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Wife Warms Up Pt. 05

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My inevitable cuckolding as Megan sees Mark again.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/31/2023
Created 06/07/2021
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Upon waking the next morning it was clear that Megan had no plans of walking back anything that she had said the night before. Within the next 12 hours she was going to see my fantasy through and complete my cuckolding.

She had a clear and determined plan for the day and after breakfast she had me drive us to one of her favorite lingerie stores. After spending considerable time browsing through their wares the owner escorted us to a private dressing area. I was made to watch as Megan tried each set on, determining best fit and the way each piece accentuated her large breasts and ass. When she asked my opinion it was phrased as "do you think Mark would like..." etc.

I ultimately directed her towards the purple number, having no idea what 'Mark' would like, but knowing that it certainly caused the desired reaction in my nether regions.

Shopping complete Megan suggested lunch on the patio of one of our favorite local restaurants. Settling down with a wine spritzer for her and a craft lager for me she informed me of our plans for the rest of the day.

After lunch I was to take her to a local spa where she had booked a massage and nail treatment. Following that I would drive her to see her hairdresser to get her hair done. When I suggested that it might just be more practical for her to drive herself to these appointments she fixed me with a look. Clearly my servitude was meant to include ALL aspects of our day.

When we got home I was to mow the lawn and tidy up while she got ready. She had prepared a salad for dinner that morning which I could bring to us on the deck prior to Mark arriving at 7.

Megan told me that Mark seemed fond of martinis on their dates so she asked me to ensure that I had the necessary ingredients on hand to prepare him one. Upon his arrival we would meet and then I was to let them have some privacy in the living room with their drinks. Megan would inform me when it was time to come upstairs and take my place in the guest room.

She relayed all of this to me calmly and cooly from behind her large sunglasses. She had no discernible tone, teasing, mirthful or otherwise. Just matter of fact. 'This is what's happening'. I was grateful that our table was a a reasonable distance from the next one as anyone listening would clearly wonder what kind of marriage I had signed up for.

With all of the day's tasks finally complete and dinner finished Megan left me to clean up while she went upstairs to relax in the bath before getting dressed for Mark. I received a text message several minutes later asking me to bring her dildo to the bath. I had to read the message twice, but it was quite clear. By that point in the day very little was surprising to me. I retrieved it from the drawer of her nightstand and brought it to the bathroom where she smiled at me sweetly.

"Thanks love" she smiled to me from the bath, accepting the large silicon phallus in one hand. As I looked down into the clear water I could see that she was using her other hand to rub slow circular motions around her clit. "I'm just going to warm myself up a bit for him".

I nodded dumbly and stood in the doorframe as my wife slid herself down enough to be able to elevate her pelvis just out of the water. Her bottle of Nair and a razor were laying on the side of the tub and I could see that she had ensured that not a hair would disrupt the soft smoothness of her bare pussy tonight. She poured a dollop of shampoo into her hand and then used it to soap up the dildo and the area around her entrance. I continued to watch slack jawed as she eased the fat head of the dido past her lips.

"Get, you!" she giggled at me as she realized I was still watching. "Shoo! This is private!"

When she finally emerged from the bedroom she looked like a million bucks. The new lingerie was covered by a killer black dress that was held onto her body by a long zipper that ran the length of one side. The material struggled to contain both her breasts and her large bum. It was moments until 7pm.

I'd have to say that 'greeting-the-man-who-has-just-shown-up-to-fuck-your-wife' will permanently stay atop the 'most surreal moments in my life' list. He was taller than I expected and it was emphasized as Megan reached her arms way up to reach around his neck, embracing and kissing him.

"Honey, this is Mark"

For someone who was considerably younger than me he carried himself with an admirable confidence. While he was certainly in the 'alpha' position I still assumed he would be approaching tonight with a degree of discomfort or uncertainty.

"It's great to meet you!" he said with a firm handshake. My mind immediately jumped to the fact that his large hands had already touched my wife all over her naked body and been inside of her.

