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White Women's BBC Clinic Ch. 01

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An interracial slut training facility.
2.1k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 09/27/2013
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Part 1

An Interracial Slut Training Facility.

African American Doctors Rod Pierce and Dr. Hyram Tailsman have become the world's leading authorities on the sexual advancement of white women. Together, they run the White Women's BBC Clinic, a cutting edge facility, where, with the help of the dedicated nursing staff, and a group of capable young black men, they seek to unravel the mysteries of the white woman's desire for big, hot, throbbing pieces of long, black fuck meat.


Dr. Rod Pierce finally entered the room where the women had been waiting for over an hour. The women quickly got up when the young doctor walked in, and lined up in a row. They stood in silence, looking straight ahead, waiting for his synopsis. At 6'4 and 220 lbs., he was a large, imposing black male, in his early thirties. He sat down at his desk, and picked up the charts.

The four white housewives nervously glanced at the handsome, muscular black doctor as he flipped open one of the medical charts. The women had been asked to remove their clothes for the examination. The women shared a nervous apprehension, as they stood in the brightly lit room, completely exposed. He read the notes carefully. He looked up over his glasses, at the redhead woman, Carol Cundermouth, and studied her face. His eyes glanced down to her hanging pink tits, and her chubby white hips. He gave her a disapproving frown, before continuing to read the chart. About five minutes passed before he finally spoke up.

"Well, uh," he cleared his throat, his deep black voice booming, "I see it says here that uh. . . .each of you ladies uh. . . are at the Clinic uh. . .for Level Three uh. . . black cock slut training. Is this correct?"

"Yes, Sir!" The four nude women responded in unison, looking straight ahead. Other than a pair of tall high heeled shoes, the women were nude. Each naked white woman held her hands clasped behind her back. Four sets of hanging tits pointed straight out at the doctor, their nipples rock hard in the chilly examination room.

"Uh huh, and uh, I see here," he continued, his deep voice filling the room, "that each of you, uh. . .have been given a prescription, uh. . . to have all holes filled. . .uh, four to five times a day. . .uh . . . by a variety of uh. . . cock. . .uh. . . .is this correct? " He looked at the four white women and studied their pretty embarrassed faces.

Little Cindy Holesgood felt a familiar wetness in her vagina at the question from the big man. "Yes, Doctor," the ladies responded.

"Umm hmm," he studied another chart. There was a long silence. Gizzelle Wadsworth bite her lip in anticipation of the doctor's words. Her big swaying tits were the largest of the bunch, and she had a tall, full figure to go with them. The black doctor put down the chart and addressed the women.

"Well, I must say that,uh. . .I fully concur. . . uh, with Dr. Tailsman's assessment! And after reading your uh. . .charts. . .I believe we can bypass Level Three and uh. . . advance straight to Level Four, uh, with. .uh. . .without delay!" He pressed a button on the intercom. "Nurse Honeypot, come in here please."

The young black nurse came in the room. She was in her early twenties. Her young figure was a picture of ebony perfection. Her fresh butt twitched deliciously from side to side as she walked. The sheer white panty hose hugged her long, athletic legs. Her big tits were tightly pressed together under her crisp white nurse's uniform. Her eye popping cleavage spilled out. The uniform stretched tightly over her tiny mid section and sweet black ass. The doctor issued several instructions to the nurse. Gizzelle could only hear muffled voices as they whispered.

"Yes, Doctor," she said, before going to the counter and preparing 4 syringes. She drew the bright, neon yellow medicine into each rig. "Here we are, Doctor," the nurse said, flashing him a wide smile, "25 milliliters of Hypocuntenin." He took a seat on his examination stool.

"Gizzelle, let's start with you. Come here, please," the big doctor said. "Turn around Gizzelle. Umm humm, now, spread your legs uh. . .yes, now uh. . .bend over for me." The tall white woman turned around and bent over, exposing her firm, round butt for the doctor. He inspected her big ass carefully, squeezing the lush cheeks with his large hands, then spreading them wide apart, for a good visual confirmation. "AHEM." He cleared his throat again. " Bend over a little further uh. . .Gizzelle, uh. . .ALL the way over Gizzelle. . .grab your ankles for me. Yes, that's very good!"

