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Witches of Lust Ch. 15


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I moaned with arousal as I realized Lucille had decided to stop keeping it a secret. She wanted to be a slut for all the knights, and for all of us as well. Despite the stress of our mission, our coven was beginning to grow into the kind of free-for-all lovers' community that I thought it had been when Irina first recruited me.

Even Karina and Eli were swingers. They had already welcomed me and other witches into their bed. I mentally moved over to them to check on their mental state. They were embracing and nuzzling one another, and Eli was hard as a rock and about to make his move. Karina could not be happier to be alone with her man. He shared the same feelings but, naturally, he had eyes for every witch in the coven. I didn't worry about that though. I could tell by the way he felt about Karina that she had him wrapped around her finger.

The big revelation that morning was Lucille had begun to like men and cock and she was now, finally, a no-holes-barred kind of sex witch. I decided not to mention anything to her about it just yet. To celebrate, I asked for Zurknod and called for a few tentacles to join us and really spice up my wake up sex with Erica.

"Oh, darling, I thought you'd never ask," she cooed as she overheard my request. She cast a couple of incantations on herself, then on me, gleeful that she no longer needed to rely on cookies to increase her anal pleasure or get her fully lubricated. Casting her own spells also helped her to gradually increase her overall spirit energy reserves. Mimi suddenly absorbed all of the cum that was making her belly swell, and we laughed.

Erica gave my back door a thorough stuffing and the ten or fifteen tentacles that crowded into the room ensured that our other erogenous zones received ample stimulation, and every hole was stuffed with surging flesh. Some of the tentacles had specialized endings, like suction cups for breasts, or tiny little feelers that just worked wonders on our clits and labia. Some secreted aphrodisiacs that increased our pleasure, and they used them to great effect. I came so many times in Mimi that we had to roll her back into Zurknod's portal.

I didn't ask, but Rah'kel and Rashiva joined us after Mimi. They were familiar lovers and really knew how to keep us cumming. With the coven full, they were wearing collars that channeled almost all of the spirit energy I made to Zurknod.

I knew he was more powerful than his size implied, and the aid of a powerful demon usually comes with a greater price. I was grateful for his services, but sometimes I had to wonder just what he was doing with all of that energy. If he was saving up for his next transformation, I worried about just what sort of demon he would become. I had to do something about our contract, or rather, our lack thereof...


For the most part we focused on veteran's hospitals and oncology centers. Each healing visit was an amazing experience. We visited one hospital per day, more or less. I had one job and that was to heal everyone that I could.

Hundreds and sometimes thousands of people would show up at hospitals we had visited. They had heard of the healing on the news and were hoping that the miracles would continue. They had various illnesses and infirmities, often quite incurable by modern medicine. They started to squat outside of the hospitals and many refused to leave.

They had a few nicknames, such as "The clubfoot tribe," the "mob of unfortunates," or simply the mob. Clubfoot was a terrible pejorative which was coined to memorialize a time when a group of ill people, led by a man with an actual club foot, rushed past the front gate at Eglin. They hopped police barricades, broke through the locked front doors with bats and tire irons, and staged a sit-in in the waiting room. Media commentators used it incessantly until viewers complained, and then the term abruptly vanished. It was the "mob" name that stuck.

We started to see a pattern with the mob. They showed up after we left, and there were too many in the mob to all be admitted. Frankly most of them had no intention of paying for services. Thus, most loitered outside of the hospital or clogged up the parking, some even pitching tents out there. It became a serious problem in Chicago, and police had to set up barricades all around the hospital, a major inconvenience for the people that worked and lived near there.

We knew we couldn't do anything about the mob until we had a way to reach people, to talk to them all, and we started coming up with ideas but they weren't a priority. We were more concerned with Medina, who we felt was right on our tails at every turn.

We once tried dropping off thirty healing elixirs, but people fought over them and those elixirs disappeared into the hands of some very violent and selfish individuals. We were unable to track down the bandits, mainly because we just didn't have time for it. We decided to only make gifts that were individualized and very discreet. That seemed to lower the risk of trouble dramatically.

