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Wife Becomes a Hotwife

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A wife finds cuckold sites in husband's internet history.
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I work for a management consultant firm in the southern part of the United States. I handle key relationships with other businesses for my company. It's fairly typical of me to be invited to their company parties.

I received the invitation to a party from a good client. It was an invitation to a company Christmas party. I had attended the party the prior year. The company was a large accounting firm.

The party was formal. It was a black tie event. I remembered it from last year. This year's party was at the same place, a nice hotel downtown. For a bunch of accountants, they threw a fairly good party.

I arrived at the hotel and made my way to the party room. It was already crowded. I felt like a kid in a candy store looking around at all the women in little black dresses and heels.

"Jason, I'm glad you made it!" said Sam, who was the primary partner for the firm.

"Thanks Sam." I replied back to him. "You really know how to put on a party, thank you for inviting me."

"No problem. We have food, we have entertainment, please enjoy yourself." Sam told me.

"I most certainly will." I replied.

I walked around for a moment and realized I knew a good number of their employees. It was a little different to see them in a more formal attire, but I liked it.

"Jason." I heard a voice behind me say.

"Hey, how are you?" I replied to the woman who called for me. I remembered her face but I was not placing her name.

"Its Kelly." She stated.

"Yes, I remember." I told her even though I did not initially remember. I tried to play it off like I did.

"You remember my husband, Mark?" Kelly said as she turned to introduce him.

"Of course, how are you two doing tonight?" I said as a shook Mark's hand. I was starting to remember them from last years party.

"We are good, and you?" Mark said.

"I'm doing great. Your office always puts on a great party." I told them.

After talking with them and having a minute to think I started to remember them a little more clearly from last years party. Mark was and senior accountant and Kelly was his wife. Mark is in his mid forties and Kelly is in her late thirties. Both of them are very attractive. Kelly has a tone body. She is about 5'6" and a brunette. Mark dressed similar to me in a suit and black tie. Kelly had on a tight black dress that was knee-length. The dress was sleeveless and had a slit up one of her thighs. She had on a sexy pair of black heels with an ankle strap. A good number of the women at the party dressed up and looked good, but Kelly had that extra touch of sexy added to her look. Her dress was tight and showed off her very nice body. The slit in the dress was perfect. It was low enough not to be distracting, but high enough to have every guy there looking and wishing they could see just a little more.

I spent the next few hours walking around the room talking with the contacts I knew the company. These events are sometimes more work than entertainment.

After making sure I spoke with all the important people I needed to talk with, I sat down at a table off to the side. I watched the band and a small group of people dancing.

"Why aren't you out on the dance floor?" asked Kelly.

"Ha, I wish I were, but I think its best I just stay seated over here." I replied to her noticing she was alone standing next to me.

"Why is it best you stay seated over here?" Kelly asked.

"Well, in my experience, it is best I play it safe at these types of events. For me, this is still work. I don't want to do anything to mess up a big account." I told her.

"I understand that. I think Mark is the same way, he says he wants to show up, say hello to everyone, and then leave." Kelly said.

"Sometimes that is the way it works with these work functions. Their are those people who look at these as just an extension to their work day, and then their are those who come to party." I told her.

"Well, as a spouse, I fall in the party group. I feel like if I'm going to spend all that time getting dressed up, I want to enjoy it." Kelly said as she pulled up a chair next to me and sat down.

"I can understand that, and on behalf of myself and all the guys here tonight, thank you for spending all that time getting dressed up for tonight. It is very appreciated." I told her smiling.

"I'm glad someone appreciates it. I'm not so sure my husband does." Kelly said.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"I don't know. Honestly, I don't know what is going on in his mind anymore." Kelly said with a confused look on her face.

I could sense something was going on with her. I knew it wasn't the time or place to go further into it though.

"Well, look on the bright side, you are looking good tonight." I said smiling.

"Kelly, why did you just up and leave?" asked Mark as he walked up to us.

"Sorry, I got bored just standing there and listening to you talk business with your coworkers." Kelly shot back at him with an upset voice.

"You know, this is a work function for me. We talked about this. We don't have to be here too long, but we do have to stay long enough to be seen." Mark said as he pulled up a chair and sat down next to Kelly.

