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Xenophilia - Eriana - Pt. 01

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A planetary colony is overrun by horny xenomorphs.
7.6k words

Part 28 of the 48 part series

Updated 05/28/2024
Created 05/18/2021
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This is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.

* * * * *

It was all so very... sudden. The alien had lunged at her, and promptly wrapped itself around her body, forcing its lips to hers and shoving its tongue deep into her mouth. The kiss was aggressive, animalistic even, and all Eriana Genos could do was struggle pitifully in its grasp, its tail wrapped around her and its arms holding her tight all as the cryogenic mists swirled around them and filled the room until she could only see the creature's eyeless visage filling her vision, the creature practically slurping in the kiss as it twisted its lips in a circular fashion upon her own, its tongue delving deep into Eriana's mouth, even probing down her throat.

Eriana was not one to be made nauseous by anything, but this creature's invasive muscle was threatening to trip her gag reflex... but she avoided retching, somehow, as it bulged out her neck ever so slightly from within. All the while, it tightened its embrace, one hand sliding down to take a handful of Eriana's rump, squeezing one of her glutes through her labcoat, its tail wrapped from her thighs to just below her shoulders now, ensuring she could not free herself.

For all her years as a brilliant and top-tier scientist in the employ of the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, she was now just... prey, to this lusty creature, who seemed far less interested in slaughtering the helpless, squirming doctor than it did in exacting revenge in quite a different way than most would expect. The Xenomorph was holding her tighter though, threatening to constrict her to death if it continued... but it eased the pressure it exerted over its human captive.

Eriana was allowed to breathe and endure the lecherous kiss that violated her mouth... though her struggling was slowly dying down, owing in part that she realised it was hopeless, and that she may as well wait to see what this creature had in store, and when it was finally through with her, if death was going to be the end of a storied career.

But that did not stop her body from reacting somewhat positively -- if rather unwillingly -- to the Xenomorph's attention. Of course, this was overshadowed by the lethargy that was slowly filling her body; whilst the cryogenic gases currently billowing forth from the broken cryostasis tube were hardly toxic, as a safety precaution, they were very cold... she was starting to shiver in the alien's grasp, and she was slowly losing oxygen since the creature barely gave her a chance to inhale. And it was hardly phased by the icy mist swirling around the both of them; Eriana knew their tolerances for extreme conditions were quite substantial, even to the vacuum of space where they were capable of functioning quite fine... of course, she was just a mere human.

She wouldn't be able to keep her eyes open for much longer. This was confounded by the Xenomorph pushing its slimy inner jaw into Eriana's mouth, and slowly pumping it back and forth across her tongue, until it was just at the top of her gullet, using the organ as a substitute for a phallic implement no doubt. It was hard to breathe, especially with how much of its saliva it was pouring into her mouth.

Just as she was slowly fading, she felt something sharp, yet somehow dull, pierce her in the back. Her eyes widened briefly as she felt this odd zinging sensation course through her body, before that lethargy accelerated. She knew she was passing out, and soon enough, she went limp in the xenomorph's iron embrace, at its complete mercy. The alien only broke the kiss once she was cold in its grasp, smirking wickedly, draping the unconscious scientist over its shoulder; there would be special plans for this human.

Eriana had a cold slumber, dark and empty, only awakening some time later in a dimly lit chamber in some underground hive complex, the walls covered in hardened, dark and sometimes glossy black resin, almost seemingly like a hybridisation of spider silk webbing and beehive and wasp nest wax, albeit thicker and much smoother. This was much the same style of hive the 'normal' xenomorphs, that Eriana had come to know quite a substantial amount about, encountered on other worlds created. And much like the reports she had read pertaining to such hives, she was not alone, several other humans around her trapped in cocoons much like she was.

Of course, there were a few notable differences. First of all, every individual, including herself, that she could see had been stripped naked. Their genitals and their heads were left exposed, and in the case of females, their breasts as well. Their cocoons were carefully shaped, noting how snugly she fit into her own... as though comfort for the detained human was a consideration for these creatures.

