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Wife Plays Escort, Again

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Stacia and Melanie reunite for another night of fun.
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Stacy was leaning in to her mirror, finishing up her makeup and making sure her hair was just right. She stood up straight and smoothed her dress down her front; a modest outfit, navy blue sheath dress with a square neckline (no cleavage), sleeveless, extending to her knees. She slipped into navy high heels that were surprisingly comfortable and slipped on a silver bracelet to match the silver pendant necklace that hung between her breasts. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Jason, her husband, spying on her.

"Do you approve?"

"Very nice, and I think appropriate for the occasion." He moved behind her and gently kissed her neck, careful not to mess up her makeup. "I hope you won't be out too late."

"Who knows. It's a college party. Might get pretty wild." She smirked and spun in his arms. They gave a firm hug. Then they headed downstairs.

Brooke, Stacy's younger sister, was already waiting in the kitchen, entertaining her nieces. When Stacy entered the room, they silently sized each other up and both gave a nod of approval. Brooke was wearing a gray tweed sleeveless dress, full collar (so no cleavage from either lady tonight), but higher up on her thighs. She wore sexy black heeled Chelsea boots that she loved to wear out dancing, something that didn't happen frequently enough for her.

"What do you think?" Brooke asked Jason and the kids as she and Stacy posed side by side. The girls tried to be as complimentary as they could without breaching cool tween etiquette.

Jason was less subtle in his response, scanning both from head to toe, subconsciously pursing his lips and mouthing "Wow!" Then, out loud, "are you sure it's not too late for me to come too?"

The ladies chuckled and Brooke reiterated "Plus one, not two. Sorry." She punctuated that with a wink out of Stacy's view.

Stacy was accompanying Brooke to a work function that evening. Brooke was an Associate Professor of Chemistry at a nearby university, and there was a banquet for the retiring school President. Rob, Brooke's drip of a husband, refused to go with her, not wanting to have to make small talk with people he didn't know (and, Brooke suspected, who were so much smarter than him). So big sis Stacy stepped up and promised to help Brooke schmooze. And schmoozing was definitely in store, as Brooke was up for tenure. She had completed the last rounds of interview and review earlier that week, and tonight was her chance to show the others making the decision that she could fit in well with them.

The main person to impress was the Dean, Dr. Paul White. He was still a little bitter that he wasn't going to be replacing the retiring president, so Brooke wanted to do as much as she could that evening to kiss his ass and blow smoke up his ass and any other anal metaphor that applied. Stacy promised to help any way she could.

It was a nice spring evening, so no coats were needed. They decided to drive to the on-campus function separately, in case Stacy needed to make an early exit. They arrived fashionably late and found the hall about half full of professors and spouses, ranging in age from early 30s to 80s. Grad students were specifically barred from the event, to ensure that the open bar wasn't abused. Brooke and Stacy each picked up a glass of white wine while trays of hors d'oeuvres circulated. Brooke leaned in and gave Stacy the rundown.

Pointing subtly, Brooke noted "That's President Norris, no need to impress him, as he's out after today. I don't think he knows who I am anyway." He looked exactly as Stacy expected, a shorter, thin, balding, stooped man, arm in arm with a waifish gray woman of similar age.

"I see some others from the Chemistry department over there; we'll head there next and I'll introduce you. Most of them like me, but no harm in getting those numbers up." Turning, Brooke subtly pointed again. "That's Cathy Farmer, head of the early child education program. You know her, right?"

Stacy, a long-time kindergarten teacher and educational trainer nodded. "Yes, we've met at a few conferences. If you need some time alone I'll look for her and do some schmoozing of my own."

Giving the room one more scan, Brooke found her target. "There he is, Dean White. He's the one we really need to work on." Stacy followed Brooke's gaze and settled on what she'd describe as a poor man's George Clooney type. Graying, fit but age appropriate, well dressed in a nice suit, but not over the top, and all with a certain bemused weariness. He had an aura about him that she was sure worked well with a high percentage of the co-eds on campus. Next to him, facing away and chatting with someone else, was a red-haired woman in a red satin slip dress. If that was his date those co-eds didn't stand a chance.

