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Work Hard, Play Harder Ch. 11


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"Two glasses of wine... and make them large ones," he announced, placing them on the table then picking up the empties. "Can I help you with anything else, ladies?"

"Thank you... that's fine," Kirsten replied, staring at the two full glasses of wine, then turning her mind back towards her rapidly filling bladder.

"Thank you," Claudia added. "Maybe though, you'd be kind enough to tell my friend here where the toilets are."

"Of course," he replied. "I can show you, Miss, if you'd like."

Kirsten wanted to sink into her seat. It was bad enough needing to go, but having someone show her the way to the toilets when she was wearing a padlock and chain instead of a belt was a stretch too far.

"No... no... just point me in the right direction, and I'll find them," Kirsten replied, smiling.

Smiling? The exterior may have been a façade of friendly contentment, but inside Kirsten was fuming. How could Claudia do this? How could her mistress lock her up and then be absent-minded enough to forget to bring the key? What the hell was she going to do now?

The only saving grace was the thought that Kirsten didn't have the biggest hips in the world, and maybe, just maybe, she could still slide her jeans down. That saving grace was dashed a matter of minutes later, and in the privacy of one of the cubicles. Oh yes, maybe at a squeeze, and with some pain, Kirsten could force the chain belt over her hips--it was tight, oh so tight but she might have managed it--but what if she couldn't get her jeans back up again?

Which would be worse... sitting there in ever increasing discomfort, wondering how long she could hold out, or having the contentment at having relieved herself tempered by the embarrassment of walking back into the restaurant with her jeans part way down her legs. It was a no-brainer, and moments later Kirsten walked back to her table, with her modesty still intact, but with her immediate need unsatisfied.

"Are you sure you don't have the key, Mistress?" Kirsten asked, not really hopeful of any positive outcome. As she spoke, she stared at the full glass in front of her.

"I told you, Kirsten. The key's back at the cabin, so no can do... well, not until we get back," Claudia replied. "You'll manage... I know you will... and you still need some answers, don't you. So, make yourself comfortable, and I'll tell you all about Sophie. She couldn't wait to tell me, you know. You could even say she was desperate to give me an answer. Are you desperate to hear what she had to say?"

The look on Kirsten's face said it all. Did she care about answers? Answers could come later. For now, she wanted to be heading off. As for comfortable, the longer it went on, and the more she thought about it, the less comfortable she felt.

"And... it'd be a shame to waste this one, wouldn't it, Kirsten?" Claudia added, indicating towards the glass of wine on the table.

Kirsten simply stared at the full glass. It was the last thing she wanted, but she knew better than to ignore her mistress. Kirsten picked the glass up, then took a gulp at the wine.

"There... that's better," Claudia continued. "Now, let me see... what about Sophie?"

Claudia took a sip of her own wine, then smiled back at Kirsten.

"It seems, my girl, that you did a good job back in the bookshop," Claudia announced.

"Good?" Kirsten asked.

"Okay, so good is subjective. If you intended to encourage Sophie, then you did a good job. If your intentions were to put her off, then I have to say you were quite atrocious at it. So, which was it?" Claudia continued. "No... don't answer... it was a rhetorical question. In a nutshell, you did nothing to persuade her otherwise, and she still wants..."

"What, Mistress? What does she want?" Kirsten asked, an eagerness in her voice to hear just what her mistress had to say.

"Don't worry, I'm gonna tell you everything," Claudia announced, taking another sip of her wine, "but you won't mind if I nip to the loo first, will you?"

Damn, how could she be so insensitive? The mere idea of Claudia going to the toilet, whilst she sat there unable to relieve herself, had Kirsten thinking of nothing else other than her increasingly awkward predicament. She squirmed a little in her seat, trying to find any position which didn't put undue pressure on her bladder, then, like a good girl, went back to her wine. Oh, the irony of drinking to please her mistress, when she knew that every drop would just make her jeopardy greater.

"Mmmm... that's better," Claudia announced, returning to her seat. "Now, where was I... oh yes, drink up Kirsten, let's get going and I'll tell you all about Sophie."

