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Wife Watching Ch. 01


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When Tuesday arrived and dinner was finished, Teri began to get ready for her evening at Dana's. She took some time to put some makeup on, even though she does not need any, due to her beautiful face and perfect, clear skin. But, she didn't overdo it with the make up. When she appeared in the bathroom while I was bathing the girls, she did look very hot. Black leggings with just a hint of camel toe, and beige blouse were her choice for tonight, which was not unusual in any way for her. My heart was beating so hard when I kissed Teri goodbye as she was leaving for Dana's, she had to feel it herself. I tried not to let on, but needed to see what would happen tonight.

I got the girls to bed, and then, as I sat down by myself, my stomach started to ache. Was she just visiting Dana by herself, or would Johnny be there too? Again, is Dana involved in all of this? I paced and paced, going over so many possibilities. When Teri wasn't home at 10:30, I knew that I had to go to bed, but also knew I would not sleep. I texted her to see if she was okay, and got a quick reply. "IM ON MY WAY HOME NOW. I'LL SEE YOU IN A BIT."

I got into bed and soon after, Teri came in the front door. She checked on the girls and went into the bathroom. When she came to bed, I cuddled in behind her, rubbing my hand over her ass to see if she was wearing panties as usual, but she didn't have any on. "I'm kind of tired, ok Pete?" Teri suggested.

"Yeah, no problem, Ter," I replied. We spooned but nothing more happened. Soon, Teri was lightly snoring, and I was wide-awake.

I tossed for a bit, and then had an idea. I got up and went into the bathroom, closing the door tightly behind me. I saw the clothes hamper next to the sink, and opened it. On top of the pile were the leggings she wore to Dana's, along with the blouse and bra that she wore as well. There were no panties in with these items. As I dug deeper, I found a black thong buried near the bottom, and it was still warm. As I raised it out from the other clothes, it was clearly soaked and stained. I saw the silvery gunk spread all across the crotch panel. I brought the wet panel to my mouth, extending my tongue to see if it had a salty flavor. And it did.

My cock became hard instantly, and I found myself feasting on the illicit drool from her panties, while kneeling on the floor next to the toilet. I felt the humiliation that my wife was out fucking someone while I was at home, watching our girls; that I was getting off by tasting his cum from the gusset of her thong. My mind went to last week, when I had fucked her with Johnny's cum still draining from her. As i suckled on the thin fabric of her thong, I envisioned Teri pushing Johnny's semen into my mouth after licking it up off my cock when we finished.

When I returned to bed, Teri was lying in the same position as when I had gotten up. Once under the covers, she turned to face me, and then kissed me. She slipped her tongue inside my mouth, tasting for a bit. I could tell that she recognized the salty cum I had just lapped up.

Teri looked into my eyes, and said, "Did you go into the hamper, Pete?"

"I did. I tasted him."

"You know, don't you?"

"Yes, I do. I saw you. And I've never been so aroused."

"Saw me? How did y..."

"From the window, when you were on the sofa, and he was going down on you. I could have stopped it; I could have walked in, but I just watched as he..."

"I didn't mean for you to find out like that. I'm so sorry. I couldn't help myself."

"I still love you Teri..." and I paused for a moment, "I want to watch you again, but not from outside a window."

Teri reached into my crotch and found my cock stone hard. "It turns you on, doesn't it, Baby?" I responded with a kiss.

My hand moved to her thigh as she lay facing me, on her left side. Teri didn't move to stop me, so my trembling fingers wandered higher on her thigh, towards the heat of her pussy. She kissed me hard as I felt the wetness between her legs. I kissed back, while my middle finger parted the wet, pink folds and pushed an inch into her kitty. She moaned in my ear.

Teri whispered, "Baby, I'm so wet!"

"I want to taste you," I whispered back.

"Are you sure? It's nasty down there. He came a lot. Some of it is still..."

I nodded. As she lay on her side, I raised one leg up high, parting her legs and causing her nighty to slide up near her hips. We kissed deeply before I made my way down her petite body. Teri rolled onto her back and parted her legs as I kissed her breasts through the nightgown. She lifted her hips off the bed long enough to hike her nighty up to her waist.

