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Whore for my Sons


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Things changed a couple of months later. My oldest son had gotten into some legal trouble. I really never knew what it was about; by this time, my sons considered me as nothing more than an object to be used to make money. I was no longer their mother, I was simply a life support system for a cunt, mouth, asshole and tits for their use and exploitation. That's when I met his new lawyer, and my life went downhill. From this point on, I will refer to her as the Blonde Skank.

She was considerably older than my sons, approximately my age. She was blonde and very good looking. Apparently, he was able to afford her because of the money I was bringing in as a whore for them. It didn't take long to figure out that she was fucking my oldest son while she was representing him. She had soon talked my oldest son into changing me from just an ordinary whore into a high-class escort. Instead of simply waiting at home naked for their friends and our neighbors to fuck, I was now given expensive club and cocktail dresses to wear for nights out. They had developed a web page for me for businessmen (and women) to book a night, weekend, and an occasional full week with.

I must say that this was actually a real improvement for me, with a couple of glaring exceptions. First off, I was now experiencing a lot of very high-class events. I was being taken to corporate dinners at high end exclusive restaurants. I watched operas, Broadway productions, and concerts from box seats. I was jetted away to the Bahamas and other exotic locations for a weekend or week with very attractive men and women. My days and nights consisted of every luxury that you can imagine. That is, as long as I was 'working'. Regardless of everything, I was still just a whore. Yes, I enjoyed all of it, who wouldn't? My price for the ticket was my body. Publicly, I was pampered, but privately, I was still a sex slave. In the privacy of our room, I was being fucked in every perverted and kinky way that you can imagine. One not-so-well kept secret here. Those with power and money can afford to indulge their kinks. If you can think about it, I did it. After all, they were paying for it. Still, I mostly enjoyed it. I was being wined and dined in exclusive restaurants, went to premiere shows, sat in box seats for the best events, I even went to the Super Bowl. My 'clients' took me shopping at high-end clothing stores. I expanded my wardrobe quite a bit.

Money really began pouring in for my boys. They got new cars, a big screen TV, gaming systems, new clothes, and just about anything else young men would want. As for me, I got a new place to sleep in the basement. I was fed whatever was left over. Sure, I got new clothes, but they were only to enhance my sexuality. At home, I was totally naked. Anything that cost them money that I didn't need to survive was denied to me. I slept on a concrete floor with just a thin mattress and blanket over me. They fed me table scraps just to keep me alive and looking in decent shape. I showered and cleaned up only when they had scheduled a 'date' for me, or I began smelling to rank for them to fuck. One time, I did try to get my 'date' to help me. Bad idea. He was upset and told my boys about it. It was a month before the marks healed enough for me to go out again.

Still, that was not the worst of it. The worst of it was the Blonde Skank. She was evil impersonated. Somehow, she managed to convince my oldest son, and to a certain extent my youngest son, that I needed to be trained to be a complete submissive. She got them to allow her to train me. She is one sadistic bitch.

Now, you've probably figured out that I am a bit more than a little submissive. In fact, I believe that I have even mentioned that to you. Bondage? Yes, please! A bit of pain? Sure. Whippings, canings, and good old fashion spankings? It just ramps me up. This was on a whole different level. I was strung up with my arms over my head and brutally whipped over my entire body. My ass, tits, back, stomach, and cunt were subject to the agony of her single tail whip for the most minor of transgressions. After the whipping, I was required to lick her pussy and asshole as a 'Thank You' for correcting me. As an added bonus, she was fucking my oldest son as a partial payment for her services. I also had to service her whenever she wanted it.

As it turned out, she and my oldest son were really stupid. First off, they either forgot or didn't care about the security cameras that were installed all through the house. They also made the mistake of neglecting my younger son in their dealings. They began making a pile of money off of me by turning me out as a high-priced escort. They had me get my nipples navel and cunt pierced. My cunt was pierced with four rings in each outer lip, as well as another ring in the hood above my clit. This way, they could lace my cunt closed, if the client only asked for my ass. I also had a dangle in my navel as a decoration, as well as two studs on my tongue to increase the pleasure of the clients during oral sex.