For a moment, the thought of her predicament had passed Kirsten by. What was left of her wine, which wasn't far off half a glass, was downed in one large gulp as her mistress took care of the bill, and then the two women headed out along the lakeside path, this time back in the direction of the cabin.

The direction of travel wasn't the only difference. On the way out, it had been Claudia who set the pace, with Kirsten rushing to catch up. This time, and with every step providing a reminder of her need to go, it was the younger blonde who was rushing in front, eagerly encouraging her mistress to keep up.

"I thought you wanted to know about Sophie," Claudia called out after her lover, as she watched Kirsten bound ahead once more. They were already half way back and Claudia hadn't managed to say a word.

"I do... I do..." Kirsten replied, turning back to face her mistress.

You didn't have to look closely to know that Kirsten was rather preoccupied with something more than the eagerly awaited explanation. Peer into her face and you could read the worry etched across what was more of a grimace than a smile. Glance down at her body and you would see the way she fidgeted, never quite standing still, almost dancing on the spot as she crossed then uncrossed her legs.

"Then, what's the rush?" Claudia nonchalantly asked. "It's a beautiful day, so why the hurry?"

If looks could kill, Kirsten would have inadvertently murdered her mistress there and then at the side of the lake. Did Claudia really need to ask? Things were starting to add up. Her mistress had threatened that Kirsten would be desperate before the day was out... and now she was there. There was no hiding the fact... she needed to go... goddam, admit it... she was desperate to go... and if they didn't get a move on, that feeling of desperation would quickly become a thing of the past, replaced by... the thought didn't bear thinking about.

"But... Mistress... you know... I need to..." Kirsten started to object.

"Yes... yes... you need to know what she said... Sophie, that is," Claudia responded, teasing her lover, by not acknowledging what Kirsten really needed. "So, come on, I'll tell you as we head back to the cabin."

Claudia picked up the pace, striding purposefully forward along the path, leaving her lover in her wake. Kirsten bounded after her mistress, and at once wished she hadn't. The sudden movement was counter-productive to what she actually desired. The idea of getting back to the cabin as quickly as she could was first and foremost in Kirsten's mind, but that came at a price. Every bounded step just added pressure to her already full bladder, and before long the young blonde was feeling more than desperate, just as her mistress had intimated that she would.

"Ah, there you are," Claudia commented, as Kirsten appeared by her side. "So, where were we? Oh yes, I remember... you wanted to know about Sophie... what happened after our drinks... what she said she wanted... where it leaves us?"

"Yes Mistress," Kirsten responded. "Did she say anything?"

"Anything? Oh, she said more than anything. It seems you made quite an impression, my darling Kirsten," Claudia started to explain.

The words were quite ironic. As her mistress spoke about making an impression, Kirsten was worrying about doing just that... and not quite in the same way as back in the bookshop. The need to go was now becoming a constant in her mind, her fullness reminding her just what a predicament she was in.

Then it happened. For the first time, Kirsten felt the cramps arrive. She slowed down, not quite to a stop, but enough to fall back a step or two from the side of her mistress. As she slowed, Kirsten clenched her buttocks, trying her best to prevent the inevitable leakage. If anyone had been watching, they would have seen the momentary strain in the way the young blonde walked... those seconds as she tensed, then regained her composure.

Then, it was over... a second or two of discomfort, and then Kirsten was off again alongside her mistress. It was short lived, but it was a clear sign of what was soon to come if she didn't get a move on.

It was also noticed. Claudia didn't say a word. She didn't have to. The response alone from her lover told its own story.

"So, when I got to the office on Monday morning, Sophie was already there... and just like you, she was desperate," Claudia added, turning towards her lover, and smiling. "That's what gave me the idea, you know..."

Kirsten was confused, and the look on her face must have said as much.

"... to have you feeling desperate, just like she was. Oh yes, the reasons might have been so different, but the desires were just the same, and the feeling... well, tell me you're not desperate Kirsten... and tell me you're not just a little excited to be on the edge... to be needing to go so much that you can barely hold on... am I right... are you listening to the sound of the water as it laps against the side of the lake... and are you feeling it deep inside?"