The two women made their way to the grouping of Chemistry department professors and spouses. Brooke was the youngest by at least 20 years, but they all warmly welcomed her. Stacy was introduced to all and they chatted for a while, made small talk until it became awkward, then several broke off for fresh drinks. A few let Brooke know that they gave the tenure board positive reviews of her. One older gentleman who was there alone even leaned in and let Brooke know how great he thought it was to have young women working in scientific fields. He gently patted her behind as he walked away. Brooke and Stacy both stifled their laughs until he was out of earshot. After finishing their drinks, they grabbed two more glasses from a passing waiter. "Ok," Brooke said, taking a sip, "I see Dean White, let's head over."

"Showtime," Stacy declared, giving Brooke another pat on the behind.

They approached and Brooke called out "Dean White, good to see you."

He turned and spotted her, his face lighting up. "Ms. Gruber... Brooke, please tonight just Paul will suffice. Glad you could make it."

"This is my sister, Stacy." Stacy reached out and they shook hands. His hands were softer than she expected, likely the result of years in academia. "She's also in education, but she gets first crack at the kids."

Stacy chuckled and shrugged, "Kindergarten teacher."

Dean White's... Paul's smile faded. "Oh, I don't envy you. That's gotta be the hardest job, like herding cats while also teaching them to read."

"It has it's upside too. I never have to worry about class being interrupted by a war protest." That elicited a guffaw from the Dean followed by a subtle kick from Brooke. Ok, no more jokes from Stacy.

Paul turned and found the arm of his date, talking with another professor nearby, an older woman with thick glasses. "Excuse us, I want to introduce her to someone," he said by way of ending their conversation. Then, quietly to Brooke and Stacy, "the three of you might be the youngest women here tonight. This is my partner, Melanie. Melanie dear, Brooke is in our Chemistry department, I believe the youngest professor over there."

Melanie, the redhead in the red satin dress, elegantly shook Brooke's hand while admiring her dress. "So nice to meet you, and I love that dress. A nice twist on professorial tweed."

"Why, thank you," Brooke blushed, "You're the first to pick up on that."

Paul then steered Melanie to Stacy. "And this is Stacy, Brooke's sister and a fellow educator." Stacy and Melanie took each other's hands and their eyes met. It took a moment, but they both were flooded with memories of their past meeting, their eyes widening in recognition.

Stacy spoke first. "So nice to meet you. And I love your dress. I noticed it as soon as we walked in."

"Thanks," Melanie responded, then to Paul, "He was worried it would be too flashy."

"Oh, it is, and that's why I love it!" The ladies shared a laugh. Another professor approached from the other side, and soon Brooke and Paul were engaged in conversation about a recent science publication. Stacy and Melanie took a few subtle steps away and talked quietly.

"So tonight it's Stacy, not Stacia?" Melanie asked.

Stacy finished her second glass of wine and decided, what the hell... "Yes, I'm working tonight, and I really hope we can keep that a secret between us."

It was just over a year ago when this whole Shakespearean comedy kicked off. Stacy, beloved wife and mother, spent the evening playing the role of Stacia, high end Las Vegas escort. Melanie, local escort, played the role of Melanie, beloved wife and mother, and Jason just got to be Jason, horny dude. The three of them had a memorable night and wrecked a hotel room. Stacy knew the truth, that Melanie was an escort, but it appears that the ruse was successful and Melanie never picked up on the other truth, still believing that Stacy/Stacia was an escort too. Now, with that one uttered sentence, Melanie assumed that Stacia was there at the party working as someone's guest, and Stacy was certain that Melanie was there at the party hired by Paul to be his date. But Stacy had to pretend that she didn't know that; that she thought Melanie was there that evening cheating on her husband, Jason. And somewhere the ghost of Shakespeare reached for his quill.

Stacy glanced back at Paul. "So you and Jason, that was his name right? Still happily married?"

Melanie hesitated, thinking up a new lie. "Yes, actually. After that night the three of us shared, Jason and I opened our marriage. I met Paul a few months ago. Jason is out tonight with, I think Suzie was her name. We'll compare notes in bed tomorrow morning. So, mind if I ask about that ring on your finger?"

Stacy looked at her hand, at the sparkling diamond that had been there for nearly two decades now. "This?" She held out her hand. "A prop." She winked. "You know how much I enjoy roleplay..."

"So... Brooke is... your client...?" Melanie asked, puzzled.