She also had them add more services for my 'clients'. Instead of just fucking and sucking, they could now bind me up and whip me. Sure, there were limits, no injuries, no broken skin, marks need to fade after a couple of days, etc. If the 'client' only requested anal, they would lace up the rings in my cunt using a thin steel cable and a small padlock connected to my clit ring before I left for my 'date'. Usually, unless specifically requested otherwise, I had a large butt plug inserted when I went on my 'dates' as well.

I was never allowed to wear any underwear, so I often ended up accidentally showing whoever happened to be in the line of sight my decorated cunt and ass. A lot of times, that was actually done on purpose by my 'date'. Even though I didn't want it, the humiliation I felt caused my cunt to get extremely wet. One very memorable time, my 'date' ordered me to sit and spread my legs for a group of men sitting at another table. I was wearing a very short club dress at the time, so they all got a very good view of my laced-up cunt. There was nothing subtle about it, and the guys were blatantly staring as well as talking and pointing at me. That got a few other people to look and notice. I was so aroused by that that my cunt began drooling down my thigh. With a shit-eating grin, while staring directly at the guys at the other table, my 'date' reached down, scooped up some of my drool with his finger, and brought his digit up to my mouth. There was never even a question about what I was to do. Without hesitation, I opened my mouth and sucked his finger clean. My humiliation was so intense that I almost orgasmed on the spot.

Occasionally, the Blonde Skank will take me out for a 'training exercise'. Of course, that only happens if I don't have any paying customers for a few days. She takes me out as her lesbian date. I should mention here that I am not in the least bit bisexual. I do those things because I am forced to do them. Yes, a few of my regular, and sometimes new, clients are women. In those instances, I look at it as any other job. No matter what your career is, there are always some aspects of your job that you simply don't like. You still have to do them. No, I didn't pick this career. I had it forced on me. OK, I really did love the orgasms that the sex gave me, but I would have much preferred that it happens in completely different circumstances.

One 'date' that I had with the Blonde Skank had us at a lesbian club. Several times during the evening, she had me open my legs and flash my laced-up cunt and obvious butt plug to other women in the club. My cunt was absolutely drooling from the humiliation. The waitress came to our table to bring us refreshed drinks and the Blonde Skank had me spread my legs wide to give her a blatant view of my drooling cunt. After setting the drinks down, she reached down and swiped up some of my drool with her fingers. She stuck her fingers in her mouth and sucked my juices off of them.

"Hmmm. Tasty." She commented.

"I'll have her in the restroom in about five minutes. She'll lick your pussy in one of the stalls." The Blonde Skank replied.

The waitress smiled and nodded her head, then turned and left. She had me strip out of my dress and hang it on the hook on the stall door, that way, she could play with my pierced nipples before I got on my knees and began licking her. My humiliation was increased by having to lick her pussy as she was sitting on a dirty public toilet with my face so close to the toilet seat. As I was licking her, another waitress and one of the bouncers (both female, of course) walked in and caught us. They both began toying with my tits, nipples, cunt, and ass as I was licking her. My degradation shot through the roof as they forced me to orgasm in front of them. I ended up licking her pussy, as well as another waitress and one of the bouncers. I had no choice, since the other waitress and the bouncer caught me in the act and threatened to have me kicked out and arrested of being lude in public. They had the video on their phones. Of course, I knew that it was all a set-up, but there was nothing I could do about it.

She whipped the hell out of me after we got home for licking the other two women without her permission. Then, she forced me to orgasm as she was caning my ass. That, of course was all bullshit as well. I saw her talking to the other waitress and the bouncer as I was walking to the restroom.

This went on for about a year until my younger son began communicating with the man that was talking to Adam about his two other slaves before he got sick. Initially, I was a bit skeptical about this. After all, I had seen some of his email messages, and he didn't seem to be a nice guy. I found out later that he was just leading Adam on in order to get him to release Lisa and Emily to his control. Once he had that, he would release them from his blackmail and help them get control of their lives. Before that actually happened, Adam ended up dying from COVID, so it was a moot point.

