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White Freshman, Black Coeds Ch. 13

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Blackmailed over Miss Pullman.
15.9k words

Part 13 of the 27 part series

Updated 01/17/2025
Created 02/02/2023
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If you've just discovered this series, I'd urge you to read the Prologue to Chapter 1, and maybe even start there. This is a slowly-building series that I'm trying to keep as realistic as possible, the sexual awakening of a shy 18yo boy. But I hope there's enough erotica in each part to keep it interesting, even if you just start here.

Tuesday, Oct. 4 th

Jake was asleep when I crept into the room late last night, but this morning he asked, "Sooooo....how did it go?

In answer, I gave him back only two of the condoms.

"Dude! You did it?!"

"Yeah," I lied. He wanted to know details, but I told him a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.

"Well do I know her?" No, I don't think so. "Is she a freshman?" Noooo, she's a bit older. "Senior??" No, a bit older than that... "Grad student???" Nooo, older than that that. "Does she even go to WSU??" Not exactly.... But that's all I was willing to tell him before I left for my 10 o'clock class.

"The girls" should've been back from their country club weekend Sunday, but I hadn't heard from them. Couldn't really text or call because the boyfriends might be around, so I waited for them to contact me. Hopefully it would be before Friday, their usual delivery night, because I was dying to tell them about all the things I'd learned, and about Nia, and how I now know how to perform cunnilingus, so....about that offer?

Tuesday evening at dinner Miss Pullam was on the cash register again, so I gave her a friendly hello and a big grin, then started to lean in to whisper my thanks for last night.

But she was all-business: "Good evening, Mr. Livingston. I don't see any vegetables on your plate, young man." She matter-of-factly reached for my card.

My cheery facade evaporated, and I began to treat her 'normally.' She's right, of course, she probably can't be seen being too friendly with me.

"There you go," handing my ID card back, "enjoy your dinner. Next?" But she just give me a quick, wry smile?

Okay, so I had a lot to learn about being discrete. But I was hoping she'd give me an indication soon about the 'next time' she'dmentioned last night.

I sat so I couldn't see her (too much temptation to look), quickly finished my food, and left the cafeteria without saying goodbye to her. Turning right out of the cafeteria into the main corridor of the building, I was almost hit by a door opening right in front of me, blocking from view the person coming out, and making me stop in my tracks.

A cute brown female face, framed with light brown hair (maybe blondish highlights?), looked around the door and said, "Sorry! I shouldn't have come out so quickly. But I wanted to catch you before you got too far."

Interesting... Has word gotten around or something? She's maybe 22, as much as 24, short, petite but not too, blue jeans looking good, a white t-shirt covering a chest with some mass to it, white tennis shoes. (I was becoming a connoisseur of black women, and had learned to size them up quickly.) She would definitely be fun...

"Can I walk with you for a minute?" Sure. We walked. "I work in the kitchen, I don't know if you've ever noticed me?"

"Sorry, I haven't." But I wish I had, I tried to convey with my eyes, flitting over her body again. We'd reached a small side hall that led back to some storerooms or something, and she pulled me down it by my elbow about twenty feet. The lights in it were off, so it was rather dark and secluded.

Leaning toward me conspiratorially she whispered, "I know what you did with Miss Pullam last night."

Oh God, what's happening, and how does she know? I started to stammer out a denial, but she put her finger to my lips, holding them closed, keeping it there as she went on.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," and here she inserted that finger between my lips, "but I'd like to get to know you like that too. Suck it?"

I did and she smiled. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? Getting to see me naked," turning to give me a view of that booty, "doing those kinds of things with me... Though my breasts aren't as big as Miss Pullam's, so we might not be able to do that."

That phrase told me that she really did know what we'd been up to last night, though I wondered how she knew, and wanted to ask, but she inserted a second finger in my mouth, and 'scissoring' them, trying to catch my tongue.

"I can't tell you how I know, but you know I know, don't you?" I nodded. "And really there aren't rules against ancillary staff fraternizing with students, but for someone in Miss Pullam's position...and the age difference... Well, that could be troublesome for her if it got out. You don't want Miss Pullam to get in trouble, do you?"

