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Wife's Beach Vacation Pt. 03


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Finally, a text came in. It was Ethan.

"Hiking with Ali, Sam, and Lara. Chad, Mary, and Bill went to the pool. Pics of hike up the mountain coming."

A couple dozen pics came in, and I put my phone down face down and asked Jill for a tequila shot before I looked at them. Taking the shot, I flipped the phone back over and started scrolling.

The first pic was just another version of the pic Ali had already sent me, all 7 of them nude and smiling at the camera. I felt a little sick as I swiped on.

The next picture was of Lara, who was kneeling in front of some kind of statue as if she was blowing it, her perfectly shaped ass resting on her feet. She was looking back at the camera and smiling. I felt myself stiffen a little.

The next pic was of Lara and Sam, imitating a fairly realistic looking sex position with Lara pretending to suck the statue's cock and Sam standing behind her pretending to fuck her doggystyle. The picture was taken from the side, with Lara's tits visible hanging freely below her torso. The next photo was zoomed out to reveal that were identical statues on both sides of the trail. Lara and Sam were in the same position as before on the left side, but Ali was now pretending to blow the statue on the right. Out of the corner of her eye she was looking across the trail at Lara and Sam. The fury and worry that had somewhat subsided rose back up in me. Ali was naked with her coworkers which was bad enough, but she was now behaving like a slut and simulating oral sex. There was another picture that was almost identical but Ali was looking back toward the camera except maybe a little below it. I couldn't help but feel like she was looking at Ethan's dick. I couldn't help but wonder if Ethan had assumed the same doggystyle position on Ali.

There was no evidence of that, but the next pics were almost as bad. There were several pics of Ali and Lara riding on Ethan and Sam's shoulders, respectively. Everyone was glistening with sweat and I couldn't help but wonder what Ali's bare, sweaty, pussy felt like on the back of Ethan's neck. In at least one pic, Ali was clearly looking down the front Ethan's body at his dick, which appeared to be semi-hard. I groaned- it was almost more than I could handle.

"What's wrong?" Jill asked kindly. I had almost forgotten she was there. Distraught, I simply slid the phone across to her.

She looked at the picture and frowned. "Well it looks like they are having all the fun. We are only about a mile from them. If it's Nude Day there, its Nude Day here too. Walking around the bar in a way that made her slender hips look somewhat sultry, she asked "should we make our own Nude Day?"

Instead of waiting for an answer, she untied her top in the back and let it fall. A set small but perky B-cups was revealed. She then turned around and slowly peeled her panties to the floor, bending over as she went down. Her heart shaped ass was a thing of beauty.

"I wont be telling my boyfriend about our version of Nude Day."

Jill was beautiful. I noticed when she turned around and sat next to me that she had dark eyebrows and a dark landing strip, outing her as a natural brunette despite her wavy blonde hair. Her mesmerizing grey eyes accented a slender pretty face. She sat down on the barstool next to me and reached across the bar to grab a beer for each of us. Opening them, she leaned toward me and scrolled to the next pic.

It was a picture of Sam and Lara, standing together nude with a scenic backdrop of mountain and ocean.

"Lara's beautiful," Jill said. "I can't believe how fit she is."

The next pic was the same pose, but Ali and Ethan. Ethan had her arm around her shoulder and her tit was pressed up against his torso.

"Ali's beautiful too. Are you jealous that she's all naked with Ethan?"

"Of course I am. I mean, what is she thinking? She's never behaved like this until- well until the last couple days."

"It sounds like she just discovered that she's an exhibitionist. I am too. Nothing makes me feel more alive than being exposed to a stranger, like I am now. My boyfriend fucking hates it. I don't even cheat on him though. Maybe a couple handjobs, and once I got kinda tricked into judging a contest to see who had the biggest load between two of my guy friends, but that's not cheating. I mean it's not like I'd fuck these guys."

"It sounds pretty slutty," I mumbled.

We scrolled on. The next 3 pics were of Lara and Ali, and in each they were covering themselves up as if they had just found themselves in the nude in public and were embarrassed. In the last one, they each had their hands covering their tits, with their pussies exposed. Their expressions feigned surprise. Thinking of Ali clowning around naked with my coworkers did nothing for the pit in my stomach.

