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Wife Groped At Movies

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Wife goes to the movies and gets more than she bargained for.
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This goes back to when we were first married, when we were both 22. In our first year, I was in grad school and my wife was working as a nurse. I had a light day on Tuesdays so my wife took Tuesdays as one of regular days off. It was great at first. We would explore the city, go to museums, movies, lunch, whatever. It was our day off together. I loved being with her. She is good looking and very well built, large breasts and a big bubble butt, hourglass figure.

Towards the end of the second semester, I got very busy and Tuesdays became a work day for me, just that I was able to work at home. This was no fun for my wife; so one of those busy Tuesdays she decided to go to the movies during the day. Since I was working, she went alone. She was dressed informally, scoop neck sweater and slacks.

When she returned, I asked how the movie was. She was exasperated and said it would have been nice but for this dirty old man who sat next to her. I asked what happened and here is what she told me.

She sat in our usual place at the movie theater, in was in the back next to a wall, but had the advantage of being near the sound system so it was easy to hear even if kids were talking during the movie. The theater was sparsely populated but there were some kids with their moms so this seemed to her an ideal place to sit.

Shortly after she was seated, a man came in and sat next to her. She gave him a quizzical look but he was too intent looking at the movie. She thought it odd that with all the seats available he choose to sit next to her. Then she thought perhaps he too wanted to be away from everyone else and hear the dialogue. So she gave it no more thought and went on watching the movie. Shortly she felt a hand on her leg. It was just resting. She was taken aback and pushed it off her leg.

Several minutes later it was back. She thought to do something but it was at an interesting part of the movie and she felt it was harmless - so she let it go for the moment. She actually forgot about it until he started kneading her leg. She was surprised that it felt so good. She had been on her feet as a nurse for the preceding week. She allowed this for a minute and then thought better of it and removed his hand. She was trying to be nice (she is a big pleaser) and even said thanks but please keep your hands to yourself. I am a married woman and not looking for company.

She felt that this had settled things. He did nothing for a moment or two and then he put his arm around the top of her seat, which mildly annoyed her, but she was involved in the movie and thought there was no harm. However, she was to be proven wrong for in another minute his hand fell from the back of her seat to her right breast. This was too much. Shocked, she grabbed his hand and tried to remove it but he was holding firm, his arm around the back of her neck. She then started struggling with him, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. In doing so, she wound up facing him, inches away from his face. He took this opportunity to kiss her! He planted his lips on hers and tried to force his tongue into her mouth. She forgot about his hand and now used both of hers to push his face from hers. All this movement and struggling brought attention to them and when she pulled away, she saw several of the moms looking at them with a looks of disgust on their faces.

My wife realized that these moms must have thought that my wife and this man were together and making out. She thought that one of them would probably call management and have them kicked out. It would be humiliating. Made more so since we knew the manager and he would be sure to hear of it. So she stopped the struggling, simply sat back and was passive as the man took this to be acquiescence and went to work on her tits. She said remember when I told you about a date I went on and the guy was so aggressive about wanting to feel my breasts that I just sat there, totally passive, not in any way participating, and let him feel away until he felt foolish and just stopped. She said she employed that same strategy with this stranger.

However, he was loving feeling away and went under her sweater and bra and was caressing her bare breasts. He got one of them out of her bra and sweater and was hefting it as if to weigh it. She does have large breasts and I could envision this action. He then rubbed his thumb in a circular motion around her nipple. This always gets her hot and it was no different. Her nipple stiffened and he appreciated it saying good girl.

Still she sat and suffered (her word) through this assault on her tits, hoping, she said, that it would soon end. It did not. He decided to branch out, and his hand went to her legs while his right hand continued its work on my wife's breasts. He tapped her legs to indicate that she should open them more fully to give him better access. She complied, again saying that she hoped this would end it sooner. Thankfully, she thought, she was wearing slacks so his hand could only rub her covered pussy. Nonetheless, she was getting wet. It was just a simple physical reaction, not having to do with him certainly, she said.

He abandoned her covered pussy long enough to unbuckle and unzip his pants and free his cock. He took her passive hand and placed it on his cock and started a jerk off movement. She continued on her own when his hand returned to her pants and panty covered pussy, again, she said, hoping to end it soon. She did admit that all his ministrations led to a small orgasm; she shuttered and closed her eyes, and, while she moaned softly through it, he kissed her, this time sliding his tongue into her mouth, which was open as she moaned. As he kissed her she felt him spasm and felt her hand be coated with his cum. He quickly placed his prick in his pants and left.

I was stunned that I found this whole thing erotic. To cover for this, I took her into my arms to comfort her and kissed her, which turned into a passionate kiss. In no time we were in the bedroom fucking wildly, both of us experiencing strong orgasms. Later she said she was all right and would just as soon that we forgot about the whole ugly incident.

