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X-Rated Romp Through Life


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She forced me to put a finger into her cunt as far as it would go, then pulled away from it until it made contact with her clitoris. Then she repeated it.

"Oh, fuck. Fuck me. Put all of your fingers in me."

I attempted to put two then three and finally four fingers into Mrs. Bangor's cunt as she panted and groaned.

We had both neglected to lock the door before we started this little drama. We heard the sounds of students passing and talking in the hallway. Fortunately, no one came in.

Although Mrs. Bangor was aware of the intercom system in all of the classrooms, she wasn't in any condition to consider that someone might be listening to what they were engaged in. The Dean was on his way to get something he had long wanted.

When I pulled my hand out of Mrs. Bangor's cunt, I was in a state that needed attentiion, and soon. my cock was till confined to my pants, which were struggling to contain it. It didn't help the situation that Mrs. Bangor was now stroking me through my pants.

"I don't really think we should continue in this room, do you?" I asked.

Mrs. Bangor was brought back to a semblance of reason by the question. She stood up and straightened her dress. The look on her face was one of a woman who would probably agree to engage in anything asked of her, including fucking on the desk of an open classroom.

"I have a half hour until my next class. Let's go to my office."

We got ourselves as straightened away as was possible, then Mrs. Bangor picked up her briefcase and we walked out and toward her office. When we reached her office door we were met by the Dean.

"Mrs. Bangor, may I have a few minutes of your time?"

"Of course, Dean, come in. Bill, I'll talk with you at a later time."

It was with a still hard cock and huge disappointed that I turned and walked down the hall away from the office where I expected to fuck my teacher. "Fuck," was all I could come up with.

Mrs. Bangor opened her door and walked in, the Dean right behind her. After she closed her door and placed her briefcase on the floor, she walked around her desk and sat down.

"What is it you wanted to talk about, Dean."

The Dean remained standing, then he slowly walked behind Mrs. Bangor's chair. He stood there for a few seconds, then he put his hands on her shoulders. Mrs. Bangor tensed, knowing what might follow. He gave her shoulders a moment's massage, then he pushed his hands down the front of her dress and inside it, stopping only after cupping both breasts.

"Dean, I think that what you're doing is called sexual assault."

"I think it's called fondling the very beautiful breasts of a very beautiful teacher. I've been dreaming of these breasts since the day you were hired. I've wanted to fuck you since that day when I first interviewd you for the position."

"Don't you realize that you could be fired for this?"

"Yes, just like you could be fired for fucking one of your students, Mrs. Bangor."

"You don't know that."

The Dean then took from his pocket a very small tape recorder and turned it on. The sounds coming from it were of her being finger fucked by Bill. Every word was clear.

"OK, you can have me. But there's one caveat: You give me the tape and I continue fucking Bill."

"OK, but you'll also fuck me whenever I want it."


The Dean pulled Mrs. Bangor to her feet and unbuttoned her dress. When her breasts were exposed, he sucked on one nipple and fondled the other. By the time he was ready for more, Mrs. Bangor's cunt was again running with her juices. She was certain that this would be a chore, something to get over. Now she wasn't so sure.

When the Dean moved on to Mrs. Bangor's crotch, he was surprised to find nothing in the way of his hand. Then he was pleased to find that Mrs. Bangor had found his fly which she quickly unzipped. They both made contact with genitals at the same time. The Dean's cock was out of his pants in no time. It was bigger that she had guessed. He was, after all, a whimpy sort of man. His cock, however, was anything but. It dripped in anticipation as she jacked it back and forth in her hand.

The Dean plunged a finger into Mrs. Bangor, then pulled it out and over her clitoris. Not only did he have a great cock for a whimp, he knew about women.

"Get on the desk," the Dean ordered as he pulled his pants off.

By the time Mrs. Bangor first sat on the edge of the desk, then laid back on it, the Dean was naked, his cock standing upright.

Mrs. Bangor thought that she should recipricate and stood again to remove all of her clothes. It didn't take long since she had only the dress to remove.

The Dean took hold of Mrs. Bangor with both arms around her middle, his hands drifting down to her ass. He lifted her to the edge of the desk. When her ass was on the desk and her legs spread, the Dean took hold of his cock and guided it into her cunt. He had a small problem with this but and Mrs. Bangor quickly came to his aid.

