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Wife at the Company Retreat

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Innocent wife loses control at husband's company retreat.
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Beth sighed loudly and leaned back in her seat. Her husband Michael chuckled in the drivers seat. "It's just one retreat, relax," he said.

"A company retreat," she snapped. "You know everyone, it's fun for you. For me it's a lost Saturday."

"Let's just play the game and we'll gone by five," Michael said, looking over at his young wife. "You know I couldn't make an excuse for you this year."

That was true, Beth knew. Every year the CEO of Michael's company, Worler Tech, invited everyone for a day-long game of "hide and seek" in an old grand hotel he rented out. At first it was just supposed to be a team-building exercise for the sales department, but after a few years he started throwing an after-party after the game, and then spouses started to show up, and now a couple decades later it was an annual event that everyone in the company was expected to attend.

Michael had been going to the retreat since he was hired a few years ago, and he always found an excuse for Beth not to show up. But every year his supervisor Roger kept asking when Beth was going to come, and Michael was feeling the pressure. Even when Beth went to the company holiday parties or summer outings, Roger would always tell her, "I expect to see you at hide-and-seek soon, pretty lady!" It creeped Beth out, especially when he would give her a greasy grin right after. He thought he was super charming, but with his pudge and balding head he just came off as a major pervert.

"We'll just hang out with people we know," Michael said. "Donny and Sheila will be there, and also Brad, who you like so much." Michael grinned as Beth slapped his shoulder. Once during a holiday party Beth had gotten a little drunk and talked to and mentioned that Brad was the hottest guy at Michael's company, and Michael never failed to bring it up to tease her.

Donny was Michael's office roommate and his only real close friend at the company, and in the years since they worked together he and his fiancee, Sheila, and Michael and Bet became good friends. They would visit each other's houses for football games and even took a few trips together. Beth and Sheila even went shopping together about once a month. Seeing them would be the only good part of this trip, Beth thought, and she would probably spend the whole time talking with them.


When Michael's car finally pulled up to the hotel, Beth's mouth dropped in awe. It looked like something out of the Great Gatsby, with two huge wings and smaller cabins and pool houses all around the campus.

They were a little late, so by the time they parked the car and entered the hotel through the enormous front doors, almost everyone was already there in the grand room. It was a huge crowd, full of the employees and their spouses or significant others. Beth was worried that she had underdressed, with just a nice long-sleeve shirt and yoga skirt leggings, but almost everyone looked dressed in casual clothes or exercise-wear like her.

"Oh hey, look, your knight in shining armor is here!" Michael said, pointing into the crowd. Beth looked and saw Brad in the distance.

"Oh hush!" she said. Although she had to admit, she was still right, he was still the handsomest guy in the room, with a broad chest and million-dollar smile. He saw them and waved to them. Michael and Beth waved back.

Every one was milling about enjoying the open bar, so Beth waited while Michael went to get them a drink. She looked around, trying to see if she recognized anyone — there was Catherine at the bar, and Travis chatting with some people, and some girl she dimly remembered but couldn't name.

"Hey, look who made it!" Beth heard. She turned and saw Roger, walking up to her with a slimy grin. "You are looking very nice, Beth, VERY nice!" he said with a wink, running his eyes up and down her body. Beth instinctively crossed her arms over her chest. She had been whistled enough in her life to know she had a good body, and she worked out enough to keep herself taut and perky, but it was for Michael, not for creeps like Roger to leer at. She regretted wearing the leggings, which were probably showing off her butt.

"Hi Roger, Michael will be here any minute," she mumbled. Roger ignored her. "Very glad you're here. It's a fun game. We get to run around all over this beautiful hotel. Here's a tip, the beds are a great place to hide," and he winked at her again before going off to schmooze with other people.

Michael joined her soon after and the two wound their way over to Donny and Sheila, who were in the corner. Beth was relieved to their faces — sweet and perky Sheila, and goofy, kind Donny. The four of them chatted about recent TV shows they had watched.

After a half hour, an air horn blasted and everyone got quiet. Beth looked in the direction of the air horn and saw the CEO standing at the top of the stairs. He welcomed everyone and went over the rules: everyone would play a game of hide-and-seek, where everyone would hide except for one person who would hunt for the hiders; once the seeker tagged a hider, the hider became the seeker and had to find another person to tag. The whole compound was free to hide in unless the door was locked. In order to keep the hiders moving, every time the air horn sounded, all the hiders would have to emerge from their hiding place and hide in a new place that was at least 20 feet away.