A week to the day after that event, I again was home and studying and my wife was off that day. She said she thought she would go to the movies. I told her I could not go with her and she said that was ok, she would go by herself and be all right. She went to our bedroom to change. Shortly after, I went to the bathroom and on my way passed our bedroom. I was shocked to see her attaching a stocking to her garter belt and to notice what else she was wearing. She had on her sexy black shelf bra, her garter belt which I mentioned and had sheer panties ready to be put on when she had attached her stockings! I noted that the panties would be over the garter straps. Hmmm. Not only was she dressing for the movies which she never did, but she was dressing sexy! Why?

I went back to studying and when she left I saw that she had put on a short but loose skirt and a sleeveless blouse that buttoned in the front. Hmmmm! I asked what movie theater she was going to and what movie was she going to see. She said the same one as last week. "Hopefully I can see it all the way through this time," she said.

I was a bit stunned. Clearly she must have been hoping for a repeat performance. When she returned home I asked her how the movie was. She said, "Can you believe it, that same dirty old man came right up and sat next to me again!"

"What happened," I asked.

"Well I was hoping that he would have been satisfied with what happened last week, but he apparently just wanted more. He said he was glad I dressed so nicely for my date with him. Date! I said what date. There was no date. He said since I showed up dressed like I was and went to where I had been the last time we were together, he knew I was looking for him. I sat there stunned; and then he kissed me. I thought it best to not make a scene, as again, there were others in the theater. I was hoping that it would soon end and just concentrated on the movie.

"Yes, yes, I know; he had his tongue in my mouth but that was all. However, he took my passivity as a sign that I was ok with it all and he proceeded to unbutton my blouse all the way. Again, I did not encourage him and just sat there hoping that he would soon tire of playing with my breasts. However, with my breasts pretty free he seemed to actually take more time with them, hefting them, squeezing them, and then even sucking on my nipples. I was trying to concentrate on the movie but I have to say I did have a physical reaction to the attention my breasts were receiving. It really wasn't my fault. I would never have picked him for any kind of relationship. It was just a physical reaction.

"I continued to simply sit there but he was not satisfied with just playing with my breasts and soon I found his hand in between my legs. He kind of patted my legs to get me to spread them a bit more. I sighed, but did as he wanted to get it over with. When his hand found my panties, he exclaimed his appreciation for my nice sheer panties, but then he tried to pull them down. He couldn't get them down at first because I was sitting on them. However, he was insistent and I did not want to create a scene like the last time, so I lifted my bottom so he could slide them off, again hoping to end it more quickly. Can you believe that he put them in his pocket and I never got them back!

At this point I was flabbergasted. Did she really believe what she was telling me - that she was an innocent victim? At any rate, she continued, not even noticing my incredulity.

"Once he had my panties off, he started playing with my vagina and clitoris with one hand and my breasts with the other. I was a bit embarrassed when he discovered that I was a bit moist down there and he remarked on it. Again, you would be proud of me. I did nothing at all to encourage him. I vowed to simply endure. Yes, my body did react to the fondling and fingering that he was administering to it. This embarrassed me too, but it was only a physical reaction. The animal next brought his penis out of his pants and placed my hand on it. I wanted to end it as soon as possible and, remembering last week when he left soon after he ejaculated, I stroked him quickly. Unfortunately, I did have an orgasm, a little one, which actually seemed to excite him more and I was hopeful that he would ejaculate soon and the experience would soon be over. Fortunately, he did orgasm quickly but unfortunately he stood up and ejaculated on my breasts! It was a lot so I tried to rub it in since I had nothing to clean up with."

I was stunned at how turned on I was. I took her in my arms, pretending to do it to comfort her, but it was to start the process of fucking her, which I did with great passion. She was very wet and very passionate as well. I even found myself kissing and licking her tits even though they had this stranger's dried cum on them. Both of us came very hard.

We did not mention this again until the following week when my wife told me she was going to the movies. She was going to the same theater at the same time and same day as previously. I said nothing. However, I did check out her preparations for the event. This time, when I passed by our bedroom, I saw her in the same underwear as the previous week but no panties anywhere in sight. I saw her put on her loose fitting short skirt over just her garter belt and stockings - no panties!

I felt my cock thickening. I said nothing but kissed her goodbye as she was leaving and told her to have fun. She did not give me an arched eyebrow but acted like it was just an innocent comment.

I was having a hard time concentrating while she was at the movies, imagining what was happening in the dark confines of that theater, imagining this dirty old man sitting next to her and taking advantage of her, enjoying her body. Finally she came home. "How was it?" I blurted out.

"Oh, he was there again," she said with a sigh. There was no outrage or indication of disgust this time. Almost just resignation. Of course, it was apparent to me that she was expecting, even hoping he would be there. Why else would she keep going back at the same time and place as the last times she was explored by this man.

"I felt that the best course of action was like the last times, just sit back and let him have his way so it would be over soon and I could enjoy the movie. It was pretty much like the last time; only this time, when he got his penis out he pushed my head down and told me to suck it. I took it in my mouth, thinking it would end sooner that he would ejaculate even quicker, which he did, right in my mouth."

