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Woodbridge Academy Ch. 06

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Jason and Matt enjoy a weekend away...
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Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/09/2015
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"Oh, yeah. Just like that...oh, god. That feels so good."

Matt's voice egged me on as I took his rock hard cock deep in my mouth, my tongue sliding over the velvety skin encasing his throbbing steel member. I wrapped my fingers around his base, gripping tight as I sucked him deeper, so deep he was pushing against the back of my throat. His hands wrapped gently around my head, not pushing, but rather guiding me where he wanted me. I le my fingers drift lower, cupping his balls and tickling his perineum before the combination of probing fingers and the suction of my mouth was too much for him to handle, and he exploded in my mouth. I moaned around his pulsating cock as he sprayed jet after jet of sticky white cum down my throat. He let out a strangled moan as I sucked him to completion. As he softened in my mouth, I let him go and softly kissed the skin of his inner thigh before I climbed up his body and settled in next to him on the lounge chair we were currently sharing. There wasn't much room for me beside his massive form on the chair, so I ended up kind of sprawled on top of him.

He leaned down and lazily kissed the top of my head. "That was amazing."

"Glad you approve." I grinned into his neck as he snuggled me closer to him.

Matt and I were currently hanging out at a hotel in Virginia Beach, enjoying the first long weekend of the year that was warm enough to actually be outside and enjoy the beach. Several weeks had gone by without a hitch, and I can't remember a time that I was happier. We had stopped having the same argument all the time, and were just enjoying being together. Matt had surprised me with this weekend trip, and it was shaping up to be a pretty great time. We had a great hotel right on the beach, no one cared when we went out to dinner, even though he wore his wig and glasses, and we were able to just be ourselves. Holding hands on the street, stealing kisses on street corners, and spending hours in bed left me with little room for complaints.

"So what should we do for dinner?" I asked, letting my finger tips dance over the broad expanse of his chest. His soft chest hair brushed against my face, and I found myself nuzzling against it. Matt Humphrey was one sexy guy.

"I was thinking about room service." He murmured against my head. "This is our last night. I kind of just want to spend time with just you before we go back to school tomorrow."

"That sounds good to me." I agreed as I sat up. "Hey, when we get back, we only have three more weeks of school left."

"And we can be together for good." He grinned.

"Can't wait." I beamed at him, leaning down for another kiss. I never got tired of the taste of him. As his hands roamed over my bare back, I shivered under his touch and let myself fall back against him. His hands roamed into the waistband of my shorts, but never dipped any further south than my waist.

Finally, he pulled away and with a firm smack on my ass, he motioned for me to get up. I did as he wanted, stretching as I did so. "Want to go for a walk on the beach later?" He asked. "I'd hate to miss out on any last time we can get out there before we have to go home."

"Sure." I agreed as I pulled him to his feet. "But we should probably go out there sooner rather than later. It got really cold last night once the sun went down."

Matt glanced out at the horizon. "Want to just go out now?"

"That works." I grinned. We headed back into our room and grabbed some shoes and sweatshirts before we headed down. There was hardly anyone on the beach, since most locals considered it too cold to actually be outside, even though it was a good 20 degrees warmer than in the city. Matt grabbed my hand as we crossed the sand, leading me down to the surf. We kicked off our shoes again, letting the cold water wash over our feet as we started to walk, leaving our shoes behind. I loved the beach in the late afternoon. It reminded me so much of when I was a kid, and going to the lakes with my mother and father. It was a happy time, before my mother decided to ran off. Either way, the water still brought me back to those happy memories no matter what. Maybe now, it would bring me back to these days with Matt. Being here with him had been perfect. He had stepped out of his comfort zone and was being handsy, flirty, and his wonderful charming self. As soon as we drove out of Woodbridge, it was like a giant weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"You seem awfully focused over there." Matt teased, bringing my hand up to his mouth and planting a soft kiss on my knuckles. "What's going on inside that gorgeous head of yours?"

"Nothing, really." I sighed. "It ended up being a beautiful weekend. I wish we didn't have to go back in the morning."

"Me too. This has been a great weekend for sure."