This year, the CEO added, the seeker would have to carry a GPS unit and enter their name into it once they were tagged. Whoever stayed seeker the longest would not be eligible for the Christmas bonus that year. This was to encourage the seeker to aggressively look and to make sure that nobody would just zone out and hang out like in years before.

There was a murmur in the crowd at this new rule. Donny said, "That's a bad idea, people need those bonuses."

"I don't think he's gonna go through with it, he just wants to keep the game moving," Michael said.

He turned to Beth. "I guess we have to make sure we don't get caught," he added.

Beth nodded and gulped. She wasn't ever any good at games, and she wasn't excited about Michael losing his bonus because of her.

The CEO announced that Charlie, one of the accountants, was going to be the first seeker and, on his signal, everyone would have two minutes to hide. He then added that, like always, employees and their significant others had to start the game in different wings.

"I didn't know that!" Beth whispered to Michael.

"It's okay," Michael said. "Have fun and I'll find you soon."

Beth sighed inside. Looks like she would have to just find a room and hide until Michael found her.

The CEO then held up the air horn and blew it. Michael kissed Beth and ran left into the west wing. Beth watched him run and then followed the stampeding employees to the right.

Clearly everyone had played this game, because as Beth ran down the main hall she found the crowd quickly disappearing as people ducked into rooms and hid. Panicking, she opened the first door she could and ran inside.

She looked around. The room looked like a guest bedroom, with a bed she could hide under and a closet she could hide in. Thinking fast, she ran to the closet and yanked the door open — but Brad was there!

Beth almost yelled in shock but caught herself so it was just a high-pitched yip. Brad said "shhh!" and grabbed her wrist, and pulled her into the closet with her.

The closet was shallow but wide, so Brad pushed himself up against the far wall and Beth backed up against him. With all the hanging clothes between them and the door, this was the best way to cover themselves from anyone looking in.

"I didn't mean to bust into your hiding spot!" Beth whispered, looking back.

"I'm just glad it's you!" Brad whispered back.

Beth grinned. "Same here!" she said back. She didn't mind flirting a little bit with Brad — he WAS the handsomest guy at the office, after all. And standing with her back pressed up against his chest she could smell his woodsy cologne, which she loved.

They heard sound of the bedroom door creaking open. Then, Charlie's voice: "hellloooo? Anyone hiding?"

Beth stifled a giggle. Brad pulled her in toward him and wrapped his arms around her waist. This sent a little thrill up Beth's spine. His arms were strong and thick! It wasn't that appropriate, of course, but Beth assumed he was just trying to keep her quiet, so she let his hands stay on her waist. She even held in her breath a little to make her tummy even tighter.

But suddenly, his hands started snaking up her torso. Before Beth knew what was happening, Brad's hands firmly grabbed her breasts!

Beth gasped in surprise, loud enough that Charlie turned to the closet. "Shhhhh," Brad said. But he didn't remove his hands. In fact, he started slowly massaging her breasts over her shirt!

Beth didn't know what to do. Her husband's coworker was openly groping her breasts! She opened her mouth to shout, but stopped herself. That would tip Charlie off and he would catch them, and then she might have to be the seeker. She didn't want that...but she couldn't just let Brad grope her!

As Beth's mind raced, Brad's groping got more aggressive. Now he was teasing her nipples through her shirt, lightly dragging his fingers across them. The stimulation started having an effect on Beth. She was already attracted to Brad and now having him so expertly touch her started turning her on. She let a moan slip out and immediately regretted it, as Brad started pulling and pinching her nipples through her clothes.

Suddenly Charlie popped his head into the closet! He was so close that Beth was certain they had been caught, but then she realized that at the angle Charlie's head was turned, Beth and Brad were still hidden from view. Still, Beth could see Charlie's face as he turned to look around. Now Brad will stop, Beth thought, or else the movement might tip off Charlie.

And just as she predicted, Brad's hands snaked back down to her waist.