Now Stacy hesitated to think up her next lie. Nothing came. So she gave in -- no better lie than the truth. "I'm not really supposed to say, except that, I was specifically brought here tonight to help impress Dean White." She stepped closer and took Melanie's arm, started steering her toward the bar. "And seeing as you're his date, my job might have gotten much easier... if you're willing to help."

The evening progressed as expected. Brooke bounced around from one conversation to another, working hard to fit in and stand out at the same time. She kept an eye out for Stacy, spying her a few times at the bar with Melanie, then chatting with another couple. Later Brooke saw her talking with the education head Cathy Farmer. They were chatting like old friends in a group with some other professors. When it was time for speeches and toasts, Brooke found Stacy and dragged her near the front, near Dean White and Melanie. The retiring president made some mercifully brief remarks, then bid everyone a goodnight. It was 9:30. And much of the older crowd flowed out after him. Brooke also saw Dean White start to move to the door.

"Sorry to abandon you again, but I need to get in a last word before Paul leaves."

"No problem at all. I'm gonna use the restroom and then sneak out too. Good luck. Talk to you tomorrow."

The sisters hugged, with Brooke proclaiming "You're awesome. I owe you so much for tonight!" Then she ran to catch up with the Dean.

As planned, Stacy left through a side door and crossed the quad. There, she found the entrance to the administrative building. The door was locked, and as she was told there was a keypad near the door. She entered the 5 digit code Melanie had given to her and heard a click. She entered the building and headed to the 4th floor. While climbing the stairs, she recalled what panties she was wearing. Basic cotton. That just wouldn't do. She slipped out of them on the 3rd floor landing and left them hanging from the bannister.

Outside the door to the banquet room, Brooke caught up with the Dean and Melanie. She composed herself then spoke up. "Melanie, I just wanted to say again that it was nice to meet you."

"Thanks, and it was nice to meet you too, and your sister was just wonderful. We had the best chat at the bar earlier. Tell her I said so when you see her."

"I will. And Dean White... Paul... It was really great to get to connect with you and all the other faculty here off hours. More and more every day I see that this is just the perfect place for me, and I really hope to spend the rest of my career in a place this welcoming and wonderful." Ugh... she hated herself for this...

The Dean shook her hand again and leaned in. "That's great to hear, and between you and me... unofficially... I think you should be expecting some good news next week after the committee meeting." He winked.

Brooke smiled and wished them a good night, then made a quick turn back into the banquet hall. She went to the bar and ordered one shot of whiskey for the road. She slammed the empty shot glass on the bar top and got a good laugh from the bartender. She briefly thought about going home with him to celebrate, but thought better of it and headed for her car.

After exiting the banquet hall, Melanie took Paul's arm and leaned in to his ear. "I'd love to see your office," she hinted.

He paused. "And what would you like to do in my office?" he asked playfully.

She leaned in closer and whispered "anything you want, Dean White."

They turned left and crossed the quad, Paul entered a 5-digit code on a keypad, the door opened, and they entered, then headed for the 4th floor.

The building was dark and quiet. No one was working, not even the cleaning staff.

The 4th floor, the top floor of this older building, had offices for some of the deans. As expected, they were all dark wood and had walls lined with bookshelves, and smelled of leather. Paul and Melanie could barely keep their hands off each other as they opened the door to his office suite using the same code, then passed by the secretary's desk and entered the larger office.

There were two large, luxurious leather couches facing each other, with a small coffee table between them. Windows were to the left. At the far end was Paul's large desk and a few file cabinets. He liked to keep his desk free of clutter, so there was just one small lamp and his laptop filling the surface. Enough light came in through the window from the street lamps outside that there was no need to turn on the lights inside. Anyway, that would let others leaving the party know what he was in his office, and he didn't want that.

They stopped at the sight of Stacy, splayed out on one of the couches with a devilish smirk. But only Paul was surprised. Melanie squeezed him tighter, then stepped past him and stood by Stacy, turning to face Paul.

"So tonight was one of those happy accidents," Melanie started, using the script they'd rehearsed earlier that evening. She put her hand on Stacy's shoulder.

Paul looked at them and sputtered, "So... you two... know each other?"

"We've met before, yes." Melanie said. "So when we bumped into each other tonight, we got to catch up, and, well, we thought this would be a fun way to end the evening."