"It's really cool that you're ok with this, and thanks for letting me, well... have sex with Megan" he said with a disarming grin, addressing things head on. "She's really wonderful and I promise she'll enjoy herself, just like you guys want". Megan had kept all of her conversations and emails with Mark private from me (again citing that it would make her uncomfortable if I was eavesdropping on their communications). In turn I had no idea what she had told him to this point.

"You're gonna listen in the other room, huh? That should be fun" he said with a broad smile that seemed designed to be encouraging.

Reeling form the absurdity of it all I asked if I could fix them a drink. "I understand you like martinis" I managed.

The two of them took a seat on the living room couch as I made my way to the kitchen. I could hear them talking and laughing easily as I poured Megan a glass of wine and fixed Mark's martini. I allowed myself a small grin as I envisioned myself spiking it with something to knock him out. For good measure I cracked a beer for myself.

Returning to the couch I saw that Megan had curled up into Mark's lap. His right arm was wrapped over her shoulder and his large hand was palmed around her breast. He kneaded and squeezed it openly in front of me as he accepted his drink with his free hand, offering thanks and compliments after a quick sip.

"I'll let you know when we need anything else hon?" Megan said curtly, with a smile.

Having no plan for when I was 'dismissed' I returned to the kitchen and looked around for a moment. With nothing better to do I made my way over to the family room with my beer and flicked on ESPN.

About half an hour later I was summoned by text message for refills. Mark was laid back against one of the couch cushions. His dress shirt had been pulled from his jeans and several buttons were undone. His hair was tousled and it appeared Megan had been running her hands through it. She was leaning over him and her dress was slid up and over her ass. I could now see all of her sexy purple panties.

I didn't get much attention from either of them as Megan simply asked me to put the drinks on the side table before leaning back down to begin making out with him again. I retrieved their empties and watched from the kitchen doorframe for a minute as she lustfully kissed Mark.

To this point I had been wrapped up in the surreal nature of the evening, but seeing Megan in passionate embrace with him drew my thoughts back to what had started all of this in motion so long ago. As his hand slipped up and began to squeeze my wife's round bum through her panties I hesitated to watch. It looked fucking hot and I wanted to see more! But embarrassment about watching my wife in person (and being turned on by it) drove me back towards the TV and sports highlights. I sat on the couch, with the volume lowered, straining to hear any bits of conversation or noises. My hand soon dropped toward my lap and I gently rubbed around my head as I replayed the image of them together.

They went for about another 15 minutes before I received another text.

"Please take the rest of that bottle of wine as well as two glasses up to the bedroom. I've set out some candles. Please light them. We'll be going upstairs shortly. I love you."

My hands were shaking as I retrieved the wine and glasses. I took the far stairs up to the bedroom as it was closer from the kitchen. Upon entering our bedroom I saw that Megan had certainly prepared it for the evening. The blinds were drawn and the two lamps were dimmed and covered with a gauzy fabric that she occasionally used to enhance the mood. I used a set of matches laid out by a variety of scented candle to light them and noticed that tubes of lube had been placed on each of our bedside tables. The linens had been changed to Megan's favorite high thread count set.

I couldn't help my curiosity so I came back down the front stairs, quietly arriving at the far end of the living room.

The two of them were standing in the middle of the room, kissing passionately. Megan's dress had been discarded and she wore only the lingerie I had helped her select. Mark was down to just a basic pair of black boxer briefs. As I rounded the stairs I could see that one of Mark's hands was down inside Megan's underwear, fingering her.

She saw me come down the stairs and broke their kiss briefly to look over at me.

"Everything's ready" I confirmed softly.

"Thanks" she murmured back. She held my gaze for a moment, longer than expected, and she gave me a soft smile.

She turned back to Mark, but this time instead of kissing him again she slowly sunk down to her knees in front of him. I watched in awe, unable to move.

My wife reached up and slid her fingers into the waistband of his underwear, dragging them out and downward. I will never forget the visual of them sliding down his legs and his big cock coming into view right in front of my wife's face. He stepped out of them and Megan lifted her hand to his penis, raising it. He was somewhere in between soft and hard, and even in that state it looked impressive. Given how they were positioned sideways to me I had a perfect view of the silhouette of it, sticking out from him and pointed straight at my wife's face. It was darker than mine and looked positively huge.

