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Xavier's Teachers - The Handmaiden Pt. 03


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Xavier stretched out his left arm and cradled Bai-Ma's head next to his shoulder, his elbow bending so he could run his fingers through her hair. She nuzzled against him as she lay on her side, her hand on his chest as her fingers ran aimlessly along the outline of various muscles. She looked at the profile of his strong and sharp facial features, dark shadows cast by the glow from the subdued floor-lamps. Her sumptuous breasts were pressed against his sides, looking like they were wedged between their bodies as she slay snugly against him. She looked down momentarily and saw his penis, still about six inches long, lolling to the left near his hips. She touched it gently for a few seconds but then removed her hand, not wanting to disturb his tranquil state.

Bai-Ma closed her eyes, tucked her face next to Javi's chest and breathed in the aroma of his masculinity. Outside, the rain seemed to have run its way down to a drizzle judging from the sound. Or had it actually stopped and maybe she was just hearing droplets falling from the leaves to the ground; that was her last conscious thought before she drifted off into a restful slumber.


It was approaching midnight when Bai-Ma and Xavier both nodded off to sleep after their lovemaking that Sunday night. The floor-lamps were programmed, like nightlights, to switch off after three hours unless the automatic sleep switch was disabled. As a result, they slept in complete darkness as well as silence since the rain had stopped; only the almost silent hum of the air-conditioner disturbed the relaxing quietude.

Xavier's body clock was conditioned to wake him up at 5:00 am every morning, irrespective of what time he slept or what season it was. When he awakened that day, dawn would have been breaking outside but no light filtered through the heavy drapes. In the darkness he became conscious before he opened his eyes, and savoured his memories from the night before for a couple of minutes. With his eyes still shut, he became aware of his physical surroundings; both him and Bai-Ma were lying on their sides with Xavier spooned against her back. He realised that his right arm was thrown over hers and his hand nestled loosely between her breasts as though he had been holding one of them; his chest was against her back and his upright tumescent penis pushed against her naked buttocks.

He opened his eyes slowly and waited for his sight to adjust in the darkness; the only ambient light was from the standing floor lamps in the living room which barely filtered down the corridor to his bedroom. He could feel Bai-Ma's somnolent breathing as her chest heaved and wanted to press himself harder against her, especially his erection which had surprised him. But he held himself back, not moving for fear of awaking her.

Bai-Ma opened her eyes minutes after Javi and stared into the darkness in front of her, knowing instinctively that he was awake. She felt his nose edge into her hair, thinking he was inhaling whatever fragrance lingered; she could feel his breath against her scalp. As she became fully conscious, she also felt the wooden stiffness of his cock against her backside and wondered how long his penis had been hard.

A few minutes later they both heard the first sounds of twittering birds outside, breaking the silence of the night. Bai-Ma was alerted to the time and realised she would have to get up, dress, and get back to her rooms before the sun rose. She took Javi's idle hand in hers and brought it to her mouth, kissing his palm softly before turning around to face him. Silently, she reached for his mouth with her lips and kissed him lightly as she placed the fingers of one hand in his hair. "I have to go now, Javi, or we'll both be in trouble," she said with a smile.

Xavier knew the truth in that statement and realised he should get on with his day as well despite how desperate he was to hold on to her. He would give anything for another bout of lovemaking with the most beautiful, the most caring, the sexiest, the only woman in his life. "When can we meet again, Bai-Ma?" he asked in a whisper. His erection had quickly become flaccid but he told himself with considerable maturity, he thought, that Bai-Ma and he were a couple and that there would be much time later. He felt that familiar heaviness in his heart which he construed to be love for his goddess, and very well it might have been.

"I can't say for sure, Javi, but very soon," she whispered back in response as she turned to get off the bed on her side. She stood up naked and barefoot in front of the curtains and parted them an inch to determine how much light there was outside. Because of the heavy foliage in the orchard surrounding the outhouse, it still seemed dark but they could hear the clamour of birds increasing. She eased her way around the large four-poster and followed the light from the living room into the connecting corridor. Xavier wanted to reach out and touch her naked arse one last time before the day began, feel the smooth skin with his fingertips, but she was already beyond his reach.

