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Wrongfully Accused Ch. 15-16

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Vacation continues, and Jason learns a few things.
10.2k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 09/11/2023
Created 08/22/2022
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Part 5: Vacation continues, and Jason learns a few things.

Written by: Mandingo1234

Edited by: kenjisato

Chapter 15

The rest of the day passed by pretty uneventfully. The girls spent most of their time unpacking in their vacation rooms. Even Lila helped place Jason stuff by one of the full baths that was on the second floor, so that he could change and get ready for the day. Once everything was tucked away, night started to fall. Since everyone was exhausted from the day, everyone, including Jason who just woke up from his nap, opted for a local pizzeria. With three boxes of cheesy goodness arrived by delivery boy, who had a major hard on as he saw all the beautiful women gallivanting around in various states of pajamas. Lily was the one who answered the door, so she saw how distracted the college age delivery boy was when he saw the women. She teased the delivery boy profusely, knowing full well that when he leaves for his shift, that he would be making a deposit at the spankbank.

Everyone enjoyed their ordered pizza, including an all vegan pizza that Lily, Jennifer, and Ronnie, really seemed to enjoy. Sarah, who was blessed with a super fast metabolism, could pretty much eat whatever she wanted, and would not gain a single pound, unless it was in her luscious ass, a true definition of one of those girls from the Mean song by Fio Milli, 'Small waist, pretty face, with a big bank,' She was the envy of all he friends in her class, and beyond. Lila aslo didn't mind a regular slice of pizza here or there, but she always made sure to watch her intake. As for Jason, he was just glad he could really enjoy a true slice of cheesy goodness.

After stuffing their faces, Jennifer suggested that they should all sit down and watch a string of Christmas movies. Jason was reluctant, since he doesn't celebrate Christmas anymore. Ever since Victoria's death, and being falsely accused; it was just another reminder of what he lost on that day. Still even though he didn't want to be there, Jennierfer suggested it, and so he went along with the crowd. He doesn't know why Jennifer was the only person to affect him like that, letting down his guard, and doing things he knows he doesn't want to do. He knew if Ronnie or Lila was the one that wanted to go to his cabin in the mountains, he would have said no, but since it was for Jennifers sake, he said yes with very little hesitation. He doesn't know if he did it, because she needed healing, or because he thought of her as a daughter.

Jason always wanted a family, especially a daughter when he was engaged. He wanted to be that knight in shining armor that all girls think of their fathers. He wanted to protect something, to charese as something precious like a little girl. It was a drive that all fathers had when it came to their daughters, a drive to teach and protect them from the world. But Jason gave up on that dream a long time ago. He believed that he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison, and now since he was out. He still didn't trust people with his heart. It had already been smashed once before, when everyone he thought had known and loved him. Betrayed him, and left him all alone, in a place where he once considered to be hell on earth.

While Jason wallowed in his own thoughts, everyone made their way to the living room with the large tv. The living room had a large u-shaped couch that was also deep enough to function as a comfortable bed. Everyone took their seats, Lila and Jason were completely surprised when Jennifer took a spot right next to Jason.

"If you don't mind, could I sit here?" she asked, almost tentatively.

"Ah sure," was all that Jason said as he watched her sit down right next to him.

Lila was going to say something, but bite her tongue, as she didn't want to make a scene. Because Jason was sitting at one corner of the u shaped couch, only Jennifer was next to him, as for everyone else, they all sat on the other side, with Lila right next to her daughter. Sarah and Lily were a little miffed that they couldn't be next to Jason but they bit their toungers.

They night went on as they sat there and watched Christmas themed movies. Everyone made a selection, except for Jason, but they didn't mind. Since it was Jennifer's idea for movie night, she went up and put on Tim Allen's Santa Clause, one of her favorite movies to watch when she was a kid. Then once that movie was done, Lily was up next, and to everyone's surprise she chose Die Hard, stating that since it happened during Christmas, it was a Christmas movie. Jason enjoyed the movie, it was one of his favorites back in the day, but at that moment he wasn't watching the movie. He was watching the sleepy head of Jennifer on his lap. Part way through the movie, where John Mclain was having his heartfelt talk with Sgt. Powell over the radio, Jenn ever so slowly slumped into Jason's body, and was resetting her head on top of his lap.