Megan turned back towards me. She clearly knew that I was still there. I was expecting to be dismissed, but she just gave me a knowing smile as she held his cock up. Without any words needing to be said she made clear that I should take note of the size difference.

I watched entranced as she leaned her mouth towards him and began to lick around his oversized head and up and down his shaft. Having watched our fair share of porn over the years I can honestly say it was the hottest blowjob I had ever witnessed. As she licked, he got longer and she began to take him into her mouth, slowly using her saliva to twist one hand up and down the bottom of his shaft that she couldn't fit into her mouth.

Unable to contain myself I slid a hand down into my pants and encircled my own, much more modest, erection.

Megan sucked Mark's thick cock in front of me for close to five minutes before eventually raising back up to her feet.

"Ready boys?" she said softly, for the first time actually acknowledging that I was still in the room.

Taking Mark by the hand she led him towards me and the stairs. I simply stepped aside and let them pass. She had her eyes on the top of the stairs, but Mark gave me a wide grin as he passed by me. Understanding that I should follow them up the stairs I padded up the carpet behind them.

Megan came to a stop midway down the hallway when she had reached the upstairs guest room that adjoined ours. With her hand still holding Mark's she turned back to face me.

"Love you" she said.

"Love you" I whispered back.

"Enjoy" She murmured with a soft grin.

"Also, I put out some towels in there. Don't forget that your sister and the kids are coming to stay overnight tomorrow. I don't want too big a clean up job...so try and aim when you orgasm, huh?"

With those final instructions I stood at the door to the guest room, my erection tenting my pants, as my wife disappeared into our bedroom with another man. She closed the door behind them.

And that's how I came to find myself two hours later, standing naked, leaning against the shared wall of the bedroom with my much smaller pink penis in my hand. It was coated in a layer of white aloe vera lotion which Megan had set out in the guest room for me. She later explained that she had selected it in case my skin began to get irritated from me rubbing too much. Wise selection.

Once I had been able to hear them getting going I came virtually immediately. The first ten minutes had been relatively quiet and I assumed they were just making out. But I could soon hear Megan telling Mark that she wanted it.

Listening to her talk about his dick made me instantly hard and I was soon stroking my own. I had my ear up against the wall in an effort to hear what they were saying.

"It's so fucking big Mark"

"I'm so excited"

"You'll have to go slow to start"

"No, never this big"

"I guess his is about 5 or 6 inches or something. Not very big."

"It looks so hot all lubed up like that"

I listened as he placed his dick at my wife's vagina and began to enter her.

I had never heard her make noises like that. In hindsight I imagined that some of the stuff she was saying might have been for my benefit. She knew that I would be able to hear and this moment had been the driving force of my fantasy for so long... my wife Megan was taking another man's huge cock inside of her.

I had discarded my pants and underwear virtually immediately upon closing the door of the guest room. As I now frantically tugged at my dick I found my shirt to be getting in the way. I wrenched it from my body and tossed it over to the bed.

"Oh, fuck!... yesssssssss. It's in me!"

I unleashed a torrent of cum onto the wall that I was pressed up against. I recalled Megan's instructions but was so awash in the moment I knew it would have to be dealt with later. I stroked and rope after rope arced from my penis... the orgasm I had been fantasizing about for ages. The one where my wife is actually fucking another man!

I would have given anything to be in the room watching by the bed as she took his cock inside of her. However, with hindsight I came to realize that her choice had likely been sound. Having me ejaculating everywhere as she experienced that moment would certainly have been distracting.

I finally sank to the floor, reaching for a towel and wiping down the cum streaked wall. I lay up against the wall as my penis shrunk, listening to my wife experiencing the kind of sexual pleasure she had never encountered before.

This is not some porno story where the male has some kind of Herculean stamina and fucks his subject for hours without cumming. The reality is they both came. Frequently.