One girl ate a cookie on livestream that had been given to her by one of us, when it was clear that she was making every effort to be a man. She had been warned that the cookie would indeed turn her into a male, and to consider it carefully before eating it. Seeing the change and the elation on his face was a shocker for the world. Admittedly, she had been rather common looking as a butch "he" girl. The guy that he ended up as was obviously much more sexy. The internet melted when he lifted his shirt and showed his abs and flat pecs.

Another girl ate a cookie and went from A cups to DD's. Her selfies were among the most viral memes of the month, although some less than charitable things were said about her looks in contrast to her magnificent, mouthwatering bust. She never did get featured on TV. Other more photogenic recipients of healing tended to be featured prominently, telling their stories to the world. Our healing missions had started a ratings war with the news networks, and the news networks already knew they wanted pretty white girls to lead the news hour.

Not all was well, and it wasn't really our fault either. For instance, there was one guy who tried to sell a cookie online, promising that it could restore youth and vitality. We only saw him on the news because after he was found dead, investigators noticed his ads on the web where he was trying to sell this cookie. The cookie had finally sold for fifteen thousand dollars on an online auction site. The scammer had gone to meet the buyer in person. Instead of pulling out a billfold, the buyer pulled out a knife and killed the scammer for the fake cookie.

Many other incidents of "counterfeit cookies" cropped up as well after that. Many times, they were cookies of youth. With dismay, we realized that we had really not thought about the consequences of some of our actions. We tried to think of ways to address the problem, but we could only do so much. I had my hands full just assuring Irina that it wasn't her fault. She did nothing wrong, but there are just bad people in the world.

We always used aura sight. It gave us an edge both in avoiding healing the undeserving, and also in recognizing enemies. There were a few bad patients, and we dealt with them on an individual basis. However, more than a few times we came across doctors or administrators whose auras betrayed them as wicked beyond understanding. Later I would find out these were satanic witches and warlocks. They must not have realized that their disguises were nothing against our aura sight. I wanted to know more but Morgana warned me that it was better not to read the minds of such corrupted individuals.

In the beginning, Eli or one of the knights would ice them in cold blood. Sometimes they shot them, but usually they used their blades. One time, Gaff lopped a hospital administrator's head off and flung it into a biohazard bin.

Most patients were also good and normal folks with healthy auras. If they had gray or questionable auras, I would read their minds and try to make a quick determination on what to do. We would either skip healing on these people, or let the knights deliver justice. Either way, we moved swiftly. No one tried to intervene or arrest us. Denny also decided we needed to leave a calling card so that homicide detectives and forensic teams would not have to bother questioning witnesses or wrapping the hospital in crime tape. We left a streak of red lipstick on the patient's bed, and moved on swiftly.

We varied from full white robes to sexy nurse outfits that Lucille insisted on wearing "at least this one time" at another VA hospital. Often we just wore regular clothes, like when we visited St. Jude's Children's Hospital, or rather, one of several St. Jude's affiliate hospitals. This one happened to be located in Jackson, Tennessee.

Healing was rapid, but fully restoring a cancer patient sometimes required several steps. There was healing the cancer itself, removing any tumors, purging the poisonous chemo in their bloodstream, regrowing their hair, and so on. To speed up our dealings with cancer patients, the witches spent an evening mass-producing quaffable cancer cure potions in crystal vials, and we stocked up on hair-growth cookies as a bonus. As usual, I fueled the coven's potion production power humping the afternoon away in my room with my insatiable harem of succubi.

We had a chance to talk to some of the patients and their parents while we were handing out healing potions and cookies at St. Jude's. All of the parents and the kids knew about us from the news, and accepted that we needed to keep our identities secret. They didn't ask us personal questions or try to delay us. They simply took the time to tell us their child's name and thank us for what we were doing.

