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Wife's Beach Vacation Pt. 03

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Things heat up to the next level on an adventure at sea.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/11/2021
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*This is part 3, the story builds on itself so it's best to read 1 and 2 before. Again it includes cheating spouses. The negative comments don't bother me, but it is amazing how many people who don't like the cheating aspect will see the rosa-blanca.ru, read this disclaimer, still read the whole story, and then leave a comment about how they hate the cheating. This one is longer than I intended but its my favorite chapter yet. There will be either 1 or 2 more. All participants 18+


I hung up the phone with a mix of annoyance, guilt, and relief. I was annoyed that Ali was too drunk or distracted to talk to me and then hung up. She sounded weird but maybe it was just a bad connection. I couldn't be too upset though given what I'd just done. At least she didn't seem to suspect anything.

With Chloe still in the bathroom, I was about to grab my stuff along with some bottled waters and head to the pool to find Ali when my phone rang. Picking it up, I saw that it was my boss.

"Shit," I muttered to myself as I watched it ring. After a moment I realized I was not going to be able to avoid answering, so I did.


"Tom!" said my boss, Ethan, almost shouting. "Tom, how are you?" He sounded drunk, and I remembered he was on vacation too this week.

"Doing fine, boss. What can I do for you?"

"Are you and your wife still in Fort Lauderdale? We are sailing my yacht up from South Beach tomorrow and we've got some extra space. We'd love to have you join us."

Ethan started our consulting firm from

nothing. He's a prototypical entrepreneur, high-energy and demanding, but treats his employees well and is generous and fair to those who work hard for him. I genuinely like and respect him even if I don't always love the demands of the job.

"Uh, sure Ethan, that's very nice. Just tell us where to be and when." He told us where to meet him the next morning. This actually sounded like fun. I couldn't wait to tell Ali. She loved being on boats.


Chloe and Darren left in a hurry late that afternoon, and I felt that Chloe was acting a little weird. I was so tired that I didn't really care, I was just ready to crash.

Tom told me over dinner that his boss had invited us out on his yacht the next day. I was excited about being on the open water. I called the baseball coach who still had the players locked in the hotel so there'd be no need for me tomorrow. We had an early start to the next day so we pretty much just went to bed after dinner.

The next morning, we met Ethan at the marina at 7:30 and boarded his yacht, which was an extremely impressive 70 footer. We were the last to board as the rest on board had embarked from South Beach at sunrise.

Ethan introduced us to everyone on the deck. There was Rick the IT guy and his wife Tracy. Sam the lead salesman and his wife, Lara. Bill the accountant and his girlfriend, Mary. Ashley the office manager and her husband Chad. Ethan was the only one uncoupled on the boat. As far as staff, there was only the bartender Jill on deck. During a brief tour we were introduced to the captain and a chef who I never saw again. The names and faces all blended together as I'm terrible with names, but I knew I'd have more time to meet everyone and learn the names.

Ethan was a high energy guy who seemed to radiate good vibes and good times. I could see immediately why Tom liked him and spoke highly of him.

After getting situated with drinks (a mimosa for me and a bloody Mary for Tom), we settled in on the main deck. There was breakfast but I was too excited to eat. Tom and I mingled for a bit and talked with the various people, who I enjoyed getting to know better.

Sam was an exceptionally good looking and charismatic blonde guy, and I could see why he succeeded in sales. His wife Lara was a petite blonde with blue eyes, a knockout whose company I also enjoyed. They seemed like a super fun couple.

Bill was a nice guy and good looking as well but a little awkward and stiff. His girlfriend Mary was a redhead and seemed to be an extreme extrovert. She was drunk already by the time we were introduced. To me they were an odd couple.

Ashley the office manager was a little older, maybe 45 and was nice enough, but made some comments under her breath about the skimpy swimsuits some of the women on deck were wearing. She struck me as kind of a stick in the mud. She seemed to have almost a disdain for her husband Chad, who seemed generally miserable.

Rick the IT guy was balding with a bad comb over and looked like a total nerd. I couldn't figure out how he got Tracy, a lovely soft spoken brunette with round cheeks and a curvy body. She had shoulder length hair and big brown eyes. She was gorgeous and seemed very nice.

