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Why This Fantasy Chat Turned Me On

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Do you have trouble getting women to play with you in chat?
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Finding a great match for a sex chat on a website like Literotica.com is fun.

Older girls are more shy

There are countless people looking for sexy chat to choose from. The problem is that older girls are more shy when it comes to talking to a younger guy on line and younger guys can't tell how turned on the girl is.

If an older is turned on by younger guys in real time, she is probably very curious about cyber sex and fantasy flings but afraid at the same time. If a guy comes on too strong. Delete. You are gone.

If you want more sex online, you need to disarm the girl, no matter how old she is. Treating a fantasy sex chat like a real first date is super fun, will surprise the hell out of the girl and will make you stand out from the crowd.

Here is a real live first date that I loved. Gio went on to become a Turn On Master and is actively pursuing his own turn on partners in fantasy and real time.

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Gio: OMG

Gio: i re-read your Cub and Cougar post like 5 times yesterday

Trembling with Anticipation

Angel: Thank you! (Blush)

Gio: But I have to admit when I read what you wrote, i went straight to the shower and had a steamy date with my Irish Spring.

Gio: my god wow

Angel: wow...i didn't realize it was THAT hot!

Angel: Excellent!

Gio: so intimate

Angel: lol

Gio: it was that hot

Angel: nothing a writer likes better than knowing her words have impact

Angel: ty

Gio: umm yes you could say that

Gio: it was like replaying that scene with you, being inside your inner monolog

Angel: the imagination is a wonderful place

Gio: here...put your hand on my heart...feel it

Angel: i sure wish i was in miami today...

Angel: c-c-c-old and rainy here today

Gio: its so nice here today...78, sunny

Gio: boat day!

Angel: jealous

Never too busy for Angel

Gio: if you were here Id play hooky

Gio: go bikini shopping first

Angel: hard to think about a bikini

Angel: im freezing

Angel: lol

Gio: not if you were here it wouldnt be angel...

Angel: maybe cutoffs and a tank

Gio: ok Ill take that

Gio: i might drool on you though

Angel: where would you take me?

Gio: hmmmm

Gio: well, id get early and get the boat ready

Gio: as soon as you landed, we would head back to my place, freshen up, and out on the water

Gio: first stop, the art center at south beach

Gio: lots of shops, sightseeing, food, drinks

Gio: just relax and enjoy

Angel: sounds heavenly

Angel: what would you be wearing?

Gio: just board shorts and a smile

Gio: when they are wet they leave little to the imagination. (Special Turn On Tip: Notice that this barely naughty comment is the first one in this exchange. It is part of what makes Gio a master erotic penpal.)

Gio: (even though I can't stop from fantasizing that I invite you back to my room, i say...)

Gio: after shopping we would head to the pier for more boating and shopping, our hotel is right on the water

Gio: we will stop at a little known beach bar...very private (Special Turn On Tip: See how subtle and detailed he is being? This isn't hard, really. Close your eyes and imagine a favorite bar of yours. Either an idea or images will come into your mind. If not, cut and paste this chat for yourself. Girls LOVE this stuff!!)

Angel: sigh

Lip biting, check!

Angel: i like how you think (Special Turn On Tip: Aha!! Eureka!! This is the kind of sign you are looking for. Every woman has her own "Melt Zone." Once she responds like this, don't rush. Let her enjoy it. The first stage of Melty is intoxicating and once you have gotten intimate online or in person, the Melt Zone shifts and is never the same. Milk that puppy for all it's worth.)

Gio: i have gone naked on my boat at this spot...very peaceful and secluded

Gio: we dont have to of course...

Gio: id get you a drink, set up your cushions

Angel: thanks...i appreciate getting to know you in your environment

Gio: pointing out on the map where we are

Gio: local fishing spots

Gio: where on the horizon the sun sets

Angel: youll find me a bit hesitant

Angel: intrigued

Angel: yet unsure

Gio: no pressure...neutral topics

Gio: you catch me steal glimpses of your body, which is fucking amazing, by the way. You look better than women half your age.

Gio: asking about your hopes and what like in life

Angel: i feel flattered but it is still a bit hard to believe that a young guy like you would really be attracted

Gio: i sense your reluctance...i lean in, clink your wine glass...and whisper "you are safe, just be you, you can trust in me." (Special Turn On Tip: This is so hot, I have to pause in honor of the power of a well-written word. This is erotic collaborative storytelling at it's stellar best. Inhale 2, 3, 4, Exhale 2, 3, 4).

Things are warming up nicely.

Angel: Thanks for that. (Bites lip)

Gio: looking you in the eyes smiling...

Angel: how long have you had your boat?

