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Winter Maid Ch. 03

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Mia spends a week alone with her device and goes too far.
9.2k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/16/2020
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"Aaaah! Come on! I want to cum!"

As soon as Brian left for work, I grabbed my vibrator and pressed it skillfully on my clit. I was too turned on to sleep last night, and I didn't manage to cum once. This morning wasn't any more successful.

"I want to cum so badly now! Masturbating just makes it worse."

I sank a bit more under my bedsheets, bringing the duvet up to my nose, hidding my smile. I still wasn't convinced the SusceptGear was responsible for my inability to climax, but I could say that... I liked it.

Why was this making sense? I was not too sure, but instead of getting angry or frustrated, being increasingly turned on without the possibility of relief was a pretty cool thing. When Brian and I fucked, it turned me into a slut trying to orgasm, which gave us a great experience.

Brian didn't know about the conditioning sessions; he merely thought that I was playing maid and acted sexy while he was away, similar to what he saw me do when he was around. I would probably tell him eventually, but I was not ready to share that kind of detail just yet. I had too much to explore and discover first, and I wished to do that by myself before I let him jump in.

My mind kept drifting to either my latex maid uniform, my SusceptGear, or my conditioning sessions. I felt a bit obsessed. Brian was right; it was a new cool toy, and I was very excited about it. It was the same feeling as getting a shiny new vehicle and going crazy about the new car smell.

I sprang out of bed and went to the closet. A whiff of latex reached my nose as soon as I slid the door open. Wearing this uniform right away was what I unquestionably needed, so I brought it back to the bed and began dressing up.

There was no doubt anymore that the latex conditioning I had been subjecting myself to was working. I enjoyed the material more and more. The headgear's suggestions modified my perception, which inverted my feeling toward what I disliked only a few days ago.

Instead of acting as a scary deterrent, this manipulation of my mind just made me understand that no matter what kink I would try, the device could end up making me easily love it; this was somewhat reassuring. I would be able to add all the kinks I wanted and end up naturally loving them over time without second thoughts.

I poked my puff sleeves with my fingers; this dress was so cute. It was time to have fun, so I fetched my laptop, brought it back to my bedroom, and installed myself on the bed surrounded by my many pillows.

"So, what am I doing today? The problem is that I'm so darn tired. I barely slept last night. I wasn't used to being turned on this much, and it kept me awake. Maybe I could start with a long conditioning session to rest for a while."

I wanted to go deeper into my love of latex. It worked for me so far, and increasing that feeling was just very appealing to me. Brian would get what he loved, and I didn't mind at all. I went to my conditioning menu and selected my latex kink.

I scheduled my session for 8 am and set it for four hours to give myself a morning off work. Walking around the house all day yesterday tired my legs; I wasn't used to doing that much housework. I also knew I would feel like a million bucks after such a deep and long conditioning. For some reason, I didn't fear setting up a lengthier session anymore. After all, my three hours experiment the other day had not caused me any harm.

The next stop for my mouse was my behavior menu, where I had previously set activation desire, conditioning desire, and orgasm denial. I questioned myself as to whether or not I should leave those enabled.

Activation and conditioning desires were not an issue. I didn't feel anything unusual related to that. Sure, I was impatient to start my session, and I was looking forward to doing this long latex conditioning, but I didn't think those minor settings had driven my desire. It was just me loving what I was doing, and there was nothing wrong about that.

The only item that concerned me a bit was the orgasm denial. I wasn't sure if it was the reason I had not been able to cum since yesterday, but I didn't think so. Some light conditioning while I was awake as a maid couldn't have worked that fast; could it?

No matter what the truth was, I admitted to myself earlier that I had loved being unable to cum and that it was not a bad thing to be more and more aroused. Being in a high state of sexual excitement made me want to be fucked harder by Brian. It was certainly not a con in my book.

"I'm leaving them all on. I even want to add more."

Searching the list to find the one that had caught my eye yesterday, I scrolled down and finally found it. Breast desire; while not wearing the SusceptGear, the subject's breasts will become increasingly sensitive. I LOVED it when Brian was playing with my boobs, so that was a must-have, plus it would go hand in hand with orgasm denial. It would just be a little nudge to entice me to wear the device again.