He continued his visual inspection of the exposed woman. Her puckered butt hole winked at the man, her soft little flower parted, and her big tits hung down on the floor. Nurse Honeypot handed him the syringe of Hypocuntenin. He jabbed the needle roughly into her butt, pressing the plunger down. He did NOT have a "gentle doctor's manner."

"Oooooh," she squealed. One by one, each woman came forward and bent over for the doctor. When they all had their injection, he said something else to the black nurse.

"Yes, Doctor." She looked at the women. "Ladies, come with me, please," she said with a smile. The shocked women looked at the black nurse as she opened the door to the busy hallway. "C'mon ladies. We don't have all day!"

She marched the nude women out single file. They entered the crowded hallway. Nurses, patients, and young interns rushed here and there. A janitor smiled at the women, as he pushed his cleaning cart. They passed a group of Japanese school girls, on a field trip to the Clinic. They gawked at the nude women, before their giggles filled the hallway.

The black nurse led the four white women, as they paraded nude, down the busy hallway, into an elevator, then down through the lobby of the main building, heads turning to watch as they went.

She led them outside and into the bright sunlight, down a sidewalk, up a long flight of steps, and into an adjacent building. Once again, all eyes turned towards the nude women as they entered the facility, and marched down yet another crowded hallway. Whispers and giggles were heard.

Jenny Tendergash's pretty face reddened from all the eyes on her young exposed body. Her lips pouted and her short bobbed blond hair bounced. She regretted ever coming to the clinic. It had been at her husband's insistence, as a treatment for her frigidity, but they hadn't known it would be like this. She didn't even like black men. Her little butt jiggled, and her ample tits swayed as she walked, trying to ignore the smirks and gawks from the passersby.

An electric, sterile voice came over the intercom as they walked down the long hall. "ATTENTION. Will all available male staff report to Facility B for penile erectitude evaluations." The message repeated, "ATTENTION. Will all available male staff report to Facility B for penile erectitude evaluations."


The room was a large auditorium, with a stage at the front and a podium for a speaker. Facility B could accommodate about a hundred people. The young black interns began pouring into the room. It was almost filled to capacity, when the nude women were led into the front of the stage, and lined up in a row, facing the crowd. Dr. Rod Pierce came onto the stage with another doctor. A brigade of nurses followed.

The effects of the Hypocuntenin had kicked in strong for the ladies. The powerful drug caused a tingling in the women's cuntal area, which could be quite maddening if proper stimulation wasn't applied. Each one felt a horrid itching in their clitoris and a overwhelming desire to have their vaginal holes stuffed.

Petite, cute Cindy Holesgood felt the pussy juice from her warm cunt seeping down her legs. Gizzelle Wadsworth chewed her lip. She had a desperate desire to press a long finger to her big clit, and tweedle awhile at the tender magic button. The women faced the audience. They saw the young men's hungry eyes and grinning faces. Blond, adoreable Jenny Tendergash fidgeted uncomfortably, like a mouse in the gaze of a hungry snake. And dumpy Carol Cundermouth, the oldest of the bunch, could think of nothing but big black cock.

The tall black man came to the podium. He drew a long draw off his pipe, then placed it aside. He leaned into the microphone. "MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE. WILL YOU TAKE YOUR SEATS , PLEASE." The assembled interns took their seats and quieted down as Dr. Hyram Tailsman began. The respected doctor had been head of the Clinic for five years. The tall trim black man had a smooth, natural charm as well as handsome, Denzel Washington-ish, good looks.

"I'd like to say, first off, just how PROUD we are here at Cuntalgraphics Inc. in EVERY ONE of you young men!" There was a round of applause from the audience, and when they had settled down, he continued.