Gio: this one just over 2 years

Angel: i bet it is a wonderful love nest

Angel: when did you get your first boat?

Gio: i havent used it as such...yet

Gio: when I was 18, a little skiff

Angel: what? then i am honored

Angel: aw

Angel: wow

Angel: remind me, are you a florida native?

Gio: no originally from Toronto.

Angel: Oh wow, a canuck!

Gio: yes

Angel: you must love it down there...

Gio: laying a towel out next to you on the bow

Gio: applying lotion to my chest and arms

Gio: i hope you are feeling more at ease

Angel: ive never done anything like this before...jetting off to meet a stranger

Angel: i feel brave and terrified at the same time

Gio: reaching over taking your hand in mine, im glad you did

I can't seem to focus on work.

Angel: have you ever travelled to meet a lover in real time? (Special Turn On Tip: This is a good sign. She is thinking of meeting you and it is critical that you kill that in the bud. Reality ruins fantasy every time. Tell your story but focus on building turn on for fantasy not on making plane reservations. This is very important later, trust me!)

Angel: smile

Gio: once

Angel: where did you go?

Gio: san antonio

Angel: was it a cyber connection first?

Gio: yes

Angel: wow

Angel: how did it work out?

Gio: it was amazing

Angel: tell me more

Angel: please

Angel: i love a good story!

Gio: we met on literotica.com

Angel: uh huh

Gio: I was early twenties she was divorced in her 40s, her name was Ashleigh

Gio: we had phonesex a few times a month

Gio: after a year we both hinted at meeting

Angel: wow

Angel: im so curious

Gio: we would meet in a neutral spot, no expectations

Angel: was the chemistry as strong in person?

Gio: yes very much and the passion was very much alive


Angel: wow

Angel: how long was your visit?

Gio: two nights 3 days

Gio: it was amazing unscripted fun

Angel: what happened after the visit? must have been amazing

Gio: we still had phonesex for about a year

Angel: were you friends too or just sex buddies

Gio: it was really all about sex

Gio: we clicked

Angel: that is what i have with my current guy and it work for both of us

Gio: mmmmm just pure physical release

Angel: though i would sure see him more if I could...

Angel: if he were available

Gio: no judging and since we had so much phone/cyber I knew what she liked (Special Turn On Tip: Notice how he is telling a very PG rated version of his fling. Very smart not to go with the sexual details. At this point he wants to intrigue her and turn her on but not scare her off. The fact that she is still chatting here is an excellent sign. Don't rush her, whatever you do.)

Gio: is he married?

Angel: no, he works out of the country a lot and has an erratic schedule, i never know when we are meeting up. don't get me wrong, when we get together it is hot, hot and hot...i kind of love that we don't see each other too often, truth be told.

Gio: noting the change of subject (Special Turn On Tip: Great natural skill here, notice how gently he turned her attention back to the fantasy. If you are with a multi-tasking, perfectionist, you have your work cut out for you. She needs you badly but will steer you away from pleasure all the time. It is a game! Gio is a master!)

Angel: haha

Angel: i have a thin roof and all of a sudden it was pelting down

Angel: lol

Gio: making love in a rain storm, windows open... (Super Hotness Award - great line!)

Angel: did you wish you could get together in person again?

Gio: no it was a long time ago

Gio: good for solo time but i have no desire to be with her again

Angel: did it end well?

Gio: do I wish to get together again with someone like you...yes

Gio: oh yes it was fine she got a bf...real life first

Angel: good for her

Angel: do you date older in real life?

Gio: it was just timing

Gio: yes

Gio: yes I do

Gio: is it easy to meet eligible olders?

Gio: some just want arm candy

No Strings Attached?

Angel: i bet you are delicious arm candy

Angel: lol

Gio: some are truly in it just for good sex

Gio: blush thank you

Gio: look im as horny and as sexual as the next guy but I like some conversation too

Angel: what has happened for me is that the men i have met that started in cyber are not attractive in person...not about their appearance per say, it is just that in person, there is no spark.

Angel: just no chemistry

Gio: its a risk of meeting in person as you so aptly point out, the reality can implode the fantasy.

Gio: thats why i like this date/boat fantasy no pressure just talking...at first, getting to know each other.

Angel: its a crazy dilemma cuz lots of men are attracted to me but you are so rare. i couldn't be having more fun. i really enjoy your company. i wish i could meet someone like you in my town

Gio: i would go out with you in a heartbeat. you are sophisticated

Gio: self confident

Angel: i need to figure out where the handsome 40 somethings hang out in my city

Angel: lol

Gio: would you sleep with a married guy - there are lots of those lol

Angel: haha

Angel: nope

Angel: not with another girl's man

Angel: i have plenty of them that hit on me too

Angel: lol

Angel: and teenagers...god love them

Gio: lol

Gio: how would i know if you felt a spark with me?