Joined at the middle, the Dean began the primal pumping into Mrs. Bangor who was in a state of sexual delirium after having been first prepared by Bill and then finishing with the Dean.

The Dean had apparently not had sex with his wife for a while, given his state of abandon as he slammed into Mrs. Bangor. His balls slapped her in the ass every time he reached bottom. Then he pulled out, only to repeat the cycle.

The desk on which Mrs. Bangor was being ravaged was placed fairly near a large window that overlooked a small grove of trees. Covering part of the window was a bush that was placed there to mask some piping that went into the building. I knew about the bush, having spent time in Mrs. Bangor's office. It gave me the sense while I was fucking Mrs. Bangor that we were hidden from view; we weren't.

I thought that I would take some pictures of Mrs. Bangor and me during sex today, so I had taken my stepmother's camera. Before turning away from the office in disappointment, I noticed something odd about the Dean: he was sporting a noticeable hard on. It was clear to me that the Dean had more than a quick conference with Mrs. Bangor in mind. The camera might still come in handy.

I went outside the building and into the small grove of trees. The area was rarely used by students except when the weather was nice and the temperature high. Neither was the case as I looked for a way to get at Mrs. Bangor's office window without being seen. I checked the other windows but saw no one looking out. Then I walked along the wall until I reached the bush that partially covered the window in question. Before sliding between the bush and the building, I took the camera out of my bag. I also took a piece of paper that could be used to cover the flash. Then I peeked over the window's ledge.

Mrs. Bangor's naked back was visible. She was being pushed back with each stroke by the Dean who was in front of her. I could just make out his upper body, but it was clear that he was fucking Mrs. Bangor. I slowly placed the camera on the window ledge, then covered the flash with the paper. I hoped that it would competely cover the flash. When the Dean's face was exposed and he was completely inside Mrs. Bangor, I took the first shot. Luckily, the Dean's eyes were closed, so he didn't see the still visible flash. Mrs. Bangor saw it, however, and turned her head. I waved and smiled at her.

Mrs. Bangor had mixed feelings about being photographed while fucking the Dean, but she did see that it could have some value. As her mind started to get beyond the fact of the pleasure the Dean's cock was giving her, she thought that this could be worked to her advantage. She again looked at me and smiled.

As the Dean slammed into her with more passion than he had ever experienced while fucking, Mrs. Bangor told him to stop. He slowed, then stopped. He opened his eyes with a quizzicle look on his face. Mrs. Bangor told him that her ass was getting sore and that they should try some other position. When the Dean pulled out of her, his cock was standing out even harder than it had been. Very impressive, thought Mrs. Bangor.

Mrs. Bangor took a thick throw from a chair and placed it on the desk. Then she climbed onto the desk and took a position on her hands and knees with her ass at an angle so I could take pictures. She beckoned the Dean to come up and resume. Since he had never experienced sex in that position, it took the Dean only seconds before he was at her ass and pushing his cock into her.

When I again looked over the window's ledge, I was presented with a much better view of events. I could see the Dean's cock as it pulled out of Mrs. Bangor's cunt, and the Dean was clearly identifiable. My first shot from that angle went undetected by the Dean. Then the Dean reached around to the front of Mrs. Bangor's cunt and began to finger her clitoris. My second shot immortalized the Dean in that position.

Then came the final shot that clearly identified both participants. First the Dean showed signs that he was about to come by increasing his rhythm and opening his mouth as though moaning. Mrs. Bangor's arms collapsed as she came. Her head was on the desk as she attempted to push the Dean even deeper into her. Both were oblivious to the next photo.

I took the final photo after the Dean pulled his cock out of Mrs. Bangor. He was now aware of his surroundings and saw the flash as the camera went off. The Dean turned toward the window and looked at me with disbelief. How could this guy fuck Mrs. Bangor on her desk and not think that someone might see them, was my thought. But at times like these, one's cock becomes the locus of thought.

The Dean got down from the desk, his cock resuming its natural state. He was gasping from other than sexual gratification. His cock in the cunt of Mrs. Bangor caught on film couldn't be good for his carreer.

I quickly ran around the building to Mrs. Bangor's office. I thought that the best time to deal with issues like this were at the moment of greatest vulnerability. I didn't want to give the Dean the opportunity to consider his options, which were very few at this point.