I have no idea who this man is, but he managed to convince my youngest son that his older brother and his lawyer were taking advantage of both him and me. Because of the increased amount of time that I was spending with my 'clients' as an escort, as well as the increased amount of time with my oldest son's lawyer, my younger son had less time with me. Added to that was the fact that my younger son actually missed the time that I spent with him as his actual mother. My younger son began communicating with this man in secret. This man was able to convince my younger son that his older brother and the lawyer were taking advantage of him. His older brother was fucking his lawyer, but he wasn't. His time was being taken away from him as the lawyer was training me. The money that was coming in was now being split more because of the lawyer. Instead of having a mother, I was just another whore to use.

I had now been relegated to sleeping in the basement of our house. Most of the time, I was bound in uncomfortable positions and had plugs and/or dildos locked in every orifice. There were almost always clamps on my nipples. The evil Bitch would put me in bondage, then use vibrators on me until I was begging her to let me cum. She would just laugh at me and leave me hanging, both literally and figuratively. Then, she would turn out the lights and close the door behind her, leaving me to try and sleep in that condition. I was craving sex all the time.

The downfall of my oldest son and his lawyer was that she refused to have sex with my younger son and that they began cheating him out of some of the money. She would prance around the house in sexy and slutty outfits, even naked sometimes. I believe that my younger son really wasn't happy with what his older brother was doing to me. Sure, he didn't mind feeling me up and fucking me, he was a horney 18-year-old boy after all. Still, he seemed to be a bit remorse about turning his mom into nothing but a whore. I think that he actually missed being able to sit next to me and talk about his issues with growing up. The man he was talking to showed him that his older brother was screwing him over. My younger son was only getting limited time with me, he wasn't sharing with the lawyer, and his older brother and his lawyer even stopped including him in any decisions involving me.

Greed and Pride. They are two of the seven deadly sins. My oldest son and his lawyer had both. They ignored the concerns of my youngest son. They thought that if he had enough money and toys that he would simply fall in line. At the beginning of my downfall, both boys were equal. My oldest managed to convince my youngest to get me to whore myself in order to get money to have a better lifestyle. It worked. They both liked the money and what it would buy them. The problem occurred when my older son began making decisions on his own. It was exasperated when he included his lawyer and began excluding his younger brother. When my younger son began communicating with that man, he started to understand that he was being left out.

Of course, I knew nothing about those communications. What I later learned is that the man had convinced my younger son that his brother and the Lawyer were being too greedy. Sure, they gave him some of the money I was making for them, but he discovered that he was not getting his full share. They also reduced his time with me and gave it to HER. When he wanted a turn with HER, he was told that she and his brother were exclusive. He could look, but not touch. She reveled in teasing him by walking around the house completely naked, or just wearing slutty outfits. She was especially sadistic to me. He would hear my screams of agony when she would take me into the basement. Bind me in horrible positions, then whip me. She and his brother would explain it as additional training for me. OK, so he didn't really have a problem whoring me out and taking advantage of the money, but when SHY began torturing me and he wasn't allowed to do anything about it, it hurt him. He still loved me and hated that he couldn't protect me from the unnecessary pain I that was being inflicted on me.

I was in agony as the bitch was whipping my naked tits. Suddenly, I heard whistles and other noises. The pain stopped as the whipping stopped. I was strung up naked down in the basement. I watched as the Lawyer was shoved to the floor and had her hands shackled behind her back. Two female officers came over to me, draped a blanket over my naked body, then proceeded to release me from my bindings. I was led upstairs and sat on the couch. I watched as my oldest son and the lawyer were led out of the house in cuffs. When my younger son was being led out, I cried out to have them stop. One of the detectives that had recently arrived took the officer that was escorting my younger son as well as him aside. They talked for sever al minutes, then the officer released my son's handcuffs and allowed him to walk away.