The moment they quaffed the potion was so uplifting, we were often moved to tears. The patients felt much better immediately, often better than they had felt after weeks or even months of treatment. It was obvious just by the look of wonder in their faces. After that, they moved on to the cookie "for dessert." The hair growth cookies generally gave about four inches of hair for boys, and a full two feet of hair for girls so that their parents could get any style they wanted. Black boys and girls tended to grow big tangle-free afros. The parents were already eternally grateful to get back their child's health. Each time they looked upon their child and saw their hair had grown in fully, as visible proof that a miracle had truly taken place, left them overwhelmed.

For a split second, I dared to sense the emotions of those around me, and it was wonderful, too much for me to take in fact. If I had continued to sense their euphoric relief and joy, I would have broken down crying just like the rest of them. It was bad enough that I had tears streaming down my face from that time until the minute we left, but I had no time to revel in the moment. I had to continue, dozens were waiting their turn.

Karina, Lucille and Irina were similarly moved. Even Eli couldn't take it, but Morgana, the knights, and Erica remained composed and sharp.

I felt so good about seeing these happy families that sometimes I did a little something for the parents as well. Many of them were suffering silently with chronic joint pain, dental issues, you name it. Often they were too moved by the experience of watching their kids be healed to notice a tingling in their own bodies as I healed them.

Then I moved on, digging my hands deep into my pouch of elixirs with one hand, while withdrawing the next cellophane-wrapped cookie from another with my other hand. Sounds of delight bubbled musically in our wake, and we moved swiftly.

The little children who had faced death were wise beyond their years. I heard them tell their parents the most surprising things. I heard one ask "If magic is real, why become a doctor?" or "Is magic only for girls?" One that I often heard was "If they don't even teach it in college, then where do I go to learn how to make potions?"

I tried to keep track of the healing elixirs we were handing out, but the emotional high made it impossible. With roughly seventy patients there that day, we could not account for at least forty cures handed out. In addition, we even gave about a hundred or so cures to RN Maria Martinez, one of the senior nurses. Every patient had drank their cure, and we took a few minutes to search for anyone we had missed. As we did, I surreptitiously cured a few of the nurses and doctors of foot and joint pain. Oddly, I noticed most of them had herpes, so I cured that as well.

Meanwhile, the knights stood guard in the hallways, but once more there was no attack. After a final call for patients in need of healing, we warned everyone not to try to sell any extra cures. They were to be given to anyone in need freely and as quickly as possible. After making ourselves invisible, we flew out of one of the open windows and back up to the ship.

Later that day, many more outpatients who had been treated at that hospital returned to seek their cure. They soon ran out. Word had gotten out about the extra cures and when no more could be found, desperate parents began to cry, pray, and fight.

One amateur journalist at the scene caught something unusual, however, a woman flying high above St. Jude's. The video quality was a bit fuzzy, but Morgana said that could only be Medina.

The video didn't stay online very long, but it went viral long enough for others to save and re-post, and it came to our attention later that afternoon. Irina did a little digging and found out the video was captured just a few minutes or so after we had left.

We had been very concerned about Medina's response time, not to mention her presence after we had left. We were always watching the news for clues of course, we often had it on in the galley. Other than that stifled video clip, however, we really had almost nothing to go on.

After our visit to St. Jude's, the news announced that the mob had arrived at that hospital. Huge numbers of people gathered there, and it appeared many of them were the actual patients, children.

As we sat in the galley and watched the news coverage continue to show the growing numbers of people that had flocked there, we were sorely tempted to return. Leaving that mob untended was something we just hated to do, but we knew returning carried a high risk of a confrontation with Medina. After all, she had allowed herself to be seen there. We saw that as a warning. If we were to return, we strongly suspected, she or her minions would spring an ambush.

The Denny and the other knights argued that we should return anyway, and Lucille reminded us that the knights were on a quest to destroy the Tranquil Adept, even if Morgana opted for a strategy of evasion. Morgana was isolated in that debate and did not wish to appear cowardly. "Oh what the heck, how bad could it be waging battle against the most powerful sorceress on the planet?" she said, faking a shrug and a smile. "Let's go back!"