She turned into the bathroom and started dressing hurriedly; panties, bra, petticoat, blouse and saree - all of which were in the washroom. She finger-combed her hair and tied the flowing tresses into a knot as tidily as she could on the back of her head. Standing in front of the full length mirror, she made sure that she looked relatively presentable. As she splashed some water on her face, she wondered what she would say, what excuse she would make, in the unlikely event that someone spotted her on the way back to her quarters. Nothing came to mind.

She exited the bathroom and collected the trail of clothes Javi had strewn in the alleyway the previous night. She then walked to his bedroom and found him sitting naked on the edge of the bed. Placing his garments on the bed next to him, she leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth, then turned and walked to the exit in the front room. Xavier sat there for another two minutes, his mind still searching for a place where the dying embers of the night's fire in him could rest. He was going to keep them as his fondest lifetime memories.

Bai-Ma's return to her living quarters which were a few minutes' walk away was uneventful. She too was looking for a place in her mind where she could stash the memories of the last 24 hours and cherish them at will; feeling a deep sense of love and tenderness for her Javi. Leaving her slippers at the door, she walked barefoot across the clean floor to her bedroom where she stripped off her clothes. She folded her saree and left it on the bed before carrying her blouse and underclothes into the bathroom where she dumped them into the wicker basket for washing later. Naked, she went to her kitchen and put some water on to boil so she could have a mug of hot tea before getting ready for the day.

By that time Xavier was already out on his morning run, feeling a lot more energetic than he had when he'd woken up half an hour earlier. As he trotted down the empty streets, the sun lifting above the horizon, he was thinking of Bai-Ma and the night before. His sense of elation had not dissipated and he felt a powerful force inside him; as though he had undergone a momentous life changing experience with her. He was confident in his heart that she had revelled in their time together just as much as he had, reliving the physical and emotional expressions of pleasure that she had displayed. That was important to him, even though he himself had had more than his fair share of hedonistic delight; like an orgy of orgasms!

Xavier came back from his run, got ready and left for his college by around 7:30 that morning. He jogged to the bus-stop so as to ensure that he caught the 7:50 bus that would get him to the campus in time for his first lecture. Throughout the day he just couldn't get Bai-Ma out of his head and kept wondering when he would see her next. He wished desperately that she would come that night but castigated himself for getting his hopes up.

When she didn't come that day, even though he waited till midnight before falling into a restless sleep, he thought he would see her the next morning. Tuesdays were her cleaning-day at his digs. He got up at his usual hour and debated whether he should skip his run and wait for her. It hadn't rained since the weekend and the weather was muggy, even early in the morning. He decided he wouldn't tamper with his well-established routine just so he didn't traumatise himself with the unbearable waiting.

But Bai-Ma didn't come that morning at 6:30 like she always did. He had a confusion of thoughts as he bathed and dressed; a little anger seeping in to the hankering and pining for her. But of course she wasn't beholden to him, only to her mistress who had requested her to fulfil the additional chore of keeping Xavier's outhouse clean, which she did three days a week. He left for college at the same time he normally did but the emotions were heavy and deep through the day; much worse than the previous day. That evening he forsook his athletics training, even though he had got some hints from the coach that he would probably make it to the team by next semester.

When he got home earlier than his usual hour, the first thing he noticed when he switched on the lights was that the house had been swept, mopped and tidied. Even his clothes, including underwear, which he had not had the time to wash on Sunday, had been run through the washing machine, dried and ironed. They were lying, folded in neat piles, on his bed. This was not part of Bai-Ma's duties and he realised that she had it done it especially for him. He sat on the bed, put his face in his hands, and heaved a deep sigh as all his love and longing for her resurfaced. His eyes watered as he felt a great heaviness in his heart. Somehow he knew she wasn't coming to see him that evening either. And the next day was a Wednesday, not one of her cleaning days.

