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Yes Man


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"I didn't ask her to sleep with me."

"You did. The moment you laid eyes on her, you wanted her." The hands that had been going down my chest reversed direction to caress their way back up to my face. "Tell me you wouldn't sleep with her if she said yes."

"Of course I would." I wasn't completely stupid, sex with Cassidy would be a gift from heaven. She was everything most guys dreamt about; smart, pretty, and likeable. "The only problem with your theory is that Cassidy is obviously intelligent, or she wouldn't be here and she knows better than to get involved with someone like me. And that's even if she doesn't have a fiancé already. Which you know she does because any woman who's as smart and as good looking as she is, is taken already. I'll even bet there's a mile long line of other guys waiting and hoping that the lucky guy who's going to get to marry her screws up enough that they have a shot at her for themselves."

"Cassidy wants to sleep with you." A finger touched my lips. "She wants you as much as I do. Maybe more than I do."

"No she doesn't." I managed to mumble past the finger on my mouth.

"Trust me." The finger was replaced by Lydia's lips. "If I wasn't already here in bed with you and getting in her way, her hands would be all over you right about now."

The fingers that had stroked my chest earlier returned. This time instead of just rubbing my chest, they went lower until both slipped inside my underwear and gripped me. A few light tugs and I started getting hard even though I wasn't sure I wanted to do anything.

"Fuck me Jason. Tell me you love me even if you're thinking of her." Lydia rolled me onto my back and straddled my legs. With one hand, she kept working my shaft while pulling my shorts down past my hips. Rising slightly, she shifted enough to position me where she wanted me and sank slowly until I was completely buried inside of her. Beginning to ride me she put both hands on my chest and looked down through the darkness from above me. "If you need to, you can call me Cassidy."

"Lydia." I ran my hands up her arms as she continued to work her hips up and down on my cock. "Lydia, Lydia, Lydia."

"Oh, oh, oh..."

She arched and then stiffened. I could feel her quiver and then start pulsing as she slammed her pelvis down onto mine. With both hands I pulled her flat on my chest and locked my lips on hers.

She must have had a dozen orgasms in a row, riding me continuously the whole time, before I finally slammed my hips upward. While I was pumping my cum deep inside of her, she started coming again to make it a baker's dozen. Once we were both finished she stretched out flat on my sweaty chest before kissing my neck and then giggled to herself.

"Take that Cassidy."

"Lydia..." I started but she stopped me almost immediately by gasping softly and I could feel her pulse once around my limp dick.

"Are you trying to make me come again?" She waited until she stopped pulsing then wiggled to get herself further up my chest and closer to my lips. "Because if you are, then just say my name like that a couple more times."

"Lydia." I kissed her. "Lydia, Lydia, Lydia."

"Oh god!" She sank her teeth into muscle on the top of my shoulder and pulsed.

Her orgasm went on for a long, long time.


Morning came too early. I was still half asleep, even after showering and drinking two cups of hotel room coffee, by the time Lydia finished getting ready so we could go down to the hotel restaurant together. While I waited I was thinking about just going back to bed and skipping it.

"Don't you dare." Lydia's voice came from the bathroom as she started putting all her makeup away. "I'm starving and if you go back to bed, I'm going to join you. And, if I do that, neither of us is going to get any more sleep anyway."

Which meant that was the end of that idea.

Breakfast wasn't all bad. We'd just been seated at a table draped with a floor dragging white tablecloth when Cassidy appeared at the front of the restaurant wearing jeans and plaid printed shirt. I preferred the way she'd looked in the party dress last night, but it was Sunday and casual did the job for most people over the weekend.

She held up a single finger to the hostess. With a nod, the hostess began leading her to an empty table near ours. Lydia saw them and yawned hugely while scratching her scalp right as Cassidy looked in our direction.

"What are you doing?" I whispered to her.

"Telling Cassidy you're a good lover." Lydia stretched her arms over her head and yawned again. "There's only one way a woman will look and act like this in the morning; and that's because she was up all night getting laid."


"I'm just letting Cassidy know you were the one in bed with me last night."

"What happened to the jealousy thing?"

"What jealousy thing?"

"The one from last..." I stopped when it became obvious she wasn't going to acknowledge what happened.

