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Wonder Woman's New Mission Pt. 01


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Suddenly an alarm sounded behind Jaime's bed and Diana lifted her gaze from her book. Diana read the monitor warning:

"bladder volume approaching high level!"

Diana was puzzled by this as the system was supposed to take care of these necessities routinely. The same "mismatch" message appeared below the warning. Her mind returned to Jaime's little accident in Star City. This should be the easy part, why was an alarm necessary?

Diana's POV:

I do NOT want to overstep my boundaries, but it seems like my little guy needs to "go." Dr. Midnight had told me that the system would take care of this with a catheter if necessary. Maybe I should wait? I just don't want him to make another puddle, though!


With her mind made up, Diana approached the lower portion of the bed and removed the blanket over Jaime. Now his lower torso was covered only by the bottom of his teddy bear gown. With a deep breath Diana pulled the gown up to Jaime's mid-chest and her eyes went wide.

Her subject had expectedly scrawny legs with little definition and little hair. Her eyes moved up the gangly limbs and expected to see an appendage hanging between his thighs, only to find nothing. Her gaze continued upward slowly and methodically. Finally, they stopped at the very center of the groin, with nowhere else to go:

Atop an almost nonexistent little scrotum pouch, was what Diana thought was the smallest penis she had ever seen. It must have been less than an inch and quite skinny. There was no hair anywhere around it. Despite being generally petite all over, his genitals still looked completely dwarfed between his legs. Diana was so perplexed by her new discovery; she brought her face right over it for a closer inspection. If Jaime really were conscious at all, he would have felt her breath on his tiny penis and scrotum.

Diana's POV:

Great Hera, I've never seen anything quite like this! His penis is the size of a little bean just barely poking out of his crotch. His balls look like they never descended, with just a little coin purse below his dinky--er I mean penis. There's no hair anywhere either! If I only saw between his legs, I would not know what age he was. His lower half looks like it was never touched by puberty. Although, that doesn't do it justice, because even when I worked the nursery, this would have been the smallest peepee--er penis I have ever seen. It's got this cute pink head too, like a little pencil eraser! I have no idea how they even managed to circumcise him, but it's so adorable! I think this is what they call a "micropenis!"


Diana had to stifle a little giggle as she wondered how even the Atom could have taken on such an operation on Jaime's tiny thing. Her moment of levity was interrupted as she was reminded why she had started her inspection in the first place. A light reflecting off of something caught her eye. It was the glistening of liquid as it formed right at the tip of Jaime's tiny penis. In the center of the tip urine began to sprinkle out from an almost impossibly small urethra. Since his genitals did not really hang, his small member was pointing almost straight up. The yellow water sprayed out in weak little arc that ended in the mattress just below Jaime's scrotum. Diana had a few little drops hit her cheek, but otherwise her warrior's reaction time got her out of the way. Thinking quick, Diana grabbed an absorbant pad and placed it where the stream was ending. Jaime tinkled on, a dull "pittering" sound as the stream landed on the pad. Diana just stared in thought.

Diana's POV:

It all makes sense now! The second "mismatch" error was about trying to relieve his little doodle. After seeing where his pee is coming from, I realize we do not have catheters small enough to get to his bladder! The diameter of the catheters we have are for men, not little peeps like his. Going from memory with this new information, I think the system wanted us to get the smallest infant size. We have no need for that on the satellite, well maybe we do now...

--Diana focused again on the tiny appendage before her--

What am I going to do with this little doodle--er penis--er I don't know! Everytime I learn more about Jaime, I see him less and less as a 19-year-old man. I see him more and more as little boy I must protect. I can't help it if I start baby-talking or giving him or his little friend pet names. His widdle winky is just so cute! It seems like it needs a lot of care though: I've only known him for about a day and he's piddled everywhere twice already!


Jaime's little fountain had finally dribbled its last as Diana stood there in thought.

"If the auto-system could not take care of his bedwetting, what should be done?" She thought as she grabbed wipes to clean Jaime. Diana was also able to get a ruler: maybe after getting measurements, she could rig up something he could pee into! Wonder Woman has always been resourceful.

Again, Diana got very close to her little subject and removed the pad below him. Very carefully and slowly she brought a wipe to his dribbly penis.

