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Work Experience

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Work experience with dad's friend can be very rewarding.
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All sexually involved characters in this story are over 18 years of age.


Ok, well here goes, I thought. I just had to do it, no matter how embarrassing or lame I came off. I stood up from the grass where I was sitting with my soccer team after our game, and turn to look at the group of over 45's sore and breathless from the long game. Beer in hand, I spoke up, "alright fellas, I have a favour to ask. I know many of you have some top level jobs, so... My wife has insisted I ask you to consider accepting my daughter to have some work experience with you." I could see the men turn away, uninterested or trying to avoid my eye contact. "C'mon guys, just for a week so that she's not just wasting her time at home." I could see I wasn't going to get very far, so cracked a joke about Tommy, the chubby bloke who everyone had a go at, and everyone was laughing again.

In the car on the way home, I talked to Tim, my neighbour to whom I gave a lift every week. I once again brought up my daughter's predicament, knowing he was a fairly high-paid executive who could pull some strings at his work. I explained that my daughter Morgan was just out of school, and had chosen to take a gap year after a stressful year the year before. However, she had just lost her job and it seemed as though she was looking to spend the entire year doing nothing but going out with friends, sitting in front of the tv, and shopping.

Surprisingly, perhaps because he had met Morgan at the barbecues we had with Tim and his wife, he made it seem a possibility, so when I went home to my wife I had some leverage so as not to get a scolding for my "uselessness".

The next day, Sunday, I slept in and was woken by splashing in the pool outside. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen which has a good view over the backyard. Both my son of 15, Andy, and my daughter of 18 were out by the pool. My wife came up behind me as I watched my son bomb into the pool and said, "I'm not sure what I think about Morgan's new swimsuit." My eyes were directed to my daughter who got up out of the pool, and I could see what she meant. Morgan had grown up over the past year, and her slim little body was developing some curves. The little orange bikini and tight bikini bottoms did nothing to hide them. She was still quite a small girl, but combining her growing body with her ever pretty face, brown long wavy hair and eyes, I knew that boys would be looking to ask her out. It was a scenario I was not too keen on even thinking about, often being accused of being over-protective by my daughter.

Morgan came and joined me for some breakfast on the back verandah, wiping herself dry with her towel. Just as she was about to sit though, the doorbell rang and she said she would get it. From the table I heard the voice of our neighbour Tim, so I got up to go chat. When I arrived he greeted me and said, "I was just saying to Morgan here that I saw her swimming outside earlier, and this reminded me of the request you had yesterday." By now my wife had also joined us at the front door forcing Morgan to step outside next to Tim.

Tim was a big man, and standing next to Morgan made him look even bigger. He said he came to offer her a week of work experience at his office, starting from tomorrow. Morgan didn't look overjoyed, but my wife and I were, and thanked Tim very much. He talked to Morgan, saying that it wouldn't be a very boring job, and that he would make it a week to remember, but Morgan was still unsure. We practically said yes on her behalf, and Tim said if she wanted, she would have to come over to his place at 7:30am and he would drive her.

After leaving, we talked to Morgan about the offer, saying it would look great on her CV. She warmed to the idea eventually, especially when I reminded her that Tim would be there and he said he would make it interesting for her. So the next morning, I woke her up when I woke up, and told her to get ready. After my shower, I went back to her room to find her still in bed, so I woke her again more sternly. Obviously she hadn't woken up this early in a while. It was almost 7:30 so I shouted upstairs to tell her to hurry, and she rushed down a minute later.

I saw that she was dressed for the office, well in some sense. She had a white blouse that buttoned up the front, and a tight black skirt that went from her waist to her mid thighs. I would have questioned her dress but she was already late, and despite the fact that her outfit hugged her curves a bit too tightly, I showed her out the door. She put on some high heels, reasoning that all females in the office wore heels, and her tanned legs seemed to stretch on forever. She kissed me on the cheek and then walked over seemingly tired and begrudgingly to our neighbours place where Tim was waiting by his car. From our front door, I couldn't hear what was being said, but he smiled and obviously said something about her outfit as she looked down at herself and also smiled. Then she hopped into his BMW and he shot down the road. I hoped it wasn't going to be as boring as I thought it would be.