"I know, I know." Kelly replied.

"Are you ready to leave now?" Mark asked.

"No, we just got here." Kelly replied.

"No, we have been here over two hours. Thats long enough." Mark told her.

"Well, we can stay longer. As a matter of fact, I also got us a room here." Kelly told him.

"What? Why would you do that? We talked about this. You knew we were not planing on staying long." Mark said.

"I was hoping for a fun night tonight." Kelly told him with an angry voice.

"Well, you shouldn't have gotten a room. This is not my idea of fun." Mark said.

"Oh, I know your idea of fun." Kelly quickly replied. Mark had a confused look in response to her comment.

I was feeling uncomfortable and was about to leave and let them work it out. I felt trapped in their argument. Something about Kelly's last comment kept me from leaving. I was curious as to where this conversation was heading.

"What are you talking about?" Mark asked Kelly.

"Nothing." Kelly answered.

"Are you ready to leave?" Mark asked Kelly.

"No, I got a room and i'm spending the night." Kelly said. "Jason, would you please help me take my bag up to my room?"

"Me? Well, maybe I should let Mark help you with that." I replied unsure how to answer.

"It's a heavy bag. I need a strong man to carry them up for me." Kelly said as she grabbed my arm feeling my muscles and looking at Mark.

"Kelly, what are you doing?" Mark asked in a serious voice.

"Nothing. I'm just asking this nice strong man to help me with getting my bag to my room. I've had a few glasses of wine, the bag is heavy, and with these 'come fuck me heels' I don't want to trip and fall getting it from the car to the room." Kelly replied making sure to kick her leg out showing off her heels and leg.

Kelly's voice changed on that last response from angry to flirty. She looked at me when she responded. For a moment, it was like Mark was not even standing there. I looked at her leg and heel. Kelly's use of the words 'fuck me heels' stuck in my mind as all I could think about was fucking her in those heels. I quickly went from feeling awkward to being extremely turned on after her last statement.

"Okay, I'll help you with your bag." I replied to Kelly.

"Great, let's go get it." Kelly said as she stood up.

Kelly took off walking. She walked right past Mark who seemed stunned by Kelly's actions.

I quickly got up and followed Kelly out to her car. We got her bag out of her trunk and headed up to her room. Kelly didn't say much until we got to the elevator.

"He makes me so mad." Kelly stated.

"Marriage is hard. That is the way it goes sometimes." I replied.

"We have been married twelve years. We have two kids together. I thought I knew him. It's really hard to find things out after all this time." Kelly said.

"Okay." was all I said. I assumed maybe she just venting, but I wasn't really sure what to say to it.

"I feel lied too." Kelly said.

"Well, marriage is hard." I told her still unsure what to say.

"Let me give you a useful tip. If you are going to look up porn, make sure you delete the history before your wife sees it." Kelly told me.

"Oh crap, you caught him looking up porn on the internet? That sucks." I told her as we got off the elevator and started walking towards her room.

"Oh, you don't even know the best part, I can't believe I never bothered to look. He never deleted any of it. I had tons of internet history to look through." Kelly said as we stopped at her room and she opened the door.

"I can image he looked at some good stuff." I joked as I wondered to myself what type of stuff he got caught looking at.

"Have you ever heard the term hotwife or cuckold?" Kelly asked.

"Yes." I mentioned.

"Well, I had not, but I quickly learned a thing or two about it." Kelly said as she took her suitcase and put it in the corner of the room.

"So Mark is into it I guess?" I asked her.

"Apparently its a big turn on for him. So that's what I am going to give him. I've decided to give him his fantasy tonight. I even dressed the part. I don't normally wear a dress this revealing. To be honest, I enjoy dressing like this now that I have done it and received some attention." Kelly said.

"Well, I like your look." I told her.

"Do you Jason?" Kelly asked in a flirty voice.

"Yes." I replied.

"Good. Tonight, I want you to play along with me on this and you will get to see more and more. Are you game?" Kelly asked.

"Yes, I'm game." I told her.

There was a loud knock at the door. We both stopped talking and Kelly walked to the door to see who I was.

"What do you want?" Kelly asked as she opened the door to Mark standing there.

"We need to talk." Mark said as he walked into the room.

"Okay, talk." Kelly said.