I was at the door when the Dean opened it, preparing to leave. My look told the Dean to turn around and go back in.

"She's great, isn't she, Dean?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean fucking that beautiful woman who's naked behind us with your semen running down her legs. Wasn't that just about the greatest piece of ass you've ever had. I know that she's the greatest I've ever had," I said with only slight exaggeration.

"But I um."

"But what you mean is that her cunt is the best you've experienced in your entire life. Am I right?"

"You're right, Bill."

"Thank you, Dean. Now, how about if we make a deal about what you and Mrs. Bangor and I have in the way of leverage. You have somethinh on Mrs. Bangor, that's fairly clear. What is it?"

Mrs. Bangor didn't let the Dean open his mouth before she described the tape recording he had of her and me while we were engaged in some extracurricular classsroom activity. "He told me that he wanted to fuck me in exchange for remeining silent."

"That's a very low thing to do; I think it's called extortion. Of course, we aren't going to bring it to the attention of the authorities, are we Mrs. Bangor?"

"I don't see any advantage in that."

"I don't either. I think what we do have is a standoff in the best sense. If you make public the tape, we make public the photographs. I can see it now on page three of the local rag. You and I get to continue to fuck Mrs. Bangor, with her permission, of course. Everybody is happy."

"That sounds fair to me," the Dean said with a renewed sound of confidence.

"But there is one thing that I would like to do to cap the deal," I said. "I want a couple more pictures if Mrs. Bangor is willing."

Mrs. Bangor had remained nude and now sat on the chair behind her desk. Her breasts were just visible above the desk top. She seemed perfectly comfortable with the situation.

"What do you have in mind, Bill?" Mrs. Bangor said in her best classroom voice.

"I was left kind of high and dry by the Dean, and I could use some relief."

"But I have a class in a while. There isn't going to be time enough for any serious sex before I have to be dressed and in the classroom."

"How about if we ask the Dean to put a note on your door stating that class is cancelled this afternoon?"

"That would work for me," Mrs. Bangor said.

"How about it, Dean? Would you do that? Maybe you can get another crack at Mrs. Bangor when you come back."

"OK, I'll do it."

While the Dean was gone, I went to where Mrs. Bangor was sitting. She had wiped the semen from her legs, but still had that freshly fucked look about her. I gave Mrs. Bangor a kiss that rivaled any I had administered, while fondling her right breast. We were in that position when the Dean walked back into the office and locked the door.

"Mrs. Bangor might like to have her needs taken care of by two men at the same time, don't you think, Dean?"

The Dean didn't hesitate; he undressed in record time. When he was nude, it was apparent to all present that he was up for another round with Mrs. Bangor. I stood back from Mrs. Bangor who was now in sexual overdrve after I had fondled and kissed her. The Dean came around the desk to where Mrs. Bangor sat. She had her eyes on his now engorged cock the whole time. When the Dean reached her knees, they spread, opening her crotch to his view. It also let him get between her legs and stand with his cock at the level of her mouth. Mrs. Bangor opened her mouth, letting the Dean insert his cock. Then the Dean began a slow fucking motion.

I took the opportunity to get my camera out of my pack and begin to take some potential award-winning pictures. There was no question about who was doing what in this series. I took three pictures before my cock got the better of me. I quickly undressed and made it an official threesome.

With cock in hand and as hard as it could be, I walked to Mrs. Bangor and the Dean. I suggested that they trade places. Mrs. Bangor could administer a blowjob to the Dean more easily if he was sitting and she was between his legs. This would give me clear access to her cunt from the rear. The movemengt was made in record time.

I was no less facinated with Mrs. Bangor's ass and cunt this time than the first. Here was my teacher offering her cunt to me so I could enter her from the rear while she gave the Dean a blowjob. Could life get any better?

As I slid into Mrs. Bangor, she appeared to have a mini-orgasm. I wouldn't have been surprised if she bit the Dean's cock. She didn't if his panting and his hands on her head were any indication. As she fucked him with her mouth, the Dean had his hands on the back of her head, pulling her further and further down on him. It wouldn't be long before Mrs. Bangor wouldn't be able to breathe, was my thought. But she managed, and appeared to be enjoying all of it.