I stopped to kiss the bare skin just below her navel that was now exposed. Teri gazed down at me as my tongue trailed its way along the supple skin, until it met the hood of her clitoris. Her hands cupped my head, silently begging for attention to the hardened button beneath. I used my left hand to part the labia wide, pulling the button from beneath its protective sheath. My tongue flicked over the nubbin, eliciting a groan as her grip tightened. I sucked gently on it, knowing that it drives her over the edge quickly.

"Stop, Pete. Just eat me. I need you to eat me now! Eat his cum!"

My cock was dripping, and I was dizzy with her filthy talk. I took each hand and grasped the backs of her thighs, raising her legs straight up, and parted them enough to get my face into her sloppy slit. I looked for it; his liquid deposit collected at the base of her labia, in the form of a heavy pearled teardrop. It was not unlike my own milky fluid, but insanely more erotic. I pushed my finger into it, proving it was not just a dream.

My tongue extended, licking at the dollop of silvery goo. Teri rested her feet on my shoulders and her hands coveted my head as I began to savor the gooey mess. My mouth covered her entire vulva. My nose pressed into her clit while my chin rubbed against her perineum. Delving my tongue inside and extracting more of Johnny's cum caused me to begin humping the bed sheets under me. My cock needed release, as I sampled my wife's wet cunt.

As my saliva mixed in with their juices, I began to move upward, finding again my wife's engorged clitoris. I licked and kissed and then began sucking on the meaty flesh. I heard her above me, shaking and groaning aloud. "Ohhh fuck!, Ohhh fuck!" she proclaimed. I kept it in my mouth, pinching it between my lips, sucking on it, pinching it again, until I felt Teri's legs begin to quake. Her head began to buck forward and back as the throes of her climax took her over.

As she came aloud, I felt the onset of my own orgasm. I humped hard, rubbing my granite-like cock into the soft cotton sheets. As my wife climaxed into my mouth, my ejaculate jetted from me, drenching the sheets. Our pulses slowed, and I kissed lightly all over her vulva, as my belly lay in my own pool of semen. Teri pulled me back up to where she lay. She looked at me; first into my eyes, and then at the glaze that coated me from chin to eyebrows.

"I love you so much, Pete," Teri reminded me.

"I know. I love you too Teri."

"I've just been so horny lately, and it just..." my wife offered. I shushed her right there. No need to go over that now. We lay there, in the quiet of our bedroom, just holding each other for a long while. We then got up and showered together, before returning to bed. We both fell into a very restful sleep.

The weekend arrived, yet we made no mention of our very erotic evening on Thursday.

It wasn't until Sunday afternoon, the girls were in front of the TV, and we were tidying up in the kitchen. Teri came up to me from behind, wrapped her arms around my chest, and whispered in my ear, ""Do you remember what you said the other night?"

I turned to look straight down at my diminutive wife, with her returning my gaze. "Yes. I love seeing you satisfied, even if it isn't with me. I do know that you'll come back to me. I love you so much and I know you love me too. I understand how horny you get, and I know that it is just sex with you and him."

"Are you sure? It's okay if you don't want to. I mean, if it's just a fantasy for you. I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to."

"Teri, I'll be okay."

"Alright, then, Tuesday night I will be staying home. Once the girls are asleep, you will get your wish. It is all set." Teri reached in to kiss me, and then immediately turned away, swaying her hips as I was left there standing still, trying to figure out what she had planned. I could feel my heart beating soundly. I had two days to worry and fantasize about what my sexy wife had in store for me, and for us.

Tuesday at work was chaotic. I was a basket case. I had already witnessed them together, but what was in store for me tonight? Did Dana know that she was 'borrowing' the boy for OUR pleasure? How would Johnny react to Teri having him perform in front of her husband? Would this be the beginning of the end of us? What if the guys at work found out? Such were the torturous thoughts of a husband who was willing to allow another man into his own bed and have sex with his wife. Such were the agonies of the cuckold. Is that what I am? Needless to say, not much got done at work, and the day dragged on, oh, so slowly.

On Tuesday night, as I told them their bedtime stories, Teri was preparing herself in the bathroom. A bath drawn, the hum of her razor over her satiny skin, and the whine of the hair dryer put me into a near panic attack. Reading from one of their favorite books made me realize that it would all happen soon. I had to adjust my position, because my cock was beginning to react to thoughts of what my night would bring.

Teri whisked past the doorway on her way to our bedroom. She came back as I was finishing up the last story. We both kissed each girl goodnight. My heart started pounding. We turned on the nightlight and then turned off the ceiling light as we left their bedroom.