"Can we talk in private?" Mark asked referring to me being in the room.

"Nope. Jason was nice enough to carry my bag up to my room and I invited him to stay and visit with me for a while. I'm not going to be rude and and ask him to leave." Kelly told Mark in a firm voice.

"Fine. Kelly, what is going on with you? You are acting very strange. What is your problem tonight? I'm lost." Mark asked.

"You are right, something is wrong. No, let me take that back. It's not wrong, it is just different now. I do promise you that you will be getting what you want." Kelly told him.

"Kelly, I'm still lost, what are you talking about?" Mark asked.

"You want an explanation?" Kelly asked.

"Of course I do." Mark answered.

Kelly walked over to her bag and started pulling out items. The first thing she pulled out was a bunch of papers. It looked like things printed off from a home computer. She then pulled out some hand cuffs. "Okay, sit down in that chair and put these on."

"What?" Mark said laughing as Kelly handed him the hand cuffs.

"You heard me, put those on." Kelly told him again.

"I am not putting these on." Mark replied again as he sat in the chair.

"Okay, you are not getting any explanation as to what is going on then." Kelly said glaring at Mark.

"All this is crazy." Mark said. "This really is insane. You know what, fine, I'll play along with you."

"Put one on each hand." Kelly instructed as Mark put them on.

"How is that?" Mark said as he held up his hands.

"Perfect!" Kelly said as she took out more hands cuffs and cuffed him to the door handle of the mini refrigerator next to his chair.

"Alright, so start talking Kelly." Mark said sitting there in a chair hand cuffed to the refrigerator.

Kelly picked up the papers she had gotten from her bag and started looking at them. I noticed her hands shake a little. She seemed nervous.

"Kelly? Are you going to explain?" Mark asked again.

"My fantasy." Kelly said after taking a deep breath and reading from the paper.

"What?" Mark asked before she could finish and more of her thought.

"Listen." Kelly said looking at Mark and then back at the paper. "My fantasy. That is the title of an email I found."

"Kelly, stop. No." Mark said with a nervousness in his voice.

I could tell at this moment something serious was about to happen. I sat on the bed watching.

"Mark, do not speak another word." Kelly said in a stern voice. She seemed to have found her confidence.

Mark nodded in agreement and looked down at the floor.

"So as I was saying, this is an email I found. You left your computer up one day and I guess forgot to log out of your secret email account." Kelly said.

Mark continued to look at the floor.

"Should I read the entire email or just the best parts?" Kelly asked out loud. "Mark, you can answer that question."

"Kelly, I'm sorry." Mark said.

"No Mark, it's okay. Yes, I was hurt at first, but I'm not anymore. After reading this email I looked through the other emails, and then your internet history. I can't believe you didn't clear your history. But, like I said, it's okay." Kelly said and looked over at me. "Jason, do you want to know what I found?"

"Sure, I'd love to hear about what you have found." I told her.

"Have you ever heard the term hotwife?" Kelly asked.

"I have, yes." I told her.

"What about cuckold?" She asked.

"Yes, I have heard that one as well." I told her.

"Well, apparently my husband likes these two words." Kelly said. "He likes them so much he looks up pictures, stories, videos, and who knows what else of them on the internet."

"Well, I guess he likes it then." I told her.

"Instead of getting mad, I've decided to just give him what he likes. The best part about this is that he even typed out emails to some anonymous person online describing what he would like me to do." Kelly said.

"Kelly, please don't." Mark tried to say but was cut off.

"Mark, don't speak. Remember, this is your fantasy." Kelly said while thinking and walking to her bag. She pulled out a gag. "For your own good, im going to put this on you."

That was a tense moment. Kelly walked over and put a gag on Mark so he couldn't speak.

"Jason, will you help me with Mark's fantasy?" Kelly asked in a flirty way.

"I would love to." I replied.

"Great." Kelly said as she reached in Mark's suit pocket and took out his phone. "The first thing I need you to do is to take some pictures of me."

"Okay, what would you like?" I asked holding Mark's phone.

"Let's start with an easy one. How about one of me sitting on the bed." Kelly said.

Kelly sat on the bed with her legs crossed but exposed with the slit in her dress. I took a few pictures. They were sexy, slightly revealing, but not too much.