Jill the bartender, a pretty and skinny 25-ish girl with a bubbly personality and wavy long blonde hair, did a good job of never letting our drinks empty. I was really enjoying myself and Tom seemed to be as well. I wanted to make a good impression on his coworkers.

"Slide's out!" yelled Ethan suddenly and I turned in his direction. To my surprise, the boat had stopped and dropped anchor, and a huge inflatable slide that went into the blue ocean had been blown up. It looked like fun!

Life jackets were distributed to those who wanted to slide, and everyone who hadn't already stripped to their swimsuits. I'd chosen my most modest 2 piece, a black one. I'd gotten a lecture from Tom about how today was not the time for my fleeting exhibitionist fantasy. As if I'd really expose myself to his coworkers.

The slide was fun and the water felt good, and we spent the rest of the morning playing on the slide and in the swimming pool on deck.

I was talking to Jill the bartender when I heard a commotion. It turns out Tracy had gone down the slide head first and lost her bottoms in the ocean. She looked completely humiliated as she stepped up onto the deck, doing her best to cover her pussy as she climbed the ladder bottomless. As Rick scrambled to get her a towel, a drunken Mary came to the rescue. Unzipping her life jacket, and jerking her top down, she shook her naked tits around and yelled, "Don't worry Tracy, naked solidarity!" Everyone laughed, even Tracy who was still blushing. Mary continued to let her tits hang out and walked around like that for several minutes. I caught Tom checking out her impressive rack several times. Bill looked humiliated and finally talked her into covering herself. By that time, Rick had arrived with a towel for Tracy.

Everything returned to normal after that, but I felt a little jealous, not only of Tom looking at Mary like that, but also because I felt my assets were as good as Mary's and how sexy it would be to show off. With a slight buzz going, I admit I got a little horny just thinking of how naughty being naked in front of this intimate group would be.

After a quick lunch on deck, the slide was deflated and retracted from the water. "Full steam ahead to the party island!"

"Party island?" I asked Tom.

"Yeah, apparently its some secluded island where there's just a big party going on. Ethan said its about a 90 minute trip from here."

We mingled and drank some more, and Ethan eventually stood up on the bar for an announcement. "Alright everyone remember, you'll have to have your passport with you. The island is technically part of the Bahamas."

"Passport? No one told us to bring it," said Tom.

Ethan looked embarrassed. "Oh man, I did forget to tell you, Tom. I can't tell you how sorry I am. You guys are welcome to stay on the boat and keep drinking, I'll get the chef to make you a private romantic meal."

"My passport's actually in my purse," I heard myself say.


I couldn't believe this. Not only could I not attend the party, but Ali was now going without me. I didn't call her out or get angry, mostly because I didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone. But also she seemed to be genuinely having fun and making friends with some of the girls on the boat.

I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to relax on a multi million dollar yacht with free drinks and great food. I could finally get started on reading my book.

The 10 passengers other than me departed on a smaller boat for the island. I waved goodbye to Ali and they said they'd be back shortly after sundown. I went and sat at the bar, admiring Jill as she made me a margarita. She was pretty and has a great ass, wearing what was basically a G string. There were worse people to be stranded on a boat with.

We chatted for a bit and after about 30 minutes I heard the motor of the smaller boat returning from the island. To my surprise, not only the captain but also Rick, Tracy, and Ashley appeared on deck.

"What are you guys doing back?" I asked. "Forget something?"

"No," sniped Ashley. "The island was celebrating something called Nude Day. You had to strip naked to get past a certain point. Chad wanted to stay and I was having no part of that."

"So, is another boat coming with the others?" I asked.

"Everyone else stayed, including Chad," said Ashley. She was clearly angry and in disbelief that her husband had defied her. Clearly this woman was used to getting her way.

"The party looked fun," said Tracy softly. "I wanted to go in at first but Rick didn't, and once I saw there were a couple hundred people there I lost my nerve anyway."

Rick just laughed nervously and said something that I didn't hear, because my head was about to explode.

So Ali was presumably going to get naked with a couple hundred strangers, plus several of my coworkers. Without me. She might already be nude. What the fuck?

I texted Ali. "Hey babe... ummm anything you want to tell me? Please tell me you've decided to head back"

She responded quickly. "Hi babe, don't be mad but I'm staying. It just felt rude not to, Ethan looked so disappointed when some people decided to bail."

