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Working Late

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Claudia's personal assistant goes above and beyond.
10.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/22/2019
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"Well fuck you too then!"

The outburst rang out across the floor even through the glass door separating Claudia's office from the main area. It caused a collective flinch to pass through the office workers. One or two of them shot a sympathetic look to the brunette sitting at the desk closest to their boss's workspace.

Linda Reed had been Claudia Braddock's personal assistant for nearly two years now. There were plenty of people who had worked at the advertising agency for longer, but nobody had lasted as long as Linda had in her position. Nobody was exactly sure what the record was, but the general consensus was that besides Linda, the one that had lasted longest was Dave, a young man hired right out of college. He had lasted three months.

Somehow Linda had managed to last. The fact that she had still caused amazement among the other staff. But it seemed like not a day went by that she wasn't the first one in, even before miss Braddock, and she often stayed up late with her boss as well. And no matter how often that happened, she was always her cheerful, almost chipper self the following morning. It made some of her coworkers suspect that Linda had a field bed and a spare change of clothes stashed somewhere in the office. And judging from this particular outburst, it would be another late night.

As Linda had expected her boss all but burst through the glass door a moment later. As one, all the heads in the room snapped to face her. It wasn't hard to see why. The woman radiated power.

After nearly twenty years in the advertising business, the last eight of which were spent in charge of her own agency, Claudia had learned to carry herself with an authority that was undeniable. Sure, she dressed the part, all pencil skirts and silk blouses and immaculate salon haircuts and heels that would leave lesser women begging off after just an hour walking around on them, but it was more than looks. Her voice, her body language, everything about how she presented herself made it obvious that she was the woman in charge regardless of what company she was in.

"Simmons, Wilson, you can go home for the day. DeSanto isn't happy with your work."

The two colleagues indicated by that shared an uncertain look across fron their joined desks before nodding, quietly slinking out of the room. Neither of them were sure if they'd still have a job in the morning. Judging from the exact nature of their boss's outburst moments earlier their odds were about fifty/fifty.

It could have just been that Claudia was pissed off in general, in which case they'd probably be dragging their portfolios around to other agencies by the end of the week. But the phrasing of her outburst meant that there was a chance she was simply pissed off at the client, in which case they'd be spared the brunt of Claudia's fury. Either way, the looks their colleagues gave them as they headed up to the elevator was pure pity. Sure, both men were young and talented and could probably bounce back, but still, nobody enjoyed the sight of their colleagues possibly getting fired on the spot. There but for the grace of God and all that.

They had almost made it to the elevator when there was a rush of footsteps behind them, accompanied by the predictable 'Hold the door!'

In spite of the fact that there was a good chance they had just gotten fired the men by the elevator still felt a pang of sympathy for Linda. After all, they might have been out of a job, but she was the one whose job it was going to be to stop Mount Braddock from erupting further.

They exchanged awkward glances as Linda brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face. "Sorry..." she smiled, slightly out of breath. "I'm sure this can be worked out..."

The two men looked back and forth until the younger one finally spoke up. "If you say so Lin... Will you be alright? She sounds like she's on the war path."

"Yeah, I'll be fine..." Linda smiled reassuringly. "I'm just going to pick her up a caramel latté now and make sure that Lucky Wong's will have her delivery order ready. She'll be working late again tonight."

The two men exchanged glances again. They had once overheard Linda place the order over the phone. It took her nearly three minutes to lay out all the details, and Linda knew the order by heart It was actually impressive, in a way, and it went a long way to explaining why Linda had lasted as long as she did. Linda seemed to have an eye for always knowing exactly what Claudia needed, and going out of her way to make sure she had it.

The three exchanged awkward goodbyes outside the elevator. Linda seemed cheerfully certain of the fact that she'd be seeing both of them again tomorrow, or at least after the weekend. The other two weren't so sure, but there was something infectious about Linda's optimism. It was hard not to be impressed watching her work with a smile every day, given the kind of pressure she was under.

It was a good fifteen minutes later that Linda stepped into her boss's office. Sometimes it seemed that she was the only one of miss Braddock's employees who could step in there without feeling nervous. Claudia's office was located in the south east corner of the floor, separated from the main area by glass walls. In theory anyone could see what she was doing in there.

