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Yes, Virginia, there is a…


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Läimäys grabs her by the ankles and pushes her legs farther up until her ankles approach her head. "Pull them the rest of the way off," he says.

As she pulls her panties up her legs, over her boots, and toward her face she swears she can see a darker spot in the crotch. She knows she can smell the results of her own excitement wafting from them.

With her legs lifted this way her ass cheeks are off the table and she longs for the feel of the cold surface against them, hoping it will cool the burn she's feeling again.

He releases her ankles with one hand at a time as she pulls her thong off over the stiletto heel of each boot, then re-grasps her ankles and begins to pull her legs back upward to a vertical position.

As they rise, her cheeks again make contact with the cool surface of the table and she hisses in pleasure.

Läimäys' hands slide down the outside of her legs to her hips - palms, thumbs and fingers together on the outside.

They slide back up to her ankles and pause there.

Then slowly, deliberately, his thumbs slide across the tops of her feet and begin to penetrate the slight gap between her ankles. She tries hard to keep them out by squeezing her legs together even though she knows that not only is she going to fail, but also that she doesn't want them to stay together at all.

As her feet and legs slowly begin to part, she catches sight of Läimäys smiling down at her.

He continues to pull her legs outward to the sides and as he does he slowly begins to lower himself to his knees.

Virginia smiles to herself in satisfaction at her flexibility as her legs spread wider and wider. Who would have thought someone my age could still pretty much do the splits?

When her legs are spread to the side and she knows she's just short of starting to feel any strain, he stops and grins up at her over her neatly-trimmed pubic hair. "I believe I have said before that you are a very good girl? You are a very flexible girl, too!

"Spread yourself for me."

"I think I'm about as spread as I can get!" Virginia says in mock exasperation.

"You misunderstand," Läimäys says. He makes and maintains eye contact as he leans in and blows lightly on her pussy again, and again she feels that strange tingle flush through her clit and cunt lips. He drags his eyes down her body to her pussy, then drags them back upward again and says, "Spread yourself for me."

Virginia shivers slightly as she reaches down with her right hand and slides the tips of her middle and ring fingers into the space between her inner and outer lips. They slide easily through the flow of her juices as they slide all the way to the bottom of her lips then slide back upward, spreading her lips and exposing her swollen lips even more.

When her fingertips near her clit, she stops and spreads the skin there even farther and pauses.

Läimäys leans in and blows once more on her swollen flesh and she quivers again as that tingle settles more deeply into her groin.

He lowers his head and places the tip of his tongue right at the base of her lips, flattens his tongue and drags it upward. As it nears her clit he looks up and makes eye contact just before giving her clit just the barest flick with the tip of his tongue.

His tongue feels like its setting my pussy on fire! Virginia thinks as she stares down at him. She starts to pull her fingers away and Läimäys says, "Leave them there."

He lowers his head again and once more his tongue drags that tingling fire up her swollen lips, slightly nudging her fingertips with the sides of her tongue, causing her clit to twitch in pleasure.

He sets a steady pace with his tongue and she begins to arch her back in pleasure.

"Now, you must keep the rhythm with your fingers for me," he says.


"You must do this," he says more forcefully.

Virginia stares down at her clit as she continues to rub lightly at the flesh on either side of it. She's so fascinated to see that her clit is larger than it's ever been before that she misses him shifting position to sit on the ground instead of kneeling.

So fascinated that she has a hard time pulling her gaze away as the tip of his tongue begins to circle slowly at the entrance to her pussy.

But not so fascinated that her eyes don't focus slight farther away as his swirling tongue begins to penetrate more deeply with each swirl, spreading the tingle more and more deeply into her core.

Then her eyes become unfocused as his tongue follows the tingle and begins to probe more deeply. She can swear she can feel the tip of his tongue flickering here and there on the inside of her cunt, even though she knows that's not possible.

Her eyes re-focus on her pussy as his tongue begins to swell, stretching her lips and filling her pussy as it continues to plunge in and out.

She subconsciously begins to speed up her rubbing at her clit as the speed of his tongue increases, seeming to drive that tingle more deeply into her core with each thrust.