They hurriedly whipped up another batch of cures, while I busied myself with the new Shay. Since Erica was practicing making cookies it was just me and the demoness, so I locked the door and brought in tentacles. Shay seemed to enjoy getting constricted by thick tentacles and it felt extra tight fucking her sexy little bod with tentacles wrapped around her slim waist. She could not asphyxiate either, as an immortal, so I enjoyed ploughing her throat while powerful tentacles squeezed and strangled her.

It was fun to watch them choke her and still other tentacles vie for space in her other two fuck holes. I started to wonder if I could put Erica through the same treatment. I was fairly certain that using magic to let her hold her breath longer would certainly work, and this got me even more heated. I came down Shay's throat, imagining that it was Erica getting choked and stuffed full of my cock and tentacles. It should have been obvious to me that the corruption was becoming a factor in my tastes, but I was confident that I had it under control. In fact, it was kind of fun.


We brought the ship in close to the hospital that evening, right before sundown. We could see the mob occupying the entire parking area as we stood on the deck and finished casting our buffs and then casting mass levitate on the knights. We flew down as one group, some of us holding hands in fact. The ship's invisibility extended to us for about five seconds after we left the ship's cloaking radius, just about enough time for us to reach the front doors of the hospital. As soon as we got there, we threw open the glass doors and strode in to the reception area, still wearing normal clothes. Nonetheless, everyone recognized us. There were a few exhilarated screams and nurses running to go get their phones.

We returned to the oncology in-patient area we had visited earlier that day, handing out elixirs to the kids. However, within a minute or two a commotion began outside.

We took a peek out of the windows facing the parking lot to see what was going on. The mob had found out we had returned, and were not risking missing out on cures after having come so far. They were surging for the entrances and nothing was going to stop them. Fathers were rushing forward with their children cradled in their arms, mothers too. Voices cried out in desperation. Police barricades were being tossed aside, and cops were shouting "Stay back!" but none dared lift a finger against the wave, until one policeman in full riot gear took aim with a tear gas grenade launcher. We don't know what he was thinking, but he was about to start a riot!

Morgana opened the window and flew out into the chill night air. She wasted no time putting the riot cop to sleep, and he crumpled and fainted, his helmet and body armor softening his fall. Then she spoke to the crowd as she hovered above them. "Everyone, please be patient! We will come outside in just a few minutes! Form orderly rows! Five rows!"

Her flying in midair really got their attention. The mob murmured loudly, with many shouting "Elvira!" It was a nickname that people, not knowing our names, had given Morgana. Once she repeated "Everyone will get healed. Five rows!" enough times, they started to form lines.

That's when the deafening sound of gunfire rang out. A nurse in a faded mauve uniform had snuck up behind us while we were looking out of the window. She pulled out a pistol and begun unloading on us, firing three rounds at Gaff first, for he was the nearest to her. The rounds plunged right into his muscular flesh and through his vital organs. He tried to draw his weapon but soon collapsed amidst gouts of blood.

"Get down! Get down!" I dimly heard over the roar of gunfire.

The nurse turned her pistol on Irina and Lucille and emptied her magazine, many of the rounds went wide but the blondes were both hit several times. My two beautiful friends collapsed immediately.

The killer was also a blonde, an average looking white woman with dark eyelashes and an athletic build, but her deep, black aura gave her away as a satanic witch.

Before any of us had time to react, Stu threw two knives, which bounced harmlessly off of the assailant's eye and neck without so much as a pinprick. She raised her pistol and fired a few blasts at Stu but to her surprise, he literally ran up the walls like a ninja, completely out of her field of fire, and didn't come down. He held on to a sturdy light fixture for a couple of seconds, and she turned her attention to Bellevon. The mohawked knight was next to pounce on the witch, striking swiftly with his Kukri dagger.

By now it was obvious that she had a stoneskin spell in place. Bellevon went to disarm her, knocking the pistol to the ground. He then proceeded to batter and slash at her, pinning her in a corner with a furious flurry of steel and fists. Her stoneskin protection would not last long under that assault. It was a wonder that it held as long as it did.


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