem filthy, perhaps even obscene.

As presented here, the characters -- though vaguely familiar -- are mono-dimensional; while this at first had me asking "WTF?," I recognize the story may have been intended as a comedic parody (styled as the comedy of the awkward), in which case the otherwise bad writing comes off as cleverly concealed genius.

On the other hand, despite the obvious potential for such within the series (not to mention in crossovers), ST:TNG fantasies are simply far too rare; therefore (and because I am so generous), I give this an "E" (for "effort").

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