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The first ever mom-son pro-wrestling based story!
12.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 10/27/2009
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Leah Remini as Tina Torrile. (Though it should be noted that all the wrestling personalities mentioned are actual real life people)


My hand was shaking, my knees were trembling and my heart was jumping out of my chest as I clasped my sweaty palm on the doorknob. "Could I go through with this?" I asked myself, "Could I?" I looked into the adjunct window, taking a peek at her. She was lying face down on the table, with only a tower covering her. "Could I do this, could my own mother?" As I turned the knob, I thought back to all the events that led me there...


Hi, my name is Louis; a lot of people call me Lou, I'm from Poughkeepsie, New York, and my mom is a professional wrestler; not the most obvious of professions for a mother to have. Her name is Tina Torrile; she is a half-Sicilian/half-German petite woman (5'3) with a well toned body, brown eyes and golden brown hair.

When she was around 17, she met a guy, and not being the most careful kinda gal, she got knocked-up. When she told him, he could have not split town any quicker. After I was born, my mom went to go live with her then-recently-married sister and her husband.

My Aunt's name is Polly and my Uncle's name is Theo, shortly after my mom and me moved in with them, they had one son, Adam, me and him pretty much grew up as brothers. My aunt and uncle were quite different from each other. While Uncle Theo has always been a very cool, approachable guy, Aunt Polly, who is at least 15 years older than my mom, was the disciplinary mother-figure of the house. Even though she seemed quite cold at times, deep down my aunt was a nice person. Adam's a good, normal kid, always easy to get along with.

Since my mom's life's plans were kinda derailed when I was born (she was training to be a gymnast) she looked for a new career path. When I was around 4 or 5, she decided she wanted to be a pro wrestler. My mom was a wrestling fan from birth. When she was a kid, her and her father had an almost daily schedule of wrestling shows they would watch together. Her passion for the industry combined with her acrobatic skills, cheery, likeable demeanour, and good looks made it an easy decision for the woman who always had a rough-and-tumble tomboy personality. Because of her easy-going demeanour, she'd sometimes act more like a sister than a mom -- that along with the fact that we both got told off by my aunt for misbehaving.

Lots of people, mostly my aunt, tried to put my mom off from pursing her dream, but she kept at it and after training for 2 years, on-and-off in-between jobs, she made her pro debut when I was 7. Of course, it was scary for me, watching my mom get thrown around the ring like that, but I was wised-up about the predetermined nature of professional wrestling a long time ago, so I was ok with it, though my uncle and aunt did make a point of not letting me watch her matches when I was little.

When she was starting out, she worked for low-level American independent leagues. She got her first big break in Mexico. In Mexico, she wore the outfit she would wear for the majority of her career: an all-over sliver jumpsuit, so I was spared the embarrassment of having a mom that rolled around in skimpy clothes. After a few years of working in Mexico, she'd got herself a good reputation as a solid and technically proficient women's wrestler. Her work impressed the talent scouts in Japan; they invited her to work in the country that was considered the Mecca of serious women's wrestling.

Because she was away so much, I didn't get to see her a whole lot. She did miss some Christmases and birthdays 'cause she had some show to do. When I was a kid, I did miss her a little, though my uncle and aunt were around, so I always had that family environment. She was never a bad mom, she always did try to make time for me, but being on the road so much, touring the world, there was only so little free time she had.

I never told any of my school friends that my mom was a wrestler, for obvious reasons. Around the time I was in school, the wrestling boom had ushered in the wrestling babes like Sable, Trish Stratus, Lita, etc, making mainstream women's wrestling primo-masturbation fodder for perverts worldwide. That gave me further motivation to keep quiet about my mom's job. Besides, if anyone ever asked, I just said my aunt and uncle were my mom and dad, so no one in school ever knew that my actual mom was tearing it up in Sumo Hall in front of 11,000 screaming fans.

After the Japanese women's wrestling scene collapsed in 2005, my mom returned to America, working for high-level independent leagues. Then, finally, after 10-plus years of hard graft, my mom got the phone call she was waiting her whole career for: at age 33, she was hired by the WWE, the biggest and most successful wrestling company of all time. She trained and stayed in WWE's Tampa-based developmental league for a whole year. At around the same time, I was in my senior year of high school. Never being the academic type, I planned to work for my uncle's successful construction company after graduating.

