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Wife Seeks Revenge on Cheater Hubby

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She wants to make him pay.
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NOTE: This was tough to categorize, but ends up in Loving Wives for hopefully good reason. Enjoy.


I guess I should not have been surprised, I mean, it wasn't the first-time Taylor had strayed from his woman. Heck, he had a history of it. That was how we had gotten together. I fell for his lines when I worked for a friend of his, ending up breaking up his relationship with Monica.

Our hookup ended up with marriage, Taylor and I, and all was well.

Or at least that is what I thought. Now I know that once a cheater always a cheater.

Taylor was 27 when I met him, going with Monica, and I met him through my boss Randall. Taylor and Randall had been the best of friends, and was always hanging around the office together. I'd joke with them, cover for them when they wanted a two-hour lunch or game of golf. Somewhere along the way there was sexy banter between Taylor and I one night we consummated our affair in the tiny back seat of his BMW.

We had a whirlwind romance and soon Monica was ousted for me. That led to courting and then marriage, and I thought we were in the happy ever after mode. Maybe we were there, but I've learned that guys can be enticed by the latest sparking attraction.

In our case, that happened to be Lindsay, his current secretary. Lindsey was a very attractive woman of 23, two years younger than I.

While I was attending college part-time while working full-time, she was working full time while fucking my husband part-time. The bitch.

I wouldn't have known a thing except that they were a little dumb about their affair. My cheap ass husband didn't want to spend money on a no-tell motel, so they would cavort in the office, his car or a local park. Whatever worked I guess.

He'd fuck her, come home to me, and sometimes fuck me literally right after her. I mean, I didn't know that at the time, but later learned that I was getting seconds in that he'd cum with Lindsay then have enough left over to bang me at home that night. Oh, I'm sure he enjoyed the fuck, but he'd take forever to cum and I thought it was because of enjoyment not fatigue.

I probably would not have found out except for Christy, my close friend, who happened to be walking her dog when she saw the two leave his car at the local park. They looked around, then sauntered into the woods. She recognized my man, and carefully looked for them. She almost stumbled upon them a few minutes later.

"Your husband was licking her out," said my friend. "She was holding his head tightly against her, and he was licking like no tomorrow. She came after a few minutes and quickly reversed positions, sucking his dick. It didn't take long for him to fire a load into her mouth, and the whore swallowed it all down."

Her indictment was short and sweet, with enough pertinent details to know it was true. I mean, it was an eyewitness sighting, and there was not a bit of confusion in her mind. He was guilty. I hated hearing about it, and especially didn't like the idea he was not only cheating but also licking her out. He hated going down on me, and here he was sucking on the pussy of Lindsay.

That nearly caused a rip-roaring fight, but I kept everything to myself. I mean, I liked my life, school, and I thought I loved Taylor. With one of those things gone, I decided not to go but to get even. If I left him, it would all go away. Oh, I'd get a settlement, but I did think it could be saved. I mean, I imagined his secretary was just a piece of ass. The question was how. How could I humiliate the bastard? Teach him a real lesson.

There must have been thirty ways I'd been thinking about, but none etched into my mind as the path to take. It wasn't until one day when I was speaking with Marty, the geek in my class, about this or that when an idea came to my mind.

Marty was give years younger than I, a guy who was friendly but nerdy as well. Confused many times, he was brilliant in some of our classes. He had confided in me that he had no luck with the ladies, and he was always saying or doing something wrong around them to scare them away. Still, he was deep down a nice guy.

He lamented his lack of success with women to me, like he might confide in an older sister. We talked about that a few times. Other times I expressed concern that I was falling behind in class and would never get a paper done on time. For me, my delay on the paper was a major problem of the moment. I needed to get it fixed.

Sometime that night while we studied at the library he heard my lament, and the following week when we got together to study he produced a 10-page paper for me along with cliff notes on where to lead more on the topic and use that knowledge to add my own tweaks to the paper so I honestly could say I had a part in finalizing it.

I was so very grateful. Later that night, the idea struck me. He walked me to my car and I asked him to get in and drive to his car. I told him I thought I heard a funny sound earlier. We only had to drive a minute, but along the way I asked him to pull over in a secluded part of the lot. There, I kissed his neck while stroking his pants. I thought he'd have an aneurism.