"Ali, what the hell. Are you actually naked with my boss and my coworkers?"

"Yes, but don't worry, Lara is so pretty and her body is perfect. Everyone's probably only looking at her."

I felt dizzy, thinking of my wife with the petite Barbie doll Lara and the wild slutty Mary, who I'd heard some stories about, completely nude with the four males that had stayed, including my boss. Not to mention hundreds of others. Was she looking at their cocks? Would any of them dare touch her?

She must have taken my silence for some kind of approval. Another text came.

"Thanks for understanding Tom I knew you'd get that I was in a tough situation. I've gotta leave my phone in a locker here at the entrance. If you need me, text Ethan, he has a fanny pack they are letting him wear and so he'll have his phone. It's not big enough for me too." Then another text that made my heart sink. "The fanny pack that is ;)"

I was in disbelief. I obviously did not agree that she was in a tough spot, she should clearly be back on this yacht with me with her clothes on. But it was the second part of the text that made me furious. Not only was she naked in public without me, but she wouldn't have her phone. And then she had the nerve to make a joke implying that my boss had a big dick.

Angrily I texted "you can't even be bothered to keep your phone on you?" It was all I could think of to say.

"No babe, it's not as if I have pockets. See?"

A picture came through and it was the 7 of them, grinning at the camera and all completely naked, except for a few with sunglasses, and a small fanny pack on Ethan. Below it hung a dick that was somewhat big, not huge but it appeared to be bigger than mine. He stood to Ali's left, his right bicep seemed to be grazing the side of her left tit. Mary stood to Ali's right with an arm around each of Ali and Lara, who was on the far right. The other 3 guys stood behind the 3 girls.

Mary looked extremely sexy nude, fair skinned and freckly, slightly curvy but still somehow very athletic looking. She was grinning goofily and looked drunk. Ali wasn't kidding about Lara. Her body was perfect. She had great legs and a six pack. Her tits weren't overly huge but seemed to be custom designed for the exact dimensions of her petite frame. She was fairly tan with a slight bikini tanline. I found myself zooming in and wanting to see more of each of them, especially Lara. Ali of course looked gorgeous too and had a big smile on her face as if she were having the time of her life with good friends.

"Just keep me updated and please don't touch anyone," I texted, but there was no response. Ali was without her phone, or literally anything else.


My stomach was nothing but butterflies. Stripping totally naked in front of these people had been terrifying but also liberating. By the time I'd realized they weren't kidding about the nudity requirement and the shock had worn off everyone else except Lara was already naked and Rick, Tracy, and Ashley were already walking back toward the boat. Ashley did not look happy and yelled something over her shoulder angrily at Chad as she walked away.

"I- I need to go back," I stammered. "My husband wouldn't like this, I mean me being nude out here without him."

Ethan had frowned. "It's up to you," he said kindly. "But obviously this wasn't something you or any of us planned on. I think Tom would want you to have fun."

Ethan seemed like he truly felt bad about all of this and seemed bummed that some people had left. I knew he just wanted to be a good host and sympathized with how he was feeling. At the same time this is exactly what Tom had asked me not to do.

"Ali, if at any point you feel uncomfortable I'll call the boat to come get you," Ethan said.

"Come on!" a fully nude Mary exclaimed, bouncing over and grabbing me by the hand. She grabbed a still bikini clad Lara with her other hand. "We are gonna have so much fun. I heard they have an amazing pool."

Lara just smiled at me and the guys in our party all looked at me expectantly. "If it makes you feel better, Sam has some reservations about letting all these guys see my body, but at the end of the day he just wants me to have fun. I'll do this if you will."

I knew it wasn't really exactly the same because Sam was actually here on the island with us but Lara was convincing and reassuring nonetheless. Finally, I shrugged and blushed at the same time. "You guys are a bad influence on me, I can't believe I'm doing this."

As my husband's coworkers looked on, I turned my back and stripped completely naked, revealing everything. I felt like such a slut and it was making my body tingle all over. There is no way they didn't notice my nipples were hard as I turned around, my hands involuntarily covering my crotch. I saw that Lara, now naked had the same reaction and was covering up too.

"Damn, Ali. Tom is an extremely lucky man," said Ethan.

This made me feel good and more at ease, and for the first time, I noticed the bodies of my companions.