Eriana realised that she should've been either very tired, or extremely distressed... but all she could do was analyse and come to her own conclusions. There was moisture in the caves, and it was cool... which prompted her nipples to harden and her skin to prickle, much to her chagrin. Looking around, she noted that several of the females were incapacitated by xenomorph creatures known in less formal terms as 'facefuggers', the primary vector in which xenomorphs impregnated hosts with an embryo that, usually, would burst out of the chest of a host, killing them in the process.

However, these 'facehuggers' were hugging more than just their faces... they appeared to be humping the vaginas of the human females, and Eriana thought she saw more of the creatures between the legs of these females, thrusting into the anuses of the captive women. It was not typical behaviour, though the xenomorphs Eriana had come to note were hardly 'typical' of anything they knew.

Those that did not have any such creature's latched to their bodies, and the men who seemed to be spared such attention, all appeared to be unconscious... perhaps from the same venom that had sedated her. That was something she'd not been aware of when studying the specimen that had in turn captured her, and not something listed in the various surviving reports about the Xenomorphs on LV-426. As far as her understanding went, the blades on their tails were used as efficient killing tools, sharp and quite durable... it seemed that these xenomorphs had a way of injecting a strong, fast-acting sedative utilising their tail... if only she'd taken a closer look at that specimen's tail.

It was quiet, save for the odd groaning from her captive cohorts. There were about seven others in the chamber, and none of them appeared to be members of her staff, so... no conversation should they ever awake that both she and they could understand. She was alone, and all she could do was... recount her knowledge, and hypothesise. She knew the lifecycle of the xenomorphs encountered at Hadley's Hope and elsewhere; a most unusual and violent process, where hosts would be taken captive from those of a population not outright killed, imprisoned in hives, typically subterranean, where facehuggers would emerge from eggs laid by a Queen, implanting embryos into the hosts.

The Facehuggers would die off, and the parasitic embryo would leach nutrients from the host until they were grown enough to burst their way through the host's ribcage, killing them in the process. The 'chestburster', as some referred to the larval xenomorphs as, would hunt for food and avoid contact with anything that could reasonably threaten it. Then, it would grow into the fearsome and outright lethal creature that had utterly devastated the population at Hadley's Hope and destroyed a contingent of heavily armed Colonial Marines.

However, that was for the xenomorphs that were encountered there and in other places. Here, they were... vastly different. Whilst it was known to her that Xenomorphs took on the traits of host species, they never did so to such... extremes. The xenomorphs that had swept through Victor's Post were exceedingly humanoid in comparison to specimens found at LV-426, and, as she had shown to Sergeant Degtaryev, notably feminine, to the point that the creatures sported breasts and humanoid genitalia.

They did not seem to be particularly masculine in any noticeable way, though their strength was certainly greater than any human. Moreover, they seemed capable of a greater degree of intelligence than the ones encountered at LV-426; whilst all xenomorphs seemed highly intelligent and capable of learning, the Xenomorphs on this world, from the very few reports she and her colleague were able to glean from the network before most people were captured, displayed both similar behaviours... and very human ones, seemingly having an intrinsic understanding for basic technology, particularly doors and cameras.

Moreover, she knew that they had a particularly strong self-preservation instinct, which was not something observed on LV-426, where Xenomorphs were reported to attempt almost suicidal charges on Marines in order to overwhelm them should stealth not be an option. Here, where they seem to have greater numbers, they are much more cautious about engaging armed humans... they don't seem to put their lives under the goal of the hive quite as much as the Xenomorphs described in the various reports Eriana had read did.

Whatever led to the genesis of this particular form of Xenomorph still escaped Eriana, and she was rather dissatisfied knowing she would probably never know before her untimely demise at the hands of these creatures... but there was something about them that just struck the scientist as... unusual. Not in just their appearance or their intelligence, but the fact that, throughout the entire 'invasion', not a single colonist, as far as the various automated reports and camera feeds she had access to could show, was killed.