So, after years and years of waiting, the day had come: my mom was set to debut on national television, coincidently on the day after I had turned 18. She was going to be on the Friday Night Smackdown show, everyone in my house gathered around to watch her match....Little did I know that this one moment would be the start of the most craziest, amazing, wonderful, scary, horrible, and all-around -- yes, I'm going to say it -- magical times of my entire life.


"Come quick, she's gonna be on TV soon."

I rushed over to the couch and sat next to my Uncle Theo. Seated close-by was my Aunt Polly and my cousin brother Adam, who was sitting on the floor.

I leaned down towards Adam. "What's her match?" I asked

"Umm, from what I remember, I think she's teaming with Melina to go up against Natalya and McCool."

I leaned back onto the couch to see my grinning uncle nodding his head at me. "You hear that? Melina!"

My aunt slapped him on the shoulder, and said in her Brooklyn accent, "Hey! I ain't wanting none of that talk around me!"

She must have thought he was too old to be ogling women like Melina, what with the grey stubble all over his brown head, along with the wrinkles on his face; it was kinda creepy to see him all excited over a woman almost thirty years his junior. Meanwhile, my aunt, with her 50's-style bob haircut, and pale sour-melon face, was definitely not happy to be watching "filthy wrestling filth."

"Look it, look it," pointed Adam at the screen, "It's next!"

Out to the ring first came Michelle McCool, a tall, slim blond with shiny blue shorts and a matching halter top. Accompanying her to the ring was her partner Natalya, a shorter, stockier woman with broad shoulders, blond hair, pink highlights, wearing tight pink trousers with a black vest.

They both jeered and taunted the crowd as they walked down the ring; they were the bad girls team in that match, also known as the "heels." My mom was on the good girl's team, more commonly referred to as the "faces."

Up next to the ring was Melina, a sexy olive-skinned Latina woman with frizzy dark hair, an amazingly acrobatic body, with a devilishly sexy smile to boot. She simmered her sexy body down to the ring with her special paparazzi red carpet entrance. The room got tense as we waited for the next participant.

"...And her partner, hailing from Poughkeepsie, New York: Tina Torrile!"

A generic techno theme blared out from the sound-system as my mom walked down the entrance ramp. Gone was the all-over sliver jumpsuit; in its place were dark blue form-fitting lycra tights, along with a matching crop-top style sports bra which accentuated her newly-toned body. She and Melina were smiling and tagging hands with the crowd.

"What is she wearing?" grumbled Aunt Polly. "I preferred her other outfit, this one is just too skimpy. Look! Her whole stomach is on show!"

"Well, that's the major leagues for ya," my uncle replied, "gotta look more H.D friendly in this era."

"Theo!" my aunt exclaimed in surprise. "Don't be so crass, Louis is right here!"

"Oh, that?" I said. "It's nothing, it's ok, Aunt Polly, yeah, don't worry, I'm not embarrassed or anything, I know the score. I think she looks good...healthy."

"Yeah, healthy," agreed my uncle.

My healthy mom got in the ring, the bell rung and the match started, all of us in the room watching in silence. As I watched my mom in the ring, I had this really weird warm feeling in my chest that stretched all the way down to the pit of my stomach. I admitted to myself that my mom looked good, I would even say sexy. So odd to think it and know it's true; it just felt weird just watching, seeing her look so damn good. Before, when she worked in Mexico and Japan, she was promoted purely as a serious professional wrestler, but in the WWE, she was flaunting her sex appeal for the first time: I didn't know if I liked that or not.

Throughout the match, I got more awkward feelings when I saw my mom's fit body bounce around the ring; I was relieved when Melina was in there, at least I could appreciate her body without feeling guilty. The match was not that long, just about six minutes; my mom was pinned by a kick to the face from McCool.

After the match, Melina helped Mom get on her feet, hugging her and patting her on the back. Now that was pretty damn bizarre: watching one of my fantasy women, all sweaty and breathing heavy, in an embrace with my mother! I had never been that confused and turned-on before. But the worst (or best) was yet to come. Just before the show went to commercial, Melina gave my mom a friendly tap on the butt! That gave me a hard one, along with a whole bunch of confusion.