Jason didn't know what to do at that point. He couldn't decide if he wanted to wake her up, since she was on his lap and was making him uncomfortable, or if he wanted to lay his hands on her. Not to grope her in a sexual manner, but in a way of petting a cat. He couldn't decide, his hand hovered above her, not knowing what to do. He knew that he didn't want to touch her, afraid that if he did, then she would scream and run away. Another part, the knight in shiny armor part of his brian, wanted to hold her. To see what it was like to hold someone that could be like his daughter. So back and forth, back and forth, he debated whether or not to touch the sleeping girl, or to just let her be. Then when he was about to touch her shoulder a quick shooting pain went through his hand. It wasn't uncommon for him to have a hand cramp. They were a common accerance ever since his hands were broken back in prison. Even so, that pain reminded him that his hands were stained in blood, from the countless inmates he had to fend off, and in some moments even kill them. Kill or be killed was the law of the prison jungle, and it was a law that Jason had to learn fast. With an image of his blood soaked hands floating around his mind, Jason forgo of petting Jennifer. Feeling like his hands were not worthy of touching something so innocent.

This was not lost on Lila who saw the whole affair played out. She saw how Jason was debating on whether or not to touch her daughter. She saw the indecisiveness within his eyes, a look that she rarely saw in Jason. Lila couldn't decide what to do about it. She wanted to break up Jenn's little sleepy cuddle session, but at the same time she looked at them. She couldn't help shake the feeling that what she saw was right. Lila always wanted a father figure for Jennifer to lean on, someone that she could rely on. But after her first experience with Jenn's biological father, she became jatted over the years about men. She did date during the first few years of Jenns life, but bad date after bad date kept her wary of men. She could not find someone she could trust with the wellbeing of her daughter. So for 10 years Lila swore off men, promising that they would not be in her life, at Least until Jenn graduated college. Then there was Jason, a monkey wrench in Lila's no men plan.

Lila couldn't decide whether or not she could trust Jason. She knew enough that Jason is carrying some pretty powerful demons around him. Demons that she does not want her daughter to be exposed to. But at the same time, Jason saved Jenn from a terrible fate. She saw the video evidence that Jason and then later gave it to Ronnie. She demanded her friend to show her the videos. She needed to see, she needed to know what happened to her little girl. Ronnie relented and warned her that what she saw may not be pleasant. Lila skimmed by all the other rape videos, getting the jistes at how vile the football team captian was, and all the Alpha Betas. But when she finally came upon the video of her daughter, her heart stopped. She heard everything that Trent was going to do to her. How he was going to make her into the team whore. Then she saw Trent moved away from the bed, and towards the door. She heard Jason's voice, asking where she was, then the loud bang of someone being punched. After that she heard the captain rant about how Jason was a dead man, how he had powerful people that could destroy Jason, but he didn't care. She saw Jason just pumble the guy within the inch of his life. Seeing that brought a smile to Lila's face, enjoying the fact that Jennis' rapist was getting his just desserts, especially when he saw Jason kicking the captain in the groin area. Thinking to herself, whether or not the jock would have any dinghy bits afterwards. As Lila went through all the events that happened the last couple of days, she still didn't know if she could trust Jason, but she does know one thing, she knows that he would fight for them.

It was getting late and everyone was getting sleepy, so after the bad guy fell from Nakatomi tower, everyone called it a night. Jennifer begrudgingly woke up from Jason's comfy lap and dragged her feet up the stairs, with Lila and Shea right behind her. Jason of course stayed behind since he opted for the couch bed. For an hour he tried to get some sleep, but with his body starting to ache from the cold, and the earlier nap he had, sleep was never coming to him. He decided to take a quick look at the outside deck patio, figuring he wanted to see what nighttime in Wyoming was like. He loved the fresh air, the smell of pine trees, and the subtle chilled wind. Jason finally figured out why rich people always go there to Jackson Hole, it was an escape from the fast paced world of the city.

Jason was about to finish warming up the hot tube outside, figuring that since he couldn't sleep that maybe a hot soak could sooth his aching bones. That was until he heard a voice behind him.

