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Workout P90x

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Old gym partners hook up and pump more than iron.
4.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/29/2014
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"Ok I know that it has been over a year and a half since I have seen you, but do you really need to pretend that you don't notice that I am here?"

"Holy shit Tristan, where have you been, and what the fuck did you do to your hair, bleach it" Trevor looked me up and down with a huge friendly grin; damn it felt good to see his smile. For the last few months I have been so depressed seeing an old friend truly lightened my spirits.

We both laughed at my hair which has grown out and when it gets long it gets really curly, I have not seen Trevor in over a year he was my regular work out partner at the local gym.

"I just started back up last week I was out on injury, the last time we saw each other you where just about to get married. How are the newlyweds?" Trevor asked

"Long story and quit jabbing me in the ribs, things just got really ugly after about 6 months. I became a real prick and she just stopped loving me if you can believe that."

"How can anybody stop loving your charm" he said, everybody knows you have a bit of an anger issue at times.

"Hey I am done here I was just going to grab a shower you want to go get a cup of coffee and catch up?"

"I sure would, I just got done doing the tread mill and I thought I would poke my head in here to see if I saw anyone I knew. I was just headed to the shower my self."

We were both soaked from head to toe with sweat, I guess not working out for over a year had got the best of us. Trevor had been out on a pulled ham string and I just stopped because I got married and my wife just did not find working out fun. That should have been one of my first clues that things were not going to work. When we reached the locker room I noticed that his locker was right next to mine just like when we use to lift together. We seem to be the only guys who like the last two lockers back in this corner of the change room. It is like the contractors had two lockers left over and just put them where they could, in the way back as far as they could away from the showers. No one likes these but we did, because no one bothered you like a bunch of wild kids and it was quite.

"Just like old times, you say that you just started up too, when?" Actually just last week, looks like both of us are going to get back in the grove together."

We stripped our putrid smelling gym clothes and headed off to the showers, as we did our thing Trevor asked me if I was still staying in the same house. I had explained to him that my soon to be ex-wife had bought me out of the deed and I am waiting for an apartment to open up at the Belmont over on 4th street. "Housing is very tight and something should open up by the end of next month, I have been on a waiting list for two months now. I have been staying in the guest room and all my belongings have been packed for the last month."

Looking in my locker and seeing my work clothes he asked if I was still in construction, "I am working on getting out this line of work for it is the younger men who can keep up, it sucks getting old. I know we are not even that old yet at 42 but my body has had its fair share.

We had been lift partners for over two years and our friendship basically stayed in the gym, we knew more about each other than we even thought about. Like when Trevor showers he scrubs his hair and face with such wicked force you would think his skin could peel off and his hair fall out.

Than when he lathers up his body he would softly apply the soap and stroke his body for about 15 minutes. It was like he was lost in thought as he massaged the stress from his day out of each and every muscle. He had his routine and I had mine, I just took care of my body washing faster. I was usually finished way before him so I said my farewells and left knowing I would see him here the next day. Our relationship was like if we were there we would help if we were not no big deal, we both instinctively knew, maybe being men that we had other things in our lives and we just took care of these chores not needing to talk about them. Unlike women, where you constantly needed to tell them where you are, and what you are doing, it's nice to just except the fact that we have lives and we need to live them regardless.' When one day I stopped working out to be truthful I missed our friendship but I did not think of it much, I was in love. Or I thought I was, my dick sure worshiped that very sweet pussy and wow those tits were unbelievable.

Day 2

We did our routine just like we had before and headed to the shower.

I finished up and told Trevor that I would see him outside, knowing it would be a good half hour before he came out. When he came out of the gym he said follow me over to Starbucks to get a cup of coffee, we had a scone and an Americano each and started to catch up on old times.

I hated to be in my work clothes for they reek of body odor and saw dust, I think Trevor saw my dilemma and said "hey if you don't mind we could go over to my place and grab a bite to eat so you could wait until 7, than you could go home and change"

"How did you know I was self conscious of my appearance"?