I sat through the rest of the show in a haze, just thinking about that match -- and my mom. I tried to get my mind off it, but I was stuck in a loop, thinking about it over and over and over.

After the show was over, I rushed to my room and sat there for a while, just thinking about what had happened. Eventually, the thoughts were just too much to keep bottled up in my head, so I began muttering to myself: "Man...Did I just get a hard-on for my mom? My mom!? No way...She did look good, no! No was that costume, man, that fucking ring gear! Oh lord...ok, ok... She has a nice body, ok? I admit it...nothing wrong with knowing your mom is good-looking, tons of people have hot moms...shit...why was I so excited over that? Man! I don't know why....Melina slapping her ass...fuck, that did it for me...fuck..."

I decided to stop thinking and went looking for things to occupy my mind with. As I was on the internet, my mom was still on my mind, so I did something I'd never done before: I went on the forums to look for comments about my mom. When Mom wasn't in the WWE, I knew guys were discussing her on message boards and stuff, but that was mostly about her in-ring work, what I sought on that day was the reactions to her sexy makeover. I found the feedback to her WWE debut, skimming her in-ring contributions and seeing what the guys (and one gal) thought of her 'physically.' I got what I wanted.

"oh my god... look at the ass on that, wow! who knew Tina was packing so much heat?"

"I wish I had tits like hers, all perky and perfect"

"Fuck, i always thought she was a babe, now i wanna put her on my knee and spank that booty!"

As I read comments like those I unexpectedly started scratching my crotch region, getting more and more excited with each pervy comment. "That's my mom they're talking about," I reminded myself, "My mom!" After I had read all the comments, I went to the official website of the WWE. Once there, I saw a tiny little icon which said, "Tina Torrile Studio Shoot." I clicked it without thinking. I looked at the posed pictures of her; she was wearing her ring gear, smiling with her hands on her hips. There was another of her with a flirty smile, another of her pointing and grinning. I was rubbing myself at that point, undeniably turned-on by the sexy pics of my mom. Then came the one that sent me over the edge: It was a picture of her smiling, with her back to the camera, her tight, firm butt on display: that did it for me. I pulled my pants down, and for the first-time ever, jerked off to my mom.

After I had finished, I felt guilty, dirty, horrible guilt. It took many deep breaths to calm myself down. Surprisingly, that guilt melted away quite quickly. I was able to reason with myself, able to find reasons for what I did, like how I never thought of my mom as my full 100% mother because she was always gone so much, so that maternal link wasn't that strong, yeah, Aunt Polly was like my real mother to me. So, for those reasons, I didn't feel that bad at all.

Afterwards, I would try to avoid watching my mom's TV matches with the family, I'd always viewed them alone. Mom never had many photos on the website, just her in her ring gear. They were P.G rated pictures, nothing too exciting. Whenever I was alone on the PC, I would do my thing to them. I was also able to separate my mom's sexy persona on TV from the real life woman I knew, but saying that, I thought it was amazingly kinky stuff: having a sexy mom on TV I can jerk off to.

Due to her WWE schedule, my mom was home for only one day and a half each week. There was a little awkwardness when I would see her, though I quickly got over that when she told me of her adventures in the WWE. I endlessly asked her questions about the experience. By the time I ran out of questions, she was gone again. This cycle went on all through the summer, leading into the fall...


I was walking home from work, thinking of which questions I should ask my mom on her weekly visit. The basic gist of my questions was always along the lines of, "what is this guy really like?" So I went inside my house, and much to my surprise, my mom was already home. She was on the couch with my aunt and uncle.

"Mom!? Oh wow cool, your home! Isn't it early though? I thought you were coming back tomorrow?"

She got off the couch and walked towards me. "Well, we all got a few extra days off because, Son, I got a surprise..." she turned to my aunt and uncle, "Ok should I tell him?"

They both nodded in approval.

"Ok, be ready Hun...How would you like to join me, on the road, as I go on a two-week tour of Europe?"

I was left stunned for a moment. "What? You? Me? Umm, I wanna make this clear: on the road with the WWE?"

"Yes, all over Europe, with the WWE!"

"Yes, of course I would!" I jumped up and down, hugging my mom. I was on top of the world! I was going to be around my heroes and icons! I was actually going to meet the legends and stars of the WWE! I was over the moon!