"Isn't it a little late for a dip?" Sarah asked as she made her way outside.

"What are you doing up, isn't past your bedtime,"

"Oh you know, I wanted to see the stars at night, but now I see something more interesting," she said in a sultry tone as her eyes ran up and down Jason's body. Deciding there and then that she was going to have him.

"Oh and what would that be?"

"Oh you know. Someone that could use the company of a beautiful woman," Sarah cooed as she ran her hands sensually, up and down her robed figure. Causing the fabric to be pulled tight so she could show her curves.

It was not lost on Jason on what she was doing, but before he could ever consider moving forwards, he had to ask her something.

"Aren't you and Jenn still juniors in high school, so aren't you a little young to be offering something like that, to a grown man like me."

"Oh worried about having sex with an underage girl, well don't be. You are right that me and Jenn are juniors, but we are 18 years old, well I am, Jenn is a few months away. I am sure you are wondering why smart girls like me and Jenn are still juniors. You see, back when COVID hit, our school was hit the worst. Teachers, students and administration were getting sick left and right. Thank god that me and Jenn didn't get sick, but the school district had to hold our class back. It sucked, but at least we got a chance to stay with all of our friends. So as you can see, I am old enough to blow, and old enough to swallow," Sarah ended her sentence with a bit of a purr.

"So what do you say stud, do you think you can handle this chica," she said as she pulled the knot from her robe and revealed her naked caramel skin body. "You know boys from my school would give their left nut, to see what you're seeing. And the ones that do, say my ass is to die for," as she said that, Sarah turned and lifted the robe, revealing one of the largest plump, yet firm ass Jason has ever seen.

Sarah santered over towards Jason, like a model walking down the runway, only wearing her robe which was open to the world, and her ugg boots. She made sure with every step she took, she swayed her hips even more, enticing Jason in all its glory. Then when she was about to appraise Jason, she made her way past him, and stopped when she made it to the wood railing of the patio deck. Slightly bending over and sticking her ass towards Jason, showing him a tempting sight.

"Well stud, do you think my ass is to die for?" she asked while slightly swaying her ass at him.

Jason didn't respond, but he did move his way towards her. Sarah was happy at that, since it was the outcome she wanted to happen. She wanted Jason under her spell, to be dependent on her, and to be the only thing he thinks about. It was the same with all the other boys she ever slept with. She wanted them wrapped around her finger, and do her bidding. She found men to be simple to manipulate, and she figured Jason being an former inmate who hadn't had any action for years. She believed that he would do anything for that sexual relief.

"Well what are you waiting for s...," SMACK.

A loud slapping sound could be heard across the patio, as Jason brough his hand down on Sarah's jiggly ass.

"Ow, what was that for!" Sarah yelped, but just before she could turn around, Jason quickly moved over her, snarling his hands around her. Bringing one of them up and around her throat, silencing her, with a firm squeeze.

"I know the game you're playing," Jason said in a heat breath, bringing her ear towards his mouth. "I know girls like you. Girls that believe that flaunting their bodies, would cause men to do what they want. It might work for most men, but not me, not in a million years. I am no one's bitch," Jason grawled, which caused Sarah to shiver.

Sarah's mind was going at a thousand miles an hour. Her plan on seducing Jason had fallen apart, and Jason was showing a more feral side of himself. She was starting to get a little scared of Jason, as she realized that she might have bitten more off than she could chew. As she came to that realization, she also began to realize that her body was starting to get aroused by Jason's beastly persona.

"You come off as a slut. Especially after all those skimpy tight fitting clothes you prance around while I am around. Did you believe that when I saw you in those sexy outfits, that I would crumble and fall under your spell?" Jason graweld at her while slightly squeezing her neck even more.

Only a guttural moan could only escape from Sarah's lips while Jason constricted around her throat. It wasn't enough to abstract her airways, but just enough that she could not talk. But even though she couldn't talk, her body was reacting strongly to the way Jason was manhandling her.

"I'll take that as a yes, you little slut. Now lets see if you live up to your title," then in one swift motion he sank all 8 inches of his aching cock into her wet snatch.

"Hmmmmmm!" Sarah moaned as her pussy was being invaded by a very large intruder, and she loved every second of it.

