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X Centaurus Ch. 007


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"No it's not enough!" said the dryad as the vine in her muff thrust all the harder.

Fey, Flora, and Ellaria wailed as the vines inside of them suddenly thickened and sped up, pounding and scraping at their pussies all the harder. The gnome howled as the vines dragging her up suddenly reversed and slammed her back down. She crashed into the medial ring and Schl-popped! Over it, her cunt exploding with fem cum GLLRSCH! GLLRSCH! GLLRSCH!, soaking Ellaria to the skin, the vines slipping over the elf's body eagerly chasing down the drips and absorbing them.

The thickened vines in Ellaria was too much for her to handle and she fell forward her hands clutching at the gnome's belly bulge, hanging on for dear life as her pussy was pounded again and again by the vines.

The vines dragging Flora down reversed direction and the gnome was yanked back up screaming. Schl-pop! she went back over the medial ring, her puss bright red with the abuse.

"Cum you dammed centaur! Give me your life filled ambrosia!"

The centaur was a sloppy mess by this point, her hips bucking wildly as her sensitive parts were pushed beyond all reason, but she still wasn't quite there.


"Gah, I cannot wait. I hunger!"

The dryad lifted her other arm, the one that was not covered in the vines and it also exploded forth with vines, a dozen thick tentacles snaked across the floorboards and rushed toward the unconscious Vivi. They leapt onto her belly and rapidly snaked their way upward to her gaped cunt which drooled cum down her belly in a thick line.

"If you won't cum for me centaur I'll get it from someone you did cum for."

The vines rose up and thrust into Vivi's cunt. The foxgirl let out a yelp and her eyes snapped open, her limbs flailing.


The vines wove around each other and forced their way into her passage then further to where the entrance to her womb locked away Fey's lake-like load. The vines didn't stop, the rammed against uterus and when it didn't yield smaller tentacles grew from their tips and slipped inside, then pried her entrance apart. The fox girl wailed as a dozen wrist-thick tentacle vines forced their way inside.

"YEs! YeS I cAn fEeL it bEinG aBsOrbEd inTo Mee!" cried out the dryad.

The dryad shuddered as the cum consumed from the fox girl thundered down her vines and into her body.

"mOrE! GiVe mE MoooRe!"

Flora was sent rocketing back up and slamming back down again and again as the vines in Fey and Ellaria began to grow and then split, thrusting more and more tentacle vines in and out of their pussies.

Ellaria clutched at the tip of Flora's stomach bulge even as the gnome was slammed up and down in front of her, drool hung from her mouth as tentacle vines slithered all over her body winding over her breasts and stomach and hips.

Flora was insensate, her tongue lolling from her mouth and her eyes rolled up and she was repeatedly impaled on Fey, the vines inside of her multiplying and thrashing against her insides driving her into unimaginable pleasure.

Below her Fey's hips bucked out of control, her vine entwined legs kicking at the air, her balls bouncing off her cunt where they hung, slamming up against the thick vines thrusting inside of her.

All three of them wailed and screamed, their voices rising together in one long "AAIIIIEEEEEE!!!"

The vines inside of Fey, Ellaria, and Vivi bloomed.

Flora peaked at the top of Fey's dick and the veins around her thighs surged in sized and slammed her downward hard, ripping straight past the medial ring and slamming into the base of Fey's dick, her body a living cock sleeve for the centaur.

Fey's eyes went round, her pupils expanding.


The centaur convulsed.

Her animal hindbrain took over.

There was a woman who needed to be bred.

"You are miiine gnome, you belong to me!!" roared Fey.

The surge of chemicals from her brain hit her like a truck. Her muscles felt like they were about to shred apart as her body reacted to the extreme release. The surge of pure bloody orgasmic lightning that tore through her set her nerves on fire, like her blood was lava, a rush of heat that converged on her massive pulsating balls.

Her balls clenched down hard then the immense weight of them hiked up savagely, her abdomen straining, everything squeezing down, all of her body driven to empty her load into the waiting broodmother.

Her flare deep inside Flora's uterus swelled outward, digging into her womb walls, the flare visible through the gnomes strained tummy. Cum rose up the centaur's shaft, rapidly accelerating as the high-pressure fluid distended her cum vein, her urethra yawned wide.