'Damn,' Kirsten thought to herself. Until that moment she'd blocked everything out of her mind, other than her mistress' conversation. Now though... now, all she could think about were those soft watery sounds, and her own impending release. She was desperate. She had been desperate for some time. What was more confusing though, was the other thing her mistress had said. The more Kirsten thought about it, the more she was just a little excited about it... the feeling... the predicament... the risk of losing herself, succumbing to her situation.

"It's what Sophie wants as well, you know," Claudia continued. "No... not to be desperate in that way... or maybe she does and just hasn't told me yet..."

Claudia chuckled at the idea that her work colleague might have other secrets yet to be discovered, then set off along the path once more. Kirsten tried her best to keep up.

"She wants to be you, Kirsten... she wants to have a mistress of her own, and to feel how you do... she wants to learn... she wants to please... and more still... she wants to be taken to that place... you know... that place where you give yourself to another, where you can do nothing more but trust in them, where you are totally at their mercy... where you are desperate to be sent crashing over the edge... to have your inner-most desires unlocked by another. Sounds familiar, Kirsten? Are you feeling it now, my darling? Are you feeling oh so close?"

"Y... yes... M... Mistress," Kirsten struggled to reply. It wasn't so much that she didn't know what to say. Every word her mistress had uttered resonated so clearly. What stopped the young blonde though was the thought of what had just been said, and the meanings those words portrayed.

Another bout of cramp hit Kirsten, and this time she did stop in her tracks, a gasp leaving her lips as she crossed her legs tightly and clenched her buttocks hard.

"Oh look," Claudia responded, "isn't that the cabin?"

It was true. For the first time, the cabin had come back into view at the far end of the lake. How long would it take to get there? Five minutes? Maybe, ten? For a moment, Kirsten felt relieved. She headed off in front, as quick as her predicament would let her, leaving her mistress trailing on behind, never quite out of earshot, and most definitely not out of sight.

"That's what she wants, you know... to make it to the cabin," Claudia called out. "Just like you do. She wants to know what secrets it holds... and she wants somebody to show her... or more to the point, she is desperate for somebody to show her... somebody who knows what it's like... somebody who's already been there... somebody, like... you."

Kirsten stopped. What exactly had her mistress just said?

"Like me?" Kirsten replied, spinning around and instantly wishing she hadn't. Her mind had drifted away from her predicament, and for a few seconds she had been distracted. It was all it took, that momentary lapse. Oh god, she had come so close. Kirsten could sense the first seepage deep within and immediately seized up in the hope of preventing the floodgates from opening.

"So, my beautiful young lover," Claudia responded, moving in closer and placing a soft kiss on Kirsten's lips. "I guess you have a choice to make... or actually I guess you have two choices to make."

Kirsten looked quizzically back at her mistress.

"Your first choice is... well... would you like to train the young Sophie... to lead her on her own journey... to be the one who unlocks her inner-most desires, just like I unlocked yours?" Claudia continued. "You don't need to tell me now... we can answer that one later."

"And the second?" Kirsten asked.

"Oh yes, I nearly forgot. You'll find what you are looking for under the cabin doormat... so I guess that's your other choice... slow and steady but it will take longer to get there... or make a dash for it, but... well... you know what happens when you go too fast," Claudia responded.

For a moment, Kirsten stood there, making no move at all. She was still weighing up the alternatives, both of which seemed to stack the odds against the petite blonde. Slow would take the best part of ten minutes, and she was bursting already. Fast would just add undue pressure and the risk of losing control with any stride. Was there really a safe option?

"Your choice," Claudia commented, noticing the hesitation from her lover, "but, if I were you, I'd be quick about it... unless..."

Claudia smiled. She had never imagined the other option, but now she wondered.

"Oh, my darling Kirsten... the way you are standing there, I almost think you want it to happen... to feel what it's like... to be a naughty little girl. Am I right? Is that what you want?"

Kirsten didn't have an answer.

She didn't know what she wanted to say, but the one thing she did know was that doing nothing would result in only one outcome. There wasn't a guarantee that either of the other options would bring about a different ending, but surely, she had to try. It was the only right thing to do.

She could hardly stand there and wet herself, could she?

The first few steps were slow and steady, each movement measured so as not to add undue pressure to her full bladder. Kirsten could hear the footsteps of her mistress just behind, along with the lapping sound of water.