The family was all sat down for dinner that night, except for Morgan. My wife and I were a little concerned that by 7:30 she still was not home, but after calling Tim, he said he was just finishing up a little project that Morgan had been helping him with, and he said he was about to come home. He put Morgan on the phone for a brief hello, which sounded quite loud and hurried, and I told her we'd see her at home.

So as we all started dinner at about 8:15, Morgan rushed in the front door and joined us. She looked happy which was the most important thing for my wife and I. We had expected to find her gloomy and depressed, not wishing to go back the next day. But instead she looked energised and lit up. Her mother was also a little surprised at what she had chosen to wear, but she said she fitted in great, and people were complimenting her all day.

Over dinner we asked her whether she enjoyed it, and after a surprisingly enthusiastic yes, we queried what she had to do. She told us there wasn't much for her to do, just do errands for people, and mainly help out Tim in his office. I didn't know how she could have found that so enjoyable, but she said what was the best was just being in the environment of working people. It made her feel older and responsible. "If only you were getting paid," her brother joked, bringing out a sarcastic laugh from his older sister.

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it sweety," her mother was genuinely glad she was out of the house. "I hope you didn't get in Tim's way though."

"Oh no, he told me several times throughout the day that he was very happy to have me there," she replied, "he was quite vocal about it at times," she grinned to herself.

I added, "and did you thank him for giving you this opportunity?"

"I sure did!" she rose from the table as her mother began asking her another question. "I would love to answer your questions here all night, but I'm all tired and sticky from today so I need a shower and then I'm going to hop into bed."

"I'll wake you same time tomorrow?"

"Yes thank you dad, goodnight!"

We were all left at the table a bit shocked and puzzled, but had to feel that it was a great thing that we had helped her into, and I for one slept far more soundly that night.

The next morning Morgan barely needed waking up. She was out the door early wearing the same skirt and high heels as the day before, but a different red silky blouse. I wasn't sure, but I thought she may have been wearing stockings as well as she headed over to Tim's place while I was still having breakfast. I had heard Tim's wife drive out minutes before she headed over, but didn't hear Tim's car. I walked to the front door and looked to see if his BMW was in the driveway. Nope. I went upstairs to take a piss, and came back down to finish my coffee. I still wasn't sure if I had heard them leave, but then again, the Beamer doesn't make a lot of noise when starting up. So I deduced they must have gone, and left for my own work.

That night was much the same, as Morgan arrived home at about 8, after me. I saw that the car that dropped her off was different, and it drove down the road after dropping her off. She was smiling widely as she walked up to our front door, and I asked who that was, quite annoyed it wasn't Tim. I didn't know what to expect her to say, and when she said it was Tim's director of operations at the office, I didn't know how to react. She walked past me and sat down at the table once again.

I joined her and her mother as she told her that today she had spent more time helping out Ross, the man who Tim reported to. My wife was very pleased with this, saying that our daughter would be able to get a good recommendation from such an important figure in the company. I had not thought of this immediately, rather concerned that Tim had let our daughter ride home with someone we didn't know. When I brought it up, my wife too found it very inappropriate, telling Morgan she should have called to tell us. Morgan reasoned that she "had her hands full at the office as Ross had to close a deal that forced him to stay later than Tim. Tim had not wanted to wait behind, so I told him I would be fine to get a ride with Ross." We refused to admit that it was alright, insisting she call us next time, and ate dinner with less conversation than the previous night.

The next day I was at work early, which gave me a long lunch break. I thought I would make the ten minute walk through the city to Tim's office to pay a surprise visit on him and my daughter. I thought it would be weird seeing my daughter in an office, as I asked different people at desks which floor and where on the floor I could find Tim Andrews. I finally found myself outside an office door with two names on plaques, one being my neighbour's. The blinds to the office were drawn, but I could hear movement inside so tried opening the door. It was locked. The moving stopped and I knocked on the door.