There were down moments where I could tell they were just kissing or getting things back up and going again. I could occasionally hear Megan refilling their wine or going for a glass of water. But, if anything was impressive it was Mark's recovery rate.

And it was clear that he was exceptionally skilled in bed.

I knew that he was doing things to my wife that she had never experienced before.

Not wanting to miss out on anything I stayed at the wall essentially throughout. When my legs got tired from standing I would sit on the floor with my ear pressed up to the wall. When I could, I masturbated. Climaxes were usually triggered by hearing my wife saying something particularly surprising or kinky. I thought that I had control of my pace at one point as I heard Megan moan out that she wanted Mark to cum on her face.


I groaned to myself as my penis began to unload in my hand.

At around the two and half hour mark Megan finally brought the proceedings to an end, uncertain that her vagina could take any more from Mark's considerable endowment.

I gratefully sprawled back on the bed. My semi was a swollen bight red and I slathered it in a light layer of lotion. Knowing that they were done I decided to simply leave my dick alone. I did not require another orgasm. Frankly, the last couple had barely produced much. I surely needed fluids. My balls ached.

I could hear them talking in the other room.

Finally a knock on the door and a voice through it.

"Hey, thank you man. That was great and Megan was incredible in bed. Hope you enjoyed yourself!'

This fucking guy...

I lay there until Megan had seen him off and returned. Opening the door she looked at me ruefully, sprawled on the bed. She hooked a finger at me indicating that I was now allowed out.

"You look exhausted" she laughed as she led me towards our bedroom. She was still naked and looked like she had been seriously fucked. Her hair was a mess, her ass was a bright shade of pink from being spanked, and her breasts had visible hand prints and hickeys around her nipples where they had clearly been sucked deeply into Mark's mouth.

Our room looked like a bomb had gone off in there.

"Let's clean up tomorrow" she said with a content sigh.

It only ever happened the one time. As of the next morning things were back to normal with Megan. Assuming that we should talk about things I attempted to bring it up around breakfast but she simply held a finger up to her lips and mimed a 'shhh' with a sheepish smile.

My sister, her husband, and my two nephews arrived early that afternoon. Megan was the perfect hostess, serving lunch and then working to prepare dinner as we all visited. After a wonderful dinner in the backyard the kids went to play in the basement as the adults retrieved drinks. We visited for a couple of hours in the living room. The same living room where just hours ago I had watched my wife take out another man's large cock and proceed to give him a blowjob while making me watch. My head was still spinning.

It took about a week before we had sex again. While Megan clearly didn't want to re-explore what had taken place that night she was straight forward with me about the fact that her vagina would need a bit of rest after repeatedly taking Mark's battering ram of a dick.

No real argument from my side. I had done a number on my own penis. Enough so that Megan laughed when she saw its red and inflamed state while I showered the following day.

She seemed to have dropped any elements of dominance that had entered our relationship in the lead up to her encounter with Mark. I didn't push her to talk about it and I certainly didn't introduce any of the fantasy into the bedroom.

Given Megan's behavior in the run-up to everything I had developed a gnawing fear that I had somehow unlocked something in her. I had was initially worried that she would continue to explore this fantasy and want to fuck other guys post-Mark.

As days went by and things had seemingly returned to normal I began to believe that wasn't the case. She was my sweet, loving wife.

Bubbly and enjoyable to be around.

Fun in bed.

Not having sex with other guys...

In turn, I tucked all wife sharing fantasies away and it seemed that a 'truce' of sorts had been reached.

With time to think about it I considered some of the possibilities. Had I simply been pushing too hard at the Hotwife fantasy when circumstance happened to drop someone in Megan's lap that actually made her consider it?

Was seeing it through with Mark her way of actually fulfilling my fantasy for me, despite my seeming discomfort? Did she view it as some kind of benevolent act to actually make my fantasy come true?

Or was she simply offering a warning? Showing me that if I were to push the boundaries of fidelity in our bedroom that she would eventually show me what my fantasy actually looked like in person.


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