But instead of staying there, Brad gripped the hem of Beth's top and started pulling it up. As Beth eyes widened, Brad lifted her shirt higher and higher, until he reached her bra. Then he gripped the bottom of the cups, and with a firm yank he pulled her shirt and bra up to her neck!

Beth held back a scream. She was topless! If Charlie could turn his head much more to the right, he would her standing there with her naked breasts completely exposed!

Brad let her stand there, frozen in terror as Charlie looked around. At one point he almost turned far enough for Beth to be sure she had been caught, but he didn't seem to see anything in the darkness, and so he pulled his head back out of the closet.

Brad immediately resumed groping Beth's breasts. Now with unfettered access to her nipples, he started pinching and pulling them. Beth moaned again, louder. Maybe it was because she was already having her buttons pushed, but the rush of almost being caught half-naked by a dweeby accountant had made her so hot. And Brad's groping was making her hotter still. This was definitely sexual assault, but then why was she getting so wet?

One of Brad's hands darted into her leggings. Before she could think to tighten her legs, he was stroking her pussy her through her underwear. Immediately, Beth reached back and grabbed Brad's cock. She had no idea why, maybe it was just a leftover instinct from high school, but the second she grasped it she knew she had gone too far. She couldn't stop now, not after she had returned the touch. Besides, Brad's cock felt big and hard through his pants and she was so horny now she could barely see straight.

The two of them stood like that for a while, him groping her perky bare tits and thrusting his hand against her cunt while she stroked his cock through his pants. In the back of her mind, she knew this was wrong and she was betraying Michael. But at that moment she was fantasizing about what he could do to her right now. If he bent her over, would she resist? His hands pulling down her panties—

In the distance an air horn sounded. And suddenly Brad opened the closet door and he was gone. It happened so fast that Beth almost stumbled out of the closet herself with her breasts out.

She frantically pulled her shirt and bra back down and adjusted her leggings. For a minute, Beth stood in the room, petrified. What had just happened?! She had been assaulted! Had she been? Should she go to HR? She didn't even know how to do that, and would HR even help her? She wasn't an employee. And if she went, would that get Michael in trouble?

The sound of people running around outside snapped Beth back to reality. She had to get somewhere safe and alone so she could think about what she needed to do about Brad.

She ran out of the room and back down the stairs, seeing other people run into and out of rooms along the way. She needed to go somewhere further, she decided, so when she saw an exit door at the end of the hallway she ran throughout and found herself outside on the hotel grounds. She walked until she ran into one of the pool houses. Surely no one goes in here, she thought, and she walked inside and shut the door.

But when Beth turned to see the room, she saw Catherine and Travis. The two were lounging on the couch, their legs wrapped around each other. Travis was smoking a blunt and the smell of weed was in the air.

"Aw shit, I thought we locked the door," Catherine said.

Beth had seen Catherine at other company events and heard about her from Michael, who spoke about her as being the head of the "cool girl" clique at work. She always looked like it, too, with long dark hair and a slim figure with tiny model tits, and very fashionable and snooty in a way that made Beth afraid to talk to her. Travis she had been introduced a couple of times, he was a cute guy from sales, but Beth always got the vibe from him that he was too full of himself to talk to anyone he didn't know.

"Sorry, should I go?" Beth said. She immediately sensed she was out of place. Even though she knew Catherine and Travis both had significant others (wasn't Travis married?) the two of them looked like they were about to rip each others' clothes off.

"No no, go ahead and stay. Please," Travis said.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Catherine laughed to Travis. Then she turned to Beth and said, "Yeah, but just lock the door, let's not make this a party."

Beth locked the door and then made her way to a nearby chair.

"You're Michael's wife, yeah?" Catherine said. "First time playing Seek?"

"Yeah," Beth stammered nervously.

"You been having fun yet?" Travis said, teasingly. "You LOOK like you've been having fun."

Beth blushed deep red. She wasn't sure if her clothes were still mussed up from Brad or she was looking flushed. Was it that obvious?

"It's okay," Catherine laughed. "Everyone uses this game as a chance to fool around with everyone's partners. I'm actually surprised you came, I thought Michael was more prudish than that."

This hit Beth like a bomb. No wonder Brad had been so aggressive! He thought her flirting was giving him the go-ahead! Did Michael KNOW that she was expected to fool around? Did he WANT that? Was HE fooling around?