In practice everybody understood it to be her domain. Claudia's office was a reflection of the woman who worked in it. Several framed prints lined the wall, posters Claudia had designed early in her career. The original designs, without the clients' branding to mar them. The furniture was all borderline minimalistic, designed for function over form. There was a desk chair, and a comfortable one at that, but it had been pushed all the way to the back, resting against the window. Claudia could spend whole days working standing up.

As she was when Linda came in. She was standing at her desk, leafing through a folder. She didn't even acknowledge Linda as she came in. Linda didn't seem to mind. She just set down the cup on a glass coaster and smiled. "Your coffee, miss Braddock. And Wong's will have your usual delivery order in at a quarter to seven."

Claudia just gave the barest of nods. She had long ago stopped being surprised by her personal assistant's ability to anticipate what she needed. She hadn't even asked for the coffee, let alone told Linda that she planned to work late and that she was in a mood for Chinese food. It was downright unnerving sometimes but Claudia didn't get to where she was by looking a gift horse in the mouth.

The fact that Linda was smiling as she returned to her desk amazed her coworkers. As far as they know, she was the only person who frequently left the office smiling. Most of them would settle for leaving it looking relieved.

As the day went on there were no more outbursts, no more shouting phone calls, nobody being summoned into the office to be dressed down. As the sun slowly set the employees filed out one by one, saying their goodbyes. All except for Linda. They would have been more shocked if she did leave before any of them.

The delivery guy came and went. Linda laid out her boss's meal and left it on her desk, then went back to her own to enjoy her spicy tofu and vegetable dumplings. Another trip to the office, and the cardboard containers were quietly removed, replaced by the glass of ice water with lemon that was her boss's preferred dessert.

It was getting close to nine o' clock when Linda stepped into miss Braddock's office again. The older woman was standing by the window, looking out over the city. If any of her employees could see her then they would have been shocked that this was the same woman who watched over them like a hawk during the workday. Her high-heeled shoes were standing abandoned in the corner, and Claudia herself actually looked tired, her shoulders slumping slightly.

Linda took a deep breath. Her boss needed her. This is why she was such a good personal assistant. She would give Claudia what she needed.

Miss Braddock stiffened for only a moment when Linda's hands came to rest on her hips. Then she relaxed again, exhaling slowly. Linda leaned into her, resting her chin on her boss's right shoulder. Claudia's favourite perfume filled her nostrils, and without taking her eye off of the cityscape beyond the glass she leaned back against her personal assistant.

"It's been a long day miss Braddock..." Linda said softly.

Claudia just nodded. She reached down, her own hands, perfectly manicured, lightly stroking over Linda's. "Very long... what did you say to Wilson and Simmons?"

"Just that I'm sure that this will all work out." Linda smiled. "What happens to them isn't up to me."

Claudia nodded slowly. She always appreciated the fact that Linda never told her how to run her business. She never even threw out a cliché like "I think you were too hard on him."

After a moment in silence, with Linda still holding the woman from behind, the personal assistant spoke again. "You're tense..."

"I know..." Claudia sighed. "It's just..."

"Don't." came Linda's voice in her ear, soft but firm. "I think your workday is over, and it's time for you to relax... for us both to relax. Go get ready."

Claudia nodded, quietly untangling herself from Linda's hands. Her stocking-clad feet barely made a sound as she disappeared into the barely visible door that led to her private bathroom. She was just about to open it when Linda's soft yet authoritative voice rang out again. "No, Claudia. The employee bathroom."

"Yes Linda." Claudia sighed, leaving her office through the glass doors in stead. Going from the marble floor of her office to the carpet beyond with only her nylons to separate the soles of her feet from the surface was an odd sensation.

Going from the barely lit office to the harsh white LED lighting of the employee bathrooms made Claudia wince again. She walked over to the sink and took a moment to wash her hands and splash some cold water on her face.