Tim replied through the door asking who it was and went very silent when I mentioned "a surprise visitor". He said in a jovial tone that he wouldn't be a minute, that Morgan was just helping him with something. More than a minute later, he opened the door, "I was wondering who would be knocking in lunch hour! Come in mate."

"Dad! What are you doing here?" My daughter greeted me with a hug. She was very warm, and I thought I could see some perspiration on her forehead.

The office was quite large, and had two desks in it at either end. Morgan and Tim directed me to chairs at one end with a very messy desk. I had not thought of Tim as a messy guy, but papers we're everywhere and it all looked very unprofessional. "Obviously you can see why I needed Morgan's help here," he motioned to his mess. I looked around at the other end and was surprised to find another man inside. He looked busy, but still not busy enough not to open the door if Tim or Morgan couldn't.

He looked up and Tim introduced me to Greg. He was a sturdy man with glasses and a balding head, the hair he did have was a little messy. But he seemed like a nice guy and spoke very well. I thought it a little strange that there was a pair of black trousers hanging over one side of his desk. Who takes two pairs of trousers to work? Well, their office was a little different to what I had expected, but I still thought it would be a great place for my daughter to get some experience. So Tim had Morgan go get some sandwiches for the three of us and we had lunch together.

About half an hour later, I was getting ready to leave, saying goodbye to Greg and noticing the pants were gone from his desk. Strange. He rose this time to walk over and shake my hand saying it was nice to meet me. Then someone opened the door and stuck their head in. It was a bald black man that emanated power. He said, "Tim it's 1:30, your time is up, my turn with Morgan." Tim looked a little uneasy as he introduced the man as his boss, Blake. He looked at me asking, "you weren't trying to cut in line were you?" I was confused as Tim then introduced me, and explained that Morgan was just so good at her duties that people from the office were lining up to have her help them out. This made me very happy, and seemingly it made Morgan happy too, as I knew she would take a lot of good experience and hopefully a good reference from this week. I bid them all farewell and kissed my daughter on the forehead as she pranced down the hallway to the boss's office with the boss walking very close behind her.

Later that night, my wife mentioned to me something she found a little strange when she was folding the laundry. She had found barely any of Morgan's underwear coming through the washing. It did seem a little strange, but I was too tired to care, and fell asleep before Morgan even arrived home.

When Morgan came downstairs the next morning I was treated to her in a pretty dress. It was different from the previous three days, and I asked her why the change. She told me that neither I or my wife were awake when she arrived home last night, but she asked me if it was ok with me if she went with Tim today to visit a client. Tim was in sales, and apparently he wanted to give Morgan the experience of a client and salesman negotiation. So she wanted to look casual and pretty, asking me how she looked. "You look pretty as usual darling."

"Tim also said the two men who we're going to see would probably be in higher spirits if a pretty young girl was there helping him," we laughed together as I walked her to the door.

"Oh and who dropped you home last night?"

"Davis," she replied.

"That's the boss I met right?" I said thinking back to the day before.

She gave a funny look as though she was thinking, then said, "yeah that's him," over her shoulder and she walked straight over and into Tim's waiting car. Tim honked and waved and sped off. Where exactly was she going again?

I got a call while I was at the office, and the voice on the other end was deep and sounded very serious, "hi, I am a representative of Hardy and Delaney Bodybuilding," and then his voice turned to higher spirits, "and I just had to call to say that your daughter is doing a very convincing job of selling us the biggest shipment of equipment we have ever made." I transformed from high confusion to total understanding all at once, and said I was a very proud father.

I was confused as to why he sounded short for breath and laboured for words, but he put me onto the other representative client, who explained the call a bit more, expecting that I would have been very much lost with such an introduction. He said he and his friend were body builders for a small company and his friend was currently trying out one of the exercise machines. He too complimented my daughter and said she was probably the deal breaker. I heard him say, "say hi to daddy now," as he put the phone near Morgan. She almost screamed "hiiii daddddyyy!" and groaned a couple of times. This was yet another strange occurrence over the phone, but the man then explained that she was helping them try out the equipment for women, and was struggling a little bit due to her "young little body, good for some things, not so great for weight machines". I didn't really know what he meant by that.

