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Xavier's Teachers - The Handmaiden Pt. 03


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He felt the slopes along the top of her breasts, the smooth roundness at the sides, and the weightiness of their fullness as he stroked upwards towards her nipples. He used his fingers dextrously over her areolas and the pebbly, hard nipples as she continued to stroke his erect cock. He ran his palms along her sides, feeling the indent of her waist as his hands rose up to her armpits and his fingers felt the soft fluff of her axillary hair. He placed a hand like a brace at the back of her neck and drew her mouth down to his lips; he kissed gently at first and then deeper and with more passion as he continued to palpate her boobs with the other hand.

They had been in that position for a fairly long while, she kneeling upright at the edge of the bed and him standing tall and erect in front of her. His hands moved all over her body, spending time at each point before moving on. Bai-Ma had been stroking his manhood continuously in a slow languorous fashion, not wanting to take him to a climactic apogee anytime soon. Eventually, she took her hands away from his crotch and placed them on his rump, the muscular contours barely giving way to her clutching fingers. His hard-on stood almost upright and she felt it graze against her abdomen as she pulled him in closer.

Xavier ultimately let his hands stray down Bai-Ma's front, dug a finger into her navel and twirled it for a second or two before moving across the slight bulge of her stomach. When his fingers touched the upper fringe of her forested grove, he took a deep breath and almost immediately cupped her entire vulva in the palm of one hand. He felt the thick matted moss against his palm; as he pressed his hand upwards, the spongy tissue and fat of her elevated labia majora compressed against his touch. He rubbed his hand over her entire vulva, synchronising his pace with Bai-Ma's leisurely stroking of his penis which she had once again started. He loved the silken feel of her pubic hair on his palm, enjoying the luxurious growth that his fingers furrowed through.

But when he slipped a finger in between the folds of her inner lips, and then inside her cunt, Bai-Ma gasped and involuntarily tightened her grip on his manhood. She also began tugging it more energetically as Xavier shoved in another finger and stroked up into her vaginal cavity. The aura of passion that enshrouded them got steamier over the next couple of minutes as both of them continued to pleasure each other with their mutual hand sex. She used her free hand to grip his wrist as he kept thrusting his fingers up her vagina; then manipulated his hand so that there was more pressure on top of her clitoral hood. The cocktail of erotic sensations emanating from her vaginal walls and her hooded clit sent Bai-Ma into raptures as she ground her hips against the pressure of Xavier's hand.

She began to feel a weakness in her knees as her thighs began to tremor; she had to fold her legs and go down on her haunches, her naked arse resting on her heels. Xavier was forced to extract his hand from inside her as she collapsed on to the bed, her face now directly in front of his hugely tumescent phallus. She was in a low crouch directly in front of him as she regained her hold on Javi's cock and brought her lips to the almost radiant head. His penis looked so ravishingly virile as she unnecessarily tried to push the foreskin back beyond its already stretched extreme and ran her tongue around the well-defined corona, licking along the circumference.

It didn't take Bai-Ma too long to succumb to her growing obsession with Javi's phallic steed, ever raging, always throbbing to her touch. With broad strokes of her tongue, she laved the eight-inch length, using her saliva to lubricate every pore and continued to stroke the thick rod with one fist. She then held it upright, pressed it against his lower abdomen and tilted her head to the side so she could lick his testicles. With the tip of her tongue, she wet the central ridge-line of his scrotum from right underneath to the base of his cock. She felt the crinkled skin become taut as he placed his hands lightly on her head. Bai-Ma opened her mouth wide and delicately sucked one of his balls into her mouth, treating it with utmost care and love.

She continued to orally electrify him and although it did not push him any faster to an orgasm, it touched highly sensitive nerves that resulted in new waves of erotic sensations crashing through his body. She was doing it for the first time but judging from Javi's instinctual body reactions, Bai-Ma thought he liked his balls in her mouth. And so he did, especially the delightfully pleasant suction as she delicately pulled them through the rounded O of her lips.

When Bai-Ma finally lifted her head up from under his genitals, Javi's fingers were deeply embedded in her hair, the bun having unknotted and cascades of her shiny black hair tumbled to the mattress from all around her head. She pushed the hair over her face back behind her ears and took his cock in her hand again. She raised her torso and levered down his rampaging phallus so that the glans were positioned directly in front of her mouth. Parting her lips, she pushed her head forward and swallowed five inches of his erection. Her hands continued to toy with his testicles as she began to bob her head back and forth, lips stretched wide to accommodate his girth.