She told me, "It's time for you to go downstairs. I will text you when to come up." I looked at my wife, clad snugly in her bathrobe, not showing any hints of what was under, except that her feet were clad in either nylons, or tights. Teri's hair was coifed, and her face looked ravishing. Her finger nails were shiny red, and she smelled of lavender. We kissed and I left her to get ready in our room. About ten minutes later, the text appeared and I came up as told. When I entered the room, candles lit the entire place, giving our bed a warm yellow glow. Teri was standing in front of me, wearing a black lace bra and lace booty shorts, thigh highs, and 6" stilettos. She looked stunning. Teri stepped back behind a walnut chair she brought up from the dining room sometime earlier.

"Take off all of your clothes, Peter," Teri commanded calmly. I quickly un-tucked my shirt and pulled it over my head, tossing it to the floor. I then removed my socks and unbuckled my pants. I let them slide off, displaying the bulge that stretched my underwear over my aroused dick. I dispensed of them as well, standing in front of her like a child, awaiting further instructions.

"Sit here," she directed. I sat in the chair, my arms resting on the wooden arms of the chair. Teri told me to close my eyes, and as I did, I heard her open the closet door. I squinted one eye open to see her removing two of my dress ties from within. I felt her take my left hand and wrap it up, pinning my forearm to the chair. My cock twitched as her breasts brushed across my body as she tied the other arm. Teri pulled out her phone and made the call.

"Yes, come on up. He's ready." A few moments passed and then our bedroom door opened, and in walked Johnny. I felt like throwing up. In the same way that I wanted to lunge at him for taking my wife from me, I also wanted him to mount her, right her and right now. He looked right at Teri, not toward me at all, and kissed her hard. He was wearing black jeans, a T-shirt, and runners. They embraced, and it felt different than last week when I was catching my wife in the act. This was at my bidding, and I was already losing control of the situation, which I think was making me aroused most. My stiff cock twitched more, beginning to drip precum as I watched Teri caressing his young body.

Teri pulled back slightly and introduced me, "This is Pete. He's the one who asked for you to visit.

Johnny nervously said, "Uhhh, Hi."

I waved as much as I could with my hand, since my wrist was held to the arm of the chair. I dared not talk at this point, as it would likely give away my nervousness. He checked out my restraints and turned his attention back to my wife. I might as well have been ten miles away, because the two of them looked at each other and caressed like long lost lovers. The two were very focused for the next few moments. I wanted to rub my cock, but that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. I looked down at my rigid cock, seeping its fluid down the underside.

Off came his shirt, and then Teri knelt down to take care of the jeans and shorts. As the pants fell to the floor, I was startled as the door to our bedroom opened. I panicked, as I fully expected that Mallory (our 3 year old) was walking in on her daddy submissively watching mommy playing with a young new cock. Teri and Johnny turned their attention to the intruder as well. It was Dana.

You have to know something about Dana. She has always been a dominant woman, juxtaposed to her much younger sister, Teri. She ruled the roost with her husband before the divorce. He could take neither her power, nor her influential presence. Dana is not just a woman who exudes authority; she is beautiful, and charming. I wanted to throw up again. What the fuck was she doing here. She saw the two of them, and then turned to me.

Dana smiled, first eye-to-eye, and then as she examined my hard cock on display. I wanted to cover up, but was already a prisoner to whatever was to happen. "That IS a nice cock, T!" Dana told her sister as Teri fished out the oddly shaped cock from Johnny's shorts. "I don't know why you've kept this all to yourself. I think he'd be a nice fit inside me! You know that I could teach him a few things..." Dana extended her gloved fingers to brush over the tip of my dick, spreading the already drooling precum over the spear-shaped head. At this point, I noticed Dana's attire. All black leather, her DD cups spilling over a shiny bustier, skinny pants form fitted from her slender ankles to her full, round ass. The outfit was complete with those black satin gloves.

Dana stands about 5'11", and with her heels on, she would tower over me if I were to (or could) stand up. Her fire-red hair was pulled into a ponytail, and her face was painted to perform. I've only heard about some of her outfits from Teri, and have never seen her naked, but I have fantasized about those humungous breasts. It became crystal clear that she orchestrated the tryst between my wife and this young man.