"Oh you poor baby, let's clean this little tinkle machine up." Diana said as she twirled the wipe around his penis and scrotum.

"I couldn't let you get a rash on this cute little peepee." she said.

After a quick wipe, Diana grabbed the ruler. Maybe she could find something to put below his little spout so he wouldn't make such a mess.

"Let's see what you're working with here" Diana said. "I just need to--oh my..."

Diana had trailed off as she tried her best to read the ruler. The wet wipe and the cool satellite air had made something she though impossible happen. Jaime's penis and scrotum had retracted even more. What little shaft there was before was gone. He now had only a little pink button where a penis would be, like a little doorbell. Diana struggled to place the ruler underneath his small protrusion.

"1.1 inch...I think. Maybe a little less..." She said in an almost puzzled way.

Diana's POV:

I cannot believe this! That can't be true! Not only is it short, but it's just so skinny. Without it hanging at all, I don't know what I can put on it to catch his sprinkling. There's nothing to really affix it to. Oh, poor Jaime. I'm going to have to wrap his little peeper in a diaper, or else he could get a terrible rash. I'll have to do this myself, the automated system doesn't seem to have an option like this.


Diana checked the supplies and found diapers that would fit her ward, but they did seem to be made for adults a good deal bigger than diminutive Jaime. Her training from her old nursing days kicked in as she prepared to wrap up her soggy charge. Jaime lay there still, as before.

"Raise your hips" Diana said instinctively, feeling instantly silly as he seemed totally unconscious. Completely surprising Diana--Jaime managed to very weakly raise his buttocks just slightly. Not much, but it didn't matter. Wonder Woman had the power to move mountains, lifting Jaime was easy. His seeming response to orders was heartening, though.

Diana finished putting the oversized and poofy white diaper under him as she considered this new revelation. Jaime seemed to be somewhat there in a mental sense. She did not think he understands exactly what is going on, but he seems to follow commands--although he is so weak. She felt a pang of guilt referring to his "manhood" as a "tinkle machine" and a "peepee" if he could really hear it, but She just could not treat him as a man. After seeing him as she had over the past day, he was just her little boy. After all she wasn't trying to be mean, but such a little thing needs diminutive names and a little levity. She just found him so cute.

Diana wanted to try to talk to him, maybe she could help improve his condition.

"Jaime, it's me, Diana. How do you feel?" she said.

"...c-c-c-cold..." he managed to whisper out after many seconds. His eyes fluttered slightly as he got the word out.

Diana looked down and realized she had not closed the front of the diaper up over his little dinky. He certainly had the markings of a boy who was cold--very cold; she thought as she gave out just the slightest giggle looking at his petite genitals. There was nowhere cold enough explain away his size!

As she closed the diaper, she had the passing feeling of fullness. She couldn't help but feel like a mother, even though she had no children of her own yet. She just felt so protective of this helpless little one.

Diana covered Jaime up with his teddy bear gown and blanket. She grabbed a tablet and began researching many subjects: communicating with semi-conscious patients, care for the bed-bound, and...potty training. Diana was going to get this little one healthy again, and maybe help him grow up a little bit. She was starting to suspect his little accidents were actually a secret he had for a long time.

Chapter 4:

Diana had retired to her quarters when she realized how late it was after she diapered her little one. The automated system would alert her to any activity or movement. She removed her leggings and got in her bed wearing only her JLA sweatshirt and red panties peaking out from below. As her firm and smooth bottom hit the silk sheets, she felt a soothing and cool chill run up her body. She let her hair down from its ponytail and lay with her JLA tablet resting on her flat tummy. As she read about communicating with patients like Jaime, she could see the outline of her erect nipples just poking up from below. Even in something as mundane as a sweatshirt, her perky, firm breasts made their presence known.

As she got comfortable, she instinctively scratched a slight itch between her thick muscular legs-- brushing past her proud patch of pubic hair. She loved the feeling of the curly and coarse hairs on her fingers. The interaction brought to mind her current ward and someone else: Steve Trevor. He was the love of Wonder Woman's life and her best ally. Though just an ordinary man, he is brave and a skilled warrior. He is also the greatest lover Diana had ever been with. She thought of him because he had a very healthy growth of pubic hairs above his very ample manhood.

