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Wife's Nude Photo Shoot Ch. 01

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A wife decides to explore her sexuality while on vacation.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 02/25/2023
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My wife had told me right after we were married about her sister Deb and Jeff her husband being swingers. It was not her way of trying to get me to agree to us also being swingers. She knew at some point I would find out and didn't want me to be blindsided.

We socialized with them from time to time. If I didn't already know about their lifestyle, I never would have guest. Deb's husband Jeff is one of my buddies I went to high school with. Deb was also in our senior class.

Senior year Deb was going with another one of our classmates. He didn't have a car but I did. Deb told him to ask me If we could double date. That she would get me a date.

As it turned out she set me up with her fifteen-year-old sister Kim. I was seventeen at the time so no big deal. We went to the Mendon Drive In which was a couple of towns over. To give Deb and her date some privacy as Deb had a reputation for putting out. She was a year older than me having missing most of sophomore year after she was hit by a car.

I ask Kim if she wanted to go and get something at the refreshment stand. We got popcorn and drinks and we sat at the tables Infront of the refreshment stand to watch the first feature.

At intermission Deb and her date joined us and as the next movie started, we all went back to my car. Kim and I made out, but given her age I didn't try to do anything. After the movie when we got to their house. Deb and her date got right out.

Kim turned to me kissed me and said: "Thank you for being a gentleman and not getting handsy with me. I am not my sister I am still a virgin and intend to stay one."

I told her: "I didn't agree to this date to have sex with you. I had a good time and would like to see you again, without Deb and who ever she is dating."

Kim said: "I would like that."

We dated till she graduated and a year later I asked her to marry me. She accepted and ten months later we were married. We both worked and were not looking to have kids until we had enough saved to buy a house and for Kim to stop working for an extended period of time.

We were married ten years when our lives changed. Jeff and Deb had gone on a two-week vacation to a small Caribbean Island.

Jeff and I were having drinks in one of the local bars watching sports.

I asked him: "What was the highlight of your vacation?"

He got a big shit eating grin on his face and said: "It was Deb's nude photo shoot."

I asked him: "Are you going to show me any of the pictures?"

He said: "Sure why not."

He took out his phone and open the picture app, then tapped on a folder and the screen is filled with some thumbnails of his wife. He tapped the first one and handed me the phone. I slowly scroll through them. They stared with her, fully dressed, and slowly, and each picture she took off a piece of her clothing. When she was nude, she posed seductively, including laying back and holding your pussy open

I said to him: "I wish Kim would pose for pictures like this."

He said: "I know you know Deb and I are in the lifestyle. Keep looking, they get better."

As a scrolled they did. Then I came to a picture with a naked man joining her. The pictures progressed to them caressing each other to her sucking his cock and finally fucking her.

I said to him: "Wow you took all these pictures, did you join in?"

He said: "No. I wasn't there, a photographer at the resort took the pictures."

I asked him: "Did you know when she arranged to get pictures taken that she was going to end up having sex with another guy?"

He told me: "The pictures of just her were done on the first day we were there. The pictures with the guy were taken two days later."

I keep scrolling through probably another 75 to 100 pitches. Then they seemed somewhat different and I asked him: "These seem different?"

He replied: "That was still another day she did those pictures and a different guy."

This set ended with his cock about three inches in front of her open mouth. They showed his cum shooting in her mouth. Then her showing his cum in her mouth, her mouth closed and then her open mouth again with the cum gone.

I asked him: "Were you there?"

He said: "No. I had gone golfing the first time and was in a volleyball game the second and went fishing the third."

I asked: "When did you find out?"

He said: "The end of the first week after dinner. As we were walking near the shops and the clubs. She led me to the photo shop and we went inside. I was surprised when the clerk addressed her by name. She asked if her pictures were ready. That was when I found out she had pictures taken."

I asked: "Were you surprised when you saw they were nudes and sex?"

Jeff said: "The nudes didn't surprise me she has done them before. The sex pictures was something she hadn't done before. Being swingers, her having sex with other guys is no big deal. It is rare when she is with another guy without me being there. So that was a surprise, but it didn't upset me."