My younger son came over and sat beside me. He took me in my arms and hugged me. I was sobbing on his shoulder, as I had no idea what was going on.

"You're safe now, mom. Everything will be OK." He whispered in my ear.

I had an infinite number of questions, but I simply couldn't ask them at the time. I was too emotional then, and my mind couldn't comprehend what question to ask first. Eventually, the paramedics evaluated me and decided that I needed to go to the hospital. I was loaded up into the ambulance and taken away.

I spent two days in the hospital. I wasn't really injured that badly, the bitch made sure that there were no permanent scars to reduce my value to my 'clients'. The real reason that I was kept there was to talk to the mental health professionals about my trauma. During the entire time I was there, my younger son rarely left my side. The only times that we were separated was at night when he went home to sleep and shower, or when I had a private session with one of the psychologists.

My older son and his skank were charged with multiple felonies. She was also being investigated by the Bar Association for several ethics violations. After I was released from the hospital, my younger son took me back home. He had cleaned up the Master bedroom for me. I was no longer relegated to sleeping in the basement. Technically, that was still a crime scene anyway. My older son and his skank had taken over my old bedroom for themselves. My younger son had purged that room of all their presence and filled the closet, dresser, and bathroom of all my remaining belongings again. He had even gotten rid of the old Queen size bed and bedding and replaced it with a new California King bed with very luxurious new sheets and bedding.

I perhaps should have mentioned this before, but while my older son was rather lazy and unmotivated, which probably led him to pimp me out instead of finding a real job, my younger son had discovered that he really liked working with computers. He was actually quite good at it. Stupidly, my older son and his skank had trusted him to set up all the banking accounts for them. They were going to be really surprised when they next tried to access said accounts to pay for their legal representation. Fuck them. She was a lawyer, let her represent them. As they say, a person who represents themselves in court has a fool for their client. All that money that I made for them on my back (knees, tits, cunt, mouth, etc.) was now in different hidden accounts.

This was the first time in a long time that I had slept on a warm comfortable bed with satin sheets, real blankets, and a soft, warm comforter. As soon as we got home and My son took me to my room, I stripped naked, showered with hot water (another luxury that I had been denied), and fell into bed. I slept for 14-hours. I woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon.

I was a bit confused as to where I was when I woke up. It had been a long time since I last woke up in such comfort. Gradually, memories from the previous several days seeped into my mind. Still, I was unsure about my role here now. I remembered that my oldest sone and his skank had been arrested. I also remembered that my younger son had brought me home from the hospital. He seemed to be very compassionate to me and very loving, but I still had no idea of his expectations. He did, after all, help keep me naked and went along with whoring me out. Not wanting to invoke his ire and subject myself to any punishment, I took a very quick shower to wash off the minor perspiration of a long night's sleep, then slipped into a pair of heels that I found in the closet as well as my slave collar. Wearing nothing more, I cautiously made my way down to the kitchen.

"Mom, you can put some clothes on, and you can take that collar off." He spoke.

"I, I, I wasn't sure." I replied. "It's been so long since I wore clothes at home. I didn't know what to expect."

"Mom, I never really wanted any of this for you. OK yeah, I did take advantage of the situation at the beginning, but you were getting more and more blatant with your actions. You are beautiful, and you never even made the slightest protests at the liberties we were taking as you walked around naked. Mom, I was a horney 18-year-old guy. If a beautiful woman offers herself to me, I'm gonna take whatever she gives. I admit it, I wanted to fuck you, and I have no regrets about it. After that, things just kind of escalated and got out of control.

"You know that my brother has always been a lazy, self-centered asshole. He pretty much bullied me into accepting the idea to turn you into a whore. I do admit that I was seduced by the money that came in without us having to really work for it, but then it started to go too far. I realized that I really missed my mom. I missed being able to hug you and talk about my problems. I missed getting advice from my mom on things. I missed coming home from a bad day and hugging my mom. I didn't want what was happening. Yes, I do love having sex with you, but I hated what he and that bitch were doing to you. I want my mom back." He was beginning to tear up with emotion.

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