She realized she should have thought of him earlier, being that she had nursed Steve back to health on Paradise Island, like she was doing for Jaime. She realized, however, that she wasn't reminded of Steve because the two boys were so different in "appearance." There was no mistaking Steve Trevor for a fledgling, his maturity and prowess were impossible to miss. This was in stark contrast to Jaime, who was completely undeveloped in the same area. No short hairs, no toned muscles, barely ANYTHING. After being so accustomed to what Steve had between his legs, Diana could not think of Jaime in any other way but as his babysitter.

Diana began to focus on her texts again as she reclined in her bed. The research on communicating with semi-conscious patients like this was clear: You must engage them at every opportunity and speak with them. When they try to speak you must be patient. Patience seemed to be the biggest virtue in this arena. Diana would learn that soon...

As she read on, her eyes grew heavy from the events of the day and her fierce battle before that. In a matter of moments, her hands lost their grip and the tablet tipped forward, its fall cushioned by her ample breasts. Diana was finally able to let go and dream.

Diana's Dream POV:

Diana was in a hazy and blurry version of the Paradise Island palace she had grown up in. She turned and saw herself in the mirror. It was her, but she was different. She had a long luxurious toga gown on, rather than battle armor. It was a gown her mother, Hippolyta, had worn often. She had her hair in curls, again as her mother wore it. In a moment, the clasp at the top of the gown opened on its own and the gown fell to the ground. She stood naked before the mirror, again she was not as she usually appeared. Her overall appearance was more matronly. She was still toned, but her hips were wider and her thighs seemed slightly more curvy. Her mane of pubic hair unchanged, but her new thighs curved about her vagina making it look more like a warm, beautiful nest. Her stomach had just a slightly noticeable pouch above her bush, still quite fit. Lastly, her breasts were slightly larger with a longer shape, hanging farther down than normal for her. Her nipples now faced slightly down with gravity. She stared and smiled. She felt happy. Suddenly, there was a flash.


Diana opened her eyes as she still lay in bed. An alarm from the automated sick bay system had gone off and awoken her. She looked at her clock: 2:00 AM EST. She used the same tablet she was reading to access footage from room 6. Jaime was not really moving, but she could see his face contort slightly and his lips move. "He must be trying to say something" Diana thought. She quickly got out of bed and put her hair back in a ponytail. She pulled up her white leggings and walked to sick bay.

Diana entered room 6 and remembered that she should engage her small ward as much as she can. She crouched next to the head of the bed.

"what's wrong, sweetie? Are you hurting?" she said softly to Jaime, her breath warm on his ear. He grimaced, not able to speak yet.

Diana looked him up and down and assumed he must be wet. To get a better position for changing, Diana lifted him easily off the bed and placed him on an exam table to the side of the room. This would have to do to change his diaper. Diana stripped the sides of the pamper and pulled down the front all the way. She hovered over his nether region looking for wetness or yellow but saw nothing. She noted his tiny member: sticking up on his small scrotum, not hanging over.

Diana had made a classic mistake as Jaime had not wet himself--yet. Pee suddenly started to sprinkle out of his underdeveloped appendage creating an arc on to Diana's chest. The pee streamed down on to her white leggings, creating clearly visible yellow spots. Instinctively Diana threw her hands out grazing the tip of the little sprinkler, causing an accidental flicking motion. Jaime's micropenis bounced up and down multiple times causing pee to spray high into the air.

"The tinkler" had struck again. Diana had a huge pee stain on her sweatshirt and white leggings. Her breasts were soggy with the warm liquid, giving her a chill from the cool air of the sick bay. From the accidental flick, pee had sprayed both Diana and Jaime from head to toe.

Diana stood for a moment with her hands on her hips as the little fountain before her finally ran out. She made a pouty face and let out a sigh. Her reading on caring for Jaime had espoused the virtues of patience, but this was probably not what they were talking about. Getting "wizzed" on was a rookie mistake, and Diana felt her cheeks grow warm with embarrassment. She looked down at helpless Jaime covered in sprinkles, and down at her white leggings now dyed yellow in many spots. "I probably shouldn't wear white" she thought.