Water? All Kirsten could think about was the water, and her need to get to that key before it was too late. She upped her pace a little, moving to a brisk walk. So far so good. She ached, such was the fullness inside, but still she was in control, and already the cabin seemed visibly closer.

Maybe, just maybe, she would get there.

The thought was too tempting. A brisk walk became faster, almost to the point of a gentle jog, eating up the ground between Kirsten and her destiny... at least, that was, until...

Kirsten stopped in her tracks when it hit her.

It was no longer just the cramp of pressure building inside. Once more she could sense the leakage deep within, and instantly clamped her legs together. It was more of a strain, but Kirsten was intent on holding it all back, despite the pain of doing so. The pain--yes, she had to admit that holding back the flow was becoming more than just uncomfortable--seemed to last a good half minute before fading away, but having faded away, Kirsten set off on her journey once more.

And... so it was. If anyone had been watching, anyone that was other than Claudia, they would have wondered just what Kirsten was up to, maybe even to the point of enquiring as to the young blonde's wellbeing, such was the obviously uncomfortable walking style. Claudia though was happy to follow on behind and didn't need to ask anything. Claudia already had the answers... well... most of them.

Bit by bit, Kirsten was getting closer to the cabin.

Bit by bit, Kirsten's motion was becoming even more extreme.

What had started as intermittent bouts of cramping, had now morphed into a continuous need to go and, with it, those distinct periods of discomfort had become one in the same. The view from behind, at least for the voyeur, was quite delightful, watching Kirsten waddle along as best she could, with her buttocks clenched so tightly together.

Still though, Kirsten waddled.

Still though, Kirsten clenched her teeth, and any other part of her body she could muster.

Still though, with her destination within touching distance, Kirsten believed in herself.

It was awkward, but Kirsten made it to the cabin, and climbed the couple of small steps onto the decking. She glanced down at the mat in front of the door. Her mistress had promised that the key was underneath. On any other day, Kirsten would simply have bent at the waist and taken a look, but not today. Bending at the waist was going to achieve one thing only, and that was the need for another pair of jeans.

Slowly, carefully, Kirsten crouched down. She took the mat in one hand and lifted the corner. Kirsten smiled. There it was, shining back at her. Making sure not to nudge it between the cracks in the decking, Kirsten reached for the key. With it safely in her grasp, Kirsten stood up and glanced back towards Claudia, who had now taken up a position leaning against one of the timber posts at the front of the decking.

The smile on Kirsten's face said it all.

Kirsten had made it.

Kirsten had done what her mistress had asked of her, and now could take matters into her own hands. She had thought long and hard about this very moment--with the continued aching inside, and the constant threat of embarrassment, it was difficult to think of anything else--and already had her mind made up. Whilst it might have been a giggle to just stand there and let it all go, she wasn't about to give her mistress the pleasure, well... not in a public place.

Kirsten placed the key in the padlock, gave it a firm twist, and squealed out in excitement as the padlock opened. Quick as a flash she pulled the length of chain out from around her waist and discarded both makeshift belt and would-be buckle onto the floor.

"I made it!" Kirsten announced, spinning around, and walking to the cabin door.

Claudia didn't respond. She just stood there, watching intently, as her lover took a firm grip on the door handle and twisted it. An instant air of resignation passed over Kirsten. The handle turned, but the door didn't give.

She hadn't thought about this, nor had she noticed her mistress doing it when they set off earlier in the day. The cabin was locked.

There was none of the enthusiasm with which Kirsten had approached the door, when she turned back towards Claudia. Nor was there much of the self-belief left, the belief which had allowed her to make it all this way without mishap. All Kirsten could do was stare back at her mistress, a resigned look in her eyes.

"The key?" Claudia called out, smiling back, holding a large bunch of keys in her hand. "All you had to do was ask."

For a moment there was silence. It wasn't that Kirsten didn't know what to say. It was just that her mind had been consumed by another feeling, a feeling this time she wasn't sure she could control. As if it would make any difference, which it most definitely didn't, Kirsten found herself dancing on the spot once more, trying to take her mind off her predicament.

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