"Thanks for the surprise." I said shyly. Matt had taken the reins on this one, as a surprise to get away for a bit. Unfortunately, he was really bad with surprises, and blurted it out to me a few days ago.

He draped his arm around my shoulder as we walked, making it slightly awkward to navigate the sand and water. The waves lapped gently at my feet, and once again, a smile traced my lips. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

"It was my pleasure. You certainly deserve it for putting up with me for so long." He grinned, but it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Don't worry about it." I told him. I absolutely meant it too. We had long since stopped arguing about going out and doing things, because we were hanging out more as friends. TO the outside world, we probably looked like two guys who just hung out a lot. It wasn't really any different from me and Josh, or Matt and his lacrosse friends. We kept our distance, and it seemed like a totally platonic friendship. It was actually kind of fun, because everyone just took it in stride. No one seemed to care that we were friends all of a sudden, and no one ever suspected it was more. Josh was the only person who knew, and Michelle, but since she wasn't on campus, and was sworn to secrecy, there wasn't an issue at all with her knowing. Matt had introduced us a few weeks back, and if anything, she would be a great friend if we stayed together. She was sweet, kind, and funny as hell. Not a bad person to have in your life,, if you ask me.

Matt and I walked down the beach until the sun started to set. As it did, we sat in the cool sand and watched the different reds and oranges fade into the indigo shades of night. Matt had his arm around my shoulder, his giant body providing all the warmth I would ever need to face the cool spring air. I rested my head on his shoulder as we watched, totally captivated by the absolute romance of the moment. I had never experienced anything like it. In the past, I had always tried to do romantic things for whoever I was dating, but they paled in comparison to this evening. Matt didn't even have to plan anything. Just sitting here on the beach as the sun set on a perfect weekend was enough for me. Matt was enough for me.

"We should probably head back." Matt mumbled into my hair after I shivered from the cold air. Once the sun had gone down, most of the warmth from the beach disappeared, and we were left shivering in the dark. "You're covered in goosebumps."

"Yeah, I'm freezing." I agreed. I stood up and pulled him to his feet by both hands. Matt took advantage of the moment and pulled me close to him, his cold lips meeting mine in a gentle kiss. It quickly developed into something more, and his tongue soon lapped at the seam of my Lips. I opened for him, letting his tongue slide into my mouth as I gasped at the sensation. Kissing Matt never got old. It was almost like I needed him to breathe. Everything just fit so perfectly.

"Ready?" He panted as he pulled away. I nodded, and we began the trek back to the hotel. There weren't any other people on the beach by now, so we ended up taking our time, stopping every now and then for slow kisses with the waves crashing over our ankles.

It was, in a word, perfect.

By the time we made it back to the hotel, I was shivering from the cold. I decided to jump in the shower while Matt decided what to do for dinner. I took my time warming up in the gentle spray, making sure I lathered myself up nice and well. I had a feeling that Matt would really want to enjoy the last night in the luxury hotel, seeing how we hardly ever got to have sex in the dorm, due to his massive fear of getting caught. The past two days had pretty much been sex filled and there was no way I was going to complain about it. I was definitely going home with some sore muscles, but in the best way imaginable. Mat had been absolutely insatiable, and I didn't want to be the one to let him down.

"Hey." I heard Matt's voice from the other side of the curtain. "I ordered some room service. Is that okay with you?"

"That's fine." I agreed.

"Okay, great. I just didn't want to have to go outside again." I could hear the smile in his voice. "I'm freezing."

"Why don't you come in here and warm up?" I joked. We had never showered together, mostly because the showers at school are tiny, and Matt's large frame barely fit in one, forget about adding another person into the mix. I may not be huge, but I'm certainly not a small guy. Just thinking about that makes me claustrophobic.

"Not a bad idea." He laughed, and before I knew it, he was in the shower with me. He must have come in naked, because he literally just appeared. "Damn." He whistled. "If I thought you looked good naked before, you look even better wet!

"Shut up." I grumbled. It still bothered me when he was overly complementary. I wasn't used to such affection, and sometimes it felt like overkill. "Wash yourself up, would you? No one likes a smelly boy." I teased, wanting to change the subject as rapidly as I could.