Soon he was playing with my skirt and fingers danced on my legs. I spread my legs as an invitation and he got the idea. It wasn't long before his head was contorted, bent over between my legs licking away at my hot, wet pussy. Damn, this guy had unexpected talents! To this day I don't remember him removing my panties, but they were dangling off one foot.

I swear it wasn't five minutes before I was thrashing around, an orgasm exploding with all the bells and whistles. Marty the Nerd had done something my husband never could accomplish.

Soon I was returning the favor, unzipping his pants and slipping out his nice cock. It wasn't long but it was girthy, and the damn thing was hard to fully get into my mouth. I'd fellated probably 8 guys to that point, and Marty's dick was the smallest. Still it was extremely sexy in its fullness. It was very big around.

I got enough in to suck on it, and wasted no time bobbing my head on his manhood. He moaned and groaned and mumbled sweet nothings about my technique. It was a quick, wild ride as he was saying how wonderful it was. In less than a minute Marty was exploding into my mouth his manly sauce along with a litany of words that made me know he enjoyed the blow job.

It was quite the embarrassing time after the explosion, and I "begged" him to keep it our little secret. He was quick to accept, but did not want our interlude to hurt our relationship, and we promised to continue to have our little study group. And while nothing was promised, we did share our little oral sex secrets numerous times until the end of the class year.

When I arrived home the night of our first tryst I willingly and with great pleasure gave a big wet cum tasting kiss to hubby, who knew nothing of my cheating ways that night. It was so good knowing something so intimate that he knew nothing about, and I could see how he might feel the same when banging his secretary. We weren't even, but this was a bold first step.

On one occasion, I caught my cheating husband in the act. I had a meeting near his office, and after stopped over to spy/check on him. It was nearly six, and the foyer was completely empty. Everyone had left, or so it appeared, but his car was outside as well as an unknown VW Beetle which I learned was Lindsay's.

Standing in the reception area I fiddled about for a minute, thinking about barging into his office but thinking better of that. I mean, if they were frolicking they undoubtedly would have locked the door. In the background, I did hear a light thumping, a little like furniture moving and listened against the door.

Oh, the furniture was indeed moving as he was fucking his secretary. I heard him say how hot her pussy was, now tight it was, and thought I heard smacking sounds. Lindsay's voice was in the mix as well, high in excitement. "Fuck me you bull, fuck my cunt you bastard," she cried. "I love being on top of that big cock."

Ah, so she was riding my husband, and he was thrusting deep inside her while spanking her sweet little ass for erotic emphasis. Damn, if it wasn't my husband she was fucking I think I would have jilled off to the tangled twosome.

The lovemaking continued for a couple minutes, my recorder capturing their words as best it could, considering the circumstances. She obviously cried out in orgasm at one point and continued with the oohs and ahs while be fucked her. Then he ordered her to her knees to suck his "fucking hot dick."

I got the picture of the event ached into my head and decided to escape rather than confront. Slipping out as quietly as I arrived, I left with determination that I'd humiliate the

bastard by fucking around like a whore if need be.

That night Taylor arrived home and spoke about his "hard" day at the office. I laughed in my head but was outwardly supportive. I'd changed into a sweet little nightie covered up by a heavy bath coat, listening to his comments. He said he wanted to shower then have dinner and I replied I needed him to "fuck me now" that I was so horny for him.

He sputtered something about after the shower but I insisted now meant now. As usual, he haphazardly went down on me for a minute and I refused to suck him, choosing to jerk his cock to life and stoking it to hardness. Before I knew it, he was on top of me, thrusting away, as I became the spanker. I whacked his ass while he fucked me, and that action brought great sensations knowing he was the spanker with Lindsay while I used him.

At first I was dismayed that I willingly let him fuck me so soon after he fucked his secretary, but my mind said that he might have fucked her but she hadn't satisfied him as he was bucking in and out of me like a teenager. Thing was I could tell he was having a hard time cumming, and I luxuriated in his strokes and work atop me.

