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Yes Man

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Cruising Love's Highway.
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Copyright 2021 by HisArpy. All Rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or part, in any form or format, without prior permission from the author.

The events and characters depicted in this work of fiction are derived solely from the author's imagination. Any similarity to any real persons, places, or events is purely coincidental. Novels and Novellas, Mature, Threesome, Office, Cheating, Affair.

This story is 26,700 words long. Please don't forget to rate the story when you're done reading. Ratings tell me if I've been successful with my writing or not, so please vote.



The vocal grunt came right as I opened the door to my office. My office. The office I was still getting used to calling my own after landing my dream job right out of college. I even had a secretary who usually sat at the desk in the other room to answer the phone and keep my appointment calendar. A secretary who gave another grunt, adding a gasp to it, as the man behind her thrust himself into her again. Skirt pushed up to around her waist, his hands were tangled in her garter straps as he held her hips while she rested her upper body on my desk. Using both hands she was hanging onto the edge as she shifted to spread her legs wider, his pale hands and her white garter contrasting enough with her dark skin to draw my eyes to exactly where I shouldn't be looking.

"Deeper." The word was low but urgent as Lydia, my secretary, panted with each pump from behind.

I must have moved or something because the man bending my secretary over my desk suddenly looked at where I was standing in the doorway and froze. Lydia turned her head wondering what was going on and saw me.

Everything stopped.

"Excuse me, I need to get something." I broke the silence and walked over to my desk. Grabbing a pen and the tablet I'd been making notes on about a company presentation I had to give in a couple of weeks, I headed out of the room and closed the door behind me.

It took less than thirty seconds before Lydia opened the door, patting her hair to try to put a few stray strands back in place. She moved aside to let the other man squeeze between her and the door frame. Keeping her body between us, he quietly left the office without looking back.


I waved that away. It wasn't like I hadn't occasionally walked in on my roommate in college as he banged whatever girl he was sleeping with that week. Seeing him going at it got to be where it wasn't that big of a deal. A bit painful at first since I'd never been that lucky, but not a big deal after the fifth or sixth time of accidentally seeing my roommate shagging someone. That I'd now walked in on my secretary doing the same thing only told me that the world and I weren't in sync in this.

It wasn't that I was a virgin or anything, I just didn't seem to have the right moves, or whatever it was, that got girls interested enough to want to sleep with me. Certainly not on a regular basis at any rate, I didn't even have a steady girlfriend.

"I'm sorry." She tried again.

"Don't." I looked down at my notes rather than at her trying not to feel awkward as I said it. "It's none of my business."

"It's not what you're thinking." She used both hands to settle her dress and smooth it flat over her stomach.

That made me look at her. I'd met her husband Ben within a week of my coming to work for the company and Lydia being assigned as my secretary. They were an interracial couple and he seemed to be a nice guy who had it together. Lydia kept his picture on her desk right alongside other pictures of their kids right where everyone could see them. On the other hand, whatever their marital/sexual/social arrangement was, it wasn't any of my business. Instead I firmly reminded myself to stay away from it. Not at work was the mantra that had been drilled into me by every boss and every college instructor I'd ever had prior to graduating and getting my job here.

"It's not what you think." She said it again and moved around behind her desk where I was sitting then motioned for me to get out of her chair.

I didn't say anything. Instead, I stood up and got out of her way. Neither of us seemed to have anything else to add so I went back into my office.

A few minutes later Lydia came in and closed the door behind her. She held out the yellow tablet I'd left behind. As she got closer I could tell that she'd freshened herself up and didn't smell like sex any longer. Her hair was back in place like it'd never been mussed. Not even a little bit.

"Thank you." I took the tablet. Lydia remained standing on the other side of the desk.

"Am I fired?"

"What?" The question caught me by surprise.

"Are you going to fire me? I called Ben and told him you caught me and we're not sure if I still have a job or not."

"Why would I fire you over something like that?"


I held up a hand.