His thrusting and her rubbing continue to increase in pace until she groans through gritted teeth as her orgasm crashes over and through her, leaving her panting in the aftermath.

"That was amazing!" she gasps as she looks down at him and his tongue as it continues to slowly stroke her sensitive flesh. "Thank you."

Läimäys rolls upward to a standing position. He leans in and says, "You are welcome! But this is a gift... a thank you to you. And it is not finished yet."

He reaches over her legs and picks her up again by the waist and stands her on her feet, then pushes lightly downward on her hips. "You will like this too, I am sure!"

Virginia settles to her knees. Why am I doing this? It's bad enough that I wanted him to kiss me. It's worse that I just let a strange man make me expose myself and then let him tongue-fuck me to orgasm. But why in the world am I about to suck off a man who isn't my husband?

Then the thought enters her mind, Funny that I'm wondering why I'm about to and not whether I'm going to.

Then the thought flees from her mind as she realizes she's reaching forward toward Läimäys' hips.

"Again I must say what a good girl you are!" Läimäys chuckles as he reaches down to pull the bottom of his tunic and tabard up and then into the top of his belt.

Virginia stares at the bulge in the leggings in front of her and had a moment of hesitation. Not as to whether she's going to do this, but rather wondering if she's going to be able to fit whatever that was inside those leggings into her mouth.

She's still thinking that as her hands continued to reach slowly forward the top of his leggings. I'm not sure how to do this, she thought. Do I roll them down? Do I pull them down from the sides? Do I turn them inside out?

All of those thoughts went away as the front of the leggings somehow split and his cock spilled forth. Oooohhhh mmmmyyyyyyy...

She starts to reach for his cock and Läimäys' hands lightly grasps her wrists, stopping them in mid-reach.

"No. No hands! Place your hands behind your neck and use only your mouth."

Virginia lets him guide her hands until the tips of her fingers begin to slide across the skin of her neck. Without conscious thought she runs her hands under her white scarf, then over it and under again before interlacing her fingers behind her neck.

She looks up at him and asks him, "Could you step closer, please?"

"No. This is close enough for now. You will see."

She leans forward until she's almost off-balance, then sticks her tongue out to reach the last little bit to reach the tip of his cock.

She's able to barely make contact as her tongue slips from under his head. Two things happen simultaneously. Läimäys' already large cock begins to swell and stiffen and Virginia realizes she's tasting peppermint on her tongue.

I wonder what kind of lube he used to make himself taste like THAT? But wait, how could he? He hasn't touched himself and there were not wet spots on either the outside or the inside of his tights.

She leans forward and doesn't have to lean quite so far forward this time to get her tongue under the head again.

She's able to lightly stroke the underside of his head, which coaxes his cock to be longer and harder.

Still marveling at the taste of peppermint on her tongue, Virginia uses her tongue to pull his cock toward her mouth.

She opens her lips as the tip approaches and continues to use small licks on the bottom to guide it to and inside her waiting mouth.

As it enters, her mouth begins to tingle as the taste of peppermint becomes even stronger.

She takes it inside and sucks for a few moments before she realizes she's having a hard time opening her mouth widely enough to take it all in. She turns her head to the side and runs her tongue down the side of his shaft, spreading saliva as she goes.

By the time she reaches the base that side is positively glistening because her mouth is watering so much.

She wraps her lips around the side and puts her tongue underneath as she slowly leans back, dragging her mouth along the length of his manhood.

She switches sides and leans in again, wetting his shaft with her saliva, and then dragging her mouth back down the length.

Switching sides off and on she suddenly thinks Now I know why he told me he was close enough. If he'd have moved forward earlier I'd have gotten knocked over by that monster. And whatever he used to make himself taste like peppermint, it sure hasn't worn off yet. This is like licking the best candy stick EVER!!

After several minutes of licking and sucking the sides of his shaft, she pauses at the end and wraps her lips around the very tip of his cock and maintains a gentle pressure as she leans forward and begins to take that massive shaft into her mouth.