Wonder Woman was frustrated, but it faded quickly as she caught another glimpse of Jaime's little pecker. Despite its obvious shortcomings, the way it sat out proudly made her crack a slight smile. She just couldn't stay mad at him. He was just her silly little one.

"How could such a little thing make such big a mess?" she cooed. "Don't worry sweetie, I'm going to get you warm and cozy again."

Jaime was no longer grimacing, but his lips were moving slighly.

"W-w-w-w-wet..." he was able to whisper out.

"I know, my little one." Diana answered sweetly. "I'm all dirty, too."

Diana's POV

I want to get this little piddle-meister clean and comfy again, but I'm also soggy. I don't think wipes are going to cut it for this and I could use a rinse myself. Well, I may as well kill two birds with one stone. It will be quicker this way, I'll just carry him into the shower with me. Just a quick scrub and back to bed. This isn't weird, is it?


Diana wrapped Jaime in a blanket and picked him up from the exam table. She pressed him to her still moist bosom, his head on her right shoulder. The pee he had "gifted" her was no longer warm, and bit smelly. She could feel her nipples become erect with the chill of the wet sweatshirt. As she walked with Jaime in her arms, she felt him strain just slightly. He was trying to support himself! Despite the trials of the day, it seemed like he was making a recovery as she thought he would. "He must be getting stronger" she thought. With her morale slightly up, she walked into her quarters.

She put Jaime down on her bed for just a moment as she unwrapped him. There was no way he could tinkle on her bed after such a big one, right? Without hesitation she removed her sweatshirt and leggings, leaving herself in just her panties. Diana realized she was being strangely casual taking her clothes off in front of a man she really had just met. She knew there were countless men who would have given anything to be so intimate with her and share a shower. Diana just could not picture Jaime in that way. He was just a kid to her. This was just "bath time," not a sexy rendezvous.

With that she removed her panties and turned on the shower. She had to make sure the water wasn't too hot. "I don't want to steam his little bean..." She thought as she heard the whooshing sound of the water hitting the tile floor of her luxurious walk-in shower.

She walked back out to her bedroom with her large breasts jiggling slightly, and her thighs swishing past her neat but hairy pussy. If Jaime were looking, he would have seen light peak out from between her legs, Wonder Woman's tight pussy made just the slightest gap even with such toned and full thighs. Diana let her hair down again, her smooth locks draping over her back now. She scooped up Jaime like a baby and held him lower on her stomach, below her breasts. If Jaime was truly awake he would have felt her course, curly pubic hairs just tickle his bottom.

Inside the shower now, Diana let the water flow over her head making her hair wet and shiny. It flowed down her bosom and over Jaime. Wonder Woman's incredible strength would've allowed her to handle a truck with one hand easily, so supporting a small adult with one arm was nothing. She took turns putting shampoo in their hair, and then lathering up their bodies. Diana felt very at ease as she quickly applied some soap to her vagina and positioned herself to let it rinse off. The warm water flowing over her vulva a familiar treat. She then positioned Jaime higher up on her body, with him lying pushed up against her firm but bouncy breasts. As the suds washed away, his small frame came into view again, unobstructed. In this position his meager genitals were right next to Diana's nipple on her left breast.

Diana's POV:

Oh my! His little pink peenie is almost exactly like my nipple! The water is warm, so I don't think shrinkage is an excuse! I had heard the stupid man insult "nipple dick," but I didn't think it had any place in reality.

-- Diana shifted her grasp of her shower buddy to make her nipple and his penis parallel--

I don't know who's bigger!...Darn! I think Jaime wins by a hair! Ironic because he has none and this is not a competition anyone would brag about. I should make the water cold, then I would definitely win!

-Wonder Woman giggled, and then composed herself-

It's really not funny. I feel bad. It makes me wonder if Jaime got made fun of for his little winky? Or his bedwetting? Or both? People can be so cruel to the weak. Well, I think he's absolutely adorable! Men usually don't want to be adorable, though. He probably wants to "use" his little button, although I'm not sure how he would. Poor boy.

-Diana looked down at him and smiled-

I want to help my special little guy any way I can. I can't make your tiny peepee any bigger Jaime, but maybe I can get your accidents under control. Not wetting yourself is a big start!

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