I hid my first orgasm, letting it happen without letting him know as I normally would. But the second was intense and I think the neighbors might have heard that one. That left me limp and Taylor just kept fucking until he shot a little load into my beckoning cunt. It was so sexy knowing I'd bested him that night and I slept fitfully while dreaming and scheming on who my next conquest might be.

A week later if dawned on me. Randell. My old boss.

While I had moved on to a new position with a new company, Randall and Taylor remained close co-workers. Undoubtedly they'd shared boy talk about their secretary, probably even about that slut Lindsay. That gave me the opening to speak with my former boss about the other woman.

The opportunity presented itself after that, when Taylor had to go to Chicago on a business presentation. Of course, he never mentioned Lindsay accompanying him on the trip to me, but it turns out she did. That was evident when the temp answered her phone when I called for my husband.

Later that day I was dressed in "sexy" business attire and visited the offices and happened onto Randall's floor. He was happy to see me, and he seemed to like the demure pink blouse, knee length flared skirt and pumps. Oh, the stockings which I'm sure he thought were pantyhose were actually silky stockings held up by a sexy red garter belt but what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

"You look adorable," said the man as I stuck my head into his office after evading the girl in my former position. We spoke for a couple minutes before he said he had to take an important phone call at 5:15. I said I'd love to talk more, and would wait, sending his secretary home as I knew the ropes.

People were clearing out of the office while Randall was on the call, and I waited with anticipation of my self-designed objective: learn more about Taylor's little assistant, friend, fuckee.

About half past the hour Randall completed his call and invited me into his office, where we talked about this and that, catching up on our lives. While we had seen each other here and there, we hadn't spoken in depth about anything for months.

It was fun catching up on things, but was fun was catching his wandering eyes. Oh, he wasn't obvious about it, but when I looked up quickly a couple times I saw his eyes fixated on my chest or legs. Knowing he was looking was hot for me, and I maneuvered around a little to give him glimpses of skin where I could easily attract his attention.

I couldn't help myself. While getting comfortable in the chair, looking away, I glanced back and saw him looking at my eyes. I surprised myself by asking, "What color are they?"

"Huh?" was his reply.

"Aw come on, Randall, your eyes are popping out looking up my skirt," I said with a big smile. "I mean, you're being obvious about it!"


He hemmed and hawed but I'd nailed it. He was embarrassed that I'd caught his roving eyes.

I glared at him, then casually moved my hands between my legs, sliding them up my thighs. Along the way the hands hooked up with the hem of my skirt and lifted it, showing the candy stripe red, pink and white panties for a few seconds. Then, arising from the chair, I turned around and lifted the skirt from behind displaying my panty clad ass.

There was a gasp from behind.

"Okay, show's over, now, what were we talking about?"

I thought his eyes would pop out, and he kept stammering.

The guy who was always in control was clearly not in control. I knew it, he knew it, and he didn't say a word when I walked over to the door, locked it, and strode toward him. Sitting on his desk, he got a bird's eye view up my skit. I smiled as he rubbed his trousers over his manhood.

"Is there a problem?" I coyly asked.

"You are beautiful, and I am so turned on right now," said my former boss, suddenly suffering from mind loss about his wife and kids.

"What should we do about it?" was my quiet reply. Maybe what Taylor is doing with Lindsay?

He appeared shocked for a minute before stuttering something about me knowing. I nodded.

We looked at each other. It was now or never. I moved around toward him and slid down onto my knees and looked up at him. "Do you mind?" was all I said as I grasp hi zipper tab and began lowering it. Then I reached inside his underwear, taking my time as if it were a mission I'd never completed before. His cock was lengthening within as I played with it while getting it into view.

Finally, I had it out in the air and slowly I stroked it while looking up at him. Licking my lips, I began a slow lick session all over his fully extended six inch plus cock. Yummy!

Kneeling there, I worked on his cock from every angle, paying close attention to the sensitive tip. His groans only served to spur me on, and soon I was stroking the base of his dick while licking all around the tip. He had a meaty cock, thick.