I looked over to my uncle and asked, "Hey, will this all be ok? What about work?"

"It's fine, Lou, think of it as a vacation."

"Yes! Thanks so much everyone! This will be great!"

"This will be good for us as well," remarked my mom. "It will help us bond."

"Yeah, Mom, sure...woo! I'm going to Europe, yeah!"


The trip was two days away -- and I counted down each and every hour. After an agonising wait, I was off to Europe! First stop: England! WWE's biggest international market, they planned to stay for five days in the United Kingdom. We landed in Manchester. It was quite a scene as my mom walked around the airport. Making sure she represented the company well, she wore big superstar sunglasses, expensive black jeans and a dark blue tank-top. Her breasts bounced around very nicely in that snug-fitting top, getting the approval of the leering men who were captivated by her hip-swaying walk. After she called the front office, we got in a rental car and drove onward to the arena.

She started the conversation: "So, when we get there, you just stay quiet. Try not to bother anyone."

"Not even an autograph?" I asked as she drove us through the English suburbs.

"No, Hun!" she said in that familiar Brooklyn accent. "You know those guys; you gotta respect those codes of theirs. They only allow kids to hang out with them, only little kids since they wanna be nice, but you? You ain't cute or little," she chuckled to herself. "If any do say hi, be polite, talk to them, but don't kiss too much ass, they hate that."

"Ok, Mom." I then looked at the backseat; I saw her ring gear peeking out the bag. "Umm," I asked nervously, "You gonna be wearing that?"

"Why? You got a problem with them?"

"Umm, I mean, yeah, kinda. I liked the other one better; this one is kinda more...embarrassing."

"Son!" she remarked in surprise. "When did you turn into your aunt? I could be wrestling in a bikini or in lingerie like Maria! You want that? Don't think I don't have the body for it!" she said with a giggle.

"Oh ha," I mumbled jokingly, "No need for that." Embarrassingly, the thought of my mother in a bikini or in lingerie gave me a hard-on; I shuffled around my seat so it didn't become obvious. It was really weird being around my mom when she looked that sexy, it was one thing seeing her on TV and on the internet, but another when she was right there. We made some brief chit-chat before we got to the arena. When we did, my mom went off to the locker rooms to get ready for her match while I wandered around in awe, seeing the wrestlers I had grown-up watching on TV, right there in front of me. A lot of people didn't even know that my mom had a son, expect for the high-ranking officials, who had okayed my mom's request for me to come on that tour. Being an unknown was fine with me; I stayed quiet, just sat and watched the wrestlers work.


"You kidding me? Was it fun? It was insane! We sold out the Sportatorium every night we were there. The Freebirds and the Von Erichs was one of the, if not the, hottest feud of all-time, the live gates were through the roof! You won't find anything like it today."

Despite my mom's warnings, I was having fun talking to the Head Writer of the Smackdown show, and bona-fide wrestling legend, Michael "P.S." Hayes. He was a big, tall, heavy guy, in his mid-50's, long, messy blond hair, flesh-coloured beard, with a scraggly southern accent.

He slapped me on the back, "How about you get in the business, eh? What are you, five-eight? Trim, good-looking kid like you, chicks would go nuts for that!"

"Ha, yeah, maybe."

Just then, a production guy came up to Hayes and whispered into his ear.

"Ok, ok, thanks," he then looked at me, checked around the area to see if the coast was clear, and whispered, "Hey kid, you know Eve?"

"Oh Eve? Yeah! She's so hot." Eve Torres is a mega-sexy Central American beauty with an equally hot combination of T&A.

"Well, how would you like to see her in the showers?"

"What?" I couldn't believe what he had just said.

"You know? Eve? Do you want to see her in the showers? Naked."

I took a big gulp and replied, "Well, hell yeah! If that's ok."

A huge smile spread across his face, "Come with me then."

He led me to a darkened corner of the building, we talked as we walked.

"Now, with these buildings, they always have peep-holes in the showers, it's a British thing, well anyway, it's a little secret between us higher-up's, we can peek at the fine ladies that work here and since you're cool, I'm letting you sneak a peek at Eve!"

We went through a narrow corridor and faced a hot wooden panel. I could feel the heat emanating from the wet, damp floor and could literally see the steam coming out from the wall. I could have exploded from excitement at that moment.


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