Beth tried to shake off the thoughts and not look like she was about to cry. "I, uh, I didn't know you guys were together..." she said.

"We're not," Catherine said. "We just got tired of the game a few years ago, so now we just sneak over here the whole time and hang out."

"In fact, I don't think I see Catherine at the office the rest of the year," Travis said.

"No, we're on different floors now, so this is our yearly hang and bang," Catherine explained to Beth. "So! Who have you been with today?" 

"Brad. Kind of..." Beth let it slip out. She wasn't sure why she was being so truthful, maybe it was the weed in the air or maybe it seemed like they were being honest with her.

"Ooh, Brad, good choice," Catherine said. "He's got a big one."

"Hey, how do you know that?" Travis said, acting hurt.

"Oh, hush, I don't ALWAYS rush here every year," Catherine said.

"I've got a big one, too, you know," Travis said to Catherine, then smiled at Beth.

"You sure do," Catherine purred, and stroke Travis's dick through his pants. Travis moaned.

"You want her to see it?" Catherine teased him. "Beth, do you want to see the second biggest dick in the company?"

"Hey!" Travis laughed. Catherine unzipped his pants, then reached in and pulled out a very impressive cock and started stroking it. Then Catherine winked at Beth and wrapped her mouth around it.

Beth sat there, shocked but incredibly turned on, as the ultra-cool Catherine started giving Travis a slow and teasing blowjob. Beth felt herself get even more soaking wet as she watched Catherine bob up and down his thick cock while stroking it with her hand.

Travis made eye contact with Beth and gave her a knowing smile. He could tell the effect this was having on her, and Beth at once felt embarrassed and jealous of Catherine. SHE wanted to make Travis feel good, too.

Following an instinct out of nowhere, Beth grabbed her shirt and pulled it up over her tits. Travis's eyes lit up as Beth pulled down her bra cups, baring her perky C-cups to her husband's colleague. "Goddamn..." he whispered.

Catherine looked over and pulled her mouth off Travis's dick. "Wow, great tits," she said, and went back to sucking him.

Beth was so horny she couldn't help herself. She shoved her fingers down her panties and started touching herself, keeping eye contact with Travis. With Travis staring at her, Beth immediately felt herself surging, and within a few seconds she started cumming. "Ohhh ohhh ooooooooh!" She groaned.

The sight of her having an orgasm sent Travis over the edge, and with barely a word of warning he started shooting his load into Catherine's mouth. The two of them rode their orgasms together, Beth bucking against one hand while pinching a nipple with the other, Travis thrusting his exploding cock down Catherine's throat.

After they were spent, Catherine popped her mouth off Travis's member. "Wow, that was hot," she said.

The three of them sat there for a few minutes, Catherine and Travis talking about work like nothing happened. Beth was embarrassed and pulled her shirt and bra back into place. She had never masturbated in front of anyone before, not even Michael, but now she had given a porn show to two people she had barely even talked to before. Luckily for her, neither of them seemed to care much.

After a while, Catherine started stroking Travis's dick again. He groaned, partly in pleasure and pain, as he stiffened to full mast again.

Catherine turned to Beth. "Alright, now it's my turn, and I'm not about to get naked in front of another woman, so you gotta go," she said, cheerfully but firmly.

"Yeah, okay," Beth mumbled. "Thanks..." although she didn't know what she was thanking them for.

"See you next year!" Catherine said, as Beth stumbled out.

Beth wandered around the grounds for the next few minutes, trying to figure out exactly what she had gotten herself into. Were Catherine and Travis right about Michael, that he had brought Beth here to fool around with the people at his company? Had HE been coming here to do that for the past few years, when he was married to her?

The more she thought about it, the more she decided it must have been true. Michael wasn't stupid, and if everyone was doing this like Catherine and Travis had said, then surely he was part of it too. Which meant either he wanted her to do it or he didn't care. Regardless, HE must be doing it, too, which filled Beth with fury and jealousy. Who was he hooking up with at these parties? Dana from accounting? That pretty girl whose name she didn't remember from management?

Either way, that earlier orgasm had done almost nothing to quench Beth's arousal. She was still so turned on after being groped and exposed that she was desperate to get off again. She started heading back to the closet where she had been with Brad. Maybe he was hiding there again and maybe they could fool around a bit more.


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