"Good morning Cassidy." When she and hostess got closer to our table, I stood and gestured to one of the empty seats. "Would you like to join us? We haven't ordered yet so it's not inconvenient if you do."

Cassidy's eyes lit up when she saw me, then she turned toward Lydia who yawned again. The light went out of her eyes.

"Good morning," Lydia covered her mouth and yawned again. "Sorry, late night."

Cassidy looked at me and started to refuse.

"Please." I gestured again. "Lydia and I were up late but we'd love to have you join us this morning. It'll force us to stay awake."

That resulted in another glance at Lydia, who nodded an invitation.

"You're sure?" Cassidy asked Lydia. "I wouldn't be intruding again?"

"I'm sure." Lydia sipped from her coffee cup. "I don't mind sharing Jason's attention. At least not this morning, I'm still half asleep from last night."

"Three quarters asleep you mean, and you're not alone in feeling like that." I stepped over to one of the empty chairs and pulled it out for her. "Please. Join us."

"It's your fault you know." Lydia sounded grumpy as I held the chair for Cassidy and then returned to my own seat. "It was Lydia, Lydia, Lydia, all night long."

"I can always stop."

"Don't you dare!" She sat forward and stuck a finger under my nose. "You're the boss. I'm supposed to come when you need me."

"You quit." I reminded her of that. "I'm not your boss anymore, remember?"

"You quit?" Cassidy sounded shocked. "Why?"

"I offered to help him with something that came up but he refused because we work together." Lydia sounded matter of fact as she laid it all out. "So I quit."

"Oh." Cassidy looked at me then back to Lydia. "And?"

Lydia just yawned again as a waiter appeared and wrote down our individual breakfast requests.

"She didn't actually quit." I pointed that out once the waiter was gone. "She was just trying to make me happy."

"Did she?" Cassidy kept her eyes on Lydia but asked me the question.

"Well, I'm happy." Lydia licked her lips once then changed the subject and indicated the self-serve beverage machine along the wall. "I think I need some orange juice."

"I'll get it." I stood. Cassidy held up two fingers in response to my look of inquiry. "Back in a flash."

It didn't take long but by the time I turned around and headed back to the table with the two juice glasses, they looked to be deep in a serious discussion about something. Both of them were leaning forward to close the gap between them and using a lot of gestures while they talked. As I got close, Lydia sat up straight in her chair and reached in my direction.

"Thank you." She took the juice I gave her and immediately chugged half of it. "Sorry, I'm a little dehydrated."

Cassidy relieved me of the second glass of juice and sipped a tiny bit before setting it on the table without saying anything. Both of them looked up at me like they were expecting something from me.

"Do you want anything else?" I twisted slightly toward the beverage machine then back to them.

"Yes." They both said it at the same time and looked at me some more. I waited but they didn't say what it was that they wanted. Cassidy gave me the once over.

"And?" I prompted them and waited.

"It's Sunday. The conference doesn't start until tomorrow, so Cassidy and I are going to spend the day doing girl things." Lydia tapped the table with a fingernail. "After that you can fill us in with whatever comes up while we're gone."

"It's Sunday, what could come up?"

They both gave me a very predatory smile. Lydia ran a single finger along the back of my hand.

"I'm sure something will." Lydia caressed me with her finger again. "It usually does even after a night like last night."

I looked at her over what she was obviously saying by innuendo. She just ran a finger along my hand for the third time. Glancing at Cassidy I caught her looking at me already.

She blushed a little bit but returned my gaze.

"Don't worry Jason." Lydia touched my hand again. "If something really important comes up, I will help you take care of it. In the meantime, let's eat and then you can go back to the room and take a nap. You're going to need it or you won't make it through the week."

"I don't get it." I looked at them both.

"Don't worry, you will." Lydia sat up as the waiter appeared with our plates.

"Hopefully you will anyway." Cassidy sipped a tiny bit more juice and then picked up a slice of the Avocado toast she'd ordered.

"Jason is very good at taking care of the women underneath him." Lydia smiled once then turned her attention to her plate. "Sometimes he even takes care of the women who are above him."

Cassidy stopped chewing for a second. Lydia caught it.

"He has a silver tongue and really knows how to use it."

"Would you please stop saying things like that." I whispered to her.