He was like a lovesick teenager, pining for his Bai-Ma. All evening, Xavier was restless and woebegone. He had a quick shower and changed into his loungewear, then lounged in the living room doing nothing. He tried to play his guitar but after strumming a few chords, he gave up and replaced the instrument in its case. He didn't have any food in the refrigerator but didn't feel like cooking like he normally did for his dinner. He tried to play some music on his mobile device but nothing seemed to appeal to him. He finally took the half full bottle of Vodka that Bai-Ma had left behind and went up to the roof with it, carrying a glass and a can of tonic water with him.

After about an hour he left the bottle, glass and can on the roof and climbed down the wrought iron spiral staircase with two large drinks in his belly. The alcohol had stoked his fires and his hormones were raging. Xavier decided to set out in search of Bai-Ma. He went into his cottage and washed his face, roughly brushed his hair, put on a pair of slippers and went looking for her. He walked about a minute along the path on the side of the compound before he realised he didn't know which of the servants' quarters belonged to Bai-Ma. There were two units on the ground floor and two on top. When he had the annexe in view, he noticed that both the flats on the top floor still had lights in the window, as did one unit on the ground floor.

He hesitated, not knowing what to do. He had cursed himself all evening for never having thought of asking her for her cellphone number. He took a few steps forward, thinking he would peer into the window on the ground floor and try to determine whether Bai-Ma was inside, even though the curtains were drawn. Fortunately, good sense prevailed; he knew there would be hell to pay if somebody saw him. And perhaps Bai-Ma herself would not welcome an intrusion at this time. And what would happen if, God forbid, the lady of the manor spotted him loitering around this late in the night.

He went back to his rooms, forlorn and miserable. The alcohol was catching up fast and his befuddled brain was getting very fuzzy. Xavier went to his rooms, switched off all the lights, stripped naked and got into bed. It took him a while to fall asleep, and when he did it was a restless few hours before his mind finally shut down completely.


Bai-Ma had not been feeling well. On Monday night - the one after her weekend tryst with Xavier, her darling Javi - she had got her monthly menstrual period, accompanied by considerable pain. Because of that, she had been unable to clean Xavier's rooms on Tuesday morning, although she did go later in the day once she felt a little better. In the evening she retired early, going to sleep almost immediately after dinner.

Although her period would last for five days, she was feeling much better on the third day. She had been thinking incessantly about Javi for the last couple of days and felt terrible about not having seen him on her last house-keeping day. Her breasts had swollen just before her period started and there was still some tenderness that she felt around her bosom. She wanted so much to visit him but knew that her mistress, who had told her to rest, would not be amused if she found Bai-Ma traipsing around instead.

By the time she completed her ablutions, had a shower and got dressed it was already 10 o'clock in the morning. Javi would have left for college, she thought to herself. Very unlike her usual self, she actually began scheming mentally on a way to see him that evening, wondering at the same time if he was worried or angry or just miserable.

Xavier had in fact woken up at his usual time feeling a little unwell, thanks to his restless night and the effects of the booze he had uncharacteristically consumed while he was alone. But he forced himself out for his morning jog, and later to college as well. His mood had lifted as the day progressed because he kept reminding himself that the next day was Bai-Ma's house cleaning day and he would see her finally. Although he still couldn't understand why she hadn't come on Tuesday morning but done his rooms and clothes in the afternoon when he wasn't there in the outhouse.

He went for a swim after classes, which he did most days, and then joined the athletics team for their evening training session. He hitched a ride with a motorcyclist out of the university campus but had to walk a kilometre from where he was dropped off, reaching home at about 8:30 in the evening. He'd stopped and grabbed a burger near the spot where he'd gotten off the bike so he wouldn't have to cook dinner that night.

Xavier got to his lodge, freshened up with a cold shower and sat down to work on a college paper he had to submit early the following week. Bai-Ma on the other hand had spent the first half of the day with her lady and rested all afternoon; she was feeling relaxed and still contemplating whether to sneak away from her rooms to Javi that evening. She'd finished her dinner, washed the dishes and put them in the draining tray, and was sitting on her couch with the TV on silent although she wasn't really watching.