She leans forward and takes as much of it in as she can as her ass cheeks leave her heels, then puts pressure on the underside as she sits back to rest her cheeks on her heels yet again.

As she nears the end, a small amount of pre-cum oozes from the tip and she sucks with the last bit of contact she has, then swallows.

As she swallows, she thinks, That doesn't taste like normal pre-cum. I wonder if the taste of that peppermint lube or whatever is throwing my taste buds off? But who cares? It's fucking good!!

She slides her mouth down his shaft again and then slides it back off, pulling another small amount of pre-cum with it as she does.

Nope!! Taste buds are NOT off. That tastes like chocolate. DARK chocolate!! This is amazing!! It's like sucking a huge fucking peppermint stick with a chocolate core!

Virginia closes her eyes and continues sliding her head back and forth, down and up his cock for several minutes until she suddenly realizes, What's tickling my nose? She opens her eyes and finds herself looking at the ribs of his abs -- from VERY close range.

She freezes in place and takes stock of the situation. On my knees? Check. In front of a man I've never met? Check. Lips wrapped around his cock? Check. Nose pressed to his rock-hard fucking abs? Check. CHECK?? What the fuck? The only way that happens is if I've just deep-throated him. Shit! My husband isn't anywhere near this big and I gag on him every once in a while. There is NO way I could have taken this guy's monster fucking schlong down my throat without gagging to the point of throwing up.

With his cock still buried in her throat, Virginia looks up at Läimäys and he smiles down at her.

"I told you you would like this too. Are you enjoying your gift?"

Taking a brief inhale of air through her nose, Virginia hums an "Uhmmm huhmmm" around his cock. Then she closes her eyes and goes right back to sliding back and forth on his cock, feeling the head slide along her tongue until his head hits the back of her throat for a very slight pause before it pops past that point and she can feel it sliding down her throat and she can swear she's feeling it in her chest.

Then she leans backward and she can feel it sliding up her throat, the slight pop as it passes the back of her mouth and the taste of dark chocolate fills her mouth yet again.

You know, she thinks to herself, if a drug company could make a pill that made every man's cock taste like peppermint and their cum taste like dark chocolate, not only would their stock prices soar, but the pregnancy rate in this country would drop like a rock!!

But that thought passed very quickly through her mind and then it was as lost as she was in the act of sucking Läimäys' cock.

A few minutes later, Läimäys puts his hands on her head and says, "Slow down, please. You are very good at this and you want to enjoy your gift as long as possible, yes?"

Virginia pauses with just the head of his cock in her mouth, looks down at the length of it, marvels for a second at what she's doing, looks up to make eye contact and hums a "Huhm uhm!" around his head.

Then she unlaces her fingers and unwraps her wrists from the scarf. As soon as they are free, her hands shoot forward to fly up under the back of his tunic to grasp his ass cheeks.

She digs her fingertips slightly into his muscular ass and yanks him forward, no longer content to suck his dick. No more sucking your dick, Mister Stranger Fucking Linus or whatever your name is. I want you to fuck my throat like the guys do in the stories I've been reading!!

"Oh, ho ho!! You are a VERY good girl indeed!!"

He takes his hands of her head and places them on his hips -- but for only a second or six. Then her hands release his ass long enough to grab his hands and place them back on her head. Then they go back to his ass and she again begins to drive his cock through her mouth, down her throat and out again.

Each time his head pops out of her throat and into her mouth she's treated to a small gush of that dark-chocolate-flavored pre-cum fills her mouth.

She's lost in the thought of picturing what this would look like from the outside when she other thoughts intrude. How am I able to swallow his pre-cum with his cock down my throat? Wait! How am I able to breathe with my throat filled with his cock? When was the last time I actually took a breath? Who the fuck cares? And she goes right back to dragging his ass forward to fuck her face.

It's not many minutes later when she feels his body start to shake and she knows what that means.

She pulls back until his head is in her mouth and just barely popping into her throat. She speeds up the pace until his body stiffens and his begins to vibrate like a tuning fork.

She pulls back even farther and begins to use just her tongue on the underside of his cock as she looks up at him. His eyes are scrunched closed, but his mouth is spread into a huge smile.