The woman looking back at her in the mirror was getting old. She still looked beautiful of course, she damn well made sure of that, but the lines around her eyes and her hands were hard to miss. She dreaded the moment she'd find her first grey hair in her brush. As she unbuttoned her blouse she couldn't help but notice that she had reached the stage where no amount of spin classes could stop her from going soft around her hips and her belly. She folded up her blouse and skirt in a neat pile and rested them on the sink.

She took a moment longer to straighten out her lingerie. Like everything about the woman it was high quality, high class, dark blue satin and lace that fit her body perfectly, contrasting against her tan skin. And while she couldn't deny she was getting old, she knew she was still damn attractive for a woman who had left forty behind a while ago.

As Claudia walked back towards her office she hugged her folded clothes against her body. She knew she should be feeling exposed, vulnerable even, walking through the now abandoned office area. She could only imagine what her employees would think if they saw her walking like this. But there was nobody there who could see her, and the glass that lined the office building was mirrored. The only one who could see her was Linda.

She could only see a silhouette of her young personal assistant. Linda had dimmed all the lights in her office save for the one on her desk, and that one only lit her from behind.

Linda's voice called out the moment she stepped back past the glass doors that separated Claudia's office from the main work area. "Kneel, Claudia, and put your clothes down next to you on the floor."

Claudia's legs folded gracefully underneath her. She could feel how cold the marble was on her knees. She put her clothes down as instructed, and kept her head bowed, her eyes fixed in a point where two marble tiles met. She folded her hands in her lap.

Claudia kept her head obediently bowed as Linda approached her, although a small shiver of anticipation passed through her body. Like Claudia, Linda had taken her shoes off. Her footfalls could barely be heard as she walked around and moved to stand behind her boss.

A few moments passed before Linda made her move. The feeling of Linda's finger running along her jaw was electric. Claudia closed her eyes and swallowed. The finger continued to stroke her softly, teasing strands of Claudia's dark hair behind her ears, following the line of her cheekbones, then dipping down and gently teasing over her lips. In spite of herself Claudia pursed them briefly, kissing the fingertip before it could continue on its journey.

"Not yet, Claudia." came Linda's stern voice, although it wasn't harsh.

"Yes mistress..." Claudia said quickly. She knew they hadn't started yet, not officially, but how could she not address Linda like that when she was kneeling in her own office?

The finger continued, raising goosebumps on Claudia's arms as it teased over her throat. For a moment the digit shifted, and Claudia could feel how sharp Linda's fingernail was against her skin. Claudia's breath hitched for a moment.

But the pressure was only momentary, just a brief moment for Linda to assert herself. The finger continued lower. It traced over the top of Claudia's left breast, teasing along the silver that glinted there.

None of Linda's coworkers had ever noticed the necklace Claudia wore under her blouse. It was remarkably plain for her standards, sterling silver, well made but nonetheless not a showpiece. It wasn't meant to be shown off.

As Linda's finger hooked under the chain Claudia could feel the pendant that normally rested between her breast get lifted upwards. She could see Linda's bare arms as her other hand came down and unclasped the pendant from her necklace.

It was even more plain than the chain it hung from. Outwardly it was just a plain silver disc. But as Linda walked back to Claudia's disk with it she ran her fingernail along a small groove barely visible in the edge of it. It swung open on a small hidden hinge, revealing a core of black plastic.

The plastic was pressed against the bottom drawer. For a moment nothing seemed to happen, then there was a small beep as the electronic lock recognised the RFID chip hidden inside the pendant and Linda slid it open.

The contents of the drawer were hard to make out with only the desk lamp to illuminate the office but there was a definite suggestion of black satin and leather, with the occasional glint of metal. "I think I'm going to take you for a walk to warm you up, Claudia."

"Yes mistress..." came the submissive older woman's voice. She wasn't sure if she needed a walk right now but she knew she had to trust her mistress. Linda smiled and selected several items from her personal drawer of toys.

First came the collar. They couldn't play until it was on. Those were the rules.

It was remarkably plain, just black leather with dark red velvet lining, a silvered buckle gleaming on one end, silvered rings on the other to close it and a similarly treated D-ring set in the middle. "Eyes down, Claudia." Linda reminded her sub.