The guys joined them in the next 2 pics, and they were even worse. The girls obviously were looking at their semi hard cocks, acting as if they were shocked at their size and girth. Ali was covering her mouth in the first in mock surprise as she bent forward as if examining Ethan's cock, her face about 18 inches above it. In the second both girls were looking at both cocks from a few feet away with their eyes wide and mouths agape. It was whorish and I hated it.

"Do you have a big cock Tom? It seems like Ali likes big cocks. But I like all cocks. I like seeing them. Will you join me being naked on Nude Day? It's weird for me being the only one naked on this boat."

I took the hand she'd extended as she helped me stand up, then felt her pulling my swim trunks down. I didn't realize until my cock sprang free violently that I was fully erect. I told myself it was Jill but I feared it was partially the pictures of Ali too.

"Not as big as the others, but not terrible. And it looks like it works fine," she said, smiling. "Why don't we see what else Ali's up to?"

We each sat back down.

The next pic was Lara standing behind Ali groping her tits from behind, followed by the reverse. My cock got even harder if that was possible, even while jealousy continued to rage within me.

My heart sank at the next pic. It was Ethan standing behind Ali, just like Lara had. And just like Lara, he had his hands all over her tits. My naked wife was getting felt up by my boss outdoors in public while I was a mile away, powerless to do anything about it. I felt like crying.

Just them, Rick walked up. I expected Jill to be ashamed or make some excuse for us being naked, but instead she casually told him that the bar area was nude only, and then without hesitating she walked up to him and stripped his trunk's off too. His dick was tiny and flaccid.

"Rick, we need you to do something," she said, grabbing my phone. She handed it to him and said "take a pic when we are ready."

She pulled me off the stool, turned her back to me and wrapped my hands around her tits. Even in the stupor I found myself in, I was well aware of my dick poking her in the small of the back.

She nodded at Rick, who snapped a pic, looking bewildered. She snatched the phone from him, inspected the pic, tapped on the phone s few times, and said "well now Ali will know you're even."

Only then did I realize she'd sent the pic to Ethan. I snapped out of my daydream.

"Jill, what the fuck? Ali's going either be pissed or think I'm approving of her inappropriate behavior, and I'm trying to one up her. Or both. What if she starts touching their dicks or fucking them?"

"Then we'll just have to retaliate!" she said, and wrapped her small hand around my cock. It actually looked big in her petite hands. I instantly forgot about everything except the sexy naked 25 year old who was touching my dick. She pumped slowly a few times, and I was so on edge that I was worried I'd cum immediately. Jill must have seen it in my face.

"Someone was already hot and bothered watching their wife act naughty," she said, smirking. I felt shame and anger, and guilt. Suddenly I wanted to be anywhere but there, but what she was doing to my cock felt so good. I was cheating on my wife, with a witness.

Again, it was like Jill read my mind. "Handjobs aren't cheating, everyone knows that," she said. "Rick, bring that little boner over here."

Rick started to stammer something about how Tracy was right behind us, bur she cut him off.

"She's not looking, Rick. And like I said, it's not cheating. It's a handjob."

As I watched Rick slowly shuffle toward us, I found myself hoping that Ali understood handjobs to be cheating, after everything that had happened in the past couple days.

Jill grabbed hold of Rick's dick with her free hand. I had been on edge but for some reason the view of Jill with 2 penises in her hand was almost enough to put me over. With concentration I managed not to cum.

But Jill decided to be a tease. With both of us hard, she released her grips and started walking toward the pool. "Let's go tell the others about Nude Day." she said.


We were greeted at the summit by a trained masseuse, whose name was Marie. She was probably in her late forties and would have been in great shape for a 20 year old. She had long brown hair with a hint of grey in a single French braid. Her boobs were medium sized, perky, and supple. I could tell they were natural, as was her pubic grooming.

"Welcome to the Massage Apex, and welcome to Nude Day," she said. "I hope to teach you something today and I think you'll find it pleasurable. First, I'll teach you the deep tissue massage for the men to perform on your partners, and then perhaps we'll delve into something more adventurous."

It was not lost on me nor Ethan that she assumed us to be a couple, bit a quick glance between us decided that we'd not correct her, at least not yet.