I struggled to see any more reason to talk to this man, but thought I should check in with Tim, so asked for him to put him on. But the man replied saying Tim had gone and left them to have a session with my daughter, and then hurriedly said goodbye over the voice of my daughter saying, "it's so good!" It sounded like she was doing a great job of promoting the equipment, despite being pushed quite hard. I was so proud of her.

That night I came home and Morgan was already home. First time it had happened this week and it was Thursday night. My wife said she had slept like a baby since the afternoon, and I explained that she had been worked pretty hard that day it was understandable.

The next morning, a knock came at the door and I opened it to find Tim. He had come to tell me that his sector of the office was probably going to be kept late that night with a team meeting called by his boss Blake, and that none of his friends would be able to drop Morgan off until late. He said he completely understood if I didn't want her to go today, but that she would be a big help as it was going to get busy. I thought about going to check with my wife, but grew a pair and made the decision. Of course she could stay late, as long as she wants to, which I thought she would, and as long as you can bring her home. Morgan came downstairs and was filled in, and I detected that the longer hours seemed more attractive to her than fewer. "It can be like my leaving party as well," we laughed, but Tim said it would be mostly down to business tonight and Morgan would be very busy and very tired by the end of it, and bid me farewell for the day. I wished my daughter luck and told her to put in the effort, and they once again sped away down the road.

When I got home, I texted Morgan to see how she was doing, not expecting her to have the time for a phone call from dad. Then while I was in the shower, my wife called out saying I got a reply, and said she thought Morgan was part of something quite important tonight.

When I got out, I found my phone with a message from Morgan saying she was already exhausted, but most of the team had left that she had been working with all day, and now another group of the most important men in the business had arrived and were putting her to work. All the men in the conference room that night were working very hard and she expected to be busy till the wee hours of the morning, so don't wait till she gets home to sleep. So after dinner with my wife and son, we all headed to bed, leaving a key under the doormat.

At about 4 in the morning I was half woken by the sound of many men laughing outside the house, so I quickly got up to check if Morgan was back, but found her bed empty, then looked out the window to find about five cars parked on the street that I had not seen earlier. Just as I was about to get into bed, I heard the front door open and Tim's voice, so I got up and went downstairs. There I found Tim lying Morgan down on the lounge in the back room.

I scared him and he said he had just come home and Morgan had fallen asleep in his car. He was insistent that I go back to bed and very apologetic that he had woken me, saying he just had to get her bag from his car and then he would set her up for the night on the sofa. I was offering to help him take her upstairs, but he said it was hard enough carrying her into the house, and practically pushed me back upstairs. He was a very good friend and good neighbour to have. As I was just falling back to sleep, I heard a bit of that laughing again, and a clinking of a bottle. I slept, but constantly thought i was hearing things, like doors opening or a grunt here and there, so i went to my wife bedside table and took one of her sleeping pills, so both of us were deep in sleep for the rest of the night.

The next day at soccer, Tim turned up late saying he had a late night. After the game I saw him chatting and laughing with a few of the team members, and when I went over to them, he said he had mentioned how great an office hand Morgan had been. Then one of my friends, Mario, who owns a pizza chain said he would love for Morgan to come work with him for a week, as long as she was ready to start next week. I told him I would carry the message on and get back to him, then asked Tim if my daughter had got a reference from him. He replied saying no he hadn't and that he was having a little meeting of co-workers that would also be willing to give a reference, including the high level bosses, that night at his place. He said Morgan should definitely come over and she would get the glowing reference she had earned.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

please make a sequel

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Super hot

Please please write a sequel with father finding out

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
What happens next?

I hope you write a sequel with Morgan at the pizza shop. This was such a unique story and I hope you continue Morgan's adventures.

Thanks for your story!

kakashi524kakashi524over 12 years ago
More pls

I loved the story and would love to know more about what happened to Morgan.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Love it!

I loved this story so much. Have you considered doing a sequel or filling in the sex parts? You come up with genius ideas.

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