He wiggled his eyebrows at me, and once again, I found myself succumbing to his charm. He certainly knew how to win me over. "No, but you do love this dirty boy." All I could do was groan and roll my eyes at him. He gave me a grin once he realized he had won, and picked up the washcloth from the side rail. After rubbing some soap into it, he turned me to face away from him and started to wash my back. His large hands soothed over my skin with the warm towel and I felt myself relax under his touch. His mouth found my shoulder and began to trace his lips over the skin there as his hand travelled lower.

"Matt." I groaned out. "No teasing."

"No?" He grinned against my shoulder, his hand stilling on my waist. He let the washcloth drop to the ground and gripped the skin tight as he nipped at the cord running along the side of my neck. "Tell me what you want." I was panting at the thought of him, wet and on me, and it took me less than thirty seconds to really get in the mood. Matt just had this spell cast over me, tangling me up in his web of charm and lust.

"The room service guy will be here soon." I moaned out, barely able to control the lust in my voice. It came out husky and breathy instead of firm like it was supposed to.

"They'll just leave it there. It's okay." He continued his assault on my neck, but his hands slowed and he took a step back. "You okay?" He asked gently. "You're being kind of squeamish. Are you upset about something?"

"No, of course not." I told him. "I just don't want the room service guy walking in on us. It's not really super romantic. I don't want this to only be about sex, you know."

Matt was silent for a moment, but he finally turned me around so I was facing him, and gave me a gentle kiss on the mouth. "It's not just the sex, Jay. You know that. I hope I didn't make it seem like that, because I am definitely way more into this than for a little action. I'm in love with you, Jason. You must know that by now." He leaned back in a nuzzled against my neck under the spray of the water. Pressed against him like this, there was nothing sexual about it, and I felt a new emotion tugging on my heart strings. What was I thinking? Of course this wasn't just sex. Matt had proven that time and time again, with all his sweet words and kind actions. He was in it for the long haul.

I was, too.

"I know." I told him. "I love you, too."

The words just slipped out fast than I could even attempt to stop them. They hung out there in the air between us, neither one of us saying a word. Matt looked stunned, to say the least, but the perplexed look warped into a huge grin in a matter of seconds. "You do?"

"I do." I could feel the blush washing over my face, pretty much displaying any emotion I had for all to see. As I stood there under the warm spray of the shower, I realized how crucial the next moment would be in determining how we handled everything. "I love you, Matt. I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, but I do."

He grinned, and wrapped his arms around me. Once again, we were pressed together, but in the least sexual manner since we first started hanging out. "I don't care how long it took you. I'm just so glad you feel that way. I love you so much."

There were no other words that could be said that would be perfect enough for the situation, so I just let my mouth meet Matt's in a tender kiss, showing him how I felt in a way that words could never manage to do any justice for. It was perfect. We were interrupted in a matter of seconds by the sound of someone knocking on the door. Matt groaned, kissed me one more time, and stepped out of the spray and back onto the bath mat. "I'll get it. You finish up in here." He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his narrow waist before leaving the bathroom and closing the door behind him. I could faintly hear him talking to someone, followed by the sound of the door shutting and plates moving around. The sounds disappeared after a few seconds, so I focused on finally finishing my shower. I had been in there so long the water was finally cooling down, so I finished rinsing off and got out. I don't think I have taken such a long shower since I first figured out that I could play with myself without my parents knowing. I'm sure they always did, but it's the thought that counts.

By the time I had dried off and gone back out into the room, I found Matt siting on the bed in just a pair of sweatpants, setting up the TV trays with our dinner. He looked up as I walked in, and smiled. "Hey." He greeted. "I got you a burger and salad. But I'll share my fries with you if you want."

"That sounds great. Thanks." I told him, pulling on my own sweats and then yanking a t-shirt over my head. I shut the balcony doors, now that the cold air was seeping in, and joined Matt on the bed. His fries did look good, but I had to stick with my salad. I didn't want to bulk up too much off season, or it would be harder to work off later. Matt was burning thousands of calories a week with lacrosse, and the lucky jerk could pretty much eat whatever he wanted without any problem. I hated working out extra off season, so it wasn't worth it for me. It was something he made fun of me for constantly, but it was what it was.