Angel: good question i think the biggest challenge in cyber is figuring out how aroused your woman is feeling at any given moment

Gio: yes 100%, there are no physical signs

Angel: without knowing where she is on the arousal scale

Gio: i have no idea if you are aroused right now

Angel: so me right now?

Gio: yes...

Angel: on a scale of 1 to 10, i am at a solid 2ish

Angel: i so enjoy the pleasure of your company

Angel: and feel warmness toward you

Angel: i am always cautious at first

Gio: only a 2? and ish on top of it? :-( how do i get you to an 8?

Make your fantasy date smokin' hot.

Angel: haha, a 2 at this point is doing very well! i think you are doing purrrrfect!

Gio: love how you say purrfect

Angel: i really appreciate how discreet and respectful you are. you can't imagine what a girl sees out there!!

Gio: *making notes (Special Turn On Tip: Do I have to say anything? Gio is a master for a reason, notice when your new chat friend says something about her turn on or what turns her off!)

Angel: i think this is the biggest misstep for cyber fun. guys always think a girl is way more turned on than she really is.

Angel: a guy can never go wrong treating any meeting like a first date-lots of flirting and innocent innuendo at first. warm her up

Angel: i do write exactly what i love...savvy men take notes (Special Turn On Tip: How savvy are you?)

Angel: lol

Gio: i have been

Gio: would you say you are dominant or submissive?

Angel: great question

Angel: i would say i am fiercely independent having gone through a couple of tough situations in my life

Angel: and i am the only one that has my back

Gio: changes your brain chemistry

Angel: fuck, gio, that's hot!

Angel: there is nothing like being led by a man who knows how to create sexual tension and keep it taut


Angel: being led in sex is intoxicating to me

Gio: you mentioned that in your post

Angel: so i don't define myself as dominant or submissive at this point. some of the writer's have dominatrix themes and i will say that i find them more of a turn on than i would have thought. i am just careful and value patience in my partners.

Gio: i like you for who you are

Angel: up until now, it has been nearly impossible for me to say what is on my mind when it comes to pleasure, but now, with fantasy, i finally have a voice.

Angel: it used to be easier to be quiet and put up with less than ideal situations

Gio: you are so beautiful

Angel: aw

Gio: you really are

Angel: hey...i do have to get to work. A few projects to work on

Gio: not fair, i have a great bottle of bubbly and pineapple juice for your mimosa.

Angel: oh no, don't tempt me

Gio: understand

Angel: ill write a new fantasy soon

Angel: i do enjoy getting to know you and appreciate your patience

Gio: of course

Angel: before i go, can i put some sunscreen on your back?

Gio: oh please do i dont want to get burned

Angel: (sitting behind him and wrapping her legs around his waist she opened the bottle of sun tan lotion. Rubbing her hands together first to warm up the lotion, she began at his neck and swept her hands expertly along the muscles in his shoulders.)

Gio: (feeling her strong hands on my shoulders.)

Gio: (her legs against my body)

Angel: (the feeling of his skin under her fingers made her heart speed up.) "i love touching a beautiful man." She murmured to herself

Angel: sigh

Angel: ok...i have to go to work...lol

Gio: dont stop angel

Angel: i must but i love telling stories with you (bites lip)

Angel: but at least you know i am in the game

Angel: lol

Gio: at least lol

Angel: i like you

Angel: enjoy the day!

Gio: angel?

Angel: yes?

Gio: i can't wait to ravish you one day...

There you have it. One fantasy date in the can for Angel and Gio. I am eager to hear how hot you feel this is. My research shows that if a man can capture a girl's interest and then find the smallest possible dose of turn on to keep her turned on between chats, that is the key to getting a lot more sext success.

PS One last key, the women you meet online who are over 50 want to feel desirable like Marilyn Monroe, not like Jenna Jameson. (Special Turn On Tip: Go back and read that sentence again, and then, please leave a comment. Hot or Not?

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brianjdbbrianjdbabout 3 years ago

I don't know what's sexier, your stories or your experiences! I enjoy all of your prose.

PaulplaysPaulplaysover 5 years ago
So nice...

Playful and sensual dynamic. Very enjoyable.....

GLenbar85543GLenbar85543over 5 years ago

Learnign more about how to please a Alpha woman. TY for all you provide the information

thehornedgodthehornedgodover 5 years ago
to my Guide and Teacher

This is an absolute five.

My click went awry but I will learn..

I am a good student.. :)

or I will try to be.. I guarantee..

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