"Not Sir, or Mr. Penterwast, or anything else. You're old enough to be my mother. You calling me either Sir or Mr. sounds ridiculous and makes you look like you think you're not as important as I am. You're important to me, so please call me Jason like I asked you to."

She just looked at me.

"Try not to let it happen again but if it does, let me know so I can take a long lunch or something." I put on my best boss voice. "Okay?"

"Thank you." She turned toward the door.


She stopped.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" She turned around to look at me again.

"For ruining it for you." I reached for the tablet.

When she didn't say anything I glanced up to see her standing there with a weird expression. A single knock on the door right before it swung open prevented either of us from saying anything else.

"Jason, you busy?" My boss stuck his head through the gap.

"No Sir." I stood up and looked at Lydia. "We'll finish this later."

"Jason." She nodded to me then turned to the boss. "Mr. Stanwood."

We watched her leave and close the door.

"You're too friendly with the help. Having them call you name let's them think they're your equal in the company." Stanwood told me as he sat down. "They also won't respect you if they think you'll go easy on them because you're friends."

"Lydia's a good secretary. We're a team. She knows it. I know it too."

"Well, I just came in to let you know that the conference has been rescheduled and the location has been changed. It's now going to start next Monday. In Detroit."

"Monday? In Detroit?"

He nodded. I looked at my desk and blew out a breath then nodded sharply once. I could do that if I worked through the weekend to get ready. Shorting me an entire week for preparation meant that my presentation wasn't going to be as good, but I could do it. I was almost completely done with the layout and content, I just needed to package it together.

"You're leaving Friday." He dropped the next bombshell on me. "There's a company and client mixer on Saturday and I need you to make sure that they know we're here for them."

"Sir, I..."

"Don't make me start to think I hired the wrong man for the job." He stood up. "If it's too much for you, say so."

"No." I stood up too. "It's just unexpected, that's all. I'll be ready."

"Good." He headed for the door. "I know it's short notice, so take someone with you who can help keep you organized while you're gone."

With that, he disappeared back to his own office several floors above mine.

"Yes Sir..." I uttered the words he didn't stick around to hear.

Seconds later Lydia stuck her head through my door.

"The conference has been moved up to next week." I saw the quizzical look in her eyes about why the boss had shown up unannounced. "I have to leave Friday."


I nodded yes.

Apparently there's some conference sponsored thing happening on Saturday which I have to show up for."

"And your presentation is when?"

"Beats me." I held up my two hands in defeat at the unknown.

"I'll find out." Lydia started to close the door but I stopped her.

"I'm supposed to take someone with me to help. Would you ask around and see who wants to go and is available on short notice? Please?"

With a single nod she closed the door and left me to finalize my notes. I'd have to skip some of the style changes I'd thought of in the name of saving time but I could at least fix most of the really glaring problems before emailing it to the copy pool to print and collate. A short while later Lydia came in and handed me a folded piece of paper. I looked at it then back to her.

"Everyone who is available and who is willing to go." She tipped a finger toward the note. "I also checked and your presentation has been cancelled. There weren't enough time slots in the new program and you got cut."

I must have looked confused because she expanded on why I was going if I wasn't going to be doing anything there.

"The Saturday get together is the reason you're still going. If it wasn't for that, you'd be staying home."

"I don't get it." I didn't. What was the point of sending me to Detroit for a week if I'm only there for a Saturday evening party before the conference even starts?

"The company wants new blood in the accounts dept. They're sending you to get it. They want you to shmooze the party guests and see if you can find new clients."


That made sense. The company lived on clients accounts. More accounts meant a healthier bottom line. Opening the folded note I saw it only had one name on it; Lydia Robinson. As soon as I read it I looked at her.

"No one else wanted to go."

"Did you actually ask anyone else?"


"And Ben is okay with it?"

She just smiled.

"I'll have our itinerary ready by this afternoon for you to look over."


"What do you mean a double room? We're supposed to have two rooms." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The hotel check-in clerk was telling me that someone had made a mistake and booked the two of us for the same room. How the hell was that going to work?

"Sorry sir, the reservation was for a double room. I just checked again."