While I enabled it, I spotted another one named Wet desire; while not wearing the SusceptGear, the subject vagina will become wetter and wetter.

"WHAT? No way! That's not even possible. Now, this is bullshit. The programmer of this software must have added all his twisted fantasies thinking women were meant to be juicy toys and prayed they would work. Hehe. You know what? ENABLED! I swear, if this works, I'll put all the available kinks in a hat and pick a random one to condition myself for a full day."

That behavior section related to the SusceptGear was by far the most entertaining one I played with so far, and there were still tons of features I could enable in it. It would take a very long time to try them all.

"Now, what will I do in the afternoon? Brian said he would come back early, so I don't want him to see me during my conditioning, else he will ask questions, but I want to try more of it. Maybe I'll do a quick session right after lunch..."

I wanted to try a new deep conditioning today. Because I was doing so well with the latex one already, there was no need to push it further. So I went to the enormous list and started browsing, perhaps looking for something that would go well with what I already had programmed.

As expected, I didn't know what I was looking for, and fisting was not a kink I dreamed of.

"Needle play, no thank you... diaper... not for me... Pet play? Well, that's very cute, but that is not what I'm looking for... I would have to check with Brian on that one, though. Why is it so hard to decide?"

I didn't want to select the two ideas Brian had suggested either, I planned to enforce those while he was away, so I could be all ready for him when he came back. No, today I needed something fun, like... Self Nipple play?

"The subject will not be able to resist playing with her own nipples. Hey! That could turn Brian on; it sounds slutty enough and will go along well with breast desire. `I had ever done such a thing in front of him. That could be very hot."

I added a two hours session from 1 pm to 3 pm for this new kink. It would be hilarious if it were to work. Maybe I was slowly becoming the perfect erotic and kinky girlfriend that everybody was dreaming of.

As usual, making a mistake was not something I wanted, so I carefully reviewed my final list to make sure I had not made a typo somewhere.

"Removal of the device, disabled."

"Four hours of latex conditioning at 8 am."

"Two hours of self nipple play conditioning at 1 pm."

"Activation desire, ongoing conditioning."

"Conditioning desire, ongoing conditioning."

"Orgasm denial, ongoing conditioning."

"Breast desire, ongoing conditioning."

"Wet desire, ongoing conditioning."

"I feel like this is not enough... I kind of want more... Ah well, I will have all week by myself after today, I will be able to try whatever else I want."

I uploaded my settings to the SusceptGear and put my laptop aside. It was just past 8 am, so as soon as I would activate the device, I would fall asleep for the next four hours. I was so tired from my difficult night that I was really looking forward to being conditioned.

I placed the remote on the nightstand, laid down comfortably in my pillows, and I pressed the button. All the tension in my muscles magically vanished, my mind calmed down, and I was a maid again.

"So... So tired... Hehe... I wonder... if... if I can resist..."

And I failed. My eyes closed, and I was sent deep into slumber.


Four hours later, the SusceptGear revived me from my deep latex conditioning. This time around the effect was powerful; this longer session just turned me into an uncontrollable latex lover. I was rolling around on the bed, more than enamored by the stretchy material covering my body.

Again, while I was a maid, I was not smart enough to understand that I could have masturbated to get an amazing orgasm out of this. Instead, I was just enduring and loving my skyrocketed libido. This time it took me a good thirty minutes before being able to move on with something more productive, and even after that much time trying to get out of it, I was still in ecstasy.

Being a maid made me slow as usual, so I didn't have much time left to go to the kitchen and fix myself a snack. It was not an easy thing to confection a sandwich while assaulted by sexual waves.

I maybe had time to take two bites when my eyelids started to feel heavy again. I couldn't help but smile, knowing it was probably 1 pm already, and I would need to find a place to sit for my second deep conditioning session. I was so looking forward to it.

I hurried to the couch and laid down on it.

"This... is... so awesome... What is this one? I... I can't remember..."

That was pretty much the extent of my mental capacity. The SusceptGear pushed me down to dreamland, effortlessly. I was such a willing candidate.


"AAaanh! Oh, my God! Mmmm."