"When we called for applications to the White Womens BBC Clinic, the response was overwhelming!" Again, applause broke out. The doctor waited patiently for the crowd to settle. "We had a difficult time, narrowing down the field, but I'm proud to say we have selected THE TOP 50 APPLICANTS!" The tall black doctor beamed proudly at the audience and again, the young men applauded and a few "whoops!" were heard.

"Now, it's important to remember," the good doctor continued, "that these 50 applicants were NOT SELECTED on the basis of any MERIT." He looked up, his face serious. "Nor any individual accomplishments, outstanding social achievements, or impressive grade point averages. These factors had NO BEARING WHATSOEVER, on our decision." He paused again, for emphasis, looked at the women, then again at the audience.

"No, we chose a different set of CRITERIA ALTERNATIVES. Advanced treatment for serious cases like these, requires a different RATIONAL of impregnitude. And I dare say, we left no stone UNTURNED, in our quest for THE most QUALIFIED applicants!" He paused for the applause, as the nurse handled him the list.

"ALL APPLICANTS, were chosen SOLELY on the basis of PENIS SIZE, SPERM LOAD Quantities, and PENILE STAMINA EVALUATION REPORTS, as administered by our expert nursing staff!" Wild applause and cheers broke out, as the Nurses took a bow. The doctor joined in the applause, and took another puff off his pipe.

"Now, when I call your name, will you please come to the front of the room." A silence came over the group. Dr. Hyram Tailsman began reading the long list.

"William Walters Hammersard." A burly, linebacker type man got up from the back of the room and started making his way to the front.

"Tyrell Tyrone Poles." A tall skinny young negro with corn rolls in his hair got up. A few friends high-fived him as he passed them. The names continued.

"Wasina Wattee Ooolegawwa." The big fat man struggled to get out of his seat.

"Latrell Joesph Prode." The man's arms were plastered with tattoos.

"Reginald "Pinky" Waynes." The high yellow brother danced down the aisle, showboating, as the crowd laughed.

Jenny Tendergash listened and watched in horror as the names went on and on, and the group of black men grew larger and larger.

"Darryl Demetrius Jones." Gangsta'.

"Lamont Randle Dickingson." The names continued to ring over the PA system.

"Kalongi Mogbeyi Quaseem."

"Virgil Latremmis White." The man was as black as the ace of spades. The names echoed in Jenny's ears like raindrops in a well.

"Thabell Lavone Jacobus. Dwayne "The Fatman" Long. Hakeem Mousif Khalfani. . . ." Jenny was convinced the the list would never end.

Finally, Dr Tailsman yielded the microphone to his colleague, Dr. Rod Pierce.

"Let's have a round of applause for these fine men!" Loud applause and cheers rang out in the hall. "Congratulations! Uh. . . .Young men! Uh---Now, uh. . .all applicants should uh. . .see, uh. . . .Nurse Honeypot for your uh. . .assignments and your uh. . .new schedules and uh. . .new responsibilities! We will uh. . .reconvene in Exam room 12c, to begin the uh. . .uh. . . uh. . . . .treatment!"



"Attention ladies. It's time for class to begin." He took a long draw off his pipe, then set it in an ashtray, the pungent smoke continued to rise from the bowl. He picked up a wooden pointer off his desk.

Dr. Hyram Tailsman had a very precise way of speaking. Every word was expressly articulated, probably a hold over from his Drill Sargent days in the military. Every sentence was accented. Very particular, sharp and bold.

"Today's class is on," he tapped the blackboard with his pointer.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Do you mean Hypocretin?

deerhunter00deerhunter00almost 4 years ago
Great build up

It might have been nice to read about how they came to discover the clinic but still pretty great otherwise. Good description and characters so far. I cant wor for next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

What seriously needs to happen is have her gag on it but be forced to swallow. After a while, she needs it. Let me read more here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Lovin' It!

As a BBC cockwhore myself, I am grabbing my ankles, Doctor!

Where can I get some Hypocuntenin?

kennyboy82kennyboy82over 9 years ago

Fucking hilarious - and really good as well. can't mwait for the next chapter!

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