"Shit man it is written all over your face, you keep looking to see if someone you knew walks in and you keep smelling yourself" Your clothes do stink but not that bad so what do you say"? I am so familiar with your odor it really does not bother me"

"Besides I could use the company myself"

"These last few months have been eating me up, some times I feel like I just want to get fucked up and forget about life for awhile"

"Man I had know idea that you were in such a bad way and with you being so far from home I bet this was just driving you crazy"

"Well you do what you have to do and I just focused on work and getting my finances in order" I don't even go home, Terra works a grave yard shift and I just don't want to see her"

"OK than that is settled follow me to my house and we will have a few beers and get something to eat, thank god it is Friday, we can take our time and you won't feel so uncomfortable"

"Deal, man you really no how a guy thinks, and that I appreciate, it has been eons since I have been with somebody that just knows the mechanics of a low key night."

We arrived at his house at 6.30 and he showed me around his house, all the while I could feel a sense of calm throughout his pad. His walls where painted very clever colors of beige, light tans, and yellows, his furniture was modern but comfortable. He went with an open non- cluttered home, very few pictures and no books or magazines littered the living room or dining room. All his reading material was either in his den or bedroom. He had one of those flat screen TV's with a small bureau below which housed his DVD player and surround sound. Trevor later told me that his surround sound was actually in the walls so you would not see the speakers. Something called a smart home system, which I have read about in magazines, "I envy your way of life it seems so calm and together here, kind of like a sanctuary"

"I had so much clutter in my life that I finally had a huge garage sale and started fresh, it feels fresh and inviting don't you think?"

"Just having the bare essentials is so much easier, I would get overwhelmed at all the junk at times, I got angry because there was no room for anything and I live alone. Could you imagine what it would be like if you had a wife or a family." He handed me a beer and we toasted to forgetting about life for awhile. As I chopped lettuce for the salad he put a couple of chicken breast on the George Forman grill and our small dinner was ready in about 15 minutes. During this time Trevor went into his bedroom and changed his clothes.

He came back in with a pair of running shorts and a wife beater, no shoes or socks. "How about a shot of tequila to take the edge off of these past few months"

"Man you sure know what I like and you have the Tarantula, I haven't had one drop of that since the wedding. Now that was one night to remember, despite all our fights and arguments we did have some incredible times"

Toasting our drinks to a better life with less stress we downed the blue gold, in one gulp. Once that drink was gone the shot glass was filled, I looked at my new drinking partner with a huge ass grin and said "now we are talking, here's to just being single and stress free"

We ate our dinner with gusto and talked mainly about our jobs and the stupid shit that people do, when we finished he put our dishes right in the dishwasher and started it up. Bam the kitchen was clean. He handed me my third beer, and while doing so he got a good whiff of my body odor, but he said nothing, taking one look at me Trevor raised his right hand and gestured for me to follow him to his bedroom. On the way to the bedroom I stumbled a bit and hit the wall, laughing Trevor steady me up right saying "light weight or just clumsy". I just said that I tripped over that lump in the carpet.

"Sure you did that is why I have hardwoods in here," we both were getting a little silly.

I took another mouthful and all most spit it back up when I tripped again, over Trevor this time for he stopped right in front of me while we were walking.

"That is it you are cut off or I am calling you a cab there is know way you are driving tonight"

"You are right, my soon to be ex-wife didn't even give a fuck about what condition I was in I think she wanted me to get killed. What time is it any way if you want I could probably leave but I will come back in the morning to get my car?"

Right when we were about to reach the bedroom he opened a door that went down to his basement. "I just finished the remodel down here and I am quite proud of the way it turned out. There are so many classes at HDU that I took I was almost able to do all the work myself"

"What is HDU"?

"Home Depot University, I call it that because they will train you in almost any home improvement you have"

As we reached the bottom of the stairs he flipped on the canister lights which illuminated a very spacious great room, one small corner of the room was framed in which I took for the bathroom. The room was all off white, laminate floors and canister lights which made the room shine, showing off a brand new exercise gym off to the other side of the bathroom. On each corner wall in front of the gym was floor to ceiling mirrors so you could watch your form while you did your work out. Not only did he have the multi-purpose gym he also had the dumbbells on a rack and an elliptical cross trainer for aerobics.