Working on it I smiled to myself. Men! They are such suckers for a girl on her knees. I sucked his cock royally, enjoying it as I thought of how my husband was most likely enjoying similar ministrations on his business trip from his secretary. I was getting back at him for sure, for every time he'd be sitting in his office he would be wondering who the guy there was who put horns on him.

While I wasn't sure exactly how he'd find out his wife was sucking and fucking others, when presented with the evidence of his own transgressions he's have nothing to say about his wayward wife. At least that's how my mind was playing it while I sucked on his best friend's meaty cock.

"Oh, damn, oh yes. Suck me, suck my dick," I heard from above. "You are amazing. I've lusted for you for years."

Heck, that's exactly what I was doing. What I was enjoying. Soon, I received my just reward as Randall bracketed my head with his hands and held it in place while he blasted a multiple spur backlog of man sauce into my waiting and willing mouth.

Sucking away, I made sure to completely drain the hose, although some seeped out onto my chin. I did make a production out of scooping it back into my mouth, looking him the eyes, and swallowing.

"Yum, that was great!" was my proud announcement.

We agreed it would be our little secret.

# # # #

Admittedly I was embarrassed yet in a way relieved after my dalliances after learning of my husband's infidelities. I mean of course I was embarrassed, I'd cheated on my husband and that wasn't right. On the other hand, he started it, continued it and cemented his desire for other women while married to me.

His cheating was wrong, and I felt revenue was due and deserved. Hence my relief and actual excitement in cheating on him with people my husband knew and worked with or had met. I'd stuck in the knife, now it was time to turn it in my own way.

Oh, planning my next conquest wasn't easy. I had several thoughts, dismissed them, and it wasn't until one Saturday afternoon when Taylor was playing golf and I was shopping at the mall. Totally unplanned, just looking around, buying this and that, I was walking down the corridor when I ran into an old boyfriend, Ricky.

Ricky was the bad boy of my high school years, a playboy who'd has his way with numerous willing and wanton girls. We saw each other a few times, I'd given him head on several occasions, and we'd had sex twice. It was always risqué, in that he loved head in the car or sex in a local park. The threat of being caught was very exciting.

We'd stopped seeing each other back then, and ultimately my affair with Taylor led to marriage, but there was a little bit of naughtiness prior to my wedding.

I'd run into Ricky by accident the week of my wedding, and he was his normal self. Talking naughty, and in the end, wanting a fling. On the Wednesday before my wedding I'd blown Ricky in the parking lot outside my gym, and the following night he slipped inside my parent's basement while they were upstairs and enjoyed a quickie.

Drawing the line there - he had wanted to fuck me on my wedding day - I rarely saw the guy. But as luck would have it I ran into him at the mall while on my mission to humiliate Taylor tour. We were by the food court and decided to share desert, catching up with our ways over the last couple years. He was still running around from girl to girl while I had started married life.

We enjoyed the conversation, and while we were walking to my car his hand crept down the back of my skirt, fondling my ass. "You still have a great ass!" I loved hearing that.

On one hand, I didn't want to start up anything with Ricky, but on the other, he was a perfect candidate to continue my naughty behavior. He hadn't blabbed about our other interludes, so getting together that day wouldn't be a shocker.

I was parked on the third floor of a five-story parking lot, and we entered the car and drove to the top floor, parking well away from the stairwell and the few cars there.

"Front seat or back," said the knowing guy.


We exited the front and entered the back, falling into each other's arms. Soon the kisses were intoxicating and I was excited with his hands playing with my breasts. Ricky liked that I rubbed my hand on his pants, generating a bit of a tent.

"Take it out," said the guy, as I fumbled with his zipper before unveiling his cock. Ah, that cock I remembered, between six and seven inches of man mean with a nice roundness and tilting to the left. I jerked his cock while he reached up my skirt and began sliding his fingers all over my snatch. Soon my panties were off and his fingers were dancing around my pussy lips.

"You've trimmed down here," said the guy, who years before had played with my pussy when it had a bit of a bush. "It is so wet, so hot."

We played with each other's intimate spots for several minutes, gasping from time to time as the sensations overwhelmed us. It was a hot, fun session. I probably came to my senses quicker than he, reminding of where we were and the dangers owing caught in the act.


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