"And, I need to come clean, I do have an ulterior motive, even though this is totally unexpected." Stacy stood and smoothed out her dress.

Paul started to move closer to them, glancing once behind him to make sure the door was closed, just in case. Melanie gestured toward the couch opposite where Stacy was. Paul unbuttoned his coat and sat, then loosened his tie.

"My name really is Stacy. And Brooke really is my sister. And I came here tonight to support her because I would do anything for her. And I really hope that you think she's as great as I do."

Paul nodded. "I agree. She is great."

"But there's one thing that Brooke doesn't know about me, that Melanie does, and that now you do too. While Stacy is an awesome big sister and kindergarten teacher, sometimes Stacy likes to be called Stacia. And Stacia makes a lot of money making men and women like the two of you very happy."

Melanie wrapped an arm around Stacy's midsection and nuzzled against her neck. "Stacia..." she softly cooed. Paul had caught up now, and relaxed. He was starting to realize how lucky he was.

"Stacy, I promise, your secret is safe with me."

"No, not Stacy. It's Stacia, Dean White."

Stacia took Melanie's hand and they both moved closer to Dean White.

"I'm not going to ask you to pay me anything tonight." Stacia and Melanie knelt before the Dean. They turned to face each other and shared a soft, gentle kiss. The Dean adjusted his position and stared. After ending the kiss, Stacia turned back to the Dean. "But, Dean White, I am going to ask you one favor." She adopted a younger tone with the next sentence, doing her best sorority sister impersonation. "When I take chemistry in the fall I really want Professor Gruber to be my teacher. Can you promise me that Professor Gruber will be here next fall?"

"Yeah, Dean White, Professor Gruber is the best. I think you should give her tenure," Melanie added with her own sorority tone, while sliding her hand up the Dean's thigh.

The Dean smiled and removed his tie completely, tossing it behind him. "Well, luckily, we're all in agreement on that. But I'm suddenly very curious how far you'd go to make that happen."

Stacia smiled and slid her left hand up the Dean's right thigh, then turned and with her right hand forcefully grabbed the back of Melanie's head, pulling her in for a rough, wet kiss. Stacia's hand grasped the Dean's cock through his pants and stroked him while he watched them make out.

Stacia broke the kiss and held Melanie's face in her hand. Still stroking the Dean, she ordered her to strip. Melanie stood and lowered the straps off her shoulders, then shimmied the dress to the floor. She was going braless, which was obvious from the party. She wore a tiny red g-string, which was practically no different than going without panties. The g-string also fell to the floor, and Melanie kicked off her heels.

Stacia let go of the Dean and stood, turning her back to him and facing Melanie. She lifted her dress over her head and tossed it to the side, revealing her lack of panties. She quickly removed her bra, then lowered herself into the Dean's lap, grinding against him while his arms reached around her and squeezed her, kneaded her breasts, pinched her nipples. He kissed her neck while keeping eye contact with Melanie. Stacia also caught Melanie's gaze and smiled, then pointed down between her legs. Melanie dropped to her knees in compliance.

As Melanie's tongue started teasing her, Stacia turned up the dirty talk. "Ooohhh... Dean White, your cock feels so good pressed against my ass..." The Dean continued to kiss her neck and rub her breasts. "Uuhhhh... your girlfriend is soooo good at licking pussy. Do you wanna watch her lick my pussy, Dean?" He grunted in the affirmative. "I thought you'd like that. You should watch from the other side."

Stacia lifted herself off the Dean's lap and lowered herself down onto the leather couch next to him. Melanie shifted slightly but never broke contact. As directed, the Dean stood and moved around Melanie, taking a moment to slide the coffee table out of the way, then he slowly undressed while gazing at Melanie's ass. Stacia watched the Dean undress while playing with her own breasts, teasingly bringing a finger to her mouth and licking it before swirling it around her nipple.

Stacia sat up and lifted Melanie's face to hers. They shared another kiss and Stacia told her "mmmm, you're so good at that. But I think the Dean wants to fuck you now."

"I think he wants to fuck both of us."

"Yeah, I think you're right. Dean White, are you allowed to fuck your students?" When she asked that she saw his cock jump. As suspected, that was his kink. "Will you fuck us if we promise not to tell anyone?"

The Dean stepped toward them. "If you both promise not to tell anyone, then I will happily fuck you both."


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