Fey EXPLODED into the gnome's hungry womb.

Cum rushed so hard and fast into the gnome that a six inch tall stretch of skin appeared at the top of her belly bulge before it washed outward in a wave, sloshing down to bloat her belly.

The dryad screamed as her vines found fresh cum to gobble up, the tentacles in the girls surging outward with new growth causing each of the band to howl and squirt and thrash.

"Oh oh! So mUch lIfe! Oh gOds I cAn feel tHE nuTrients! Yes grow me! GrooOOW ME!"

The dryads chest suddenly surged outward doubling from the size of a pair of large cantaloupes and then tripling, her nipples straining at the peaks as her breasts billowed outward.

The wooden fuck seat she had made for her self groaned as her body took on new growth, her legs breaking from the leg holsters as they lengthened, her buttocks cracking the wood holding her rear as her body grew larger and larger. The tentacle in her pussy suddenly lurched larger stretching her insides and speeding up, the dryad screamed and squirted as the feeling of unstoppable growth flooded her.

"Oh! OH! OH!"

Flora was barely paying attention her eyes locked onto her belly as it surged past pregnant looking and expanded ever outward, Ellaria desperately hung onto the gnome's cum filled stomach as it went from looking like she was nine months pregnant with octuplets to being pregnant with a small horse.

"AaAwaaAAHH!!!" screamed the gnome as her arms were filled with rapidly expanding tummy.

"Oh gawds!! Fiiill me Fey! Make me your cum dump! Fill meeeee! "

And Fey did. Surge after massive hosing surge exploded into the gnome, filling and filling her. four foot across, five foot, six foot, her belly was obscene and vulgar, spreading and filling out, her womb stuffed and crammed with more and more thick virile cum, Ellaria was being overwhelmed by the gnome's stomach, her arms spreading over it.


Groaned Fey as her hips bucked all the harder. Twelfth, fourteenth, fifteenth, each massive roping burst of cum into the gnome caused her belly to surge outward further, bulging across the bed, pushing Ellaria away and across the duvet.

The elf let out a yelp as she was shoved over the edge and fell to the floor, the vines in her pussy ripping free in a shower of girl cum. Flora's belly continued to rise, seven foot, eight foot, the reinforced bed beneath them let out a long pained groan and then with a loud crack snap! It broke down the middle, dropping the mattress and the occupants two foot down. Flora belly jiggled and sloshed wildly and her hips crashed down on top of Fey just as Vivi's had, causing Fey to release one final mighty hose of cum.

The gnome sung.


Flora's belly abruptly bloated outward to a mind-boggling nine-foot across, reaching up from the floor to near the ceiling.

In front of the monstrous lake of cum that Flora had become the dryad continued to grow, her vines embedded in the twin cum balls of Vivi and Flora thirstily drinking down the ultra virile life giving semen and sending it directly to her body which was inundated with the building blocks of plant mass. Her body did the only thing a plant knew how to do; grow and grow and grow.

Her breasts spilled out across her chest, her nipples beginning to swell and fatten, as flesh rose and surged. While her breasts were growing ahead of her, her body was still putting on a massive surge of growth. Where once the branches held up her shins they were now clasping at her knees and then her thighs as she outgrew the sex seat she had created, her head rising past the back rest and causing her hair to spill out behind. Small pink flowers bloomed all over her hanging hair as her body went into growth over drive.

"Oh! oh! OHHH!!"

The vine pounding her pussy was not keeping up with the growth, fortunately, it was joined by six more who all converged on her cunt and fought each other to get inside of her, thrusting and twisting and stretching the dryad as her pussy grew in size along with the rest of her body.

The cum just kept flowing into her, her body hungrily consuming it, and the more she grew the more the ends of the vines bloomed and the more cum she was able to eat and turn into more mass for her own body.

Her breasts lurched larger, her throbbing nipples that capped each breasts were hard and erect, the soft yielding breast flesh below them expanding bigger and bigger, each swell growing from two foot across to three to four then as her breasts began to cover her torso her nipples could hold back the tide no more. An explosion of dryad milk burst from each nipple as the vines in her pussy peaked and she squirted across the obscene belly of the gnome.