"Wow this is great why do you go to Gold's if you have all of this"?

"I just bought it last week and I wanted to get a little help from some of the trainers there. I know it dose not look like much and it is in the basement, and I still need to finish the bathroom. The toilet works but the shower still needs to be plumbed in, I have to wait until next month for my bonus before I can finish that. If you throw down a couple of area rugs and some personal touches it could be very livable.

I asked him "where does that door lead to over there"?

"That my friend is a separate entrance to the basement; you get to it by going through the back yard" looking over at Trevor he had this big grin on his face and I just could not figure out his smirk. "It is over 1000 square feet and it would not be hard at all to throw up a wall for a bedroom, I kept the open space for I just don't need the spare room. Plus cost was an issue at the time. It was warm down here and I asked if he had the heat on, the way he explained it to me is that the heating system runs through the floors to heat the upstairs, so it normally is 5 degrees hotter down here than upstairs. He generally sleeps hot so he could cut the heat down if I liked. But when I work out I like it warm so my muscles don't tighten up.

"So how do you like it, of course we could come up with a schedule so I am not interfering with private time"?

I looked at him totally in shock "are you asking me to rent this place from you"?

"You got it buddy, of course for the time being you would have to use the shower or tub upstairs"

"Are you sure I would love to take you up on this offer, can I move in tomorrow, I mean the sooner the better for me? Shit I would move in right now but I don't think I could drive. And better yet let's have another shot."

"I am so glad you like it" as he stuck out his hand for me to shake, I pulled him close felling for the first time compassion, and gave him a big hug. Our embrace lasted longer than normal and a couple of tears came to my eyes and I did not want him to see my humility. He broke our grasp and saw that I had tears in my eyes and I quickly looked down not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Hey Tristan, I totally understand and I also feel a relief in having you here. I have been starved for companionship for so long I forgot what it was like to have a friend. I had thought about in putting up a for rent sign later when I finished but I am so glad that you want it. This makes it much easier knowing that I won't get some crack head" "Plus I think you would be more comfortable here than in some cold unfamiliar apartment. What is all the crying about, have I offended you in someway"?

"No not at, all I guess it just has been so long for me to feel any emotion including gratitude, I feel like a school girl please forgives me"

He grabbed me a again and gave me a big bear hug, whispering in my ear that he understood where I was coming from and asked me if I wanted to go upstairs and just relax a bit.

As we were walking up the stairs with Trevor following me, to lighten the mood he reached up and pinched my ass, saying besides if you were a school girl,

1. "You would not smell half as bad as you do,

2. And depending on how pretty you were I would already have you in bed fucking your brains out,

3. And 3 you would be sucking the cum out of my cock."

I turned around about to say, what the hell are you doing pinching my ass but he was waving his hand in front of his nose indicating that I was beginning to get real ripe from the day despite the quick shower at the gym.

"Maybe if you cleaned up a little and you let me wash those rancid clothes I might, just might let you suck my dick".

"Man you are a piece of work, I know I am pretty enough for your taste in women. You like them to be a bit manly like your mother don't you?"

He slugged me in the chest and said, how dare you insult my mother like that, as he reached in the linen closet for a towel.

Throwing me the towel he said "come on and strip those off, I really will wash them for you so you can have something clean to where before we go get your stuff in the morning." I stripped my clothes off right there in the hallway and handed them to him; with the garments gone I now could smell the true sweat that was pouring through my skin. The alcohol even was coming through to the surface. "Wow I don't remember when I stunk so bad, sorry about my B.O."

"That is quite alright we are room-mates right, you don't mind if I throw in a few of my clothes with yours for I hate to do a half load"

Trevor began to strip right there in the hall with me standing next to him. I was really going to like living here for he was just like me. I did not care if I was nude or not and living with someone that has the same view is totally cool. I had visited nudist camps for the last few years, secretly of course and I really felt comfortable in the raw. Than I got a whiff of him and said "wow did that alcohol do that to us, I mean you normally don't smell like that".