I tried to say No, ma'am around her fingers. "Good," she said, now placing my hand on one of her breasts, "because I don't want her to get in trouble either, I just want to have some fun with you like she did. Does that sound okay, Mark?" Oh crap, she even knows my first name! "You can squeeze them while you answer," as she removed her fingers from my mouth.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm not really committed to anyone," as she lifted her shirt and indicated I should feel her bra-encased breasts (B-cup? Maybe C?), "and I'm open to learning new things. But you didn't have to—"

"Good, I'm glad to hear you like learning new sexual things, because I know a thing or two I bet you haven't done before." Here she rubbed her crotch through her jeans and gave a sultry moan. "And I'm sorry I came at you like this, implying I'd cause trouble for Miss Pullam, because I love her like a mother, as many of the students here do, and always have. I just wasn't sure you'd like me—" Not like you?? You're freakin' hot! "—so I wanted to be sure you'd commit to seeing me. Please forgive me?" And with that she cupped my now-mostly-hard dick through my jeans, rubbing up and down a little.

"Mmm, uh, it's okay. Ahhh, yeah, I'd love to spend time with you. What's your name though?"

She laughed and let go of my crotch. "Capri. Are you free tomorrow night? I think you work for Domino's?"

What in the world?! How does she know that?? "Well, I'm working tomorrow, but I'm off Thursday."

"Oh I'm sorry, baby, but tomorrow is the only night that works for me, unless you want to wait till next Wednesday." Here she squeezed her breasts through her t-shirt and made bedroom eyes at me.

"No, I can probably do tomorrow. But would 9 o'clock be okay?"

A delighted squeal, then, "Yes, that would be perfect, actually. Tell me your number." I did as she put it in her phone. "I'll text you tomorrow evening. Thanks, Mark. Bye!" She hurried out to the main hall and back into the cafeteria. I belatedly followed and caught just a glimpse of that booty as she went back in the door she'd come out of.

Angela's words from last night came back to me, almost as if she were standing there, "Mark, you're pulling these girls like flies to honey!" I guess I was, and I didn't even have to work at it. Somehow they were finding out about me. I didn't even consider at the time that sometimes when things seem too good to be true, they are. (That's foreshadowing.)

I called Domino's before I forgot. "Hi Brian. I'm scheduled to work tomorrow night till 11, but this group I'm in from one of my Engineering classes has scheduled our first meeting tomorrow night at 9, so would it be—"

"Sure, Mark. What if you clocked out at 8:30, would that give you enough time?"

"Oh yes sir, thank you so much! Bye."

Back to my room, trying to do homework, but now all worked up about this new girl, Capri. What would she be like naked? And what 'new things' did she think she could show me? I still didn't want to have intercourse (I'd been thinking about my Nia with regard to that), but maybe....what? Deepthroat? That would be awesome! Anal? Can't really do that because of my promise to Rita. What a conundrum!

I went off to shower, and while there stroked my dick with the shampoo suds from my hair, playing with a nipple at the same time, thinking about Capri nude on the bed, beckoning me to do things to her. Need to hold back, not come. Just came last night, and I want to save up for Capri tomorrow. Maybe she'll enjoy swallowing my seed too?

Wednesday, Oct. 5th

I robotically went through my day: class, study, class, lunch, study some more, last class. Thinking about Capri the whole time, my dick stayed hard most of the day. Luckily it's cold out so I could wear a longish coat.

In my classes I started noticing some of the black girls who I hadn't really looked at before. I mean, I'd seen Candace and Keisha naked already, so did I need to fantasize about more? Well.....yeah! Why not? These lovely creatures came in all different sizes and shapes, hairstyles, skin tones, what have you. It was like in high school Biology when we learned about trees and the distinguishing characteristics of their leaves. Before, I'd seen just 'leaves,' but now I could differentiate and appreciate a Maple from an Elm, an Oak from a Ash.

Likewise, before I'd just noticed two basic kinds of girls: white and black. And the black girls I hadn't had much opportunity to interact with, so they just remained generic darker leaves to me. I was familiar with the white leaves and could differentiate based on hair color, eye color, breast size, etc. But when I'd first really seen my first two black leaves, Candace and Keisha, it really opened my eyes. Because there were notable differences just between two in skin shade, hair, eyes, noses, cheekbones, lips. And of course I can't leave out sizes of rumps and breasts. I was learning to differentiate a Mahogany from a Walnut in this new multi-hued class of leaves I'd not paid particular attention to before.