"Why?" Lydia cut into her omelette as she asked. "Don't you want anyone to know how good you are when you apply yourself to whatever you're doing?"

"That's not what you're talking about." I whispered back.

"Yes it is." She forked a piece of her omelette in her mouth effectively ending that part of the breakfast conversation.

Cassidy smoothly shifted the topic back to Lydia's hair, commenting that despite being up all night, Lydia still looked fabulous.

"My salon and I worked together to create the style. I wanted something easy to take care of, looked sexy, and stayed that way even after a long night. It took ages to get it right but it really works for me now although I go through periods where I'd like it a little bit longer than it is. I usually get talked out of making that change." After saying all of that, Lydia finished her juice and passed me her glass. "Jason, would you mind?"

I took the glass just as Cassidy sighed loudly.

"You're lucky, I hate my hair."

"You just haven't put any thought into how to style it for maximum effect. That's all." Lydia replied to the comment.

"It's dead straight and my natural color is too white to be any shade of blonde. I'm not even dark enough to be considered platinum. I get called an icicle all the time and I have to color it and curl it because of that." Cassidy started digging in her purse, pulling out her wallet and opening it to show Lydia a picture. "My mom has the same hair but she doesn't care what people call her. Not that they call her anything anyway."

I looked at the picture. Icicle certainly fit the description of the woman in the photo. White blond hair, ash gray eyes, and super pale skin. There was a very strong resemblance between them but Cassidy's skin tone was warmer, even though she still couldn't be called anything except pale. However, no one would ever mistake them for anything other than mother and daughter, the resemblance was undeniable.

"Jason?" Lydia caught my attention. "Juice?"

I didn't get to hear the rest of their conversation because I was at the machine refilling Lydia's glass. On a whim, I poured one for myself and returned to the table.

"Thank you." Lydia took her glass back and apparently resumed their conversation. "One of the privileges of getting older is that you don't have to put up with that kind of nonsense. Your mother has probably gone beyond that point by now."

"My mom was beyond that point by the time she was my age. Sometimes her personality can be a little ruthless." Cassidy looked around the room. "I'm not much like her except in looks. Otherwise I'm more like my dad."

"Hmmm?" Lydia hummed her question asking Cassidy to go on.

"My dad's easygoing." Her facial expression changed and her voice dropped. "He's also a coward."

Stunned at what she was saying I twitched enough for her to notice my reaction and turn toward me, leaning on the table to get a little closer while she explained.

"My mom had an affair starting from before I was born. She admitted it to my dad when he found out, but he couldn't deal with it and left us after I showed up. He remarried and they have four kids." Cassidy's voice went down even lower. "I can't stand even being around them, they're all insipid and dull."

"That's pretty harsh." I couldn't help saying it because that's how I felt when I got rejected.

Both of them looked at me for a moment before Cassidy sat back up in her chair and replied.

"If you say you love someone, doesn't that mean that you love them unconditionally? Or is there a limit to how much you love them and you automatically stop loving them if they step beyond some imaginary boundary?"

"Being unfaithful isn't imaginary."

She looked at me then at Lydia.

"He's still learning." Lydia responded to Cassidy's look. "I am too if I'm being truthful. I ran head on into that one last night. It was definitely eye opening."


"What happened?" Cassidy wanted to know.

"I found out I loved someone but I also found out that I'm the jealous type under the right circumstances."

Cassidy's eyes flicked between Lydia and I.

"Yes." Lydia finished her second glass of juice at that point, pushing it toward the center of the table where it joined Cassidy's now empty glass. "I also apologized for not wanting to share him. If he wants to sleep with someone else, then I'm not going to tell him no."

"Lydia! What are you doing?" I whispered fiercely in her direction.

Lydia ignored me while Cassidy did the eye flick between us again.

"He doesn't need my permission." Lydia told her. "He's not my exclusive toy and I love him enough to understand that if he wants to sleep with someone else, then there's not really anything I can do about it except love him when he comes back to me."

Again with the eye flick, this time ending with her eyes on Lydia who reached out to sip from my glass of juice like she'd done with my champagne last night.

"Cassidy, I'm a married woman. Sex and relationships aren't new to me."

"But, what about...married?"