She continues to suck and use her tongue on the head of his clock until he begins to groan from deep in his chest.

Suddenly his eyes flash open and look deeply into hers as he says, "Good girl, you are making me cum. Are you ready?"

Another "Uhmmmm huhmmm" and the vibration of that hum is apparently enough to set him off.

Virginia pulls back until only the tip of his cockhead is inside her pursed lips just in time as her mouth is filled with the taste of warm dark chocolate.

She swallows greedily, over and over as his cock pumps what seems like cups of hot cocoa into her mouth, down her throat and into her stomach.

When he finally stops cumming, she reluctantly pulls her mouth off his softening cock, then leans back in to place a quick kiss on the top of its head.

Läimäys reaches down a hand to help her to her feet, where he pulls her into a tight embrace.

"The Big Guy was correct yet again! You are a very good girl and very deserving of this gift. I am humbled and amazed at the depths of your abilities and talents -- and not the ones you have demonstrated here this evening. I wish we had more time so I could provide you even more of a reward."

He pulls her back away from his chest to kiss her on the forehead and she reaches up to grab the back of his head and pulls him down to meet her mouth. She kisses him hard for several moments while running her fingers through his hair. In her passion, she doesn't realize her fingers in his hair manage to knock his tasseled hat off his head.

He finally pulls her back and says, "Our time has come to an end and we must part, my lady."

Virginia takes a half-step backward and reaches down to tuck his cock back into his leggings. Once it's inside she squints down to see if she can figure out how to get them to re-fasten.

"I'll take care of these, m'lady." He looks over her shoulder and says, "Don't forget your thong. You wouldn't want the cleaning crew to find it and try to track down its owner."

Virginia turns to find her thong and when she turns back around she is alone.

She wads her thong small enough to fit in her hand and quickly steps to the side of the curtain to catch up to him.

As soon as she steps through the gap one of the receptionists notices her and rushes over. "So that's where you went off to. Had a little rest after all you hard work today setting up? That was a very good idea. I just wanted you to know that the Holiday Elf called and they've just pulled into the parking lot so you need to be ready to announce him to the group."

"But... Wasn't one of his assistants just here?" She stands a little taller and scans the room to see if she can catch a glimpse of him. But she sees no sign of him.

The receptionist notices her obvious search and asks, "Who are you looking for? Maybe I can help? I know where pretty much everybody is at the moment since I was looking for you."

"Did you see an elf... Never mind. You just said they're on the way. I just need to take care of one more thing back her then I'll meet you at the door."

The receptionist walks away and Virginia ducks back inside the curtain to slip her thong panties over her boots and up under her dress. Funny. It seems like it was a lot harder to get these panties on just now than it was to get them off earlier. Oooh, those're cold! as the damp crotch hits her warm pussy.

As she turns to leave she opens the curtain a bit wider as she looks back in fond memory of what just happened. She's about to let the curtain drop back into place as she notices a dark shape on the floor. My special elf's hat! I'll grab it and give it back to him when the rest of his group gets here. She picks it up and walks quickly to the front door of the facility.

When the elevator doors open she sees the Holiday Elf come out first, looking just the way you'd expect, bushy white beard, red costume, big belly, all the trappings. She looks past him to see if she can see "her" elf. To her surprise, all of the elves that follow off the elevator are not only all dressed in green, they're all teen-aged girls!!

The receptionist presses the button to unlock the front door and the group comes in.

"Welcome. Thank you for coming tonight. You don't know how much this will mean to the kids. I'm sorry, but we need to have you each sign in - and you'll need to use your real names and not your characters' names."

As they each sign in she looks back out at the elevator and casually asks, "Where's Läimäys?"



"We don't have anyone by that name."

"Oh, I know that! I guess that's his character's name. The assistant in the black outfit?"

"All of our assistants wear the traditional green outfits and we don't hire any men to be assistants. Too much danger of a lawsuit, don't you know."


"Oh... Okay. Let's get you announced."

Virginia leads them to just around the corner from the party, then steps inside. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please give a warm welcome to our Holiday Elf!"

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