I felt totally inadequate next to Lara, who was extremely fit and toned and looked incredible.

Despite having a great body in her own right, Mary's outgoing personality and infectious smile was somehow the most noticeable thing about her. Ethan, Bill, and Sam were all toned and athletic. Chad had a more of a dad bod. Ethan and Sam had above average penises, I couldn't help but notice. Chad's and Bill's were more like Tom's.

Just then, I got a text from Tom, asking about why I hadn't come back. The conversation that ensued was uncomfortable, but I think he understood in the end. At least I hoped so.

After putting my phone in my our assigned locker, we walked toward the gate where people were congregating at the entrance to the party. There was a big banner that said WELCOME TO NUDE DAY. I was still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I was naked with several adults who I actually knew and might have to see again. I was given a red wristband after Ethan told the gatekeeper we were with him. It was all I was wearing aside from my rings.

There was a brief discussion about what activities we had the option to partake in. There was a large pool where most people seemed to be headed. There was also

jet skiing, horseback riding, and a hike up a small mountain that had scenic views. Mary and Bill immediately opted for the pool, and Chad decided to go with them.

Ethan, Sam, Lara and I decided to hike the mountain. We were told by a beautiful 40ish Hispanic woman with almost no tits that there was a massage therapist at the top giving massage lessons if we desired. That sounded relaxing, as did cooling off in the pool after our hike, which was said to be just under 3 miles round trip. We were handed tasty Caribbean beers as we started walking up the trail.

As we entered the trail head, there were wooden statues on each side of the trail, depicting men with huge penises dressed like some kind of native warriors guarding the trail. Sam snickered and whispered something to Lara. She elbowed him playfully and I heard her say "no way!" But she was already walking toward the statue on the left. She knelt before it and grabbed the wooden cock as if about to blow the statue, and everyone laughed. Sam ran up behind her and pretended to be doggystyle fucking her, "spit roasting" her between himself and the statue. Soon I did the same pantomime, mimicking her behavior with the other statue (minus the doggystyle). Ethan snapped a couple pictures of our shenanigans before we continued down the path, giggling like teenagers.

The trail was easy and not too steep, and the ground was mostly smooth enough to be easy on our bare feet. At one point, however, Lara stepped on a sharp pebble and shrieked. She was fine after a brief rest but playfully pretended she was injured and stated that Sam should carry her. We were still making jokes about it when suddenly Sam swept her off her feet and dipped the back of his head between her legs and then stood up, so that she was sitting on his shoulders. I was still laughing at her surprised squeal when I suddenly felt myself being lifted. Before I knew it, I was face to face with Lara, laughing hysterically.

Ethan and Sam handed us both our beers which had somehow not spilled and we continued down the trail on their shoulders. We passed plenty of nude people of all shapes, sizes, colors and ages. For sure, there were some old and overweight people but I was continually surprised how good looking the average person here was. Every guy that passed did a double take at Lara and me, and invariably when I'd look behind me after passing I'd catch the men trying to get a good look at our butts. Some looked away in shame and some just smiled at me. I always just gave a knowing smile, and I felt myself get slightly wet. I figured Ethan would just chalk the moisture on his neck to sweat, as there was plenty of that too on this hot day. I looked down quite a bit and saw Ethan's impressive cock rise and fall in hardness at different times. Periodically, Ethan would ask strangers passing by to take pictures of us.

At the halfway point of the trail, marked by a scenic overlook, the men were tired of carrying us. After they set us down, we took a few minutes taking pictures of the scenery and each other, and also having another woman who passed by snap a few group photos. Most of the pictures were goofy and playful, some were borderline naughty. But then everything felt naughty on this strange and beautiful Nude Day with my husband's coworkers.

I was without a doubt turned on as we continued up the slightly steeper second half of the trail. We finally reached the pinnacle, marked by another overlook with a waterfall close by. Near the edge of a dramatic cliff, there were a few massage tables set up.


I was feeling myself get very drunk as I awaited updates. I'd texted Ethan about 15 minutes after Ali's last text and requested periodic updates, but so far, an hour later, still nothing. Jill seemed sympathetic to my plight, which I'd laid out in detail while sitting at the bar having drink after drink. Ashley, Rick, and Tracy were hanging out in and around the pool behind me.

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