I asked him: "Did she do any other photos while you were there?"

He took the phone and closed the folder. Then opened another one and handed the phone back to me.

She was dressed differently, and she was with still another man than in the previous pictures. Slowly, they started to make out in each picture they got more passionate, and to finally we're both nude in the next picture she knelt as I kept scrolling, she started sucking his cock to him, eating her pussy, and finally they were fucking.

I came to a picture where he had just pulled out of her pussy and then the next picture he was shooting cum on a pussy. The next one has his cock pushing back in side. It was obvious he was shooting the rest of his cum in a pussy.

I said: "Holy fuck, that's hot."

He said: "Keep scrolling."

Next picture shows his dripping cock just before entering her mouth. In the next his cock is balls deep in her mouth. I kept scrolling, she was not only sucking him clean, she was keeping him hard. I finally got to the point where he had his cock about 3 inches from her open mouth, in the next several pictures with him coming, shooting his load her mouth.

The next picture showed her open mouth full of his cum. Then her mouth closed, followed by her open mouth his cum gone, obvious she had wallowed it. This seemed to be her thing, letting the guy cum in her open mouth then swallowing his cum and showing that she did.

I went to hand back the phone, but he said: "There's one more."

He had me close the folder back to the albums he had me tap the next one. Again, thumbnails opened. I clicked on the first one. It was obvious they were in a hotel room. Deb was on the bed and there was a black man between her legs, eating her pussy, two more black men were kneeling on either side of her head, offering her their big black cocks.

I said to him: "Knowing you guys are swingers, what I've seen so far didn't surprise me, but I never realized she enjoyed multiple partners, or that she was into black men."

He said: "That was the first time she was ever with a black guy, before the night was over. There were more than those three."

I asked: "Did, the photographer from the resort take these pictures and set that up?"

He said: "No, I took the rest of the pictures you're going to see from that night with my cell phone that you're looking at.

I asked: "How did her doing the black guys come about?

He said: "The one eating her pussy is the photographer from the resort. The rest of the guys are friends of his and there are six more of them."

I asked him: "Do, you think Deb's going to show or tell Kim about this?"

He said: "She already has, your wife came over the Monday after we got back and Deb told her all about it and showed her all the pictures."

I told him: "She never mentioned anything about it to me."

He said: "I'm, not surprised she asked Deb to tell me not to show you the pictures or tell you what went on."

I told him: "I, won't let on that I saw the pictures. I'll wait and see if she tells me. With luck she will let me take some nudes of her, but I don't think she will want to open our sex life."

We finished watching the game and didn't talk anymore about the vacation pictures that he showed me.

When I got home and Kim asked me: "Did, Jeff tell you about their vacation?"

I told her: "He said they had a wonderful time and they are definitely going back next year. Other than that, we watch the game and talked about sports."

She said to me: "Deb said it was their best vacation ever and we should go there. I think she's right, tomorrow I'm going to get the information for the resort from her and start to make plans."

I said: "That sounds great."

After we ate supper, we went to bed and she was more passionate than she has ever been before.

Fast forward six weeks and we are checking in at the resort. We went to our rooms unpacked and put on bathing suit. She had a cover up on. I had swim trunks and tank top. We decided to stop at the buffet to get something to eat before heading to the beach. We finished eating headed to the beach when we got there. Kim said: "Let's go to the right. My sister told me the beach is nicer down that end."

We found a nice spot it wasn't secluded but it was not crowded. The people were kind of spaced out. I spread out our towels took off my tank top and got out the sunscreen. Kim, undid the front of her cover-up with her back to me and as she slid it off your shoulders she turned and I saw that she didn't bother putting on the top of her bathing suit. This surprised me we have been to beaches before the allowed topless sunbathing, but she never would.

I really enjoyed watching her applying sunscreen to her tits. After half an hour we went for a dip in the water. We returned to our spot dried off and applied more sunscreen. I was surprised when she finished drying off, she removed the bottom of her bathing suit.

I commented to her: "This is out of character for you."