"And you don't have anything else? Not even a single?"

"No sir. Sorry." He looked at his computer screen again. "If someone cancels I can possibly upgrade one of you to a second room, but right now we don't have anything open."

I turned to Lydia who looked past me to the clerk.

"The double will be fine."


She glanced at me for a moment then back to the clerk. "I would like some extra towels, if you don't mind."

"Certainly ma'am. That I can do." He smiled at her.

"Thank you." She waited while he finished typing before handing her a pair of door key cards.

"We can't stay in the same room. What were you thinking?" I asked her after the porter finished hauling all of our luggage into the room. Lydia had held out her hand to me for some cash, tipped the luggage guy, and closed the door after he left.

"Don't be ridiculous. If both of us don't stay here, where would one of us sleep? Out in the hallway?" She opened her suitcase and started laying out her clothes on the bed.

"What will people say if they find out?"

"Who cares?"

"I care."

She stopped fussing with her clothes to look at me. A moment later she sat on the edge of the bed and looked at me appraisingly for a very long moment.

"Are you gay and you're afraid this will ruin your reputation?"

"What?" I was totally caught balance at that one. "No."

"Then what's the problem?"

"The problem is that you're married and we work together. We're not supposed to be sharing a room. What would people think?"

Another long appraisal followed that.

"Are you afraid I'm going to attack you in the middle of the night?"

"What?" Yet another unexpected question. "It's not about me, it's about what will people think about you sleeping in the same room with me."

"When you first came to work for the company, if you'd asked me to sleep with you, I'd have said yes."

"What?" Okay, this was getting ridiculous.

"Jason, you're a nice guy. You're handsome, smart, and going places some day. If you'd asked me to sleep with you, I'd have jumped on you in a heartbeat. I still would." She gestured around the room. "Sharing a hotel room with you doesn't bother me at all. If it doesn't worry me, why is it a problem for you?"

I didn't have an answer for that.

"You should unpack before your clothes wrinkle." She stood up and went back to hanging her clothes in the closet.


She stopped and twisted to look at me.

"You're sure?"

She just rolled her eyes in response.

"Jason, you caught me having sex on your desk just this week. If that doesn't bother me, why would sharing a room with you bother me?" She finished putting her clothes away and reached for my suitcase. "If you want to sleep in the same bed, I'm okay with that too."


"Oh stop." She looked at me. "All you have to do is ask me to sleep with you and you'll find out how fast I'll meet you under the sheets. Or, for that matter, anywhere else you have in mind."

I didn't know what to say. She was my secretary. She was my mother's age. She was married. With kids! Lydia saw my confusion and stopped pulling my clothes out of my suitcase. Sitting on the edge of the bed again she patted the covers next to her. Reluctantly I sat where she told me to.

"Ask me."

"I can't." I shook my head no.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm your boss."

"Then, I quit."


"I quit. So there, now you're not my boss anymore. Which means you can ask me." She leaned close and put one hand on my cheek. "I'm waiting."

"Please don't."

"Don't what?" Her fingers traced a line down my cheek to my lips.

"Please don't quit."

Her fingers paused and she sat back up straight before dropping her hand and giving me another of those long looks.

"Is it because I'm black and you're white?"

"What?" Here we go again.

"Do you not want to sleep with me because I'm black?" She rephrased her question.

"Lydia!" How the heck else could I answer that?

"Is it because you think I'm too old? Or that I'm not attractive?"

"Don't be ridiculous." I stood up again. "You're not old, or unattractive, and you know it."

"Then why won't you ask me to sleep with you?"

"Because I'm your boss, that's why."

"I just quit, remember?" She looked up through her lashes at me. "Ask me."

I just flapped my arms helplessly.

"Are you a virgin?"


"It's a simple question, Jason. Are you?"

"No." There was a long pause before I said it but she just kept waiting until I did.

She gave me another of those long looks.

"Would you stop with that already? I'm may not be a virgin but I am your boss. I'm not going to ask you to sleep with me. It's not right from either a company aspect or from the point of view that I wouldn't be able to look at your husband afterward and not be ashamed of myself."