She had Lara and I lay down and relax, while she went over some basics with the men. She demonstrated her lessons on me. It felt strange and sensual to have a woman touching me that way.

Finally, the men got their turn. It started with the shoulders, which felt nice. Ethan was a quick study. It then progressed to the lower back. I had a relatively bad back from some old cheerleading injuries, so Ethan was careful in this area. It felt nice though and I began to feel all the tension go out of my body.

We moved on from there to glutes and thighs. This was obviously prescribed by our instructor under the assumption that we were a couple, in which case it would have been moderately tame. But having Ethan's hands all over my ass and upper legs made me feel extremely aroused.

We rolled over on put backs, but only for a brief foot massage section and I mostly giggled my way through that as my feet are very ticklish. I noticed during this that Ethan couldn't take his eyes off my body and that his cock was pretty hard.

Marie eventually informed us that this section of the massage was over, and we'd be moving on to something called nuru massage.

"This form if massage is erotic, but it is not sexual. There will be no sex allowed during your session. To emphasize this, you'll switch partners halfway through. Assuming you are comfortable with that challenge, of course."

I was nervous about that, but even more nervous about what she told us next. "The massage begins with a shower in which the masseuse cleans all toxins from the body of the 'client'. Ladies, you'll be the masseuse now. The shower is the waterfall."

Guilt ran through me. I had begun the week a completely innocent wife who would have blushed at the thought of literally anyone but Tom seeing me in my underwear, much less nude. At the beginning of the day, I had promised my husband I'd behave around his coworkers, a promise that wouldn't have been necessary just days ago. And nowhere I was, fully naked, without my husband, having just had my husband's boss run his hands all over my body, and apparently about to reciprocate in a manner that a massage professional had just described as "erotic".

While I'd been lost in these thoughts, I'd allowed Ethan to lead me by my hand over to the waterfall. The water was cold and felt amazing. I was aware of how it must be making my nipples hard and tits even more perky.

"Wash his body completely with water to assure all toxins are removed. There is lavender soap over there as well. Make sure you lather and rinse."

I lathered my hands and began washing Ethan, starting with his chest. It was awkward at first and I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact with him. I next cleaned his neck and shoulders. He was a full foot taller than me so I had to look up at him. When I did, I realized he was staring at my body, taking it all in. He noticed within seconds that I'd caught him looking.

"Shit, sorry," he said blushing. "Your body is... just... a marvel. I couldn't help it."

Now it was my turn to blush, as I stood on my tip toes to wash the back of his neck. As I did this, Ethan's boner poked me a few inches below my belly button, just above my pussy. Reflexively my right hand shot down to remove it from the area. As I sunk back down on my heels, I realized that I'd not let go if his penis and was slowly massaging the head of it.

"Lots of toxins right there, good thinking," he said. I giggled as I gave him a couple cleansing pumps down his shaft and then briefly grabbed his balls playfully. I then made him turn around to remove the toxins from the other side.

When the shower was done, we made our way back to the massage area, where the men were asked to lay down. Marie brought out bowls of massage oil, and told us to apply it. "Be generous with it," she said, "and cover every square inch of his body."

It took a few minutes but I did exactly that, feeling guilty more and more as I rubbed the massage oil on Ethan's hard dick. I couldn't believe what a slut I was being with Tom's boss, and I couldn't believe how much I liked it.

"Ok time to switch partners!" Marie exclaimed. "This is to make sure nothing intentionally sexual happens. I'll caution you that it's natural in this stage to have feelings of eroticism and even arousal, but nuru massage is about separating your consciousness from the physical body. It's OK to feel pleasure but try in your mind to detach that pleasure from sex."

As Lara and I walked past each other to make the switch, I could see that she looked slightly uncomfortable for the first time. Not only was she now probably dealing with the same guilt I felt regarding touching her husband's boss, but she now had to worry about me touching her husband. I tried to smile at her reassuringly although I had butterflies in my stomach too.

"This is the body to body portion of the massage. Men, lay face down," Marie instructed. "Now, women, sit on the middle of their back, facing their feet. Good. Now place your hands on the table either side of their torso to bear some of the weight, and pushing yourself with your hands, slowly slide your glutes down their back and over their butt. When you get to their hamstrings, use your feet to push your butt back into the starting position.