As soon as I had woken up, my hands went to my breast, not understanding why. I had been pinching and rubbing my nipples for the past ten minutes, which brought me so close to orgasm. I tried do some work as a maid, but I had difficulties using my hands for anything else than playing with my tits.

It didn't sound as absurd as it was since the confusion didn't abandon my head once. I didn't remember much of what had happened today. I just knew I was so proud to feel like this, and so happy.

I worked aimlessly for a little longer. Thankfully, the nipple play died down significantly, but before I could achieve anything noticeable in the house, the front door opened and closed. My Master was back.

"Mia, come pick up the groceries and put them in the kitchen."

"Yes, Master."

"Oh, I see my little maid is still under. Having fun?"

"Yes, I feel amazing..."

"See, that is what happens when you do something else than watching cat videos, hehe."

"I don't know... I just feel great."

I didn't understand jokes; I was too mixed up in my head and too focused on what my Master had asked me to do. I brought the grocery bags one by one to the kitchen, slowly and inefficiently.

"Mia, I'm starting to understand why you are not making any good progress on your cleaning. You are so slow."

"I don't know, Master. Am I not doing things correctly?"

"Hehe, no. You are doing just fine. You are just funny."


"Come here for a sec."

All his commands were bypassing the work I was doing; Brian had top priority over everything. I got close to him, and he took me upstairs to the bedroom. He laid down first and made me climb on top of him and pulled me into a nice makeout session.

"Mmmm... I love you, Master. Aannh!"

"I love you too, Mia. I'll miss my little nymphomaniac this week."

"Mmm... why?"

"I told you I'd be away for a week."


I didn't care one bit. I didn't even know what Brian was talking about. I was his maid, and his hands ran everywhere on my uniform, which made me feel more than amazing. We kept kissing and cuddling for a long while, and my hands regularly went to my breast for some nipple pinching. This just felt so right.

Then I heard a beep. I stared at Brian while the events of my entire day were coming back to me. I turned beet red when I realized I was fondling my boobs in front of him.

"B... Brian?"

"Mia? Hehe."

"Oh, my God. What a rush! Why didn't you fuck me as a maid? I am so horny!"

"Well, when you are a maid, you are so confused. It is super cute and sexy, but you do a better job in bed when you have all your head. So, now that you are back to your whiny self, let's get to it!"


He was always doing this to me; he flipped me around like a crepe and ended up on my back. There was nothing I could do to prevent him from doing what he wanted with me, not that I had a problem with that.

He quickly removed my panties and began fingering me.

"Darn, Mia... talk about wet."

"What.. What did you say?"

"It's like a lake between your legs. I guess you are happy to see me."

"I... I am a bit turned on right now... Yes."

That was the understatement of the century; I needed to have sex right now, or I would lose my mind. What Brian said about me being wet was not something I ever heard from him before. I tried to remember the list of ongoing conditioning I had selected, but I was too busy moaning and pushing my hips up.


Brian put a hand on my breast... That sent an electric shock down my spine, almost making my heart explode.

"Hehe, Mia. I didn't know you liked to be touched there that much."

"MMmmm... I always loved it when you played with my boobs, but for some reason, it feels so much better today... must be the latex uniform, I love it so much."

I was in absolute denial. I knew exactly what was going on, and I didn't dare to believe it. I was wet like a river, my chest was so sensitive, refraining from playing with my nipples was nearly impossible, and the latex covering my skin felt fantastic.


"Brian... Please... Fuck me as hard as you can. I need to cum so badly."

"I'm really going to miss you this week. What did I do to deserve a girl like you?"

"I know! You are a lucky one, so don't make me regret it! Get to work!"

"Yes, Ma'am!"

The rodeo started. First, Brian licked me for an eternity. I quickly got to the edge but was stuck there, unable to go over. The pleasure I was receiving was indescribable and uncontrollable. Since this was going nowhere, he moved me to a doggy-style position, which was quite entertaining because my boobs were rubbing on the duvet; they were so sensitive.

Every single time Brian was slowing down, not to cum too fast, he massaged my boobs and kissed me deeply. I was literally losing my mind. I wasn't sure what the conditioning did to my breasts, but it was working.

"Aaannh! Mmm!"

"Still can't cum today?"