The dryad threw her head back and screamed as she came, her body convulsing out of control sending her massive breasts reeling across her torso and fountaining milk over her skin where it was absorbed back into her body causing her to grow even further.

The sex seat below her creaked and then cracked as her enormous body overwhelmed it. The seat collapsed and the dryad fell to the ground in a crash that sent the floor shaking.

This seemed to knock some sense back into her and she blinked at the still growing mass that was her overwhelming chest.

"T-too Much!"

She flung her arms to the side in a panic and the vines on them detached stopping any more cum from reaching her.

"Holy shit that stuff is unbelievably fertile, gods, any more and I wouldn't be able to move!"

Ellaria glared at her and slowly clambered to her feet. Vines slipped from her body and clothes as she stood.

"The hell Solomon! I asked you to help her, not help yourself to her cum!"

"A-ah yes, I may have gotten a tad bit carried away."

Ellaria set her lips in a line and looked between the insensate and softly moaning Vivi and Flora. The vulpine's belly had shrunk down to seven and a half foot across while the gnomes had dropped down to just below eight foot across, each having had cum drained from them by the now very very large dryad.

"Just a bit?!"

The dryad looked down at her massive chest that was still leaking milk and grimaced.

She got her elbows beneath her and with difficulty managed to lever her torso up, which gave her room to get her hands on the floor and slowly push up. Her enormous breasts sloshed down into her lap, completely covering her legs.

"F-fuck. What am I supposed to do with these?"

"I don't know, you did this! This is your problem! Gods this whole thing was a waste of time! What am I supposed to do now?!"

The dryad blinked at her then tilted her head. Her eyes wandered away from the elf and around the room. She furrowed her brow.

"It seems that such a massive surge of growth has had an effect on my abilities. There's something strange I can see."

She placed her hands on the tops of her breasts and closed them into fists. Vines sprung up from her torso and wrapped round and round her chest making an impromptu gigantic bra sling.

With that she shifted forward, nearly falling on her front as the massive ponderous mass of her breasts swung with her. With difficulty, she managed to get her feet under her and then slowly began to rise, her arms under her breasts helping to hold them up. The dryad climbed to her feet and Ellaria's eyes widened as her head tilted back and back.

The dryad towered over the elf at full height, the top of the head nearly eight and a half foot of the floorboards which groaned under the weight.

"Good gods, is this normal for dryads?"

"No. dryads can grow large but not this large, or this quickly, there just isn't enough access to good quality nutrients. I... might have made a mistake, this is going to cause me trouble with the other dryads, especially the elders."

"I see. I don't care. just tell me what you are seeing."

"One second."

She walked to the window, the floorboards dipping down alarmingly where she trod. At the window she waved a hand and the wooden frame and wall smoothly shifted apart leaving an opening in the wall over the street below. The dryad stepped up to the drop, holding the wall while she leaned out and put her hand over her eyes to shade from the setting sun. She looked down the street, then strained and looked over the rooftops, then with a mildly alarmed expression she looked up at the sky.

She stepped back and the window and wall reformed as though they had never been touched.

The dryad let out a long worried breath.

"Well," said Ellaria, her arms crossed over her soaked blouse.

"After that growth I seem to have developed a much much deeper soul sense... Listen, elf... Do you know what a soul looks like?"


The dryad held up her hand and put the tip of her index finger and thumb together, a tiny space between the two.

"A soul looks like a small glowing orb about this big. It's a tiny thing really, I can see your soul and the gnomes and the vulpines, they all look like this."

"What are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying we are standing inside Fey's soul right now."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Her soul is, it's vast. It's so large that we are standing in the orb of her soul, it's covering everything. I thought she had no soul because I could not see the forest for the trees, like trying to spot a droplet of water while underwater."

"How large are we talking about?"

"The entire town, no, much more, her soul goes over the horizon, I can't judge the distance, her soul could be tens of miles across, or it could be hundreds, or possibly even tens of thousands of miles, there's no point of reference for me to measure it while inside."

"That's... disturbing... What could have caused this?"

I'm not sure, it's almost like some massive quantity of something has been put inside of her soul, stretching it and filling it, it's a miracle her soul can hold such a thing.

Ellaria blew out a breath and rubbed at her face.

"Won't others have taken notice of this? That her soul is... everywhere?"