They were systematically kidnapped, one by one, and no doubt taken down to this place to be used in the lifecycle of these creatures... but that just took her back to the xenomorph that had captured her. It could've just envenomed her and be done with it... but instead, it had subjected her to a rather lusty, assertive kiss, one that was both animalistic and purposefully erotic. It made little sense to Eriana, but she knew there was a lot more to these creatures than she understood.

She heard sounds to her side, towards one of the females with her mouth stuffed by a facehugger. The creature, it seemed, was finished whatever debauched act it was performing on the hapless woman... but it did not simply die like Eriana expected. Instead, it let go of the woman, and dropped to the ground, retracting a rather disproportional phallus compared to its size into its body.

It proceeded to scuttle off, followed by the two other creatures, letting go of the woman's hips and rear and freeing themselves from the rather tight confines of her thighs and the cocoon that bound them, following behind the first, all three disappearing from view; that was something Eriana did not expect. She had assumed that, like the normal creatures, they would pass away once they had implanted the embryo in the host, its role complete and its life no longer required. But these 'facehuggers' seemed to be entirely healthy and as far from death as possible. Another difference she noted.

And then, Eriana saw a shape loom in at the entrance to the chamber... humanoid, and with a sinuous, segmented tail swishing behind its body. The creature walked into the middle of the small chamber, 'looking' about as though it had eyes to appraise the collection of captive humans... before locking onto Eriana. It stepped forward, where some light from naturally luminescent crystals left exposed amidst the resin that coated the walls revealed its toothy, devious smile.

Eriana admitted to a level of fear and angst as the creature closed in on her, which she thought was rather unprofessional of her... though, she wasn't anything but 'meat' to this creature, no doubt. It closed the distance, and sized Eriana up with a lick of its lips, the feminine xenomorph's nipples already erect, and -- to her surprise -- its vulva slick with fluids of arousal. It made a chittering sound she could only decipher as a sort of devious giggling, its chitinous palm moving to graze across the scientist's cheek. She flinched in reflex, which seemed to excite the predatory alien, moving even closer and reaching with its other hand to graze a pair of fingers, pressed together, across Eriana's own labia.

The woman flinched again, her eyes widening, the xenomorph licking its lips slowly, in a manner she could only describe as seductive. It slowly rubbed Eriana's vulva with its fingers, moving to rub its thumb tip against her clitoris. A blush naturally formed on the woman's cheeks, as her body responded rather positively to the stimulation, her nipples erecting further and her clitoris similarly growing hard, which only increased the amount of stimulation the creature's lanky thumb provided. Moisture seeped from her vagina, and Eriana felt her body grow heated, mitigating the mild chill of the chamber.

This was... completely outside any of Eriana's expectations of hypotheses; the kiss was confusing and unusual enough, but this wasn't some mindless, animalistic, instinctual act... this alien was teasing her, and showing amusement at that fact, licking its lips, and gently gliding the back of its other hand down from Eriana's cheek until it came to rest on top of one of her breasts, twisting around so the creature could take a handful of the woman's rather voluptuous flesh. It squeezed gently, letting the woman's mound fill out the gaps just slightly, the xenomorph kneading her breast with a purposeful, erotic need. Again, she was comparing the behaviour of the xenomorphs they knew to these... things. On LV-426, they were highly intelligent creatures, but still animals.

Certainly, capable of learning and creativity, but to a limited extent, and they were not known to express any sort of emotion or independent thought beyond their hunting and killing methods, and anything that would further the goal of the hive. This... creature was enjoying itself entirely for its own reasons... and of course, the way it was doing that was beyond the scope of any other xenomorph in existence within the galaxy. They killed to breed. The xenomorph before Eriana seemed much more intent on enjoying itself without even procreating.

It was oblivious to Eriana's thoughts, and probably would not care, pulling back its fingers and bringing them before its face, splaying the two digits apart to 'watch' the strings of Eriana's arousal sag between them, its lack of eyes not detracting from how it seemed to observe a great many things... smiling and licking its lips before plunging its digits between them, suckling firmly and without a doubt with deliberate eroticism, the xenomorph coiling a rather long, inky black tongue around its two digits and stroking it up back into its mouth.