She replied: "Nobody knows us and nobody cares."

I followed suit and remove my bathing suit as well. The beach was getting a little more crowded and I noticed the most everyone else was also nude.

I ask Kim: "Did Deb tell you about the beach, being clothing optional?"

She said: "She told me sometimes it's even more than just clothing optional."

I Asked her: "What does that mean?"

Kim said: "Deb told me don't be surprised if we see people actually having sex on the beach."

Intrigued to learn more I asked: "When did she tell you this?"

She said: "The Monday after they got back."

I asked: "Did she and Jeff indicate if she were among the people having sex on the beach?"

She plied: "Yes and not just with Jeff. Deb told me about the beach and that she enjoyed several people sexually there."

I then asked her: "She, told you she was sexually involved with people not specifically men. Is she bisexual and enjoyed sex with women as well as men at the beach?"

Kim smiled and said to me: "The first time my sister had sex it was with another girl when she was 18. She's been having sex with men and women ever since; I thought you knew that."

I replied: "No, I didn't know that."

I then asked: "What other tidbits did she share with you about their vacation here. Did you lead us to this end of the beach to show off your body, see people having sex, or were you hoping to have sex with me and or others like Deb did?"

She said: "I wanted to see what it would feel like to show off my body. Not putting on the top was my way of not chickening out when we got here. After our swim I decided I liked how I felt so I took off the bottoms.

I was hoping to see others having sex and if we did have sex with each other. I would have liked to know how it feels to be watched doing it. As far as others having sex with me, I don't feel I could go that far.

I'll tell you the rest Deb shared with me later for now let's just enjoy the sun."

I'm not going to tell you all the people were hot. A few guys a were well hung and some of the women had big tits and nice asses. Truth is for the most part most of the people were just every day looking men and women with dad and mom bodies.

We had been on the beach about 2 1/2 hours and decided it was time to go back to the hotel. Have a shower and rest up before having supper.

We had a nice supper enjoyed a bottle of wine with it afterwards we strolled around the resort to check it out. To see what else there was to offer. We heard some live music coming out of one of the clubs so we went and sat for a while and enjoyed the show.

About eleven we headed up to our room for the night. Once in the room we showered and got in bed.

She snuggled up against me and said: "I want to ask you something."

I said:" Sure what's on your mind."

Kim said: "When Deb and Jeff, were here, she had some professional pictures taken by the resort's photographer. They started with her dressed, slowly she stripped till she was nude. She posed in many sensual and risqué ways they look very sexy. Would you like to see me posing in pictures like that?"

I said: "That sounds hot, I would love to see pictures of you posing like that."

She said: "I know you're going fishing tomorrow so. I'll go to the photo shop and see if I can get an appointment."

I told her: "That sounds great. I can't wait for you to tell me about it."

I didn't let on that. I already knew about her sister's pictures and that I knew she knew Deb did more than just pose nude.

I asked Kim: "When did Deb show you the pictures?"

She told me: "That same Monday she told me about the beach. The pictures are sexy and I hope I look as good in mine as she does in hers."

I said: "Being that Deb and Jeff are swingers. Did they take any pictures of their extracurricular activities while they were here?"

Kim smiled and said: "Yes, why are you asking that? Did Jeff tell you anything about their vacation you haven't told me?"

I told her: "He said they had a really good time and they can't wait to come back. They met a few interesting people and partied with some of them. He didn't tell me about that beach that we went to today."

We drifted off to sleep when we get up in the morning. We got dressed and went down to have breakfast. When we finished eating. We went to the photo shop to see if Kim could get an appointment. The clerk at the reception desk is a very tall good looking black man. He said he has an opening at 2 o'clock for an hour. We booked the appointment. We went back to the room. My fishing trip started at noon and was for four hours.

Kim started picking out bras and panties to wear and different types tops and skirts. She also picked out two sexy dresses. Once she decided on what she was going to wear. She posed in them and stripped out of them. When she was nude, she crawled on the bed and started sucking my cock. After shooting my load in her mouth, I went down on her. When she was about to cum, she stopped me.