"Doubtful, no Soulomancer bothers with checking the deep frequencies where it becomes obvious because normally there is nothing there, I only did so because my sight was improved by your friends very powerful output."

"What do we do?"

"My professional opinion is that you go and find a top tier Soulomancer, I consider myself decent, but I am a far cry from an Arch-Soulomancer that you might find in a city. They may be able to help your friend, some manner of soul draining perhaps."

Ellaria sat down on one of the pieces of furniture that hadn't been destroyed with a sigh.

"I suppose some hope is better than no hope."

"Indeed. Now let me collect my, uh, growths."

The dryad carefully stepped up between the twin spheres of Flora and Vivi and using vines growing from her arms she carefully picked up the vines that had broken free and began hauling them in. The vines pulled up off the floor and drew taught, stretching from the tall dryad to the gaping ravaged cunt of Vivi and the tight fitted cock filled cunt of Flora. The vines began to slip free from their folds, gushing waterfalls of cum coming with the vines. The vines abruptly stopped along with the flow of cum though and the dryad raised an eyebrow before hauling on the vines using the vines full strength. A smooth green sphere the sized of a grapefruit suddenly popped free from Vivi causing her belly to ripple and for the vulpine to softly moan.

"This is insane, her cum is enough to make uncontrolled plants grow on their own. This is not supposed to happen."

She shook her head then heaved back on the other vines and a string of much smaller marble-sized green spheres plopped free from Flora's lips wrapped tight around Fey's cock causing the gnome to stir awake from her cummy unconsciousness.

"Ahhnn! Whash is tha!"

More and more green spheres slopped free from her sloppy muff as well as Vivi's until a pile of them had built up beneath their snatches. The vines that slipped free from Vivi had grown to over twenty feet long.

She nodded her head at Fey and the vine that was in her puss slowly pulled from beneath Flora's mountainous belly.

The Soulomancer raised a hand and the vines seemed to attach to her body and begin drawing in, the fresh plant fibre being sucked back into her skin, the long string of bead like plants dragging across the floor leaving a trail of cum in their wake. The dryad shuddered as the last of them disappeared into her.

"I'm never going to forget the taste of that centaur's cum." She turned to Ellaria. "I will be taking my leave now, I am sorry I couldn't do more for your friend, in the end she ended up doing more for me."

Ellaria barely gave her a glance as she was deep in thought.

The Dryad paused by Flora as she left and squinted at the gnome. She lowered her voice.

"Gnome, I know your secret."

"Hnya whash? Shecwet?" said the semi delirious Flora.

"Look, I'm not going to report you, you and your band are obviously having enough trouble. I have no idea how you managed to get your hands on them, just... get rid of them okay? You and I both know it's illegal to keep dozens of souls, the laws against necromancers forbid it, that you have so many, well that is way past what is allowed. I don't know if you intended to sell them to a necromancer but you should forget it."


The dryad shook her head.

"Just don't let any clergy see you, they have ways of detecting this kind of thing. Find some way to get rid of them before you get in trouble."

The gnome gave her a confused look before her head came to rest on her stomach, her eyes half lidded.

The dryad rolled her eyes but instead of pressing the point she strode over to the door. Her massive long and shapely legs meant it only took a few steps. She grimaced down at the, relative to her, small door and waved her hand at it. The doorframe shot outward expanding to her size as the door swung from the frame. On the other side the stair morphed to ease the dryad's steps. As she disappeared from view the door swung closed and returned to its normal size.

"Whash whas tha about?" said Flora, her voice low and slurred with pleasure overdose.

Ellaria looked up from where she had been deep in thought.

"What? Oh sorry, I missed that. What did she want?"

"Snothing shjust shilly dryad shtuff."

Ellaria ran her hands through her hair, to her annoyance she found it wet and slightly sticky with Flora's juices. She glared at the gnome.

"Can you move so I can check on Fey?"

The gnome flopped limply against her belly then vaguely waved her hand in the air. Her belly began to roll forward and with a slurping sloppy queef Fey's flared cock head dragged from the gnome's swollen reddened folds. The gnome moaned into her belly as she rolled on top of it, the vast mass causing the floorboards to groan.

Fey's cum covered cock slapped back against her barrel splattering a line of white up her horse chest and onto her upper body.

Fey startled awake.

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