It was the Dean's preliminary sounds that indicated that he was about to get off that gave me the idea that it would be good to get a shot of this. I pulled out of Mrs. Bangor, thus slowing her activities, thus interupting the Dean;s orgasm.

I got my camera, returned to Mrs. Bangor's cunt, which got her back into her previous motion. I had the camera focused on Mrs. Bangor's head where it made contact with the Dean's cock as he came. I took as many picturtes as I was able starting from the time that the Dean arched his back at the start of his orgasm. The last picture was of Mrs. Bangors mouth that dribbled semen from the corners.

All the time, I was able to continue my thrusts into Mrs. Bangor's cunt. When I laid the camera down, I came in her, which motivated her to again seize the Dean's cock and suck on it while I shot my semen into her.

After a short time, we just looked at each other in states of disbelief. This was new territory for Mrs. Bangor and the Dean. I had introduced them, at my young age, to a level of sexual gratification that was previously available to them only in "dirty" novels. The Dean lived with a perpetual hard on when he was in the presence of Mrs. Bangor. Now he would have access to her cunt almost at will. Mrs. Bangor had expanded her sexual horizon beyond what she thought possible until I came into her classroom and life. I wasn't doing too badly either.

"Well, Dean, can we agree that life as we now know it is a vast improvement since we found that Mrs. Bangor is a woman who is not only beautiful but who is as sexually willing and interested as us, if not more so."

"I agree, Bill. How about you, Beth?"

"Beth? Your name is Beth?"

"You two are amazing, but you can call me Mrs. Bangor, Bill. After all, I am your teacher. By the way, you guys and a mate are invited to a party at our house two weekends from now. I'll give you confirmation later."

"Great, that should be fun," I said.

We both then left, if not as friends, at least as men who had experienced something together that would bond us forever.   Chapter Nineteen

Maybe the weekend following this one would be centered around a party that included some surprises that only Mrs. Bangor could conjure, but this weekend was one that I looked forward to spending with Judy in the cities.

I left on Friday afternoon and drove nonstop, arriving at Judy's dorm at about six o'clock. I parked and walked into the dorm to search out her room. I was waylayed in the lobby by a woman sitting behind a desk. She had been reading a text book. As she looked up, she took off her glasses. She was very attractive in an unadorned sort of way.

"May I help you?"

My thought was that she could indeed help him in ways that may be in excess of what she meant by the question.

"Yes you can." I asked if he could see Judy who was expecting him. The young woman picked up a phone, pushed two buttons and waited. The young woman began talking to someone on the other end. After telling Judy that she had a visitor, the woman hung up and smiled.

"She'll be right down. You can wait over there if you wish." The woman pointed to a couch that sat against a wall with a table in front of it. I no sooner sat down than Judy ran into the room with a huge smile. She ran to me and gave me a big hug.

"Guess what? We've been invited to stay with one of my professors and her husband. They have an extra room that will be ours for the whole weekend, and they have a little party planned for tonight. They said that the kids would be with their grandparents. How about it?"

"What are we waiting for? Get your stuff. I'll wait here."

Judy ran out of the room and I sat down to wait for her. The young woman at the desk walked over and said "It sounds like you two have plans for a fun weekend. I wish I could say the same."

"What's your name?"

"Wanda. I'm a junior and still living in this boring dorm."

"How about this: Judy and I will call our guests and ask if they mind if we bring one more along?"

"I have to be here until seven, but I'd love that."

"Great, that'll give us time to call and make the arrangements. Then you can get some things together and we can go."

"What do you mean by get things together?"

"We're going to spend the night there, so why not you as well?"

"That might work if they don't mind."

When Judy got back with a small suitcase, I told her that Wanda wanted to join us. Judy thought that was a good idea since they were friends. By the time Wanda was off duty, Judy had cleared it with the professor to bring Wanda along.

When we arrived at our destination, it was dark. We parked on the Parkway and walked to the front entrance where we were met by a couple. I was a little surprised to find that the couple was none other than Spencer and Jocelyn.

"Hi, Bill, it's great to see you again," said Spencer. Jocelyn walked to me, hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I recalled the swim I had taken with her; so did my cock. "So, this is Wanda. Thank you for coming. We have a fun weekend planned. It's great to meet you; let's show you where you'll be staying. Am I assuming too much that you'll be sleeping together?"


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