"N... No... aaah... but it's okay... I love it this way. Don't worry about me. just use me as you want."

"Okay, but if you don't cum today, you'll have to wait for a full week unless you are doing it yourself."

"It's... It's fine... aaaanh! I can wait... Can... Can you play with my nipples while you are fucking me?"

"Oh, special requests now? What if I do this...?"


Brian pinched my two nipples at the same time and rubbed them hard between his fingers. I think I squirted a little when he did that. He wouldn't let them go either. I was one millimeter away from a massive orgasm... But it didn't happen.

Seeing me in that pathetic state, Brian took a long break just to play some more with my chest. There was some licking, massaging, pinching, and the O so amazing nibling. I was even rewarded with some gentle slapping. I was in heaven.

It was not easy to give him a blowjob while being stuck on the edge, but again, I didn't want him to find out about the reason for my blockage, so I tried to act as if I was just ordinarily excited, but inside, I was boiling.

We had fun for about two hours. Brian had filled me up well and left me in sex juice to go cooking our diner. I remained flat on my back, playing with myself and enjoying the moment.

"Aaanh... I'm so wet... This is crazy. And my boobs are on fire. It's going to be another long night..."

As I tried to calm down unsuccessfully, I noticed my SusceptGear remote sitting on the nightstand next to me. If I were to activate the device, it would allow me to calm down a little. I knew there were no more deep conditioning sessions programmed for today, so I could just try to chill on the bed until Brian called me for dinner. I really wanted to press that button... and I did.

A beep later, a wave of good feeling invaded me, and right away, my sexual tension diminished.

"Oooh... that feels so much better..."

I tried to stay still on the bed for a while but eventually lost focus and forgot why I was doing that. The first thing I noticed after getting up was that my uniform was incomplete, so I grabbed my latex panties and put them back on.

Finding something useful to do was my next mission. I walked out of the room and went downstairs. What my headgear decided based on what I was seeing was to do some more of the dishes. But of course, Brian was already cooking in the kitchen, staring at me and my odd behavior.


"Yes, Master?"

"You activated your nymphomaniac maid again?"

"I don't know. I would like to do the dishes?"

"No, I'm in the kitchen already ... Go kneel in the living room with your hands behind your back until I go get you."

"Yes, Master."

Obediently, I trotted back to the living room, knelt, and placed my hands behind my lower back. I was a little bit confused about the purpose of this, but I couldn't even consider disobeying.

For the next 20 minutes, I stayed there in silence on the soft carpet until Brian came to see me. He sat on the comfy couch and made me crawl closer to him so he could switch off my device.

"You really like being my maid, don't you?"

"Mmm... sorry. I meant to activate it only for a few minutes... but..."

"It's okay. As I said, you are super cute when you are a confused maid. But are you going to be okay all week by yourself?"

"Oh, yeah. It's not the first time you leave for that long."

"I know, but there was a sandwich on the counter with only two bites in it. It worries me a little bit if you can't feed yourself properly while I'm away."

"Ah... no, no. I... I just wasn't hungry... that's all."

"Mia... I'm not dumb. You were playing maid, and for some reason, you forgot to eat."

Oops! He easily saw through my lie. There was nothing else to do but admit things didn't go according to plan.

"Okay, okay. Yes, I got distracted by the device. But it was just bad luck. I didn't leave enough time between two tasks I had programmed. You saw me go. I'm pretty slow. Don't worry. It was just an accident. I learned my lesson."

"It's very true that you are turtle-slow when you are a maid... So, do you know what to do to avoid repeating this problem?"

"Oh yeah... That's easy. I was just testing some things, that's all, and it bit me in the ass."

"Alright then... Come here."

He made me climb on the couch and started kissing me... and my arousal went to the roof again. There was no way I could control it; it was absurd.

The rest of the evening was more of the same. We had dinner, watched another movie and we made love another time. Before going to bed, he undressed me so we could have our shower together, but that was also when I realized how latex addicted I had become; being naked felt strange.

Just before going to sleep, I put on my latex panties, bra, and stockings and joined him under the blankets. Of course, he laughed at me for being so into the rubbery material, but he didn't know how much I needed it now.

We cuddled for a while and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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