He handed me the tray he got for me, and I dug in. We hadn't eaten since an early lunch, so I was starving and wiped it out in a few minutes. Matt always ate like he was starving, so he was done before me anyway. "You want to do anything tonight?" He asked, after he moved all the stuff out to the hallway for us. "We don't have to stay in if you don't want to."

"I do." I told him. "I would much rather stay in and hang out with you. We don't get this much privacy anywhere else."

"You're right. Want to watch a movie?"

I agreed, so we changed positions so we were leaning against the headboard of the giant bed as Matt turned the TV on. Of course, there was absolutely nothing on, so we ended up landing on a movie on HBO, a sappy romance with some random bits of action. It wasn't exactly a thrilling movie, but I have to admit, spending the time curled up in bed with my head on Matt's shoulder as he had his arm wrapped around my shoulder, stroking the skin on my shoulder absent mindedly...well, it was a great feeling. I had never quite felt such a closeness with someone, where I could just sit next to him and be totally satisfied with just his company. Matt had proven to be a really great partner, and even though the word boyfriend still didn't roll off the tongue quite as easily as it should have, it was nice knowing that he was mine, and I was his.

I hadn't even realized that I had drifted off until Matt was covering us both up with the blanket, and lowering the lights. There was a dim light from the moon coming through from the open curtains, and it struck me just how romantic this evening had been, without either of us trying hard at it. We just worked well together.

Matt had snuggled in behind me and tugged the blanket to his neck when I rolled over and gave him a good look. He had been working out extra hard, and the extra definition made it look like his muscles had muscles. Lacrosse was definitely a good thing for him. How he had escaped weekend practices this weekend was beyond me, but I hadn't questioned it. Sometimes, I just didn't want to know. He must have noticed that I was staring at him, because he finally gave me a sleepy smile. "What's up?" He asked.

"Nothing." I mumbled, embarrassed for getting caught gawking at him.

"What's that look for?" He pushed.

"Nothing." I repeated. "I was just thinking about how good you look lately."

"Oh, really?" He grinned. He reached out and pulled me closer to him until our bare chests were pressed together before planting a soft kiss on my forehead. "Well, it's all yours to look at." He winked at me, and I groaned at his stupidity.

"You're so full of yourself."

"Would you rather be full of me?" He taunted.

"Maybe I would." It was my turn to wink at him, and I was lucky enough to watch his pupils dilate with lust. It always made my stomach lurch when he looked me like that. It meant for sure that I was in for a wild ride. Matt had been getting a little bit more frisky lately, and never left me wanting more, so I can only imagine what he had in mind for our last night alone in a nice hotel. His bed was larger than my dorm regulation twin size, but we had a whole king size mattress to ourselves, and there was nothing to stop us from having all the fun we wanted.

Apparently, Matt had the same idea I did, because in less than a second, I found myself on my back and trapped under him. He nestled his way in between my legs before leaning down to kiss me. He captured my mouth just as his hard on nudged my own stiffening member, taking advantage of the gasp that escaped my mouth to drive his tongue inside as he took me in a hard, passionate kiss. There was no denying that Matt meant business tonight, as he began to rock his hips against me, letting our erections bump into each other. The grinding sensation was enough to make me see stars as his hand gripped my neck, holding me close to him.

Matt's hard body was pressed against me, the warm skin on skin contact driving me absolutely mad. He had this way of knowing exactly what I needed to drag me over the edge, even when I couldn't necessarily verbalize it myself. He tore himself from my mouth, leaving me panting and wanting more, but quickly slid his way down to my neck. I let out a sigh as he gently nipped at my collarbone. The shift in his position had relieved some of the pressure on my groin, significantly slowing us down. We had all night, after all. No need to rush into anything.

Matt took his time kissing and licking his way over my chest, stopping to play with each nipple equally, lavishing them with attention as his hands smoothed up and down my sides. "Hmmm, that feels good." I moaned out, as he sucked harder on my nipple.

He gave it a quick nip before looking up at me and giving me a wicked grin. "I'm only just beginning, babe." His words were heavy with lust, his eyes dark, and the smirk he had on his face told me I was definitely going to enjoy tonight.

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