'Fuck he's big,' Sarah moaned in her mind, as her body adjust to Jason girth.

"My, you took all of me, with little to no effort. You really are a thoroughbred slut. Now lets see how long you last," Jason growel in a husky tone.

He began to slowly withdraw from her wet snatched, as he was doing so, he felt her clench down on his member, trying to stop him from leaving. He just stops with only his head still inside her, Then just like the first time, he trusted all 8 inches inside her, causing her to moan, and shiver, from his invasion. He repeated that process for several minutes, and with every thrust, Sarah would moan in both pleasure, and pain. Then once he felt like she was nicely loose, and wet. He began to loosen his grip on her throat, and leaned into her, and whispered.

"Now since you are nice and loose for me. It is time to see if you body can handle my kind of sex."

He let go of her throat and pushed her back until her body was at a perfect 90 degree angle; on top of the wooden railing. With both hands on her hips, he began to thrust into her with a vengeance.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...' was all that was running through Sarah's mind as Jason pumbeled her poor defenslis pussy.

She was basking in the pleasure she was feeling as Jason was thrusting into her. She knew aloud her former lovers to take her, like Jason was right there and then. She was always in control. But as Jason had his way with her, her body was coming alive with pleasures that she didn't know existed, or the sheer amount of it a human woman could experience. Then hittier her like a freight train an orgasm of mythical proportions crashed right into her.

"FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!" Sarah moaned out as her brain melted from the sheer from the epic climax.

"My, that didn't take long. Something tells me that your former lovers could hardly ever make you cum. But don't worry, those were merely boys, let me show you what a man can do."

And with that, Jason reached out and grabbed ontop both of her wrist, one in each hand. He pulled back until her torso was no longer on the railing. Then using all of his stealth, he thrusted into her, causing his cock to reach deep into her pussy.

'God this feels so good, I didn't know sex could ever feel like. This is how a man should fuck his lady, his woman, his bitch.' Sarah moaned as she let Jason use her like a cock sleeve. 'Maybe he is right, maybe I have been fucking boys, but right now I am being fucked by a man. A true man, and it feels really goooood,' Sarah moaned as another climax rushed through her.

Then as he continued his assault on her pussy, he let go of one of her wrist, and went to grab her hair. He pulled back with enough force that she let out a loud gasp as her mouth hung open in the air, and a trail of drool hung from her lip.

"That's right, little slut, you enjoy being fucked like this. You love being manhandled by a guy who knows what he wants. And I must way, your ass is heavenly. It is an ass that you can fuck for hours."

Sarah couldn't make out what Jason was saying. When he grabbed onto her hair, pulled on like he was pulling the rains of a bucking mare, her mind just shut down. All she could feel or think was how great Jason cock felt rearranging her insides. Then she felt him pick up speed, he trusted her more intensely that she felt the tip of his cock hitting her cervix.. Then the grip he let go og the other wrist and quickly grabbed onto her shapely hip.

"Fuck I'm close. I'm rally fucking close," Jason moaned as his cock swelled inside Sarah dripping snatch.

Sarah was coherent enough to hear what he was saying, and when she heard that she shot out her hands towards his hips. But not to push away, but to pull him in.

"Inside. Inside. Cum. Inside. Me. Cum. Please," Sarah weased as she tried to catch her breath.

Jason got the message because when he reached his peak, he pulled her back onto his cock. Forcing himself as deep as he could. Then with one last grunt he let out a torrent of hot sticky cum. Branding her insides, and telling everyone that he was there.

Sarah could only moan out loud, like a fear beast that was being mated by an alpha predator. When she felt Jason warm cum splashing against the entrance of her womb, her own orgasm triggered, and it was the mother of all climaxes. It was so hard and so entace that Sarah started to see stars.

She basked in the feeling for several long minutes. After having the ever loving shit fucked out of her. Her body needed time to recover. Her pussy drowned in displeasure as Jason started to pull out of her creamy stuffed pussy. The feeling of emptiness was apparent, and all she wanted was for Jason to stuff his cock back inside her. He let go of her hips, and hair; now under her own weight, her legs nearly gave out. Luckily she was close to the railing, so she caught herself before she fell over.

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