"What?!" I blurted even though this thought was extraordinarily hot. What was wrong with me, thinking it was erotic that my wife was being used sexually by another man, I thought. Nevertheless, it was so hot.

"I know, I know that I don't do that for you but I didn't have a choice and it saved me from having to clean up," she said.

"It's ok," I said as I took her in my arms and kissed her. I know it sounds perverse but my cock got even harder when I slipped my tongue in her mouth, knowing that shortly before this her mouth housed another man's ejaculate. This was just a prelude to another hot sex session.

It was strange that we did not again talk of her experience at the theater. We went along like we always did until the next Tuesday. My wife did not say anything to me but at the same time as the past weeks she went into the bedroom to change. Again I had to take a peek to see how she would dress. I was surprised to see her put on some sexy lingerie. Oh, she was going to give me a treat, going to come to her husband for sexual satisfaction. I was on one hand elated that she was going to the trouble to dress for me and put out for me in the middle of the day. On the other hand, I was surprised to realize that I was also disappointed that she was not going to be a piece of sex meat for the stranger.

When she came out of the bedroom, I acted surprised, like I had not seen her dressing.

"Oh, you're not going to the movies this week?" I asked.

"No, he thought we could save money if he just came over here," she said, nonchalantly. "Don't worry, we won't disturb you. We'll go in the bedroom and you can work out here."

"What, he's coming here?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, I could not refuse him. There's something about him that I cannot deny him. He is so masterful I suppose. Also, he is a widower, I found out. So it would be cruel to deny him this little fun."

I was stunned into silence. I never expected it to go this far. Nonetheless, I was surprisingly excited. So I said nothing.

She left for the bedroom to put on her make up. Shortly after, there was a knock on the door. I answered and saw a very unimpressive, unattractive, paunchy, short, middle aged man, with wispy hair and glasses, at least 25 years older than we were. He looked me up and down with a bit of a contemptuous look. "Is she here?" he asked.

"Yes," I said. That one little word and I felt like I was complicit in his taking over my wife. I knew what he was there for; he knew that I knew. What would a husband, a real man, do in this situation? It would not be telling a man his wife was there for him. I had a real mix of feelings but the overwhelming one was of excitement at what was happening and what was to happen. It was humiliating but exciting at the same time.

He simply brushed by me and went into my home, unasked. Then he turned around in my living room and told me to get him a drink and asked where my wife was. I told him she was putting on her make up as I meekly went to the kitchen to make him a drink. Again this felt like a capitulation, a recognition that he was the man of the house, that he was entitled to my serving him and to knowing where my wife was.

When I handed him his drink, my wife came out in her sexy, revealing negligee. "Oh you dressed for me again," he said. She went up to him and they embraced. Then they kissed, a real kiss, a mouth open kiss. I was the third wheel, just looking on and getting a hard on. They broke the kiss after a while and my wife took his hand and led him into our bedroom. As he was going with her, he looked back at me with a contemptuous grin on his face.

When he got to our bedroom, he looked back at me and firmly shut the door to send the message to stay out. I tried to work but could not, listening to sounds of their having sex and his giving instructions to my wife, which she apparently followed, which I got from his comments. I actually went to the door and put my ear to it so as to ensure I would hear every sound of their sex play. I heard it all, especially the orgasms enjoyed by my wife. I heard the expressions of satisfaction of this stranger as he instructed my wife and she complied. Finally they stopped and all I heard were sighs of satisfaction.

"Hey Boy, get me my drink," I heard this stranger command from my bedroom. I realized I did not even know his name. Nonetheless, I did as ordered. Again, this was a thrilling humiliation. When I entered my bedroom, I saw my wife sprawled out with her legs spread, her hair mussed, and semen leaking from her pussy.

He just grinned as he took my drink. "Your wife's a great piece of ass. She just needs a man who knows how to use her," he said. "I'm going to tag that pussy again after I finish this drink, but I want it clean; so clean it up. I understand this will not be the first time you will taste my cum," he said with a malicious grin. What! Linda was giving away our secrets? She had to have told him about my licking her cum coated breasts.

"Get down there and put your head between her legs and get working," he commanded. This was too humiliating but I somehow found myself doing as he told me. It did not taste very good. It was a vile, salty taste, made worse by his laughter as I did his bidding. He continued my humiliation by having me get him erect to fuck my wife. He had me suck his cock to do the trick. Then he added further to it by having me insert his cock into my wife. Then he told me to leave.

I again listened to their fucking and hearing my wife's satisfaction with his efforts. Was this to be our new life?

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oldergent70oldergent70about 1 month ago

I think there should be a second chapter

Shaglus_ZieglerShaglus_Zieglerabout 2 months ago

So dirty that it worked. Lol. She intrigues me! 😂

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

"When he got to our bedroom, he looked back at me and firmly shut the door to send the message to stay out."

lazy authors easy way out. hide 99% of what happens behind a door

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

5.0 = 100% = A+ (☆☆☆☆☆+)!

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