After about a minute, she heard Javi's hoarse and breathless voice from above her saying "Bai-Ma, I want to suck you. To lick you. To kiss you down there. Please." Xavier was proud about how he had driven her to an orgasm earlier, and also of the fact that he had shown tremendous restraint during the day. Although he had a small refractory period after she sucked him and made him ejaculate in her mouth, he had been ready for more within a half hour of his climax. What he didn't know was that Bai-Ma needed almost no downtime after a climax and could have gone on with multiple orgasms had he wanted to continue. But they both savoured the in-between time; it had also given them the opportunity of getting closer, more intimate and personal. And the extended bouts of foreplay as well as downtime had let their hearts embrace one another instead of being prodded by lust alone.


"Come, Javi. Lie down here," Bai-Ma purred in an undertone that was barely audible above the sound of the rain. The downpour had abated for a while but now, once again, thunder rolled across the skies and occasional flashes of lightening streaked across, flash-lighting the room for tiny fractions of time. Holding his hand as he climbed on to the bed, Bai-Ma scooched backwards on her knees and haunches. She placed her other hand on his chest and gently pushed him down so that he lay supine, his head on a pile of soft down pillows next to the headboard. At 80 inches, the bed was long enough to comfortably accommodate Xavier's 6'2" height as he stretched out.

Bai-Ma sat next to the pillows on the bed with her knees folded and her legs tucked to the side of her thighs as she looked down at Javi's face. His brown eyes looked dilated in the dim light, contrasting with the clear white surrounding the pupils. She leaned down and kissed him on the mouth, her large breasts squeezing against his chest. Her hand roamed over his abs and strayed down to his genitals, once again taking his thick manhood and stroking it gently. She moved her lips down to his nipples and roused them by flicking her tongue across them and sucking the tiny pods.

"Bai-Ma, let me suck you there," he pleaded as she continued to arouse him with her hand and mouth. He didn't know how exactly to refer to his desire to cunnilingue her; the only words he knew were in the vernacular and they sounded too crass and vulgar even to him.

"Wait, Javi my darling," she mumbled in response, her mouth still at his nipples. After a while, her lips began a slow slide down along his sternum; she had to twist her body slightly since her knees stayed riveted at a spot next to his left shoulder. Xavier's erection, hard and stiff, lay on his stomach with the tip more than an inch beyond his navel. When Bai-Ma's lips puckered into a kiss which she fused on the urethral opening in his glans, Xavier felt her feverish breath as his cock twitched. She levered up the long rod and continued to push her head forward, gradually enveloping his penis in her mouth.

Xavier felt the warmth of the inside of her mouth as he penetrated her oral entryway an inch at a time. Bai-Ma kept pushing her mouth, trying to encompass as much of Javi's cock as possible; she tried to relax her muscles and ease her breathing but found it impossible to take his entire length in. Besides, his thickness meant that her jaws were wide open and she had little room to manoeuvre, so she slowly withdrew and used her hand to stroke the extremely lubricated surface. She tugged his penis for a few moments before taking him partially into her mouth again and used her tongue around the head.

She could hear muffled groans from behind her as she continued to indulge Javi's cock for the next couple of minutes. After that, Bai-Ma released his penis and raised herself on her hands and knees, facing away from his head. Very carefully she raised her right knee, took it over his face, and placed it next to his right shoulder. Her face was towards his feet and her buttocks over his head. Xavier instinctively brought his arms inside the bracket of her inner thighs as she spread her knees a little further apart. Without thinking, he raised both arms and placed his palms on the lower part of her back where the swell of her hips began.

Bai-Ma stayed in that position for a little while, adjusting her outstretched hands and knees. Xavier stared up at the most lewd and salacious view, yet also very intimate and personal; like something Bai-Ma would reveal only to him. Inches from his face was the thick bush of her pubic hair hovering over his nose; it was mostly in shadow but the redolence was so intoxicating, he felt he could get high just breathing in her personal animal scent. He brought his hands on to her buttocks and pulled her arse cheeks apart so he could see the bright pink of her nether lips. A couple of centimetres above that was the furrowed entrance to her anus. The view, the smell, the proximity; it was as though Bai-Ma had given him access to her most secret garden, the enigma of her very femininity revealed to him.