She again looked me in the eye, and said, "You didn't' think that I was going to lend out my boy toy without at least being present did you?" As Dana kneeled next to me, she proceeded to run her fingers along my frenulum. Gliding from the ridge of my cock head, right down to my ball sack, she blurted, "Hey, T, his balls are tightening already. I think he's going to cum really quick." She leaned into my hand as she teased my balls, allowing my left hand to feel the lush cleavage of her bustier. Two of my fingers slipped beneath the leather, finding the oversized areola of her left breast, and then the fully erect rubbery nipple.

Teri, who now had Johnny's cock in her hands, looked at me placed her mouth over the head of the boy's cock. She then told her sister, "You better tell Peter the rules." Dana stood up in front of me, and leaned once again into my hand. This time, the shiny, taut leather crotch of her pants rubbed into the back of my left hand. I kept my fingers gripping the chair, so as not to become even more aroused by my sister-in-law. The warmth of her leathered twat bathed my hand for a time and then she retreated.

Dana looked at me while my wife continued to suck his dick. She then laid out the rules, "Well, Peter, your wife and my boyfriend have agreed to grant you your wish to see the two of them fuck right in front of you. That is, if you are able. We've decided that, to show your appreciation, when you are no longer able to control yourself, then the show is over. If you cum, then you will not be allowed to stay in your own bedroom. You will be sent downstairs while we have our fun up here. Do you understand this Peter?"

I answered without thinking. "Yes." I gazed at my nearly naked wife, on her knees, sucking off Johnny. At this point, Dana began using a second hand to stimulate my cock. "Please stop," I begged. Teri moaned as she took Johnny's cock deep into her mouth. Dana released my cock, but continued to bait me.

"Oh, Pete, he really does know how to make women moan, you know. His cock doesn't go as deep as yours can, I'm sure, but look at that thick ol' head of his! It really fills the void, and even more so in her mouth. Right, T?"

My wife exaggerated her cocksucking motions, slurping and moaning. "Oh, God, yes!" Teri answered, lifting his bulbous head aside and licking down his cock to his balls. Johnny stood beside the bed and twisted Teri's hardened nipples, while she sucked away at his gonads. "I love licking his balls," Teri said, "and I will kiss you after, if you want."

Dana again fondled my cock. She whispered in my ear, "He REALLY loves cumming in a girl's mouth, or all over her face if she likes it that way. That thick head really tickles the back of your throat when his cock goes off."

I continued watching Teri work her mouth magic on the 19-year-old boy's erect cock. She took the thick bulb into her mouth and laved it lovingly, swirling over and under, as he jutted his hips toward her.The fear of orgasm was becoming a real possibility for me. Dana continued, "I hear you enjoyed kissing your wife last week, after Johnny left?"

I looked at Dana but she wouldn't look back at me. I didn't answer. Dana then gripped my cock with both hands and began to forcefully squeeze it as she jacked me off. "Did you REALLY go down on Teri after she left my house, the other night? After my horny little fuck buddy pounded your wife's pussy?"

"Please, Dana, noooo," my face told her that I was really afraid that I would cum very soon. She stopped her fingering of my dick.

"Tell me the answer, or I'll finish you right now. Is that what you want? Right before he bends T over your bed and fucks her hard? "

"No," I whimpered, "I mean, yes, it was exciting. I did."

I looked down at my cock and saw a steady stream of precum drizzle down my shaft.

"T, get over here." Dana commanded my wife. "Sit down and show Peter how wet Johnny has made you. My wife left Johnny's cock as he stood by, and did as told. Sitting propped up against the bed, Teri spread her legs wide, and wiggled her ass towards me, her knees high up. Her stilettos slid along the floor and hooked the chair I was sitting on. Her pussy was now fully exposed to me; the pink folds slathered in her excited juices. She slid two fingers into her pussy. Johnny followed behind and stood beside her, offering her his swollen cock again. Teri took him again in her mouth.

While I watched her pleasing the young boy, Dana pointed to my wife's exposed pussy and announced, "Pete, if you want to get involved here, I bet you could get your big toe in there, and feel how wet my boyfriend has made her." Immediately, I stretched out my legs, sliding to the edge of the chair, as far as my restraints would allow. As my big toe came into contact with my wife's swollen labia, I could hear Teri moan as her mouth withdrew along his cockhead. I extended my toe against her clit, rubbing the nubbin with it. Teri moved her hips to me so that my big toe was able to penetrate her and soak in her warm pussy.

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