"Yes mistress." Claudia replied immediately. Linda took her position behind the older woman again. When their relationship had started out Linda's propensity to approach her sub from behind had made Claudia incredibly nervous. Not looking back always seemed to take a conscious effort on her part, and she always slipped up at least once a night.

But that seemed like a lifetime ago. Now she just held still obediently as Linda reached around her and held the red velvet up to her lips. Claudia kissed it softly. "Thank you mistress."

Linda nodded, moving the collar lower, carefully slipping it around Claudia's long dark hair. There was a barely audible clinking of metal as she shut the buckle. She slipped a finger inbetween the leather and Claudia's skin to make sure it wasn't too tight.

Next came the blindfold, soft satin against her skin. Claudia could see very little, just her knees and the marble beyond, and the darkened fabric took even that away. She could feel Linda's deft fingers tying the ribbons on either end into a knot.

Content that her sub couldn't see her Linda moved in front of her. "Present your hands." she ordered.

Claudia nodded, raising her neatly manicured hands. Linda's hands, so small and dainty, felt impossibly strong as they gripped her fingers.

"Up." came the next command. Without her sight to guide her balance Claudia had to rely on her mistress holding her hands. She rose with ease. She didn't even have to be ordered to complete the next step of the ritual. She spread her legs slightly.

Sure enough there was the sound of rustling fabric as Linda briefly dipped into a squat. Claudia could feel the ankle cuffs as they were fastened around her legs. Then Linda rose again and took Claudia's hands once more.

"We're using the short chain today Claudia. Small steps. Follow my voice. Follow my hands."

"Yes mistress..." the older woman nodded. The first step she took was small, hesitant, and her right foot had only moved about eight inches before the metal chain linking her right ankle cuff to her left pulled taut. She stumbled, but only briefly.

"Follow me." Linda ordered again. Claudia could feel the tension on her fingers as her mistress gently pulled her forward. Without sight all she could do was follow her mistress's directions, verbal and otherwise.

The steps became more confident as she took more of them. She focused on her breathing. In. Out. She could feel her body move more and more on autopilot, following her mistress's guidance. More tension on her right hand or her left guided her to turn in that direction. Claudia's office was fairly large, almost fifteen feet on each side, and Linda rarely made her turn in ninety degree angles, and never in the same direction more than twice. At first Claudia tried to orient herself by memory, but it was getting harder every time Linda guided her to change direction.

As they walked Linda's voice was in her ear almost constantly, full of comfortable reassurances. "That's it Claudia..." she would muse. "Just follow my lead..."

Blinded as she was Claudia trusted her mistress utterly. She gave Linda complete control of her steps. Occasionally she could feel the chain between her ankles pull taut for a moment but she didn't stumble. She just leaned on Linda's hands a little more.

Soon there were just Linda's hands. And Linda's voice. She barely noticed the chain and the ankle cuffs anymore, her steps small yet confident. She let her mistress lead her, trusting in her utterly, until finally Linda's voice came again. "Kneel."

Claudia did so instantly. Linda had watched as the tension slowly left her body through the walk they took around the older woman's office. Now she was ready for some real fun.

"Keep your eyes closed." Linda ordered with a grin on her face as she slowly lifted up the blindfold. Next she felt Linda's fingers work on the clasp of her bra. "Hmm... I wish you paid me enough to have lingerie like this..." Linda teased. Claudia blushed. She had to remind herself that her personal assistant was joking. Linda had long ago promised that their special relationship wouldn't influence her regular job arrangements. It was one of the many ways Claudia had to trust her mistress.

Kneeling with her eyes closed Claudia could hear her mistress's footsteps, soft as they were. She could hear the drawer open again, some things being laid out before it was closed. Then more footsteps, and finally Linda's voice again. "You may open your eyes dear."

Claudia nodded, opening her eyes for a fraction before closing them again. Evidently there was a moment between Linda taking off her blindfold and bra and telling her that she could look again where Linda had turned on all the lights in the office. The brightness was too much for her eyes to cope with immediately after being blindfolded. After a few moments she opened them again, more carefully this time, blinking several times as her mistress' body slid into focus.

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