Xavier needed no prompting; his actions were instinctive as he gripped her buttocks and simultaneously spread them as well as pulled her haunches down towards his mouth. Bai-Ma was a little surprised at his reflexive behaviour but lowered her hips while stretching out her arms, raising her torso. She had been longing for his lips and mouth on her cunt ever since he had brought her to an orgasm earlier in the day; but despite the anticipation, she was still shaken by his first kiss on her labia. It was like a thunderbolt of eroticism; her highly sensitive nerves jangled in carnal delight as she spread her knees a little further apart and lowered her hips on to his face.

When Xavier's mouth touched Bai-Ma's pussy, his heart started beating wildly as the physical experience led to a highly poignant, almost spiritual, wave of emotion. At the same time, he felt her grip around his thrumming cock as she started to stroke its length. After a while, he felt her tongue licking along the slick rod before her lips finally encircled the head of his cock. He felt the same sensations of passion and intimacy that had kept overpowering him through the day; it was like being sexually conjoined whenever they indulged in mutual gratification of this nature.

Although his grip on Bai-Ma's rump had been strong, he used his fingers to stroke her flushed skin over the buttocks and the backs of her thighs. With his tongue, he began from the point farthest from his mouth and licked with broad strokes from her perineum to her cunt but avoided her clitoris initially. His nose pressed against the swollen outer lips, nudging into the bulbous cushions as he breathed in her aroma. He kept laving her, letting the tip of his tongue furrow through the gully between her inner labia as Bai-Ma squirmed over his mouth.

After a while he gripped her derriere firmly, fingers clamped into Bai-Ma's flesh, and drew her downwards so his tongue could reach her anal orifice. He licked the rim of her anus, the tip of his tongue running circles around the puckered entrance and probing inside to the extent possible. She moaned loudly when his tongue swished around her as the anal sphincter contracted and eased in response. After moistening the entrance to her hole, he probed it with his forefinger, pushing in the first phalange. Bai-Ma pushed her posterior against his mouth as she threw her head back and groaned in rapturous abandon, the sound resonating above the constant cacophony of the monsoon rain.

Xavier brought his arms to the outside of her haunches so that Bai-Ma's knees were on either side of his ribcage and his forearms and hands had unfettered access to her buttocks and both orifices. He continued stabbing her arsehole with his finger at a fairly rapid pace and simultaneously used his broad tongue to lick her cunt from the clitoris to the other end of her vaginal lips. After some time, he focussed the tip of his tongue on her clit and inserted to fingers into her vagina. He pushed in and out, used the lubrication of her juices to brush the entrance to her anus and then proceeded to push his fingers into both her holes. The index finger in her arsehole went in a little further and he slowly eased the entire length inside.

With Javi having penetrated her cunt and butthole with his fingers, Bai-Ma went into a state of extreme arousal; she was feeling this kind of prodding for the first time in her life and was unable to control her actions or her reactions as her haunches thrust backwards against his fingers and mouth. Although she had a loose grip around his rock-hard penis, she couldn't continue to fellate him as she went into lustful raptures at the sensations that were sparking at the centre of her very being. Xavier had two fingers inserted in her slippery lubricious canal as he finger-fucked her with his knuckles curled in slightly, pressing the pads of his fingertips against the anterior wall of her vagina.

Unknown to Xavier, as he pressed against Bai-Ma's vaginal wall he found a soft spongy area a few centimetres inside that sent her into a zone of such extreme pleasure, she felt she might climax at that second. But as his fingers strayed away from the spot, her senses were drawn instead to his tongue flicking her clitoris in a fast rhythmic motion. She knew she had never been pleasured like this ever before; not by any man and certainly not while she masturbated. As she let the waves of ecstasy wash over her entire body in unrelenting fashion, she once again gathered her senses and found Javi's cock still in her grip.