She said: "Keep getting me right to the edge of an orgasm, then stop. I want to be extremely horny for the photos."

I did as she asked several more times. She was hot as hell, pinching her nipples and rubbing her clit. I had to stop eating her so she didn't poke an eye out. We got dressed and I left to go fishing while she finished getting ready.

I stopped at the photo shop to talk with the photographer. Turned out it was the clerk we talked to earlier. I asked him: "Do you remember Deb and Jeff; they were here a couple of months ago?"

He told me: "Yes, I remember them. As a matter of fact, Deb called me the other day to say her sister was coming and may want to have some pictures done."

I told him: "My wife Kim is Deb's sister. Is there a way you could video her session for me?"

He said: "Yes, I can do that for you. By the way my name is Malcom but everybody calls me Mal."

I said: "Mal Jeff showed me all of Debs pictures. Even the ones of you and your friends having sex with her. Did Deb say anything other than my wife may want some pictures?"

Mal told me: "The pictures from her second, third, and forth sessions, she was paid to do them. The men in the pictures with her is very wealth. These sessions are more than just pictures. They are videoed as well as still pictures for the men's pleasure and the wives in them can have a copy if they wish. That said, Deb asked me to introduce your wife to one of them. If your wife agrees to do a session with him. It pays one thousand dollars. Are you ok if she agrees to do it?"

I asked: "Will it happen today if she agrees?"

Mal said: "No, he is here on the property, but does not have time today. I am going to introduce her to him and if she agrees he will watch most of her session. He will make the offer before he leaves. Deb told me she told your wife that this most likely would be offered to her."

I told him: "I will stop by when I come back from the fishing trip. Let me know how the session goes and if she is going to do a session with him."

I left to catch the boat with thoughts of a strange man watching Kim stripping nude and posing. Then my mind wandered to her posing with him. I pictured Debs pictures with him and it being Kim sucking his cock, him shooting his cum in Kim's mouth. Her showing her mouth full of his cum then swallowing it. His cock fucking her, his cum shooting against her open pussy then him finishing inside her.

It was five hours later when the boat docked back at the resort. I went straight to the photo shop. When I entered Mal had a big grin on his face.

He said: "Come behind the counter and I will show you some of the pictures of your wife."

He set them up as a slide show. The first was Kim shaking hand with a very good-looking guy. I recognized him from Deb's pictures. As the pictures kept changing, some showed him watching her as she stripped. When I had seen them, all Mal closed to picture and brought up the video.

It started with Kim entering the studio set and being surprised to see the other man there.

Mal told her: "This is Peter the man Deb told you about."

Kim said: "How do you do."

Peter took her hand and kissed it and said: "Kim it is a pleasure to meet you."

Mal then said: "Kim would you mind if Peter watch some of your session. He can't stay the whole time as he has a business meeting?"

Kim said: "I was nude on the beach so why not."

Peter said: "Thank you."

Mal directed Kim to the front of a bed room set and told her to slowly remove her clothes and lay them on the end of the bed."

She did as she was told, slowly stripping. Taking her time, it was obvious she was trying to tease Peter as she did. When she was down to her bra, panties, garter belt and hose. She asked Peter: "Please unclasp my bra."

I hadn't seen a picture of him doing that. Once he unhooked it, she laid her head back against his chest. He slid the straps of her shoulders and as he slipped it off her breasts, he cupped them.

He then told her: "Your breasts feel magnificent."

She turned and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He told her: "Unfortunately I have to leave, but before I do I would like to hire you to do a photo and video session with me tomorrow. I will pay you one thousand dollars and if you agree to do certain other things you can make more. How does that sound?"

Kim told him: "If it was only my decision the answer would be yes. My sister Deb told me about her session with you. So I know what certain other things you are referring to and I will gladly do them for you if my husband agrees for me to do the session with you.

If he does, I will let Mal know first thing tomorrow morning. I feel he will agree but I don't know for sure. I will be so slutty with him sexually tonight so; he is so turned on he will want me to do it. For his pleasure as much as for mine."

Mal stopped the video and asked me: "Are you going to let her, do it?"


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