He grabbed me with those long arms and wrapped my head right into the crook of his pit, "you like that do you", as my nose was forced into the moist hair under his arm. I fought to dislodge my arm by grabbing his wrist and trying to wiggle free. He had the death grip on me and all I could think of to do is grab him by the balls and say "now let me or go I will rip these mothers off and feed them to the dogs"

He gripped my head tighter, the grasp I had on his nuts was not hard; I could feel the heat from his groin as well as the dank moister from the heat of the day. I squeezed a little harder; I could feel his cock snake over my right thumb and rest next to my wrist. Once again he clutched my head a little tighter as if the grip on his nuts was like a hand shake. So I gave them a quick pull down and he finally released my head.

He was so shocked, as I was that I actually grabbed him by the balls he just let go and started to laugh. "Fuck man what the hell are you doing, your not going to get me into bed that way." His smile bright and mischievous, "now all I can smell is your damn pit and the taste, man why are you being so childish? Shit your acting like my little brother the fuck was always pulling crap like that on me, he is much bigger and his balls are not as small as yours I could only get my hands on one of those monsters. That was the only way I could get him to say uncle, so unless you like me to munch your nuts I wouldn't do that again. He held his hot nuts and slowly massaged them, giving me an uncertain smile.

"All right you win this round, next time you won't be able to use your hands."

"You are one of a kind Trevor, and I am thankful of it. I haven't felt this relaxed since college." He gave a quick jab in the ribs and said "come on, lets celebrate you being free". I followed him into the kitchen and he poured another shot of Tequila and this time my head was starting to feel the buzz real good. I loved the way he was so cheerful, and always looked on the bright side. He was always respectful of others and did not fall into the name game that I would. I absolutely hated my ex-wife and he would just say, "Just think you are starting a new life, are you not excited" and shit like that. He made me feel first-class and happy. I mean I was walking around his house naked while our clothes washed and we didn't think anything of it. Getting another trace of my body odor I asked if I could go in and shower.

Taking a little more time I let the warm water rinse the stench out of my pores. Right when I was about to turn off the shower Trevor asked if he could come in now, "of course I was just getting out". As I toweled my self off Trevor lathered up his hair than scrubbed his face like normal. I left him to his business and went into the living room to see what was on the tube. Man was I getting tired so I said to him in the bathroom do you mind if I just lay down for a little bit on your bed. He said heck no it was big enough for the two of us and were so fucked up who is going to care. So I laid down and a few minutes later Trevor came in and turned out the lights we both were very tired and we both soon feel asleep. I woke about 3 hours later and found Trevor snuggled up against me, he was laying on his right side with his left leg wrapped over mine. His crotch was nestled in between my leg and the mattress, his head was lying on my chest and his arm was resting on my stomach with his hand cupping my cock and balls. I felt warm and rested and couldn't pull myself away, for this man to man intimacy felt so right. I don't know if it was the alcohol or that I have been so starved from any kind of closeness I just let him fondle my meat. He started to dry hump my leg pushing his now rigid prick in between the cleft of my leg and the sheets. His prick seemed to snake up my thigh with great length and ease. I started to get hard myself as he continued to pump and grind. He now was working on giving me one of the best hand jobs I have ever had, slowly pumping the sheets and gliding his hand up and down my dripping cock I held him closer to my chest. His fresh scent of soap and unique male odor made my head spin even more than the glow of the Tequila. Gripping my shaft tighter and concentrating on the top 4 inches his hand slowly manipulated the mushroom. I felt his cock grow in strength as my balls tightened, we were on the brink of climax I felt first the tingling of the shaft, the fluttering in the stomach, the brightening of the world. He was spewing his jizz in the nook of my leg and sheet, and my cum was spraying all over my stomach, legs and bed as he frantically pumped my shaft draining me of all life force. Trevor subsided into the last dregs of his ejaculation while my dick was still being flung around like a rag doll. Man juice covered my male pouch and his hand skated up and down until I could stand no more stimulation, I had to stop this mad hatter before I went nuts.


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