Her breasts still felt a little tender so she had taken off her brassiere and wore her blouse with nothing underneath. She felt her boobs, gently caressing them, pressing her palms softly against the sides and along the curvature. It wasn't really painful and she sat back on her sofa and continued lightly skimming her hands over the fullness of her bosom. She had noticed many years ago how, half way through her monthly period, she would always feel a little aroused, her libido strangely feeling stronger. As her fingers felt the stiffness of her protruding nipples, she wondered why that was. The nipples jutted out against the soft cotton fabric of her blouse as she twisted and teased them with her thumb and index finger, pulling at them delicately.

As Bai-Ma titillated herself, her mind drifted to a thought that had occupied her for long hours during the last week. She had dreamt of it and imagined it, playing various scenarios in her mind, and every time she thought about it she knew she wanted it. One day soon she would have penetrative sex with Javi, taking his rock hard eight-inch cock into her cunt. In fact, she had already started taking the pill some days ago and knew that she needed at least seven days before they would be effective. She had taken a taxi one afternoon to a pharmacy far away from where they all resided in the mansion and purchased three strips of 21 pills each.

She wondered if Javi would take the initiative or whether she would have to lead him towards having penile intercourse with her. She was already picturing herself in his bed as she slid one hand inside her blouse and scooped out one of her large breasts, touching her nipple directly. She licked her finger and rubbed the saliva over the nipple, dreaming of Xavier's lips over them and his hungry mouth suckling like a baby. She felt a tingling in her vulva and wanted to lift up her saree and touch herself but knew she couldn't; she was still bleeding and had a tampon inserted in her vagina; having switched from sanitary pads a year ago.

But she folded her limbs and brought her feet up to the couch anyway; pulling the fall of her saree over her knees, she let the garment slide down her thighs to her hips. She pressed a finger on top of her panties and rubbed over the thick bushy mound of her pubic hair, pushing down on her vulva. She was thinking of Javi and his well-toned muscular body, recalling his nakedness. Bai-Ma pushed her hand inside the elastic band of her underwear and felt the silken texture of her pussy hair as she drove her fingers through the undergrowth. At the end, where her labia met, she used one finger to press down on the clitoral hood, feeling the engorged erectile tissue under the skin. She picture Javi's mouth over an erect clit and his fingers inside her cunt as she moved her finger in a circular motion, beginning to take long deep breaths.

Her other hand was softly stroking her full breasts, exposed but supported by the neckline of her blouse as it cut into the underside of her boobs. Her high oestrogen levels had resulted in a heightened state of arousal and Bai-Ma, unlike during most of her usual monthly periods, was indulging herself. Hormonal changes had also made her already large breasts enlarge further and although there was still a certain tenderness in them, she still enjoyed the sensations generated by her palpating fingers. Her nipples were more sensitive during this period but she was getting highly excited with the smoothness that came as she applied more of her saliva over them with her fingers.

She opened her eyes briefly and noticed a black band across her TV screen with a warning notice stating that it would automatically shut off in five minutes unless any button on the remote was pressed. That drew Bai-Ma's attention and she realised she had been in world of her own, far removed from her current reality. She was still thinking of Javi and finally decided she would take a short walk and see if he was still awake. The time on the bottom right corner of the channel display showed it was 10:32:26 when she switched off the television and stood up. Her dress dropped to her ankles, covering her limbs fully as she tucked her breasts back into her blouse and pulled up the neckline. Her hair was neatly braided, the thick pleats twisted into a tight rope that fell from the back of her head to her buttocks.

Before leaving her rooms, she changed out of her saree and petticoat, putting on a long dark coloured skirt that also came to her ankles. Pulling out a matching two-and-a-half metre long scarf made of chiffon from her wardrobe, she draped it around her chest with the the two ends thrown over both shoulders. Then, she switched off the lights in her apartment from the master panel near the door, slipped into a pair of sandals, and silently let herself out into the near darkness. The garden lights had been switched off, as they were every evening, by the security guards at 10:00 pm. The only light which helped her as she hugged the boundary wall and walked along the narrow footpath, shielded from view by the foliage, towards the outhouse was a tall streetlamp on the outside of the compound.

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