This observation happened mostly in English 101, because all freshmen had to take that, so there a lot of girls, compared to my more science-y classes. Her cheekbones are higher even than Keisha's. She's lighter even that Miss Pullam. What would she look like naked? How big are her nipples? How would that one sound orgasming on the end of my tongue? I wonder if that girl's heard about me, my prowess? Needless to say, I didn't absorb much book-knowledge that day, my eyes and mind instead studying this beautiful class of new things I'd discovered.

At 5 I walked into Domino's, glad for something to take my mind off these sexual thoughts. Still hadn't heard from Capri. Did I give her my number right? Did she enter it in her phone correctly? Oh man, if she doesn't get ahold of me today, then I'll have to wait till next Wednesday... Three orders were up and no other drivers, so I took them and headed out.

Back at the store a half-hour later, and still no word from Capri. But there were no orders up, so I went into the kitchen to help out. Trey was there.

"Hey my brother!" Then more quietly, "Have you gotten with Felicia yet?"

"No, man. I told you, I ain't messin' with her till she's 18. I don't need to mess up my scholarship and stuff."

"December 25th, right?!" I smiled and nodded yes. He offered a high five, and when I met it he added, "Playa, playa!" I just smiled nonchalantly, not wanting to admit that all my talk with Felicia before had been just that: talk.

"Hey Trey. Have you ever been with like, an older woman?"

A quizzical, appraising, what you on about look. "Yeah, I guess so. I mean, I'm only 19, but once I made it with this 21 year old coed." "A white girl," he added confidentially.

"You dog! You like them white girls, don't you?"

"I can't help it, playa, they like this big black snake!" Another high-five, morphing into that black-guy handshake where you pull each other in and bump shoulders. I'd learned that from the black guys in the boys' home. And now I was glad I'd had that experience, because it made it easier for me to talk to Trey like this. And I liked him because he was friendly and seemed to accept me, though I was just a skinny white kid from mostly-white Ann Arbor.

"That's cool, man. I like white girls too, but I gotta tell you, I'm lovin' me all these fine chocolate honeys on campus..."

"I know what you mean, bro. I like 'em too, but....the white girls just seem easier for me to get with, ya know?"

"Yeah, I do know. I'm finding the same thing with black girls. I guess it's the same both ways, as long as there's a racial difference, a color difference, guys and girls are going to be curious about, maybe more interested in, the other."

"True dat, I think that's it. So who's this older woman you were talkin' about?"

"Oh yeah, well I can't really say exactly, but let's just say she's a lot older. Old enough to be my mother in fact...."

"My man! Is she black?"

"Yeah, but real light-skinned. She reminds me of Claire Huxtable, and she's got these giant soft breasts..."

"Oh man, I been havin' dreams about her fine self since I was 12! Mmm-mm. So you did that, huh?"

I told Trey that we hadn't gone 'all the way,' but I kinda told him about the things we did do. I told him about the breast-fucking, but changed the ending to have me just coming on her breasts.

"You know, that's something I ain't really done, at least not with breasts as large as you're saying. Man, I gotta find me a big-titty white girl...!" We both laughed, and the other cook, not Jason I mentioned weeks earlier, hollered out, "Order up!" So I took it and hit the road.

At 8PM I got this text: Shorecrest Motor Inn on the riverfront, 9:00, room 211.

It didn't exactly say "From Capri," but it was a local number, so it must be her. Woo hoo, this is actually happening! How should I play it? Cool, and let her make the moves? Or just force myself on her, strip her clothes from that tight little body and go down on her? No! Push her down to her knees and make her take it out, suck me off, then I'll do her with my mouth afterward. Yeah.... At no time did I think, This might be a setup, a robbery or something. And at no time did I even remember the blackmail piece. Because my dick was doing all the thinking now.

Since it was close, I didn't punch out until 8:40, then headed over. I'd delivered there a couple times, so I pulled in like I belonged there, but nervous as heck. Parked near the back, and grabbing an empty pizza box I'd brought (Thanks, Rita!) I headed up the nearest stairs to the 2nd level. (It was one of those old-timey drive-up motels, all rooms accessed from the outside. I didn't know where 211 was, but quickly figured out its direction when I got to the upper balcony.