"Love is a two way street whether you're married or not. Being married changes the street signs a little bit, but it's still a two way street for everyone involved. There are no private excursions on love's highway either. You're either cruising with someone or you're home alone.

"The only real question is whether you say yes or no when you're asked if you want to go for a ride. When someone special comes along and asks me if I want to go cruising with him, even if it's for nothing more than a single dance at a party, I'll usually say yes."

Cassidy thought about that for a long moment.

"Is he? Special?"

"More than you know." Lydia sipped more of my juice. "What you've seen, is how he always is. Did you know he paid the band last night a hundred dollars? All because he just wanted to dance with me once? He didn't know about you. He didn't know if we'd dance again either. He didn't expect more than a single dance because he wanted to be sure I didn't feel awkward. He stepped up for me and not himself and then he took the backlash for it. He stood there and took what everyone was saying about us onto his shoulders and dealt with it the same way he deals with everything; he put me first.

"When you come face to face with someone like that, how can you tell him no? About anything? I can't and won't."

Cassidy just looked at Lydia for a long moment, then glanced my way and picked up my juice glass. After a small sip she placed it back on the table, the whole time never taking her eyes off of my face. Seconds later she flicked her eyes down to the juice glass then back to me. Casually I reached for it and drained what was left in the glass. When I set the glass back down Lydia put her napkin on the table and looked my way.

"You should go back to the room and take a nap. I know for a fact you were up almost all night and you didn't get enough sleep."

"Meanwhile you two are going out and doing girl things?" I repeated what she'd said they were going to be doing.

"Something like that." They both smiled at me and stood up.

Immediately I rose from my seat.

"Go get some sleep." Lydia picked up her purse. "We'll be back later."

"And then what?"

They looked at each other again.

"Then you can start drilling us with what we can expect for the rest of the week." Cassidy told me primly. "I also think we're going to need some kind of cheat sheet so we can keep plugging away without anyone exhausting themselves."

Lydia chuffed a little bit but nodded agreement with whatever Cassidy was meaning by it. I, on the other hand, rolled my eyes at them both.

"Go get some sleep." Lydia leaned over and kissed my cheek then whispered in my ear. "Yes, always yes."

After Lydia released me, Cassidy's cheeks reddened a little bit then she did the same on my other side, also whispering in my ear afterward.

"I want you."

I looked at her and she nodded back.

"All you have to do is ask me."

"Cassidy dear," Lydia broke in. "He's been asking since the moment he saw you last night."

"Oh." She looked at me and flushed bright red.

"We'll have to work on that." Lydia stepped between us, turning Cassidy around. "That kind of advertising isn't well received by everyone."

"Sorry." Cassidy mumbled from where she was now looking at her shoes.

"Don't be sorry, be more like that icicle you said everyone calls you."

"You mean to be more like..." Cassidy's eyes flew up to look directly at Lydia. "Oh my god, you mean... my mom? Like mother, like...? You think...? She...?"

"I don't know your mother but, if what you've already said is true, it's possible." Lydia started walking for the front of the restaurant. "We should go before I decide I need to go back to bed like Jason is going to do."

"If you do, can I...?" Cassidy hustled after her.

"Don't tempt me." Lydia glanced back at me and licked her lips. "On the other hand, it's probably not a good idea."

"Yet." Cassidy also looked back at me.

"Yet." Lydia agreed.


I was asleep when Lydia came back from her girls day out excursion with Cassidy. Waking when she came through the door I pulled the covers over my head and tried to go back to sleep. A stiff finger prodded my hip before I succeeded. Scrunching, I made room in the bed for her. Seconds later she spooned in tight behind me and her arms went around my chest.

"Who bit you?" Cassidy's voice came from behind me.

Startled I rolled over to find her looking at me from close range.

"Your shoulder. Someone bit you there."

"I did." Lydia lifted the covers from the other side of the bed and made the bedframe complain from the weight of three people as she got in with us.

"Why?" Cassidy looked at her.

"Because I was coming again." Lydia answered and touched my shoulder over the bite mark. It was red and sore to the touch but the skin wasn't broken. Which meant I didn't need to do anything about it other than not irritate it. "I think it was for the fifth or sixth time but I don't really remember. After the first three or four in a row, I lost count."


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