"These will work." Kelly said as she looked at them.

"So what are you going to do with them?" I asked.

"Well, one thing Mark has fantasized about was sending pics of me to his boss or friends. So let's do that." Kelly said as she started a text on his phone.

"That sounds like an excellent idea." I told her.

"That should work." Kelly said as she hit send.

"What did you say in the text?" I asked.

"I asked them what they thought of the picture." She said.

"Who did you send it to?" I asked.

"You remember Sam, from downstairs at the party? He got one. I also sent ones to three of his friends." Kelly said looking at Mark who was squirming in his chair.

"I bet they like that." I told her.

"I think they do, because I'm already getting responses." Kelly said as she started typing out replies.

"What are they saying? What are you saying back." I asked.

"Well, Sam just asked if he was supposed to receive it. The others are sending similar replies. All of them are saying they like it but are questioning if I sent it to the right person. I'm telling them i'm sorry, it was meant to go to someone else. The funny thing is they are all making sure to say they like it, even while questioning if it was supposed to be sent to them." Kelly said.

"Are you stopping it at that?" I asked.

"No, I'm just teasing and getting them to want more. My next reply will be to tell them I'm glad they like it." Kelly said.

"It is a sexy picture." I told her.

"They all think it's Mark sending the texts. Sam just told him he was a lucky man. I'm thinking he would be a good one to send some more pictures." Kelly mentioned.

"Is sending provocative pictures to his boss a fantasy of his?" I asked.

"Yes, one of his biggest fantasies. He actually went into a good amount of detail in one of his emails about what he would like me to do to his boss." Kelly said looking at Mark who was sitting calmly and watching.

"Well, you should give him that fantasy." I told her.

"Okay, take another picture." Kelly said as she handed me Mark's cell phone and sat back down on the bed.

"What pose do you want to do for this one?" I asked.

"How about this?" Kelly asked as she laid back and put one foot up on the bed while pulling her dress up almost all the way to her waist. She had it pulled up so her panties were showing. It was almost an upskirt type pose. The dress was tight so she had to pull it up at the waist. She had one leg up and the other dangling on the side of the bed. She gave me a mischievous smile as she knew my eyes were on her panties. Her panties were a tiny black g-string that was a see-through type mesh material. After taking the picture, I looked at it to check. The picture showed that her panties were see-through. In person, you could really tell they were see-through. You could see just enough to tell that her pussy was shaved.

"You think Sam will like this Mark?" Kelly teased her husband who continued to sit there and take it all in.

Kelly sent the picture to Sam but wasted no time wanting to get to the next picture.

"I think he will like it." I told her.

"Do you think I should show him more? Maybe without this dress?" Kelly asked.

"I think losing the dress is a good picture." I said still admiring how sexy she looked laying there on the bed with her heels on and panties showing.

"Jason, take another one." Kelly said as she stood with her dress still hiked up.

"I love the teasing pictures." I told her.

"You like teasing? Okay, how about this one?." Kelly said as she turned around, pulled up her dress exposing her very tone ass, and put one knee up on the bed. She then put her hands down, arched her back, and looked back at me over her shoulder. Her body was very nice. Her ass was amazing. I was getting hard watching her pose for the pictures.

"Kelly, your body is really nice. I'm having trouble concentrating with you looking all sexy like this," I told her.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"No, you are not." She said.

"Yes, I am. I'm really getting turned on." I said.

"Prove it." Kelly said.

"Prove I'm turned on?" I asked.

"Yes, prove to me you are turned on." Kelly said.

"Well, I'm hard." I told her.

"Okay, show me then." She said.

"Okay, you can look if you want." I replied.

Kelly walked over to me as I stood in front of Mark sitting in the chair. Kelly got down on her knees and had her face at my zipper. She unbuckled my belt, unzipped my pants, and dropped them to the floor. She had a playful, eager way about her. I felt like she was putting on a show for her husband and didn't expect anything more to happen other than teasing. I was curious how far she was going to take this.

"Well, maybe you were being honest. That looks like a rather large bulge in your boxer briefs." Kelly said eyeing my cock about a foot from her face.

Kelly reached up and grabbed my cock over my underwear. She rubbed it while looking at Mark.

"I told you." I replied.

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