The debauched show -- for that's what it was -- continued until it had cleaned its digits completely of any of Eriana's fluids, leaving only a thin, glistening film of the xenomorph's saliva clinging to the chitinous digits. The alien gave Eriana a wry smirk, before bringing its hand back down to the woman's groin and giving the scientist's vulva another series of slow, sensuous rubs, before curling its sharp digits inwards carefully, the points working at her entrance and slowly stretching her womanhood wide, the alien pushing its fingers into Eriana's vagina.

She let out an involuntary gasp, her body not at all numb to the stimulation despite her years of disinterest in such things... she was fairly young for such a prestigious scientist, and perhaps that was why... she didn't bother with frivolous pursuits. Of course, now she was to be subjected to this assault of debauchery... and she found her body was rather sensitive. She wasn't used to this sort of thing, and it made her react despite her own will. She gasped softly, and the xenomorph smirked in apparent delight, licking its lips before leaning in close to give her a long, slow lick up the scientist's neck.

Eriana did not try to fight the creature, however; she knew better than to upset the creature, and perversely... she was most curious to see how this played out. She couldn't possibly free herself, so active struggle was useless, and there was no way help would come in any reasonable time... so, all she could do was hope to have a quick end and maybe learn quite a bit about these things in the process. At least then she might've had a more satisfying death, even if her knowledge would never be shared... no matter. Her own curiosity and need to know would be sated.

Of course, even if she didn't writhe in an attempt to free herself, she nonetheless squirmed, simply as reflexive response to the stimuli she was being subjected to. Her apparent sensitivity was... making it hard to concentrate, her body heating up and her sex profusely leaking fluids of arousal now. And she flinched and groaned in mild discomfort from the way it ran its tongue up her neck... disgust? Perhaps, since the act itself was rather stimulating all on its own.

The alien seemed to be enjoying itself, its lips twisted into a devious grin. The perverse nature of these xenomorphs perhaps was a strange perversion in turn of the need to reproduce in the normal strains... only now, it was twisted into something more lecherous, with less emphasis on reproduction and more on sexual desire. That was more than a little fascinating to Eriana, though she admitted to herself that not knowing much on the subject of... sexual desire made it difficult to understand.

Another gasp left her lips as the alien's fingers plunged a little deeper into her womanhood, slowly pumping up and down and splaying apart and twisting a little, tracing the various folds that lined the walls of her vagina, the woman's sensitive canal bringing forth quite a slew of pleasured responses. Eriana was feeling ever so hot now, her face flushed and burning, her nipples erect and her clitoris as rigid as ever.

The alien took advantage of this, rubbing the flat underside of its sharp thumb tip to the woman's button. Naturally, the alien was doing its best to stimulate Eriana without using any more 'normal' means of sexual intercourse. The alien pulled away from her neck, licking its lips, before she felt it repeat the action on the other side of her throat. Eriana gasped softly, a shuddering sigh following as she scrunched her eyes closed.

'It's... difficult to think... do they really intend to kill us if they go through this much effort?' she thought.

It was an interesting hypothesis, one she wasn't certain would ever be confirmed... but perhaps wholesale murder was not the intention of these aliens... after all, they had apparently snatched almost every last colonist that was living at Victor's Post without a single casualty... the xenomorphs on LV426 were not nearly as merciful, and they did not bother using some sort of venomous sedative located in their tail -- the blade acting as a sort of stinger, only more carefully applied -- to subdue their victims... they simply dragged them away to the hive and trapped them in cocoons for the facehuggers.

She glanced around the room again, somewhat tricky now that there was an elongated skull blocking her view. She noted that there were indeed eggs in the chamber, most of them open... they very much matched the description she had of similar eggs mentioned in reports on the hive found at LV426. Quite oversized for the creatures that inhabited them, the eggs gestated the facehuggers. She did not doubt that the same was true in this case. She wondered if, perhaps once this alien was done teasing and having its own fun with her, it would leave Eriana to the Facehuggers.

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