It was 9:00 exactly, so I knocked, the door opened almost immediately, and there was Capri, apparently alone in the room. (I still hadn't thought through how this could've gone.) Same face, but more makeup, and same hair. But fellas! She was wearing some kind of black corset that cinched her already-slim waist in tight, and pushed her medium-sized breasts up into decadent chocolate-marshmallow mounds above the lacy, low-cut top of the thing.

Below were matching black panties, and a garter belt holding up black fishnet stockings (I've always loved that look: garters and stockings.) On her feet were black high heels, actually impossibly high heels, with just straps across the tops of her feet, baring most of them, and all of her toes. Hubba hubba!

"Come in, Mr. Livingston." She stepped aside to let me pass, then glanced both ways down the balcony/walkway before closing the door. Engaging the deadbolt and the little chain, she turned to me and asked, "Do you like?"

"Oh yes, ma'am, I like very much!" All that macho BS about pushing her to her knees went straight out of my head. She was stunning, and not a woman you felt you should do that to.

But for some reason, maybe it was her peeking out the door, all of a sudden I got a little scared, wondering why this fine-ass girl would be inviting skinny-ass me to a kind of dumpy motel on the riverfront. What if she has an accomplice hiding in the bathroom who's planning to rob me! But I didn't want to show I didn't trust her by asking if I could check the bathroom, so I thought of this clever-to-me ruse:

"Capri, uh, I'm really nervous. Could I use your restroom first?"

"You may call me Miss Capri, and of course. Wash up well after, because he might find some fun places to visit..."

Miss Capri? 'May' call me? Just like Rita. What was that about? But I shrugged it off and headed toward the back of the room to the little bathroom. The door was closed, which made me even more nervous, but while trying not to show my apprehension I pushed it open, ready to punch anyone who was behind it.

Thankfully no one was, so I went about my business. I didn't really have to go, but I did anyway, to make the noise and keep up the charade. I washed my hands, and wetting a washcloth with hot water gave myself a good scrub down there. Then dubious as I still was (What does this fine older-but-still-young woman want with me?), I even looked under the vanity for someone hiding. No one there of course, just some kind of travel bag, her toiletries I thought. Though it was kind of big for that.

As I came back into the room I had a look around, specifically at the deadbolt and chain, but nothing had changed, and the closet was an open one with no doors.

She noticed and said, "Don't worry, baby, I promise there's nothing shady going on. I just want to have fun with you. Is that okay?" She squeezed her breasts together as she was saying this.

"Yes, ma'am, I'm sorry."

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Miss Capri...?"

"Perfect! Are you ready to have some fun?" I nodded overeagerly, gotta work on that. "Well first things first: this room cost $40, so would you mind splitting that with me?" Squishing her breasts together again as she was asking, swaying her hips seductively side to side.

"Yes, Miss Capri, that's only fair. But— are you sure you've got the right guy? I mean, I'm just a freshman without a lot of experience, especially with pretty ladies like you, and..."

"No, I have the right guy alright. I've...heard things about you, and I wanted to get to know you better."

'Heard' things? From whom? Miss Pullman? Rita? Surely not Nia, I'd think she'd want to keep me to herself...

I took my wallet out and was about to fish out a twenty, but: "Get undressed first, please."

"Ma'am?" A questioning, that's not quite right look from her. "Miss Capri?"

"That's better, you're getting the hang of it. I'm sorry, it's just a silly thing I like to do when I first meet someone. But yes, put your wallet back, undress, and then give me the money."

So I stripped off my shirt and pants, fished my wallet out again... "Mr. Livingston! I'm sure I told you to get undressed."


"But nothing, young man, you will do as I say, exactly as I say, or we can end this right now." Not said in a mean way necessarily, but firmly, brooking no argument. Hands on her hips, feet apart, not teasing me with her body anymore. Hard somehow. At least, as hard as a woman could look, dressed as she was. I decided it was the tone of her voice.

"Yes, Miss Capri." So I put my wallet back in the pants pocket, pushed down my boxers, my fully-erect cock springing into view, then reached for my wallet again and took out a 20. She was sitting on the end of the king-size bed now, so I walked the few steps over to hand it to her, but she didn't reach out to take it.

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