There was another long look, slightly shorter this time, before she reached for her purse and pulled out her cell phone. A couple of touches later I could hear it ringing as she put her call on speaker.

"Hey gorgeous." Ben's voice came from the phone.

"Love, I'm here with Jason and you're on speaker."

"Hi Jason." Ben greeted me. "You guys make it to Detroit okay?"

"We're fine. Check-in put us in the same room together." Lydia explained what had happened before I could say anything.


"Would you mind if I slept with Jason while we're here?"

"Lydia!" I couldn't help but protest.

"Shush." She looked at me for a second then turned back to the phone. "Ben?"

"Sweetheart, why are you asking me? If he's hot for you, stop waiting. Jump his bones already and give the guy a good time."

"Ben!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Jay," he addressed me directly. "It's impossible for one guy to keep Lydia satisfied. I tried in the beginning but there's no way any one guy can keep up with her. So go ahead. It's okay."

"But..." I tried to argue with him. Instead of letting me, Lydia cut me off.

"Thank you sweetheart. I'll let you know how it went." She touched the phone and it chirped the end of call noise. Done, she put the phone away and looked at me. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Ask me."


She lifted one eyebrow and waited.

". . . can't." I finished saying it.

She kept looking at me.

"It's not like I haven't, you know, done it, but girls usually just ignore me when I try to ask them out." I felt compelled to explain myself. I also felt embarrassed at the same time and dropped my eyes to my feet. "Or they give me the brush off."

"That's because you try too hard." She finally spoke. "Just be you. Ask me."

"I can't." I flapped my arms again.

At that point she got up from the bed and came over to stand in front of me. In her heels she was taller than I was and I had to tilt my head back slightly.

"I like you. I think you're sexy and I really want to know what you have under the hood." Lifting her arms she laid them on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes before leaning in to kiss me gently on the lips. "But, if you don't want to sleep with me, say so. If you do, just ask."


"If you want." She tightened her arms around me and kissed me again. "Or we could go get something to eat and talk first."

There was a pause before she added to that.

"Or both if you're up to it." She rubbed against me and slipped one of her legs between mine to press her crotch against my thigh. Heat flooded into my leg through my trousers as she pumped her hips once in a grinding motion.


"Okay, food and talk first. That way you can relax." She stopped rubbing against me before smiling and moving back slightly. "Let me change my shoes."

"Why?" That caught me off guard.

"Because it looks awful when a woman is taller than her date is." She turned to start rummaging through her suitcase. "Let my put on my flats and we'll go."


"I'm not your date, you know." I sat across the table from her at the little bistro we'd walked to after Lydia had asked one of the porters to recommend a place for us to go. Someplace where two people could have a quiet meal together. He'd looked at her, then at me, then told us how to get here. Less than five minutes later, we were shown to a booth that was screened by some plants around the seats making it very cozy and almost intimate.

"Tonight you are." She replied and put down her menu. Instantly someone was at her elbow, order pad and pen ready. "I'd like a small Antipasto salad and a blush Zinfandel."

He dutifully wrote it down and looked at me.


"My date would like a beer. We'll share the Antipasto if you'll make it a large." Lydia saved me from myself. "Would you please bring us some bread sticks too?"

"Certainly." He clicked his pen and headed for the kitchen.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"You know."

She just looked at me again.

"Would you stop that?" I grumped at her. "You know what you're doing, you're teasing me."

That got me another long look and I was almost ready to tell her to stop again when she looked around the restaurant. It was fairly empty, apparently because the convention hadn't gotten into full swing yet and everyone else seemed to be preoccupied with their food and table companions instead of who was at the other tables. Seconds later she turned back to me.

"I am not teasing, I'm serious. If you want to sleep with me, say it." She paused then repeated herself. "Say it. Ask me. Right now. Straight out, just say it and ask me."

"Ummm, would you have sex with me?"


"No?" I was confused again. "What about what you were just saying?"

Lydia put one elbow on the table and leaned closer.


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