Sometime in the last few minutes her torso had lowered itself and Bai-Ma's heavy voluptuous boobs were almost flattened against Xavier's abdomen, bulging out sideways. Her thick long hair was thrown to one side and it lay fanned out from her head like a black silken scarf over his left thigh and the bed beyond. Holding his cock upright, she pushed her mouth over it and then let her hand drop between his parted legs so she could cup his testicles. She bobbed her head up and down over his phallus while scraping his scrotum with her fingernails or letting them trail along the inside of his thighs. He had been so fixated on her anus and her pussy that the sudden delectation around his own genitalia made his hips spasm, lifting his rump and thrusting it up into Bai-Ma's mouth.

As they fed off each other, they also fed one another the frenzied eroticism of mutual lovemaking. Despite their substantial difference in age and a fast closing gap in experience, Bai-Ma and her Javi were in such an euphoric state of togetherness that their breathing and heartbeat moved in tandem. Strangely, neither of them had thought of penile-insertion sex and each bout of their sexual discovery over the weekend had just been a further milestone in their carnal journey.

In this state of conjunction, the classic soixante-neuf or 69 position, they were reaching the acme of their concupiscence in a hurry. Bai-Ma was the first to climax when Javi once again found that soft spongy area inside her vagina, her G-spot although the term and concept were unknown to both. His tongue continued its cadenced flicking of her clitoris and he still had a finger embedded in her anus. With all three erogenous nerve centres being palpated at the same time, Bai-Ma completely lost control of her mind, giving herself up completely to the indescribable physical and emotional peak of her arousal. She felt a tingling in her vulva and a sudden desire to urinate, but that feeling only added to the heady cocktail of sensations that were ripping through her body.

Her hand hovered loosely around Xavier's phallus as she lifted her body off his chest and abs, her nether region almost fused against his face. As her muscles tightened and little needle-like pricks numbed her thighs and hips, she screamed into the ambient sound that penetrated the room from outside. Her body went into a spasmodic paroxysm for almost fifteen seconds during which she squirted a clear liquid from her urethral opening, splattering Xavier's face and forehead. She groaned loudly a couple of times while he continued to lavish her cunt with his oral ministrations.

When Bai-Ma recovered from her near-hysterical climax, she grabbed Javi's cock again and lowered her mouth to the top of his shaft, holding it upright. Her breasts hung heavy over his stomach, the nipples raking his skin as the pendulous boobs swung with every bob of her head. Like earlier, she used one hand to hold the base of his penis while her head vacillated along the top five inches, and her other hand tantalisingly fondled his balls. At one stage, she pushed her outstretched fingers lower down between his buttocks and found his anus. She fingered the short bridge between his testicles and the entrance to his rectum, delicately rimming the hole with the tip of a fingernail.

While Xavier maintained his clenched grip on Bai-Ma's buttocks, still trying to suck the juices out of her cunt, the sudden combination of caresses electrified his body. Her mouth and fist together formed a long channel through which his penis see-sawed like a piston in a well oiled cylinder. And like the mechanics of a four-stroke engine, the sparks caused his fuel to explode, driving the piston up and down in powerful strokes. He felt the familiar tingling in his thighs as his brain shut down; the tension in his muscles heightened as he crossed his ejaculatory point of no return.

His butt lifted off the bed along with his lower back, carrying the weight of Bai-Ma as he rammed his manhood deeper into her mouth. That was the moment he exploded, his body writhing in short convulsive contractions that jetted his semen into her mouth, striking the back of her throat and compelling her to swallow. Of course she didn't mind, in fact she wanted it so, although Javi's seminal discharge was a little less than the last time she had blown him almost 12 hours earlier. But nevertheless, it was thick and still voluminous as she slowly removed her mouth from around him and glided her hand over the slippery length, her saliva and his cum making the movement of her fist almost frictionless. She squeezed his cock and watched the last few drops of semen ooze out of his penis head.

Xavier was in an euphoric post-orgasmic state, his phallus fast depleting in girth this time, unlike earlier in the day when he had deflated only marginally. Bai-Ma unstraddled his face and moved both her knees to his left side, then took a corner of the crumpled bedsheet and wiped his crotch dry. She turned around to face him and saw his eyes shut; saw the seraphic look of blissful contentment and a serene smile playing at the corners of his mouth. He was still on his back, his arms folded behind his head, resting on the pillow. She lay down silently next to him, facing inward so she could look at his face while he recovered.

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