It felt ridiculous, sliding my butt and pussy all over the backside of my husband's coworker, while his wife looked at me and smiled sheepishly, imitating my actions on Ethan. I felt like Lara was doing it with more grace than I was.

After about a minute of this, Marie had us face the other way on the table. Starting with our knees on the table straddling their feet, she had us lay down forward, pressing the front of our bodies onto the back of theirs, and gliding upward until our breasts touched their shoulders. We'd then slide back down the other way and repeat the motion. I was extremely aroused by all this body on body contact.

After this, the men rolled over and we were told to perform what was to be the final action, in which we repeated the last maneuver but sliding up their front instead. This obviously meant we'd slide our tits and then our pussies right across their dicks, up their chests, and into their faces. As I started doing this, it started to feel a little like cheating. This felt different than anything I'd done the past few days.

Sure I'd gotten naked with students and masturbated a little, but I was drunk and I'd certainly had no intentional physical contact. I'd jerked off that poor boy in the water after volleyball, but that was to be nice, and it was just a handjob that meant nothing. Besides, at the time I'd thought Tom wanted me being naughty. The Darren debacle was 100% Tom's doing, I had no part in that. And the Connor thing was blackmail. But this was different. These were men my husband knew, and I was horribly aroused by touching them. This is what I was thinking about as I surrendered to the rhythm of the nuru massage, sliding back and forth. When I slid upward, my tits tilted Sam's fully erect cock up toward his face, a second before my vulva and clit slid across the length of it, sending a tingle down my spine. When I slid back down his body, my taint would flip his cock over again so that it pointed back down toward his feet.

Until one time it didn't. Sliding back down, I felt a sudden stab of ecstasy and let out an involuntary squeal. I bolted upright and it took a moment to realize that Sam's cock had slid straight into my pussy. I knew in that moment that nothing had ever been inside of me this deep. Embarrassed and knowing my squeal had drawn attention, I pushed myself off of the dick. Except I didn't. I underestimated how much upward thrust my legs needed to get off of this thing. Gravity brought me right back down and it was all I could do to suppress another moan. Frantically, I pushed up again, but now my legs were numb and felt like jelly. My pussy rose to the top of the head but didn't quite get off and I slammed down again and I let out an uncontrolled yelp. Shit, I was fucking Sam. I summoned all my strength and resolve and pushed up a final time. I felt my pussy free itself as my clit grazed the head a final time. I was free, and the whole thing had taken 5 seconds, maybe less. But it seemed like forever. And now I had another problem entirely.

That last pull out had pushed me over the edge. I was going to cum. I was past the point of no return and I knew it. Three fucking thrusts was all it had taken this magic dick to do what Tom hadn't in six months. Maybe it was the pent up frustration of everyone but myself getting off around me the past few days. Maybe it was just how horny this whole Nude Day was making me. But I knew I had no choice at this point.

And so, still straddling Sam, my ass resting on his thighs, I sat up straight with my legs open and orgasmed for all it was worth, rubbing my pussy and shaking violently. I screamed primally like I never had before.

I knew for all intents and purposes that I'd just fucked Sam, right in front of his wife. I knew this made me a cheating whore officially. I knew the shame and guilt were coming, I knew seconds from now I'd have to face what I'd just done, and I'd have to face Lara too. So I just decided to have 15 seconds all to myself and fucking enjoy it for a change. It was the best orgasm I'd ever had.

As I slowly came down, there was silence, but only for a moment. Then I heard Ethan grunt. Lara, who'd been bent over Ethan about to slide up toward his face when I'd started my little show, had frozen in place, her knees straddling Ethan's shins and her body bent over his dick. During my orgasm, as she watched in astonishment, she'd started absentmindedly stroking Ethan's dick. I guess the stroking plus watching me orgasm put Ethan over the edge, because he'd just painted her tits with cum.

We just sat there frozen for a few minutes, staring at each other. Lara finally stood up, and as I realized I was still sitting in her husband, I stood up too.

Sam grabbed her by the hand and led her wordlessly toward the waterfall. A few seconds later we heard the sounds of them both getting their release. I guess there were no hard feelings, at least between the 2 of them.

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